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Directorate of Contracting, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Rm A1040c, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda MD 20814-4799

D -- INFORMATIAON TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, INCLUDING TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES SOL MDA905-98-Q-0020 DUE 011598 POC POC: Nancy Snowden 301 295-3872, James Geiser 302 295-3845 The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) has a requirement for the online electronic version and discount price for paper copies under separate order if requred of the following 219 medical journals for the period of January l998 through December l998 for use by students and staff at USUHS: USUHS intends to negotiate a contract for this service with Palinet Corp.Advances in Applied Mathematics; Advances in Applied Mathematics; Anaerobe, Analytical Bioichemistry; Animal Behavior; Annals of Botany; Annals of Physics; Appetite; Applied ^ Computational Harmonmic Analysis; Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics; Atomic Dta ^ Nuclear Data Tables; Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications; Biological Control; Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; Biologicals; Bioorganic Chemistry; Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases; Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society; Brain and Cognition; Brain & Language; Brain Behavior & Immunity; British Accounting Review; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Cell Biology International; Cellular Immunology; Cladistics; Chemical Immunology & Immunopathology; Cognitive Psychology; Computer Speech & Language; Computer Vision & Image Understanding; Computers & Biomedical Research; Consciousness & Cognition; Contemporary Educational Psychology; Cretaceous Research; Critical Perspectives in Accounting; Cryobiology; Cytokine; Developmental Biology; Developmental Review; Digital Signal Profcessing: A Review Journal; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Environmental Research;Eustarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; European Journal of Combinatorics; Experimental andMolecular Pathology; Experimental Cell Research; Experimental Eye Research; Experimental Neurology; Experimental Parasitology; Explorations in Economic History; Finite Fields and Their Applications; Fish and Shellfish Immunology; Food MNicrobiology; Food Science & Techology; Technology and Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft; Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology; Fundal Genetics; and Biiology; Games and Economic Behavior; General and Comparative Endocrinology; Genomics; Graphical Models and Image Processing; Gynecologic Oncology; Historia Mathematica; Hormones and Behavior, Icarus; Information and Computation; International Information and Library Review; International Journal of Human Computer Studies; International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, The; International Journal of the Sociology of Law; Journal of Adolescence; Journal of Agricultural Egineer Res; Journal of Algebra; Journal of Algorithms; Journal of Anthropological Archeology; Journal of Approximation Theory; Journal of Archeological Science; Journal of Arid Environments; Journal of Autoimmunity; Journal of Catalysis; Journal of Cereal Science; Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics; Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Complexity; Journalof Computational Physics; Journal of Computer & System Science; Journal of Differential Equations; Journal of Economic Theory; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Environmental Psychology; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology;Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Financial Intermediation; Journal of Fish Biology; Journal of Fluids and Structures; Journal of Food Composition & Analysis; Journalof Functional Analysis; Journal of Historical Geography; Journalof Housing Economics; Journal of Human Evolution; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology; Journal of Japanese & International Economics; Journal of Magnetic Resonance; Journal of Marine Science; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application; Journal of Mathematical Psychology; Journal of Memory & Language; ... (0364)

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