COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 23,1998 PSA#2122Bureau of Reclamation, Contracts Group, 1150 N. Curtis Road, Suite 100,
1425-98-SQ-10-00290-R DUE 062298 POC Sue Fraser 208-378-5103 E-MAIL:
click here to contact the contracting officer via, sfraser@pn.usbr.gov.
The Bureau of Reclamation, PN Region, Boise, Idaho has the following
requirement for pre-cast voided slabs for use at Tieton Dam, Tieton
River, approximately 32 miles northwest of Yakima WA. This solicitation
was previously issued as a small business set aside. We are reissuing
as full and open competition for commercial items in accordance with
the attached specifications. This is a combined synopsis/solicitation
for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR
Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in
this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation;
proposals are being requested and a WRITTEN SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE
ISSUED. The Request for Quotes (RFQ) and statement are issued as RFQ
1425-98-SQ-10-00290-R. The RFQ incorporates provisions and clauses in
effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 97-4. The standard
industrial classification is 3272 and the small business size standard
is 500 employees. There are 4 drawings associated withthis
solicitation if you wish to submit an offer and need these drawings
please contact us at 208-378-5103 or 208-378-5100 and we will federal
express the drawings. Technical questions may be addressed to Mr. Phil
Mann at 208-378-5224. CLIN 001: Design, furnish, and deliver all
materials for pre-case voided slabs. Following are the applicable
provisions and contract clauses incorporated by reference: 52.212-1
Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial Items (Apr 1998); 52.212-2
Evaluation -- Commercial Items (Oct 1997); 52.212-3 Offeror
Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items (Jan 1997);
52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items (Apr 1998);
52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes
or Executive Orders -- Commercial Items (Apr 1998) . NOTE: FAR
Provision 52.212-3 must be completed and returned with your offer. If
you need a copy contact us at 208-378-5103. FAR Provision 52.212-2
indicates this will purchase will be awarded based on best value. We
will evaluate based on the following criteria: whether your offer meets
the requirements, delivery schedule, and price. Technical compliance
and delivery will weigh heavier in the evaluation than price. FAR
Clause 52.212-5 paragraph (b) is tailored to incorporate the following
clauses by reference: 52.203-6, 52.219-8, 52.222-26, 52.222-35,
52.222-36, 52.222-37, 52.225-3, 52.225-9. Offerors must submit
descriptive literature, warranty information, price, and delivery
schedule for this CLIN. Specifications: I. PRECAST VOIDED SLABS: a.
General. -- The Contractor shall design, furnish, and deliver all
materials for precast voided slabs in accordance with these
specifications and the details as shown on Drawing No. 3 (33-100-2763).
The Contractor shall deliver the slabs to the construction site as
shown on Drawing No. 1 (33-100-2754) and Drawing No. 2 (33-100-2753),
and shall coordinate the delivery date and time with the construction
contractor. The construction contractor shall offload the slabs at the
site. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the
structures at the site as a result of Contractor hauling activities.
The required delivery date is September 1,1998. Precast concrete units
shall include steel connections and embedded inserts, frames, bars,
plates, and accessories required to complete the precast concrete. In
addition to the precast units, the Contractor shall provide the
following: (1) Embedded welding plates for handrail posts and utility
conduit. (2) Concrete curbs with weep holes at the bottom for drainage,
along both sides of the finished bridge. (3) Embedded bridge nose
angles. (4) Dowel sleeves. b. Precast voided slab units. -- The precast
units shall be designed and limited to an AASHTO designation HS20
loading as detailed in AASHTO "Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges," 1983 edition. c. References. -- (1) PCI MNL-116 (1985) --
Prestressed Concrete Institute -- Manual for Quality Control for Plants
and Production of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Products. (2) ACI
318 (1986) -- American Concrete Institute -- Standard Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. d. Quality assurance. -- (1)
Design criteria. -- Design shall be in accordance with ACI 318. Units
and connections shall be designed to withstand the loads shown on
Drawing No. 3 (33-100-2763) and other loads imposed during handling,
stripping, lifting, and erection of the units. Design compressive
strength of concrete shall be 5,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days.
Changes to unit dimensions to compensate for stresses imposed during
handling, stripping, lifting, and erection of the units will not be
permitted. (2) Designer qualifications. -- Units and connections shall
be designed by a registered professional engineer experienced in
precast and precast prestressed concrete design. Design calculations,
drawings, and approval submittals shall be signed and sealed by the
design engineer. (3) Manufacturer qualifications. -- Units shall be
manufactured at permanent manufacturing plants. Jobsite manufacturing
will not be permitted. Manufacturers shall have: (a) Regularly (not
periodically) manufactured similar items for not less than the last 5
years. (b) Successfully completed one or more projects comparable in
magnitude to this project. (c) Manufacturing facilities and quality
control procedures which meet the requirements of PCI MNL-116. (4)
Welder qualifications. -- Welders shall have been qualified within the
last year in accordance with AWS D1.1 (1996). e. Submittals. -- (1)
Addresses. -- The Contractor shall send the submittals to the
applicable addresses listed below. (a) Contracting Officer (CO), Bureau
of Reclamation, 1150 N. Curtis Road, Boise ID 83706-1234. (b) Project
Construction Engineer (PCE), Bureau of Reclamation, Northwest
Construction Office, Box 2967, Yakima WA 98907-2967. (2) Approval
drawings and data. -- Within 14 days after notice of award and before
manufacture of precast units, the Contractor shall submit to the PCE
for approval, five sets of shop and erection drawings and data for the
units. (a) Drawings shall show: (aa) Layout plans, unit dimensions,
fabrication details, and unit identification marks. (bb) Location and
details or recesses, openings, and embedded metalwork, including
inserts and lifting devices. (cc) Size, grade, location, and details of
reinforcing bars and welded-wire fabric, including additional
reinforcement required for handling. (dd) Specifications for
prestressing tendons, including size, location, and arrangement in
prestressed units. (ee) Location and details of connections, including
welds. (ff) Type of finish on each unit surface. (gg) Other details
necessary for the manufacture of the units. (b) Data shall include:
(aa) Design calculations for all load combinations. Design calculations
shall include handling and erection loads, concrete and steel stresses,
and deflections and camber for prestressed units. These calculations
shall include the basis for assumed constants, moduli, and other values
used in design. (bb) Initial stresses, losses, and final stresses in
prestressing steel. (cc) Concrete mix design and manufacturer's product
data for each admixture. (dd) Manufacturer's product data for grout and
dowels. (ee) Descriptions of forming materials. (ff) Descriptions of
curing methods. (gg) Compressive strength of concrete at the time
prestress will be released in prestressed units. (hh) Welding electrode
specifications. (ii) Restrictions on future holes and attachments which
may be made in units. The time required for approval will be 10 days
after receipt of the complete sets of drawings and data. (3) Final
drawings. -- Upon delivery of units, the Contractor shall submit to the
PCE, four sets of prints and one set of positive reproducibles of the
final shop and erection drawings. Final drawings shall show all
revisions, with revision dates, made up to the time the units are ready
for erection. (4) Test results. -- Immediately after specified testing,
the Contractor shall submit to the PCE, two certified copies of test
results which show the compressive strength of the mix design, the
strength of the concrete at the time of stress transfer, and the
strength of the concrete after curing. (5) Records. -- Immediately
after completion of precast concrete work, the Contractor shall submit
to the PCE, one copy of the manufacturer's records required by PCI
MNL-116. f. Materials. -- (1) Cement. -- ASTM C 150 (1996), type II.
Cement shall meet low-alkali and false-set limitations specified in
ASTM C 150. Cement for units with the same finish shall be the same
type and furnished from the same manufacturer's production lot. (2)
Fine and coarse aggregates. -- Fine and coarse aggregates shall consist
of clean, hard, dense, durable, uncoated rock fragments, free of
injurious amounts of thin pieces, organic matter, and other deleterious
substances. Fine and coarse aggregates shall meet the requirement of
ASTM C 33 (1993), except: (a) Fine aggregate gradings which do not meet
specified ASTM requirements but which have been shown by testing or
actual service to produce concrete of satisfactory quality may be used,
subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer. (b) Maximum size of
coarse aggregate in precast concrete shall be 1 inch. (3) Mixing water.
-- Mixing water shall be in accordance with PCI MNL-116. (4)
Admixtures. -- Admixtures shall be in accordance with PCI MNL-116.
Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be
added to concrete. Air-entraining admixture used with ASTM C 494
(1994), type F or G chemical admixture shall be a neutralized vinsol
resin formulation. Total air content in concrete shall not exceed 7
percent, by volume of concrete. (5) Wire strands. -- ASTM A 416 (1994),
grade 250 or 270. (6) Reinforcing bars. -- ASTM A 615 (1996, Supp a.)
or A 617 (1996, Supp a.), grade 60. (7) Dowels. -- Dowels shall be per
precast manufacturer's recommendation. (8) Structural steel. -- ASTM
A 36 (1996). (9) Threaded inserts. -- Threaded inserts shall be
suitable for required construction and imposed loads. (10) Stud
anchors. -- Stud anchors shall be suitable for welding with
automatically timed stud-welding equipment. (11) Expansion anchors. --
Federal Specification FF-S-325, group II, type 4, class 1 or 2. (12)
Arc-welding electrodes. -- Arc-welding electrodes shall be in
accordance with AWS specifications and shall be suitable for the
intended use. (13) Form-release agent. -- Colorless material which does
not stain or soften concrete surfaces or cause dusting of concrete.
(14) Grout. -- The grout for keyways and dowels per precast
manufacturer's recommendation. Compressive strength shall be in
accordance with ASTM C-109 (1994), minimum strength -- 2 days at 5000
psi. g. Manufacture. -- (1) General. -- Except as specified,
manufacture shall be in accordance with PCI MNL-116. (2) Reinforcement
and embedded metalwork. -- Reinforcement and embedded metalwork shall
be cleaned of loose mill scale, heavy flaky rust, dirt, grease, and
other foreign material before being placed and shall be kept clean
until completely embedded. Reinforcement and embedded metalwork shall
be accurately placed and maintained in position during concrete placing
and vibrating. Welding of reinforcing bars, including tack welding,
shall be in accordance with AWS D1.4 (1996). Welding procedures and
electrode requirements shall be based on a mill report on the
reinforcing bars to be welded. Mill reports shall be obtained from the
bar manufacturer and shall be available for inspection at the jobsite
during welding work. (3) Openings. -- Openings with a diameter or
dimensions larger than 5 inches shall be formed during manufacture.
Smaller openings may be field cut with Parsees or core drills after the
location of the opening has been approved by the manufacturer and the
Contracting Officer. (4) Tolerances. -- Dimensional tolerances shall be
in accordance with PCI MNL-116. (5) Finishes. -- (a) Standard underside
finish. -- The finish shall be produced by smooth, clean forms such as
steel- or plastic-lined forms. Normal color variations, small surface
holes caused by air bubbles, and minor form marks will be permitted.
Major spall, honeycombing, or structural defects will not be
acceptable. (b) Standard top finish. -- This finish shall be produced
by using a vibrating screed or unformed surfaces, with hand finishing
to flatten projections. Normal color variations, minor indentations,
and minor chips and spalls will be permitted. Major imperfections or
honeycombing will not be acceptable. (c) Broom finish. -- Floating may
be performed by use of hand- or power-driven equipment. Floating shall
be started as soon as the screeded surface has stiffened sufficiently,
and shall be the minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free
from screed marks and is uniform in texture. Joints and edges of slabs
and other joints and edges shall be tooled where shown on the drawings
or as directed. Light broom finish shall be applied after floating has
been performed. Broom marks shall be parallel to the direction of
traffic. (d) Ends of prestressed units. -- (aa) Nonexposed ends. --
Strands shall be recessed and the ends of the strands coated with a
suitable protective bituminous material. (bb) Exposed ends. -- Strands
shall be recessed and the recess shall be filled with epoxy-bonded
epoxy mortar in accordance with the Bureau of Reclamation "Standard
Specifications for Repair of Concrete," dated August 1996. Epoxy mortar
shall be mixed from the proper color fine aggregate and cement so that
the patching will match the end of the unit. The surface of the epoxy
mortar shall be ground to match the color of adjacent concrete.
Patching which does not match the end of the unit in color and texture
shall be removed and replaced. (6) Curing. -- Units shall be cured by
steam, radiant heat, or water curing. Curing compounds, sealers, or
coatings shall not be used for curing. (a) Steam curing. -- Immediately
after casting, units shall be enclosed to prevent escape of moisture.
Enclosures shall not contact the concrete or its immediate formwork to
allow full circulation of the saturated vapor around the concrete. The
ambient temperature under the enclosure and about the units shall be
between 70 and 100 degrees Farenheit for at least 3 hours after
completion of concrete placement. Thereafter, the temperature shall be
maintained between 120 and 160 degrees Farenheit until the required
strength is attained. The ambient temperature rise about the units
shall not exceed 40 degrees Farenheit per hour. Following the curing
period, the concrete shall be protected from rapid drops in temperature
which may damage the concrete. (b) Radiant-heating curing. -- Radiant
heat shall be applied to units immediately after casting by pipes
circulating steam, hot oil, or hot water, or by electric blankets or
heating elements. Pipes, blankets, or heating elements, shall not
contact concrete formwork or test cylinders. During radiant-heat
curing, rapid loss of moisture in any part of the concrete unitshall be
prevented. Moisture may be applied by a cover of moist burlap or cotton
matting. Moisture may be retained by covering the unit with an
insulating cover or other tight enclosure which will promote even
application of heat and prevent loss of moisture. Ambient temperatures
about the units shall be maintained as specified for steam curing. (c)
Water curing. -- Units shall be cured as soon as the concrete has
attained sufficient set to prevent detrimental effects to concrete
surfaces. Water curing shall be accomplished by covering the concrete
with water-saturated material or by applying moisture using a system of
perforated pipes, mechanical sprinklers, porous hose, or other methods
approved by the Contracting Officer, which keep exposed surfaces
continuously wet until the required strength is attained. Units shall
be continuously cured until the design strength is ensured; however,
curing shall not be discontinued until concrete has reached 500 pounds
per square inch less than the design strength. Curing time shall be
adjusted, based on specified concrete testing, to ensure that the units
meet specified design strength. (7) Testing. -- Concrete shall be
tested by the manufacturer in accordance with PCI MNL-116 and the test
results shall be sent to the Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest
Construction Office, PO Box 2967, Yakima WA 98907-2967. Units shall
not be shipped until specified test results have been received by the
Government. (8) Shop cleaning and protection of metalwork. -- Exposed
surfaces of welding plates shall be cleaned of loose mill scale, loose
rust, weld slag, dirt, and other foreign matter. Cleaned surfaces
shall be protected by a method which permits safe effective welding,
prevents rust stains on the concrete. Petroleum-based products,
silicone oils and greases, and materials which would produce toxic
fumes during welding shall not be used. (9) Marking. -- Units shall be
marked in accordance with the approved drawings. Identifying marks
shall not be applied to concretesurfaces which will be exposed to view
after erection. h. Inspection. -- Government representatives and the
Contractor will jointly inspect the first production units with
standard top finishes at the manufacturing plant. At least 14 days
before curing is completed for the first units with theses finishes,
the Contractor shall notify the Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific
Northwest Construction Office, PO Box 2967, Yakima WA 98907-2967, of
the date that curing of these units will be completed. The Government
will arrange these inspections. i. Handling, delivery, and storage. --
Units shall be lifted and supported at the lifting and supporting
points indicated on the approved drawings during manufacture,
transportation, storage, and erection. Units shall be delivered to
Tieton Dam located on the Tieton River about 32 miles northwest of the
City of Yakima, Washington, approximately at mile post 166 of
Washington State Highway 12, as shown on Drawing No. 33-100-2754 and
Drawing No. 33-100-2753. The exact date, time, and location of delivery
shall be coordinated with the construction contractor. The precast
manufacturer will be responsible for delivering the units to the above
location. The construction contractor will offload the units from the
delivery truck. The name, address, and telephone number of the
construction contractor will be provided by the Government when
available. Units shall be stored off the ground and separated by
battens at each bearing point. Lifting devices shall be accessible and
undamaged. II. DRAWING LIST 1. 33-100-2754 -- Location Map 2.
33-100-2753 -- Site Plan 3. 33-100-2763 -- Plan and Sections 4.
33-100-2772 -- Handrail Details (0170) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0284 19980623\56-0002.SOL)
56 - Construction and Building Materials Index Page