COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 27,1997 PSA#1918Armament Contracting Division (WL/MNK), Building 13, 101 West Eglin
Boulevard, Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810 A -- DEVELOP MULTIPLE EVENT HARD TARGET FUZE SOL MNK-97-015 (PART 2 OF
2) DUE 100697 POC JUDIE JACOBSON, 904-882-4294, ext. 3423 (PART 2 OF 2)
C -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: 60
months total, consisting of 18 months for Phase I tasks, one month for
final Phase I documentation in parallel with the Government downselect
process, 30 months for Phase II tasks, and 11 additional months for
the optional Phase III. Within the Phase I effort, 3 months is
allocated for the requirements study and conceptual design tasks, and
15 months for the detailed design and component-level test tasks.
Within the Phase II effort, 12 months is allocated for prototype fuze
fabrication and tests, and 18 months for final fuze fabrication and
cannon, howitzer, and sled tests. Fuze deliveries are anticipated at
the start of the 11 month flight test support task for Phase III to
follow immediately after Phase II; the contractor shall propose the
option exercise date and fuze delivery schedule for Phase III. (2)
Award: Expected Phase I award date is 8 January 1998 with an effective
start date of not later than February 1998. Phase II award is expected
4Q99. (3) Government Estimate and Type of Contract: The Government
anticipates awarding two Firm Fixed Priced (FFP) contracts at a funding
of $1.0 to $1.25 million each for Phase I. Funding for the Phase I
contracts is anticipated to be comprised of approximately 55% FY98 and
45% FY99 funds. This funding profile is an estimate only and is not a
promise for funding, as all funding is subject to change due to
availability and Government discretion. One Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF)
contract award is anticipated for Phase II. The Phase III effort will
be a CPFF option to the Phase II contract. (4) Government Furnished
Property: It is the offeror's responsibility to identify any equipment
and facilities to be used whether contractor-owned and furnished or
Government-owned and furnished. The Government will assist in providing
Government-owned property or facilities as appropriate and if
available. The Government will provide not more than four (4) FZU-HTSF
wind turbine generators for use in development and testing. (5) Size
Status. For the purpose of this acquisition, the size standard is 500
employees (SIC 8731). (6) Proprietary Items: The Government prefers
that the proposed fuze design include no parts, materials, or software
that are proprietary to the prime contractor. It is the offeror's
responsibility to identify any proprietary materials, products,
software, or processes to be used by the prime contractor and
subcontractors in the performance of this program and to address
acquisition of data rights or licenses, or expected recoupment of
development costs for those proprietary items that will be integral to
the fuze system. (7) Security Requirements: Portions of this program
will be classified up to the SECRET NOFORN level. TEMPEST requirements
will apply. Generation of classified material for this solicitation
effort is authorized only on equipment approved for classified
processing by Air Force TEMPEST authorities. (8) Other Special
Requirements: International Traffic In Arms Regulations apply. D --
PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: Offerors should apply
the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-12,
Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or
privileged commercial and financial information contained in their
proposals. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the
"Proprietary Information" and "When and How to Submit" sections of the
AFMC Pamphlet 64-101, "Unsolicited Proposal Guide," copies of which
are available by writing to: AFDTC/BC, 205 West D Avenue, Suite 449,
Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6863 or telephone (850) 882-2843. AFMC Form 190,
Policy Agreements, does not apply to Program Research and Development
Announcements. Additional proposal questions should be directed to one
of the points of contact listed in Part F. An unclassified written
technical and cost proposal, submitted in separate volumes, is
required. Volume 1 should provide the technical proposal addressing all
three phases of the program and Volume 2 should address the price and
cost details of the proposal. Volume 1 should be limited to a total of
50 pages, including resumes, charts, figures, tables, etc.; the
proposed SOW and CDRLs may be included as an appendix of not more than
25 pages. The Government reserves the right to remove and return to
the offeror any excess pages before evaluation starts. Cost proposals
have no page limitations, however, offerors are requested to keep cost
proposals to 50 pages as a goal. A page is defined to be one side of
an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper with information on it. Minimum print
size is 10 point type, or 12 pitch, with line spacing of not less than
one and one half for the typeface used. Proposals shall be submitted
in an original and 5 copies. Phase I contractors will be invited to
submit an updated written proposal for the Phase II effort and Phase
III option. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall
be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Copies of the
proposals may be forwarded, if the offeror authorizes in writing, to
other interested government agencies for funding consideration.
Authorization for limited reproduction and dissemination within
Government Agencies and National Laboratories is requested. The cost of
preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered
an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract, or any other
contract. It is, however, an allowable expense to the normal bid and
proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. Offerors are advised
that only the Contracting Officer is legally authorized to
contractually bind or otherwise obligate the Government. The U.S. Air
Force reserves the right to select for award one, several, or none of
the proposals received in response to this announcement. If selected
for negotiations, qualifying offerors will be required to submit a
subcontracting plan within ten (10) days of notice. (2) Initial
Technical Proposal: The Volume 1 technical proposal shall include, as
a minimum, a statement of work suitable for contract incorporation; the
offeror's technical approach for the entire program; risk management
procedures to be applied to the program; identification of key
personnel, resources, and critical subcontractors; hardware and data
deliverables; a proposed program schedule including deliveries for the
entire program; and a summary of past performance. To facilitate
timely completion of pre-award surveys, offerors are requested to
identify their own and subcontractor facilities and personnel to be
involved in handling of explosives and other hazardous materials. (3)
Cost Proposal: Adequate price competition is anticipated. The Volume 2
cost proposal must include as a minimum a manhour breakdown by task;
a cost element summary including labor, overhead, travel, G&A, etc.;
and an SF1448 for the basic contract, Phase I, and an SF 1448 for each
exercisable option for Phase II and Phase III; and payment schedule,
for the entire program. Estimated costs for tests or historical data
for similar efforts are requested for program office budgetary
estimation and value estimation. (4) Phase II/III Update Proposal: The
invitation for submittal of a written update proposal for the Phase II
effort and the Phase III option will specify the submittal deadline.
This update is intended as an opportunity to apply the results of
component developments, design trade-offs, and management efficiencies
of Phase I efforts. The update proposal may contain classified
information up to SECRET NOFORN classification. The technical volume
shall not exceed fifty (50) pages including any SOW and CDRL changes.
The cost volume should be limited to 35 pages as a goal. E -- PROPOSAL
EVALUATION: (1) Award Evaluation Criteria: The selection of none, one,
or more sources for contract award shall be based on scientific and
engineering evaluation of the proposals in response to this PRDA to
determine best-value potential for the entire program. Proposals will
be evaluated as received using the following factors. No other
evaluation criteriawill be used in selecting the proposals. Technical
and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. The factors
are: (a) The overall technical merits of the written proposal,
particularly with respect to achieving unit cost, miniaturization, and
design performance goals, and logistics infrastructure. (b) The
offeror's technical capabilities, related experience, facilities,
resources, techniques, key personnel, subcontractors, and unique
combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the
proposed objectives. (c) The offeror's past and present performance.
(d) Reasonableness, realism, and completeness of proposed cost for the
total program. (2) Downselect Evaluation Criteria: Downselect at the
end of Phase I will consider the following factors: (a) Phase I
performance and results with respect to contractual goals and
objectives for technology and design development. (b) Overall technical
merit of the updated proposal, particularly with regard to building on
Phase I results to reach amature, ready-to-test design in Phase II.
(c) The offeror's technical capabilities, related experience,
facilities, resources, techniques, key personnel, subcontractors, and
unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving
the proposed objectives. (d) Phase I cost and schedule performance. (e)
Reasonableness, realism, and completeness of proposed costs for the
remainder of the program. F -- POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Contracting and
Cost: Ms Vicki Keider, Contracting Officer, (850) 882-9043, ext 3404,
or Judie Jacobson, Contract Negotiator, (850) 882-4294 ext 3423, at
WL/MNK, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810, or
e-mail to keider@eglin.af.mil or jacobso@eglin.af.mil, respectively.
The telefax number is (850) 882-9599. (2) Programmatic and Technical
Issues: Ms Luann Cutler, (850) 882-2005 ext 218, or Mr Steven Smith,
(850) 882-2005, ext 223, at WL/MNMF, 306 W. Eglin Blvd., Bldg 432,
Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810, or e-mail to cutler@eglin.af.mil or
smiths@eglin.af.mil, respectively. The telefax number is (850)
882-2707. (3) Ombudsman: An Ombudsman has been appointed to address
concerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposal
development phase of this acquisition. The Ombudsman does not diminish
the authority of the program director or contracting officer, but
communicates contractor concerns, issues, disagreements, and
recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel. When
requested, the Ombudsman shall maintain strict confidentiality as to
the source of the concern. The Ombudsman does not participate in the
evaluation of proposals or in the source selection process. Potential
offerors are invited to contact ASC Eglin's Ombudsman, Colonel Timothy
R. Kinney, (850) 882-9051, with serious concerns only. General
Information: This announcement and other general information is
available via the World Wide Web at http://www.wlmn.eglin.af.mil. See
numbered Note 26. (0234) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0002 19970827\A-0002.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page