COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 9,1998 PSA#2008Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Midstates
Procurement Operations Branch, 4050 Alpha Rd., 1800MSRO, Dallas, Texas
013098 POC Contract Specialist, Linda Green, 972-308-1999 17. PART I.
A. INTRODUCTION: This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for
commercial services prepared in accordance with the format in FAR
Subpart 12.6 in conjunction with FAR Part 15, and as supplemented with
additional information included in this notice. This announcement
constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and A
TIRMS-98-R-00003 incorporates FAR provisions and clauses in effect
through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 97-01. The Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) is 8299; the applicable size standard
is $5.0 Million. This procurement is unrestricted, full and open; all
responsible businesses may submit proposals which will be considered.
The Government anticipates award of an Indefinite Quantity/Indefinite
Delivery (ID/IQ), Firm-Fixed Price (FFP) contract for a base period
from date of award through September 30, 1998, with four consecutive 12
month options. The Government may make awards to multiple vendors. B.
REQUIREMENTS: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Corporate Education
Finance Group, requires Federal Financial Management Training in
various locations throughout the United States. The training requested
includes commercially available off-the-shelf courses taught to
address the requirements of IRS finance personnel and includes
incorporation of IRS-specific exercises and case studies. Course
materials shall also be tailored, as applicable, to reflect the use of
Lotus 1-2-3. Course curricula and performance development materials to
be included are: 1. Design, development, and evaluation of
instructional materials including classroom materials (i.e.,
instructor/student manuals and teaching aids): a) Distance learning in
various formats such as video and audio teletraining (broadcast and
interactive), correspondence courses (print and electronic publishing),
and Internet-based deliveries; b) Print-based instruction (e.g., user
manuals and self-learning books);c) Linear video (videotape) and
audiotapes; d) Computer-based training, computer-based testing,
computer-assisted instruction (materials that can be loaded and
presented on individual computers from diskettes, CD-ROMs, Local Area
Networks, and remote access systems; e) Multimedia; f) New learning
technologies (e.g., virtual reality). 2. Design, development, and
evaluation of performance support systems and materials: a) Print-based
performance enhancing materials; b) Job aids (all formats); c)
Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) (online help/advisor
systems and information retrieval systems). 3. Delivery of instruction:
a) Provide instructors and facilitators for group and classroom
learning; b) Produce teletraining and distance seminars; c) Present
pilots of courseware and performance support materials. 4. Modification
and enhancement of existing training and performance support materials:
a) Update existing content; b) Modify instruction based on different
instructional strategies;c) Convert existing courses to different
media. 5. Development of Performance Tests and Measurement -- Design,
develop, and implement testing and measurement instruments to evaluate
the impact of learning on one or more of the following levels: a)
Evaluate individuals' reactions to the learning; b) Evaluate actual
learning and use by the trainees; c) Evaluate impact on job
performance; d) Evaluate impact on organizational goals. C. COURSE
DESCRIPTIONS: The successful offeror shall provide training in the
following topics (course length and minimum required course content is
detailed after each topic): 1. UNDERSTANDING AND EXECUTING THE PROMPT
PAYMENT ACT (2 days). Requirements of the Prompt Payment Act;
scheduling payment due dates; calculating penalty payments; discounts;
proper documentation; and IRS reports and procedures. 2. EXECUTING A
FEDERAL BUDGET (3 days). Developing and revising an operating budget;
formally reporting on budget execution; working through a budget year
and following the required legal and administrative controls. 3. BUDGET
ESTIMATING AND ANALYSIS (3 days). Key budgeting concepts and techniques
using Lotus 1-2-3 v. 5 or higher; estimating resource requirements and
developing operating budgets; using Lotus 1-2-3 to perform budget
analysis. (Government-owned equipment and software will be provided for
days). Gathering data for budget formulation; preparing/submitting a
budget schedule; presenting a budget submission to OMB; agency budget
formulation activities including generating the strategic plan,
creating the annual performance plan, and translating program
activities into budgetary requirements. 5. SUMMARY/OVERVIEW OF ENTIRE
entire financial management process including accounting, formulation,
execution, reporting, and auditing; relationship of budgeting to
accounting; overview of latest developments in financial management;
IRS specific budget and accounting activities. 6. FEDERAL FINANCIAL
STATEMENTS REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (3 days). OMB financial statement
requirements; reviewing and analyzing IRS financial statements;
relating IRS budgetary resources to operational expenses; identifying
IRS performance measures; thorough discussion of how to analyze and
assess program and financial performance; detailed discussion of the
New Accounting Standards from the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory
Board (FASAB) and the impact on current financial reporting. 7.
(GPRA) (2 days). Linking strategic goals to the agency mission
statement and to performance measures; elements of a sound strategic
plan; understanding and writing effective performance measures;
developing an effective performance plan. 8. ACCOUNTING PRACTICES AND
PROCEDURES IN A FEDERAL AGENCY (3 days). Basic accounting principles
and procedures in federal agencies including budgetarycycles,
accounting cycles, standard general ledgers, and debits and credits;
IRS structure of general ledger accounts; IRS financial statements; and
GAO issues. 9. FINANCIAL AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS (3 days). Using Lotus
1-2-3 to transform financial and operational data into models; planning
financial and program operations and monitoring performance; modeling
-- key variables, data requirements, critical relationships;
interpreting modeling results (critical patterns, projections,
forecasts, and conclusions); examining modeling techniques and
capabilities using Lotus 1-2-3; communicating results with Lotus 1-2-3;
developing practical applications of modeling techniques for program
budgeting, variance analysis, and performance analysis using Lotus
days). Using the book, Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, as a
source document and reference, applying legal reasoning to the
appropriations process; determining appropriation availability as to
purpose, time, and amount (including the Anti-Deficiency Act);
responsibilities of accountable officers and granting of relief from
financial accountability; review and discussion of Controller General
decisions that are IRS specific, and other cases relevant to IRS
FINANCIAL INTEGRITY ACT (FMFIA) (1 day). Overview of basic requirement
and intent of FMFIA such as significance of management controls and
management controls review plan; controls guidelines and procedures for
IRS review staff; IRS management controls evaluation process;
identification of the coordinator's role and responsibilities;
Assurance Letter process; and audit follow-up process. D. STATEMENT OF
WORK: In accordance with a Government-provided course roster prepared
for the duration of each fiscal year, the successful offeror shall
deliver the scheduled classes on each date and at the location
specified. Classes may be scheduled in any major U.S. city, but the
majority are likely to be held in one of the following cities: Dallas,
TX; Atlanta, GA; Oakland, CA; Philadelphia, PA; New Carrollton, MD;
Beckley, WV. Most classes will have a minimum of 10 students and a
maximum of 30 students. Classes 3 and 9 will have a maximum of 15
students. The following schedule of course start dates/places for the
base period is anticipated, with final schedule to be negotiated prior
to award: Course 1: Apr 14-16, Atlanta; Apr 21-23, Dallas. Course 2:
Mar 17-20, New Carrollton; Apr 28-May 1, Oakland. Course 3: Mar 10-13,
New Carrollton; Apr 14-17, Oakland. Course 4: Apr 3-6, New Carrollton.
Course 5: Mar 23-25, Beckley; Mar 25-27, Beckley; Apr 28-May 1, New
Carrollton. Course 6: Mar 9-12, New Carrollton; June 1-4, Atlanta.
Course 8: May 4-7, New Carrollton; June 9-11, Dallas; July 20-23,
Philadelphia. Course 9: May 5-8, Dallas; May 18-21; New Carrollton.
Course 10: Mar 30-Apr 3, Dallas; May 18-22, Oakland; July 6-10, New
Carrollton. Course 11: May 5-6, Atlanta; May 12, New Carrollton. The
IRS will provide written notification of a course presentation no less
than 30 days prior to its start date. Not less than three (3) weeks
before the course, the IRS will confirm the course start/end dates,
exact course location including street address and room number, and
shipping address and contact person for course materials. Prior to the
offering of each course, the appropriate IRS Finance Training Subject
Matter Expert (SME) will meet with the instructor to discuss IRS
financial policy and procedure, provide necessary IRS documents, and
determine where in the course to insert IRS specific exercises and case
studies. The instructors shall have sole discretion in the development
of all exercises and case studies. The Government will provide a
training facility to accommodate a group classroom style. Also provided
will be a head table and chair for the instructor, blackboard or
whiteboard and chalk, flipchart, markers, and overhead projector. For
those classes requiring use of computers, the Government will provide
personal computers loaded with the necessary software and a screen
projection system for instructor use. The contractor shall provide each
student with a set of course materials and certificate of completion.
In addition, the contractor shall provide all administrative items such
as blank roster, attendance sheets, and evaluation forms. Upon
completion of each course, the contractor shall provide the Contracting
Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) with copies of all student
evaluations in a written format. Contracted work will be developed
specifically for Government use and ownership. Any commercial computer
software documentation acquired by the Government shall be secured
under licenses customarily provided to the public and will be
incorporated into the contract by modification. E. ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION: Cancellation or rescheduling of any course for reason
beyond the control of the IRS can be made by telephone and confirmed in
writing by the COTR. The contractor may charge customary commercial
prices for all other cancellations or course rescheduling. CONTRACT
LINE ITEM NUMBERS (CLIN's): Offerors are required to submit firm-fixed
prices for each described course, ITEMS C.1 through C.11 of this
notice, in accordance with their best commercial practices. ITEMS C.1
through C.11 shall be numbered CLIN's 001 through 011 for the base
period, and repeated as follows for the purpose of evaluation of each
option period: OY One -- CLIN's 012 through 022; OY Two -- CLIN's 023
through 034; OY Three -- CLIN's 035 through 046; OY Four -- CLIN's 047
through 058. The anticipated contract will be ID/IQ; the base award
will comprise all scheduled courses for the base period (FY 98), CLIN's
001 through 011. Courses for the option years will be ordered by
contract modification and delivery orders after yearly roster
completion and/or when new fiscal year funds are available. The terms,
conditions, and lead times described in Section D for performance of
the contract during the base year will also be applicable to each
option year. The IRS reserves the right to make minor adjustments to
course requirements and course length; change from use of Lotus 1-2-3
to Excel (designated to become the IRS standard); rotate selected
locations for courses and add new locations; delete specified courses
from the roster; and select and negotiate new courses on a limited
basis and within the scope of the contract. Any changes to the contract
will be incorporated by modification or by additional delivery orders.
Any travel expenses incurred by contractor personnel on official
company business for the execution of this contract are reimbursable.
However, travel expenses are limited by the dollar amounts prescribed
in the Federal Travel Regulations. Copies of the Federal Travel
Regulations, Stock No. 022-001-81003-7, are available through the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 20402. Contractor invoices for course presentations
with travel and per diem should include original itemized receipts of
all expenses claimed. G. EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD: The evaluation
factors for award are technical factors and price and price-related
factors. The following technical subfactors in descending order of
importance will be considered: 1) Quality and relevant specificity of
services and materials proposed to those described herein; 2)
Experience and past performance of management and proposed instructors;
3) Ability to adhere to schedule requirements. Overall technical
factors are significantly more important than price. However, award
will not be made at a significantly higher price to achieve slightly
superior technical features. Award will be made to the responsible
offeror or offerors whose proposal(s) are acceptable and whose
technical/cost proposal relationship(s) are most advantageous to the
Government. H. PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: Technical and price
proposals must be submitted in separate volumes in an original and
three copies. Price proposals should specify firm-fixed prices for each
CLIN for the base period and each option year as set forth in Part I,
Section F, of this notice. Price proposals must also include a
statement and listing of fees assessed for course cancellations or
rescheduling in accordance with commercial practices, as described in
Part I, Section E, if applicable. All such fees will be evaluated in
conjunction with evalution of CLIN prices. For preparation of technical
proposals, offerors are strongly advised that elaborate and/or lengthy
technical proposals are neither requested nor desired. Technical
proposals will be evaluated on the offerors' summary of documented
experience over the last five (5) years in developing course materials
in Federal Financial Management Training, and on sample excerpts of
prior relevant work. Submission of an entire course is not required,
but enough material (at least 2 but no more than 5 pages per topic)
from the Instructor Guides and Participant Materials should be
submitted to permit evaluation of content and techniques employed by
the offeror. Promotional materials related to the courses do not
substitute for course excerpts, and shall not be submitted. Sample
excerpts of the courses must include identification of prior or current
customers to permit evaluation of past performance. Offerors'
submissions should contain no less than three (3) but no more than
seven (7) examples of prior relevant work and references. Each excerpt
shall include contract title, contract number, period of performance,
name, address, and telephone number of the customer, (If Government
experience, provide the Contracting Officer's Representative [COR] or
COTR's name and the name of the Contracting Officer. If commercial
experience, provide the technical and contracting equivalents.), and
approximate dollar value of contract services. Finally, offerors shall
provide the resumes of the proposed Project Manager, course
developers, and the proposed instructors for thiscontract. Resumes
shall not exceed two (2) pages in length. At a minimum, resumes should
include name, education (any degrees awarded), chronological work
experience (last 10 years), and a brief narrative relating how the work
experience relates to the training to be developed/delivered. Any
changes made to the instructors offered in the proposal after proposal
acceptance and award will not be permitted without submission of a
resume and the express written consent of the Contracting Officer. The
preferred form for submitting proposals is the Standard Form 1449. If
this form is not used, offerors are required to include a signed
statement with their proposals specifying the extent of agreement with
all terms, conditions, and provisions included in this solicitation.
Proposals in response to this solicitation shall be submitted no later
than XX/XX/XX, at 2:00 p.m. CST, and addressed to Internal Revenue
Service, Midstates Procurement Branch, 1800 MSRO, 4050 Alpha Road,
Dallas, TX, 75244, Attn: Linda Green, re:RFP TIRMS-98-R-00003. All
inquiries regarding this solicitation are due by COB, XX/XX/XX. Any
questions received after that date may not be honored. All question
should be in writing and faxed to Linda Green at (972)308-1928. I.
52.212-1, Instructions to Offerers-Commercial Items, is incorporated in
this solicitation. Addenda to FAR 52.212-1: Offerers are reminded to
submit signed and dated proposals. The provision at FAR 52.212-2,
Evaluation-Commercial Items, is incorporated with this insert at
52.212-2(a): The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers:
technical factors and past performance, and price and price-related
factors. See Part II, Section G, of this notice for a listing of
technical subfactors. Technical and past performance, when combined,
are significantly more important than price. The provision at FAR
52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items,
is incorporated in this solicitation, and OFFERORS SHALL INCLUDE A
52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items, is
incorporated in this solicitation. FAR clause 52.212-5, Contract Terms
and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive
Orders-Commercial Items, is incorporated in this solicitation
(including 52.203-6 [Alternate I]; 52.203-10; 52.219-8; 52.219-9;
52.222-26; 52.222-35; 52.222-36; 52.222-37; 52.225-19; 52.239-1.
Additional FAR provisions and clauses incorporated by reference in this
solicitation are: 52.215-34, Evaluation of Offers for Multiple Awards;
52.216-18, Ordering; 52.216-19, Order Limitation (with insert: [1] no
minimum order; [2] maximum order limitation -- $300,000; [3] not
applicable; [d] three days);52.217-8, Option to Extend Services;
52.217-9, Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (with insert:
period of time -- 30 days, contract duration NTE 60 months). (0007) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0094 19980109\U-0002.SOL)
U - Education and Training Services Index Page