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R&D Contracting Directorate, Bldg 7, 2530 C Street, WPAFB, OH 45433-7607

A -- PART 1 OF 2, AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SOL BAA #98-29-MLK DUE 070798 POC Ms. Lynne Imhoff, Contracting Officer, AFRL/MLKN, (937) 255-5051 WEB: click here to view the supplemental package, http://www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/. INTRODUCTION: (1) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Wright Research Site (WRS), and Munitions Directorate, Eglin AFB FL, are interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost) in the research areas described below. This acquisition is a 100 percent set-aside for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) or Minority Institutions (MIs) as defined in DOD FAR Supplement (DFARS) 226.7001. Offers from other than HBCUs and MIs are not solicited. DFARS clauses 252.226-7000 and 252.226-7001 apply. The offeror must represent and certify, as part of its offer, that it is a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) or a Minority Institution (MI). A HBCU/MI submitting an offer on its own name shall agree that at least 50 percent of the cost of the contract performance incurred for personnel shall be expended for employees of the HBCU/MI. Proposals submitted for the technical areas under Wright Research Site (WRS) (TOPIC NOS. W001, W002, W003,W004) in response to this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) shall be received by 98 JUL 07, 1500 hours Eastern Daylight Savings Time, to the Directorate of Research and Development Contracting, 2530 C Street, Building 7, Area B, Attn: (Pamela Covey, AFRL/MLKN), Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607. Proposals submitted for the technical area under EGLIN AFB FL (Munitions Directorate) (TOPIC NO. W005) in response to this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) shall be received by 98 JUL 07, 1500 hours Central Time, Attn: Jean Pulley, AFRL/MNK, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposals shall not be submitted by facsimile nor email. Proposals shall identify the technical research areas and topic numbers that they are submitted under. Proposal receipt after the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restriction of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). Offerors are asked to contact the appropriate Technical and/or Contracting Points of Contact under the technical area(s) of interest to them with any concerns. There will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement. This BAA may be amended later to allow subsequent submission of proposal dates. Contracts under this award are expected to be awarded on an annual basis. The awards for FY99 are expected to be made by 31 DEC 1999. It is anticipated that this announcement may be amended from time to time to request additional proposals. The first amendment to this announcement is expected within 12 months from the publication date of this announcement to solicit proposals for FY00 or early FY01 awards. Offerors shall be alert for any BAA amendments that may be published in the Commerce Business Daily. Offerors should request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, "PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry" dated Nov 92. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. This PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry is available at the internet web site www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract. Copies of the PRDA/BAA Guide may be requested from the contracting point of contact shown in Section B under the offeror's appropriate research area of interest. There will be a supplemental Information Package available on the internet at the web site www.wrs.afrl.af.mil/contract/ which will provide additional information on the preparation of the cost and technical proposal; a copy of the DD Form 2345, Military Critical Technical Data Agreement as this acquisition may involve data that are subject to export control laws and regulations; Late Proposal Rules per the FAR, DFARs information on HBCU/MI definition/eligibility; the HBCU/MI Certification Form; the Acquisition Workshop Briefing. See web site, //www.wlmn.eglin.af.mil/public/dids/didshelp.html, for the Data Item Description for the Data Items listed in Section B. Also, there is government acquisition related information available such as access to the FAR, DFARs, Government Forms, some Data Item Description (DIDs) information, etc., in the Defense Acquisition Deskbook Guide at web site www.deskbook.osd.mil. For a listing of the HBCU's and MI's, see web site, //web.fie.com/web/mol, which may be helpful for teaming arrangement purposes. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: -- a. Aerospace Science Research and Development Program for HBCU/MI's is an exploratory development program to increase the number of HBCU/MI's creating, developing, and making new advances in aerospace sciences and technologies, to provide more options and solutions to Air Force (AF) system needs, and to enhance the national research capacity in aerospace sciences. This BAA is for research and exploratory development in broadly stated areas set forth below, with the intention of advancing the state of the art. This BAA is not intended for research efforts related to specific weapon systems or hardware development. The BAA will not be used to provide infrastructure assistance as defined in 10 U.S.C. 2323 (c)(3). -AFRL, Wright Research Site (WRS), invites proposals for research in the general areas associated with the missions of the AFRL WRS Directorates, and (Munitions) Eglin AFB FL as listed below. -Eligible organizations are invited to submit a proposal (cost plus technical) for any or all of the technical areas described under this BAA. -- The scope of activities for this effort includes, but is not limited to, technical studies, analysis and assessments, and multi-discipline research tasks. -- Offerors may propose an effort consisting of as many technical tasks as desired under any of the WRS Directorates, and (Munitions) Eglin AFB FL technology areas. HBCU/MI's may submit separate proposals for as many or as few technical areas as they desire. -- The use of undergraduate and graduate students to implement this effort is encouraged. Teaming among HBCU/MI's and involvement of scientists from multiple departments within any HBCU are encouraged. Teaming by HBCU/MI's with other research institutions is also encouraged. Because of the specialized laboratory equipment available at Eglin AFB FL and Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, on-site performance (especially during the summer months) is encouraged for those programs which would benefit from the use of AF facilities. Offerors should coordinate this use with the appropriate WRS and Eglin AFB FL (Munitions) technical point of contact. Students are encouraged to assist principal investigators in any on-site performance at Eglin AFB FL and/or Wright-Patterson AFB OH. -- b. The proposed research and/or development projects should focus on one or more opportunities associated with the WRS Directorates at Wright-Patterson AFB OH, and Eglin AFB FL (Munitions). The following research areas will identify the research area by either AFRL (WRS) or Eglin AFB FL (Munitions), Directorate/Division, a TOPIC Number, and will identify the appropriate Technical Point of Contact and the Contracting Point of Contact for offerors to contact with any technical and/or contracting related questions. The research areas are as follows: 1. PROPULSION(AFRL/PR) (WRS) Technical POC: Richard Martin, AFRL/PROP, (937)255-3428, email address is martinrj@wl.wpafb.af.mil; Contracts POC: Rebecca Maddox, AFRL/PRKA, (937)255-5310, email address is maddoxra@wl.wpafb.af.mil; (TOPIC NO. W001) -- airbreathing propulsion systems and components, hypersonic propulsion, rocket and space propulsion (including solid, liquid, solar & laser concepts), aerospace power concepts, batteries, high power switching and control devices, plasma physics, energy conversion devices, and fuel and lubrication systems and components. Innovative approaches that improve performance, operability, maintainability and lower cost are encouraged. 2. AIR VEHICLES (AFRL/VA) (WRS) -- Technical POC: Jose Camberos, AFRL/VAST (937)-255-5059 (X214), email address is jose.camberos@wl.wpafb.af.mil; Contracts POC: Douglas Harris, AFRL/VAK, (937)255-4427, email address is harrisde@wl.wpafb.af.mil. (TOPIC NO. W002) -- aircraft structures and dynamics, advanced structural concepts, structural design criteria, composite structures, high temperature structures, vibration analysis, structural modal identification, fracture mechanics, high temperature fatigue and fracture mechanics, risk analysis, structural analysis and optimization, preliminary design optimization, structural supportability/survivability, flight vehicle subsystems, aircraft air conditioning and cryogenics, thermodynamic cycles, equipment cooling, high intensity heat transport processes, aircraft landing gear, wheels, tires, and brakes, wear, fatigue and fracture of cord reinforced rubber and forged metal materials, windshields and canopies, transparent layered polymer composites, accelerated degradation test development for crazing, cracking, electrostatic discharge, toughness loss, ballistic projectile impact physics of composites; vulnerability assessment, protection technology including fire protection and suppression technology, aircraft integrated cargo handling equipment design, robotics, mechanical subsystems, equipment, fastenersand machine elements, failure mechanisms and modes, analysis and life prediction, photonics, machine intelligence, simulation and modeling, aircraft stability and control, aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics, and computational fluid dynamics. 3. MATERIALS (AFRL/ML) (WRS) -- Technical POC: Roger Griswold, AFRL/MLB (937)255-9018, email address is grisword@ml.wpafb.af.mil; Contracts POC: AFRL/MLKN, Pamela J. Covey, (937)255-5051, email address is coveypj@wl.wpafb.af.mil; (TOPIC NO. W003) -- Materials and Processing: carbon-carbon and thermal protection materials; metallic and nonmetallic structural materials and composites; ceramics and ceramic composites; very high temperature metallics and intermetallics; nonstructural materials, including fluids, lubricants, elastomers and protective coatings; electronic and electromagnetic materials, including optical, infrared and radar transmitting materials; laser hardened materials; nondestructive evaluation; materials behavior and life prediction; material and component fabrication processes, process modeling and control; and manufacturing research. 4. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY (AFRL/ML) (WRS) -- Technical POC: Ronald Bing, AFRL/MLME,(937)255-2461, email address is BINGRT@ml.wpafb.af.mil; Contracts POC: Patty Nickell, AFRL/MLKT, (937)255-7143, email address is nickelpj@wl.wpafb.af.mil, (TOPIC NO. W004): develop and enhance materials and manufacturing tools, techniques, and methodologies for product realization by using statistical methods for process capability (cp) and performance capability (cpk) for key characteristics in the areas of composites, metals, and electronics; the proposals should expand upon statistical methods currently in use such as Design of Experiments (DOE), Statistical Process Control (SPC), design for Manufacturability (DFM), and Six Sigma Manufacturing. Offerors that submit proposals in response to the Manufacturing Technology area only are required, by law, to cost-share. The cost-share amount is to be proposed by the Offeror as there is no specific cost-share amount or percentage required. 5. MUNITIONS DIRECTORATE, EGLIN AFB FL, Technical POC: Lloyd Reshard, Eglin AFB FL/MN (850)882-8876 ext. 3388 email address is reshard@eglin.af.mil; Contracts POC: Jean Pulley, (850)882-4294 ext 3402, Eglin AFB FL, email address is pulleyj@eglin.af.mil, (TOPIC NO. W005) -- research involving the development of terminal seekers and guidance and navigation technology for precision guided munitions, research for the development of explosives, warheads, fuzes, munition controls and suspension and release equipment. (2) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable data items shall be required, as appropriate: -- a. Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368A/T, monthly; -- b. Project Planning Chart, DI-MGMT-80507A/T, monthly; -- c. Performance and Cost Report, DI-FMCC-80912, monthly, required for contracts under $500K; -- d. Scientific and Technical Reports, DI-MISC-80711/T, Contractor's Billing Voucher, monthly, required for all contracts; -- e. Funds and Man-hour Expenditure report, DI-FNCL-80331/T, monthly, required for contracts under $500K; -- f. Presentation material, DI-ADMN-81373/T, as required; -- g. Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-MGMT-81468, quarterly, contract awards under $500K will not be required to submit CFSR; -- h. Scientific and Technical reports, Final report, plus Interim Technical reports at the conclusion of each technical task (the technical content of the interim reports may be incorporated by reference in the final report). DI-MISC-80711/T; -- i. Test Plan, DI-NDTI-80566/T, to be submitted for Government's approval prior to commencing component testing for each component development task; -- j. System Safety Hazard Analysis Report, DI-SAFT-80101B/T; -- k. Engineering Drawings List, DI-DRPR-MISC-80651/T; and -- l. Still Photo Coverage, DI-MISC-80169. (3) Security Requirements: It is anticipated that any contract awarded under this BAA will be unclassified and that performance of the effort will not require access to classified material. Since PL 98-94 may apply to the effort(s), offerors may be required, as applicable, to provide with their cost proposal an approved DD Form 2345 (Military Critical Technical Data Agreement). A foreign disclosure review of the technical data has not yet been accomplished. If the review determines that data are subject to export controls, only contractors who are registered and certified with the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) shall be provided data subject to foreign disclosure restrictions. Contact the Defense Logistics Services Center, 74 Washington Avenue N., Battle Creek, Michigan 40917-3084 (1-800-353-3572) for further information on the certification process. You must submit a copy of your approved DD Form 2345, Military Critical Technical Data Agreement, with your proposal if applicable. Offerors should discuss their proposed program with the appropriate Wright Research Site and/or Eglin AFB FL (Munitions) Directorate Technical point of contact as to how itrelates to the Military Critical Technical Data Agreement requirement to determine if the submission of the DD Form 2345 is applicable to their effort. A copy of the DD Form 2345 is available at the supplemental Internet Information Package web site referenced above. The International Trade in Arms Restrictions may apply. C. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The total length of any technical effort is not to exceed 33 months. The contractor shall also provide for an additional 4 months for processing/completion of the final report. (2) Government Estimate: The government has established a target of $5,847,000 for the total program covering FY99 through FY02. Multiple awards are anticipated. The anticipated total funding by each AFRL WRS Directorates are equally divided over the four Fiscal Years within each, is as follows: -- a. AFRL/ML Materials is $847,000; -- b. AFRL/ML, Manufacturing Technology, is $650,000 and any offerors submitting a proposal in response to Manufacturing Technology, by law, must cost-share. The cost-share amount is to be proposed by the Offeror as there is no required cost share amount or percentage. -- c. AFRL/VA is $1,650,000; -- d. AFRL/PRP is $800,000; -- e. Eglin AFB FL (Munitions) total funding is up to $300,000 for this effort. There is only one potential award for up to $300,000 that may result for the technical effort identified at Eglin AFB FL (Munitions) on this effort. This funding profile is an estimate only and is not a promise for funding as all funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. (3) Type of Contract: Cost Reimbursement. Any grants that may be awarded will be cost (no fee). (4) Government Furnished Property (GFP): The Government does not anticipate providing GFP under any contract for performance of their proposed effort; nevertheless, you may propose GFP and it will be evaluated to determine if it is in the best interest of the Government. D. -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTION: (1) General Instructions: Offerors should apply the restriction notice prescribed in the provision of FAR 52.215-1(e). Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. Additional proposal questions should be directed to one of the technical or contracting points of contact, as applicable, identified under the appropriate research area in Section B of this announcement. A technical and cost proposal, submitted in separate volumes, is required. Proposals shall reference the above BAA number and shall identify the applicable technical Directorate, the TOPIC Number, and shall identify the subject research area of the proposal. In an effort to move toward paperless contracting, you are encouraged to submit your cost and technical proposals via electronic means on computer disk or CD ROM. Please note that classified information shall NOT be submitted on disk. If proposals are not submitted on computer disk or CD ROM, they shall be submitted in an original and five copies. If proposals will be submitted by electronic means, submit 2 paper copies and 2 electronic copies. The disks shall be 3 inch high density or on CD ROM. Each proposal shall be submitted in a package which includes the original and five copies. Proposals shall be valid for government acceptance for a period of not less than 180 days after the submission cutoff date. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the WL "PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry" referenced in Section A of this announcement for guidance on preparing the technical proposal and see the supplemental Internet Information Package for instructions on preparing the cost proposal at the web site stated above herein. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Teaming among HBCU/MI's and with other research institutions is highly encouraged. A HBCU/MI may submit more than one proposal. Offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the government. There will be a technical informational briefing concerning this BAA from 0900 to 1600 on 27 May 1998, and an Air Force R&D Contracting workshop, from 0900-1600 on 28 May 1998. This briefing and workshop will be held in Myers Hall, Bldg. 45, Area B, Wright-Patterson AFB OH. Offerors wishing to attend the workshop should register by sending a facsimile to (937) 255-9217 to the attention of Gloria Edmund, Wright-Patterson AFB OH, 45433-7411, telephone (937) 255-5051/4828 by 98MAY20. Your request for registration should contain the names of persons attending the workshop, the institution they represent, their commercial phone/fax numbers, and advise if personnel will attend both days or not. There is a map providing directions to Bldg. 45, Myers Hall, at web site: www.afmc.wpafb.af.mil/base-map/mapquery.html. (2) Cost Proposal: It has been determined that Adequate Price Competition is applicable to this effort as cost and/or price will be a substantial factor for award. The accompanying cost proposal/price breakdown shall be furnished with supporting schedules and shall contain a person-hour breakdown per task. See the supplemental Internet Information package to this announcement for cost (0126)

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