COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MAY 6,1998 PSA#2089NASA/Lewis Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 68 -- CHEMICALS-ATOMIZED ARGON POWDER SOL RFO3-096243 DUE 050598 POC
Jon C. Schultz, Contract Specialist, Phone (216) 433-2764, Fax (216)
433-2480, Email Jon.C.Schultz@lerc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here for the
latest information about this notice,
http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/LeRC/date.html#RFO3-096243. E-MAIL: Jon C.
Schultz, Jon.C.Schultz@lerc.nasa.gov. THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES AMENDMENT
Companies shall acknowledge all amendment(s) in their offer. This
notice serves as the official amendment to the subject solicitation and
a written amendment will not be issued. The purpose of this amendment
is to provide revised specifications as follows: Specifications for
Items 1 and 3: Cu-8 at.% Cr-4 at.% Nb (Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb) Powder 1. Powder
to be made by argon gas atomization. Atomization in nitrogen is not an
acceptable alternative. 2. Powder to be handled in inert gas or vacuum
environment at all times to avoid oxygen contamination. Powder to be
delivered to the Government in sealed glass bottles (to be supplied by
the Government) under an argon or helium cover gas. Prior to filling
the bottles, the bottles will be cleaned and degreased to ensure no
contamination occurs. 3. Melt charge to consist of high purity
elemental chargesor master melts. For an elemental charge, the charge
will consist of OFHC copper Grade No. 101 (ASTM B 170 Grade 1, 99.99%
min. Cu), 99.8% minimum purity chromium and 99.8% minimum purity
niobium or equivalent purity materials. 4. The chemistry of the Cu-8
Cr-4 Nb powder will be: 7 Chromium: Aim- 6.65 weight percent Range --
6.2 to 6.8 weight percent 7 Niobium: Aim -- 5.85 weight percent Range
-- 5.4 to 6.0 weight percent 7 Cr:Nb ratio: Aim -- 2.03 Cr:Nb ratio by
atomic percent / 1.14 Cr:Nb ratio by weight percent Range -- 1.9 to
2.15 Cr:Nb by atomic percent / 1.06 to 1.21 Cr:Nb ratio by weight
percent 7 Oxygen: Aim -- less than 400 ppm by weight Maximum -- 750 ppm
by weight Powder over 750 ppm oxygen by weight will be rejected. Note
that the values of Cr and the Cr:Nb ratio are slightly higher than
previous purchases to ensure complete conversion of Nb to Cr2Nb and
avoid hydrogen embrittlement problems. 5. Powder to be sieved to -150
mesh prior to delivery. +150 mesh material to be disposed of by the
Contractor. 6. Contractor to provide a powder size analysis and
chemistry of the powder. The chemistry will consist of (at a minimum)
Cu, Cr, Nb and O. The contractor is to test for O contamination prior
to mixing powder from more than one atomization run. 7. ITEM 3: If the
Government exercises its option to purchase 500 pounds of additional
powder, the Contractor will keep the powder from each atomization run
separate and provide powder size and chemistry data for each run. The
government will supply sufficient additional glass bottles to store and
ship the powder. Specifications for Item 2: Cu-4 at.% Cr-2 at.% Nb
(Cu-4 Cr-2 Nb) Powder 1. Powder to be made by argon gas atomization.
Atomization in nitrogen is not an acceptable alternative. 2. Powder to
be handled in inert gas or vacuum environment at all times to avoid
oxygen contamination. Powder to be delivered to the Government in
sealed glass bottles (to be supplied by the Government) under an argon
or helium cover gas. Prior to filling thebottles, the bottles will be
cleaned and degreased to ensure no contamination occurs. 3. Melt
charge to consist of high purity elemental charges or master melts. For
an elemental charge, the charge will consist of OFHC copper Grade No.
101 (ASTM B 170 Grade 1, 99.99% min. Cu), 99.8% minimum purity chromium
and 99.8% minimum purity niobium or equivalent purity materials. 4. The
chemistry of the Cu-4 Cr-2 Nb powder will be: 7 Chromium: Aim- 3.33
weight percent Range -- 3.0 to 3.6 weight percent 7 Niobium: Aim --
2.93 weight percent Range -- 2.6 to 3.2 weight percent 7 Cr:Nb ratio:
Aim -- 2.03 Cr:Nb ratio by atomic percent / 1.14 Cr:Nb ratio by weight
percent Range -- 1.9 to 2.15 Cr:Nb by atomic percent / 1.06 to 1.21
Cr:Nb ratio by weight percent 7 Oxygen: Aim -- less than 400 ppm by
weight Maximum -- 750 ppm by weight Powder over 750 ppm oxygen by
weight will be rejected. Note that the values of Cr and the Cr:Nb ratio
are slightly higher than previous purchases to ensure complete
conversion of Nb to Cr2Nb and avoid hydrogen embrittlement problems. 5.
Powder to be sieved to -150 mesh prior to delivery. +150 mesh material
to be disposed of by the Contractor. 6. Contractor to provide a powder
size analysis and chemistry of the powder. The chemistry will consist
of (at a minimum) Cu, Cr, Nb, and O. The contractor is to test for O
contamination prior to mixing powder from more than one atomization
run. Specifications for Items 4 and 5: Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPing)
of Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb Tube 1. ITEM 4: Cu-8 at.% Cr-4 at.% Nb (Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb)
powder for Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIPing) run to be taken from ITEM
1. Prior to proceeding with the HIPing, the powder chemistry must be
certified as meeting the specifications for ITEM 1. 2. The Contractor
will produce a finished tube from the Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb powder with the
following dimensions: 7 Length -- 30.48 cm (12 inches) 1 0.25 cm (0.10
inches) 7 Inside diameter (I.D.) 1.91 cm (0.75 inches) 10.25 cm (0.10
inches) 7 Outside diameter (O.D.) -- 13.33 cm (5.25 inches) 10.25 cm
(0.10 inches) 7 In addition, the I.D. and O.D. will be concentric and
parallel to within 10.375 cm (0.15 inches) 3. The Contractor will have
sole responsibility for designing and fabricating the HIP can to meet
the final finished tube size. 4. ITEM 4: The Contractor will fill,
evacuate and seal the HIP can with the Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb powder produced as
part of this purchase. ITEM 5: The Contractor will fill, evacuate and
seal the HIP can with Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb powder either produced as part of
this purchase or supplied later by the Government. 5. The can will be
HIPed at 9550C (17500F) for 4 hours using a pressure of 193 MPa (28
ksi). 6. The can will be removed by the Contractor following the HIP
run by either mechanical machining or immersion in sulfuric acid to
etch away the can. Immersion in nitric acid is not acceptable since the
acid will attack the alloy vigorously. If machining is used, the
Contractor will supply the finished tube with the actual I.D. and O.D.
being equal to the nominal dimensions. Specifications for Items 6 and
7: Cu-8 at.% Cr-4 at.% Nb (Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb) Powder 1. Powder to be made
by argon gas atomization into liquid agron. Atomization in nitrogen is
not an acceptable alternative. 2. Powder to be handled in inert gas or
vacuum environment at all times to avoid oxygen contamination. Powder
to be delivered to the Government in sealed stainless steel canisters
under an argon cover gas. The canisters hold 50 lbs. of powder (but
should be filled to no more than 35lbs. to avoid packing), shall be
supplied by the Government, and shall be cleaned, degreased and sealed
under argon or helium by the Government to ensure no contamination
occurs. Prior to filling, the canisters shall be pressure checked by
the contractor to ensure no leakage/contamination. 3. Melt charge to
consist of high purity elemental charges or master melts. For an
elemental charge, the charge shall consist of OFHC copper Grade No. 101
(ASTM B 170 Grade 1, 99.99% min. Cu), 99.8% minimum purity chromium and
99.8% minimum purity niobium or equivalent purity materials. 4. The
chemistry of the Cu-8 Cr-4 Nb powder shall be: 7 Chromium: Aim- 6.65
weight percent Range -- 6.2 to 6.8 weight percent 7 Niobium: Aim --
5.85 weight percent Range -- 5.4 to 6.0 weight percent 7 Cr:Nb ratio:
Aim -- 2.03 Cr:Nb ratio by atomic percent / 1.14 Cr:Nb ratio by weight
percent Range -- 1.9 to 2.15 Cr:Nb by atomic percent / 1.06 to 1.21
Cr:Nb ratio by weight percent 7 Oxygen: Aim -- less than 400 ppm by
weight Maximum -- 750 ppm by weight Powder over 750 ppm oxygen by
weight shall be rejected. . 5. Powder to be sieved to -325 mesh, with
separate -150/+325 mesh fraction for Item 6 and Item 7 prior to
delivery. +150 mesh material to be disposed of by the Contractor. 6.
Contractor shall provide a powder size analysis and chemistry of the
powder. The chemistry shall consist of (at a minimum) Cr, Nb, and O.
The contractor is to test for O contamination prior to mixing powder
from more than one atomization run. The due date for receipt of offers
is extended to 5-12-98 (4:30 PM Local Time). Offers shall provide the
information stated in the synopsis/RFO posted on the NASA Acquisition
Internet Service (NAIS) on 4-3-98 and published in the CBD on 4-3-98.
Documents related to this solicitation will be available over the
Internet. These documents are in Microsoft Office Suite (Word 6.0,
Excel 5.0, or PowerPoint 4.0) format and reside on a World Wide Web
(WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browser application.
The WWW address or URL of the NASA/LeRC Business Opportunities home
page is http://procurement.nasa.gov/EPS/LeRC/class.html. (0124) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0368 19980506\68-0003.SOL)
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