Request for Proposal (RFP) F33657-97-R-0025 for the F-15C Multi-Stage
Improvement Program (MSIP) Four Ship Simulation and Aerial Combat
Enhanced Simulation (ACES) Program (herein referred to at F-15C ACES).
Part 1, describing the programs technical requirements and beginning
the instructions to offerors, is contained in the preceding CBD
announcement. This part continues the remaining instructions to
offerors and evaluation procedures. (E) Volume V Final Contract -- This
volume is the final contract and shall include all finalized Terms and
Conditions, CLINs, prices, and attachments. All revisions to the
Volume II and/or III submittal shall be annotated. A suggested pricing
matrix (on PIXS as PriceMat.xls, dated 20 Jun 97), in Microsoft Excel
7.0 is provided. The pricing matrix also reflects the Government's
anticipated CLIN structure. A cell with $FFP indicates the requirement
for a firm-fixed price(FFP) or FFP with economic price adjustment
(EPA) for that site and CLIN. A cell with $NTE indicates a
not-to-exceed price is required. A cell with N/A indicates this effort
is not pre-priced. When applicable the offeror is responsible for all
costs associated with performance sites at overseas locations (e.g.:
Status of Forces Agreements, labor agreements, taxes to foreign
Governments, )Request the pricing be submitted in Microsoft Excel 7.0
format. The offeror must include in Volume V a clear statement that the
proposal is valid for no less than 60 days from the due date of Volume
V. Capability Demonstration -- In conjunction with the oral proposal,
the offeror shall provide a demonstration of capabilities to support
and integrate the types of technologies to be used to meet proposed
specification requirements. The demonstration should be supplemented by
the Oral Proposal in terms of how the offeror intends to bridge any
gaps between demonstrated technologies and specified performance of the
delivered services. Oral proposals -- The Offeror shall provide an oral
proposal of the approach to providing F-15C ACES at Eglin AFB in March
1999 and Langley AFB in June 1999. The oral presentation shall be
conducted in accordance with the rules of engagement described in this
solicitation, and shall include, as a minimum, the following
information: (1) The offeror's approach to obtaining
aircraft/weapon/threat design data and managing risks and issues
associated with this task. (2) The offeror's system level approach to
satisfying the requirements defined in his proposed specification. (3)
The offeror's proposed design approach that supports system
upgrades/growth and adaptability to emerging distributed mission
training technologies. (4) The offeror's plan to meet IOC, risks
associated with meeting the schedule and methods for managing such
risks. Oral Proposal/Demonstration Rules of Engagement: (1) The oral
proposal and the demonstration shall be conducted at a single location
of the offeror's choice, with concurrence by the Government PCO. The
30 Jun 97 PCO notification will provide concurrence. The combined
demonstration/oral proposal shall be conducted over one and one-half
days beginning no earlier than 8:00AM on day 1 and ending NLT noon on
day 2 and not exceed 10 hours for oral proposal and demonstration and
a two hour session on day 2 for the Offeror to respond to written
questions provided by the PCO. Additional time for lunch and breaks
should be scheduled. The mix of demonstration time and oral proposal
time shall be at the discretion of the offeror. The offeror is
responsible for videotaping the oral proposal and, if possible, the
demonstration and shall provide one copy of the video to the PCO. (2)
The PCO will provide the original briefing media to the offeror for
presentation on the day the Oral Proposal begins. The contractor will
only be able to brief the media as submitted with the proposal, with no
changes or additions to the submitted media allowed. The media and
video shall be returned to the PCO by noon on day 2. (3) A written
agenda of activities shall be submitted to the Government no later than
five (5) days prior to the oral proposal/demonstration. (4)
Organization, operation, and cost of the demonstration will be the sole
responsibility of the offeror. (5) The Government Source Selection
Evaluation Team (SSET) attending the oral proposal and demonstration
will not exceed 8 people, and all will have Security Clearances at a
minimum of the Secret level. (6) Information presented in the oral
proposal and the demonstration will not be contractually binding. The
basis for award will be IAW FAR 52.212-2. The following will be
inserted into paragraph (a): "The source selection will be conducted
IAW modified AFFARS Appendix AA procedures and the AFMC Supplement
thereto. Award will be made to the offeror who is deemed responsible
IAW the Federal Acquisition Regulation and whose proposal conforms to
the requirements of this solicitation and is judged to represent the
Best Value to the Government. To arrive at best value the various
components of the proposal will be evaluated for consistency, both
within the proposal, and with this solicitation and supporting
documents. The proposal will be evaluated against specific criteria as
defined below. Each factor will be assigned a proposal color rating
(Blue, Green, Yellow, Red) and a proposal risk rating (Low, Moderate,
High). A single past performance rating (Low, Moderate, High) will be
assigned to each area, per AFFARS Appendix AA. All rating components
will be presented to the Source Selection Authority (SSA) for his
review Under specific criteria the areas are in descending order of
importance and factors under the technical area are in descending order
of importance. Specific Evaluation Criteria are: (1) Technical Area,
with factors of; (a) Simulation Utility: The Offeror's proposed
technical approach will be evaluated for supporting F-15C full combat
tactical training throughout the contract period of performance and (b)
Data: The offeror's approach for data collection and aircraft
concurrency will ensure the timely and accurate implementations of
aircraft simulations necessary to successfully provide the training
capability. (2) Schedule Area: The Offeror's proposed approach will be
evaluated to determine ability to provide specified F-15C simulation
services with an IOC of March 31, 1999. (3) Price: The government will
evaluate proposed prices in terms of the potential total contract
value to include all sites for up to a 15 year period of performance
(e.g. 2012). Prices will be evaluated for reasonableness, realism, and
completeness as defined in AFFARS Appendix AA-309. A Small
Disadvantaged Business (SDB) evaluation preference will be evaluated by
adding a factor of ten percent to the price of all offers, except in
accordance with DFAR 252.219-7006. The ten percent factor will be
applied on a total price basis. Other evaluation factors described in
the solicitation will be applied before application of the ten percent
factor. The ten percent factor will not be applied if using the
preference will cause the contract award to be madeat a price which
exceeds the fair market price by more than ten percent. Any proposal
that is materially unbalanced as to the price for the basic contract
period/sites, and Award Term will be considered deficient. Realism,
reasonableness, and completeness shall be determined IAW the procedures
at FAR 12.209. General considerations: General considerations will
include the offeror's compliance with RFP terms and conditions. Failure
to comply with RFP terms and conditions may result in an offeror being
removed from consideration for award. The government may also conduct
a pre-award survey and the results thereof will be considered in the
evaluation process. IAW FAR 15.605(b)(1) the specific evaluation
criteria, general considerations and price are in descending order of
importance. Therefore, specific criteria and general considerations,
when combined, are significantly more important than price. The
Government will perform the following risk assessments: (1) A proposal
risk assessment of the risks associated with the offeror's proposed
approach to accomplish RFP requirements. The oral proposal and
demonstration will factor into proposal risk. (2) A performance risk
assessment based on the offeror's relevant past and present
performance. The offeror furnished data of the contracted versus actual
deliveries of similar simulation services / devices will be used in
arriving at a performance risk assessment for the technical and
schedule risk area. Performance risk will be reported at the area
level. The Scope of the Evaluation is: A color/adjectival rating, a
proposal risk assessment, and a performance risk assessment will be
assigned. Each of the factors in the technical area will receive
color/adjectival rating and a proposal risk assessment. Each area,
technical, schedule and price, will receive a performance risk
assessment. When the integrated assessment of all aspects of the
evaluation is accomplished the color/adjectival ratings, proposal risk
assessments and performance risk assessments are all considered
equally; any one of these considerations can influence the source
selection authority's (SSA) decision. The technical area will be
evaluated on how effectively the offeror's written and oral proposal
and demonstration meets the technical, support and management
requirements of this RFP and will address the adequacy of the offeror's
proposed specification and business plan. Much of the evaluation will
focus on the offeror's plan for moving from the demonstration
capability to meet the requirements of the SCRD. Evaluation of the
total 15 year term shall not obligate the Government to issue orders
for all 15 years." Offerors must include in their proposal a completed
copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and
Certifications -- Commercial Items, and DFARS 252.212-7000, Offeror
Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items. This shall be
submitted with Volume III. The clause at 52.212-4, applies to this
acquisition. Each offeror's proposed commercial terms and conditions
will be addenda to 52.212-4. The Model contract: Offerors shall propose
provisions which provide for (1) an award term incentive to allow
performance out to 15 years ((sample clause on PIXS as AwardTC.doc,
dated 20 Jun 97 and a draft award term plan (will not be attached to
the contract) as AwardTP.doc, dated 20 Jun 97), (2) a site visit to
comply with the intent of FAR 52.237-1, (3) protection of Government
buildings, equipment and vegetation to comply with the intent of FAR
52.237-2, (4) continuity of services for a successor contractor to
comply with the intent of FAR 52.237-3, (5) extension of services to
comply with the intent of FAR 52.217-8, (6) commercial acceptance of
the service, (7) base support to comply with the intent of AFMC FAR Sup
5352.245-9000 (on PIXS as Clauses.doc, dated 23 Jun 97). In accordance
with FAR 12.301(e) the following FAR clauses are to be incorporated
either in full or by reference into the contract (1) FAR 52.216-18
ORDERING (APR 1984) subparagraph (a) insert "7 (seven) years", (2)FAR
52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995) subparagraph (a) "Minimum order"
insert "1 (one) hour", (b)(1) insert "3,000 hours", (b)(2) insert
"23,000 hours", (b)(3) insert "90 days", (d) insert "5 days", (3) FAR
52.216-21 REQUIREMENTS (OCT 1995) insert in subparagraph (f) "1 year
after expiration of the ordering period" The clause at 52.212-5,
applies to this acquisition with the following FAR clauses applicable
to this acquisition: 52.219-8, 52.219-9. The Service Contract Act (SCA)
applies to contracts which have labor categories other than bona-fide
executives (supervisors), administrators (managers), or professionals
(predominantly intellectual, varied work, traditionally requiring
prolonged, advanced learning, original or creative work, or teaching).
Definitions of these exemptions are found in Title 29, CFR 541. If the
offeror's proposal involves services of such exempt employees, the
resulting contract will not be subject to SCA. However, if the
offeror's proposal has a significant (defined as 20% or more) number of
nonexempt service employees working on the resulting contract, SCA will
apply and the following clauses are applicable to this acquisition:
52.222-41, 52.222-42, 52.222-43, 52.222-44, and 52.222-47. If the SCA
is applicable the offerors shall include the SCA applicable wages in
Volume V. The clause at DFARS 252.212-7001 applies to this acquisition
with the following DFARS clauses applicable to this acquisition:
252.219-7003 and 252.219-7006. If the offeror is under the
Comprehensive SB/SDB Subcontracting Plan Test Program, propose the
appropriate clauses. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0516 19970627\SP-0002.MSC)
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