Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Information Agency/International Bureau of Broadcasting, Engineering Resources Acquisitions Division, Switzer Building, Room 2520, 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20547

Y -- DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SHORTWAVE TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM SOL 97-ARAY-1 DUE 032497 POC Contracting Officer/Brent Peavler -- Fax: 202-260-0855 The USIA's International Bureau of Broadcasting (IBB), is implementing a new shortwave relay station project on the island of Tinian in the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The facilities and HF broadcast antennas for the Tinian Relay Station are being provided through a design/construct contract awarded to Sayed Hamid Bebbehani and Sons (SHBC) on August 30, 1996. IBB has a requirement for the design, installation and commissioning of a coaxial transmission line system utilizing existing materials to the maximum extent possible. The existing materials will consist largely of rigid 50 ohm coaxial transmission line, 9 inches in diameter, manufactured by Dielectric. It is envisioned that this coax will be used to connect the 333 and 295 antenna pairs (four feed total) to the switch matrix. It is also envisioned that the horizontal coax support members will be salvaged and used to install much if not all of the transmission line at Tinian. This contract also requires follow-on design and installation support to the IBB on an as-needed (Task Order) basis. IBB intends to issue a sole source (FAR Part 6) contract using Simplified Acquisition procedures (FAR Part 13) to Dielectric to perform this work. Please reference 97-ARAY-1 on all correspondence regarding this notice. This synopsis is not an IFB or RFP. See Numbered Note 22 (0031)

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