Unsolicited Applications/Proposals from interested Nonprofit
Organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, and Commercial
Organizations to pursue research that supports the CTBT R&D program
mission. The CTBT R&D Program mission is: "to carry out research and
development necessary to provide U.S. government agencies, that are
responsible for monitoring and/or verifying CTBT compliance, with
technologies, algorithms, hardware and software for integrated systems
to detect, locate, identify and characterize nuclear explosions at the
thresholds and confidence levels that meet U.S. requirements in a
cost-effective manner." Program priorities focus on the advancement of
seismic, infrasound, radionuclide, and hydroacoustic knowledge and
capabilities. Responses to this Notice of Program Interest must explain
how the Offeror's proposed research activities furthers the CTBT R&D
Program mission and research issues. These are summarized on the Web
Page: "http://www.ctbt.rnd.doe.gov/coordination/", under the heading
"R&D Issues and Metrics ". Generally, successful Unsolicited
Applications/Proposals will: demonstrate a knowledge of the CTBT R&D
Program; offer novel or innovative approaches leading to performance
improvements and cost reductions; respond to ground truth data
deficiencies; and, follow the guidance provided in the "Guide for the
Submission of Unsolicited Proposals" which is available on the Web
Page: "http://www.pr.doe.gov/gdtoc.html". Offerors are also encouraged
to review and acquaint themselves with work that has already been
performed as represented in the bibliography located at the Program's
web site. Unsolicited Applications/Proposals will be evaluated against
many factors. Some of the criteria that are likely to apply include:
technical merit; Offeror's familiarity with other ongoing work; the
relevance and quality of the Offeror's prior work; the effectiveness of
the proposed technical approach; timeliness; costs; and the period of
performance. Offerors are, therefore, encouraged to include information
in their Unsolicited Applications/Proposals that facilitate evaluation
against these criteria and as a minimum should address the
requirements listed below. Unsolicited Applications/Proposals are to be
comprised of both technical and cost proposal elements. Unsolicited
Application/Proposal requirements and format are as follow: 1) PROJECT
DESCRIPTION: (Provide a comprehensive, but succinct [350 character]
description of the proposed research project. It should convey the
project objective, application, method, product and value to U.S.
government agencies and other users). 2) OBJECTIVE(s): (State research
objectives). 3) APPLICATION: (Describe the product and how it is to be
used. Discuss the product's merits over the current baseline and
operational risk considerations). 4) USER(s): (List potential users and
indicate whether they have expressed interest in the product). 5) PRIOR
WORK: (Summarize the current state-of-the-art for the stated fieldof
endeavor. Provide credentials of key participants and describe their
previous relevant work. Cite applicable bibliographic references).
6)COLLABORATORS: (Identify other participants and describe their role
and contribution). 7) PROPOSED WORK & SCIENTIFIC BASIS: (Specify the
technical approach to manage the project; describe specific tasks and
subtask activities to be conducted by Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to
achieve the research objectives; and identify key decision points
[milestones]. Relate these elements to how they further the stated
research objectives and advance the state-of-the-art). 8) RESEARCH
ISSUES: (Identify the technical issues that will be addressed by the
project; list potential barriers and explain how they will be
overcome). 9) TASKS: (By WBS element, list the tasks, associated
subtasks, and associated costs. Differentiate the cost for fully
burdened labor, equipment, materials, other (such as travel, taxes, fee
(if applicable), etc.) [Once Unsolicited Applications/Proposals are
selected for funding, a complete break-down by cost element will be
required]. 10) MILESTONES: (List milestones and scheduled completion
dates by task/subtask). 11) DELIVERABLES: (List deliverables and
scheduled completion dates by task/subtask). R&D Contracts and Federal
Financial Assistance Awards (Cooperative Agreements or Grants) are
anticipated to be awarded for project duration's of 1-3 years and
awards will generally range from $100,000 to $500,000. Total program
funds for Unsolicited Applications/Proposals in Fiscal Year (FY) 1998
are not likely to exceed $1,000,000. For Financial Assistance Awards,
cost sharing is not required but highly encouraged. It is anticipated
that Cooperative Agreement will be favored over Grants. The resulting
R&D Contract, Cooperative Agreement, or Grant will be administered by
the DOE Albuquerque Operations Office, or possibly, other CTBT Program
Office designees. This Notice of Program Interest expires September
30, 1998. This date does not represent a common deadline for
Unsolicited Applications /Proposals but rather that Unsolicited
Applications/Proposals may be submitted at any time before the notice
expires. Unsolicited Applications/Proposals must state an acceptance
period of 180 days; however, Unsolicited Applications/Proposals may be
withdrawn by the Offeror at any time by written notification to the
DOE Contracting Officer previously identified. Unsolicited
Applications/Proposals received may be considered for funding at any
time following receipt. Unsolicited Applications/Proposals not selected
in FY1998 may be reconsidered for funding in the following year.
Unsolicited Applications/Proposals not funded and not withheld for
reconsideration will be destroyed and the Offeror will be notified
accordingly. A Federal Financial Assistance Award (Grant and
Cooperative Agreements) application package which includes a sample
award, and a R&D Contract proposal package can be obtained from the DOE
Contracting Officer previously identified or can be down-loaded from
the DOE AL Web Page: "http://www.doeal.gov/cpd/" under the heading
"Solicitations". This Notice of Program Interest can also be found in
the May 20, 1998 Federal Register, Volume 63, Number 97, pages 27718
and 27719. Offerors seeking funding consideration by the CTBT R&D
Program under this Notice of Program Interest are requested to mark and
submit their Unsolicited Applications/Proposals, eight (8) total, as
follows: Original and Copies # 1 -- 6: Leslie A. Casey, Treaty
Monitoring Program Manager, c/o CTBT R&D Program- Notice of Program
Interest -- NN-20, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence, Av.,
SW, Washington, DC 20585-0420 [DOE/NN-20 will initiate the objective
merit review process]; and, Copy #7: John N. Augustine, Unsolicited
Applications/Proposals Manager, c/o CTBT R&D Program -- Notice of
Program Interest -- NN-20, U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy
Technology Office (FETC), 626 Cochrans Mill Road, PO Box 10940,
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940 [DOE FETC -- Pittsburgh will assign a DOE
identification number and acknowledge receipt of the proposal]. It is
DOE policy to exercise extreme care to ensure that the proposal
information is not duplicated, used or disclosed in whole or in part
for any purpose other than to evaluate the proposal, without written
permission of the Offeror. Furthermore, with respect to the Unsolicited
Application/Proposal evaluation, the Offeror is hereby informed that it
is standard practice of the CTBT R&D program officials to include
review by DOE laboratory managers and experts in the topic area of the
proposal. If you are an expert and are willing to serve as a reviewer
on a non-remunerative basis, the CTBT R&D Program would like to be
notified of your interest. Serving as a technical reviewer could
encompass these Unsolicited Applications/Proposals, subject to
non-disclosure agreements, as well as other proposals related to the
CTBT R&D Program. Interested individuals are requested to forward their
resume and cover letter expressing their interest to: Manager, Treaty
Monitoring Programs (NN-20), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC, 20585-0420. Finally, proposal
evaluation may include coordination with other government agencies or
their designated contractors, primarily to check for duplication of
effort and end user interest. This is an important integration practice
appropriate to a full-scope, ongoing and mature program such as the
CTBT R&D program. WEB: Doing Business with DOE-AL,
http://www.doeal.gov/cpd/default.htm. E-MAIL: NN-20 R&D Program,
mloera@doeal.gov. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0560 19980528\SP-0010.MSC)
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