THE CARRIBEAN AREA SOL DACW17-97-R-0008 DUE 021097 POC Contract
Specialist Bob Nichols (904) 232-3712 (Site Code DACW17) This
solicitation is unrestricted and is open to all firms regardless of
size. The contract will be an Indefinite Quantity Contract for a period
of one year from date of award, with an option to extend for two
additional years. The Government may award up to two (2) Contracts with
the same scope of work as a result of this solicitation. This
solicitation contains the same scope of work for more than one
contract. Criteria used in allocating delivery orders among the
contracts include performance and quality of deliverables under current
contracts, current capacity to accomplish the order in the required
time, uniquely specialized experience, equitable distribution of the
work among the contractors, and other relevant factors. Maximum order
limits are $1,000,000 for each contract year and up to $1,000,000 per
delivery order. All services will consist of design and architectural
engineering services consisting of civil works project studies and
designs in the event of natural disasters, preparation of design
memorandums, building condition reports, building evaluation reports,
cost estimates in MCASES Gold format, design calculations and
construction plans/specifications suitable for use in competitive
bidding processes. Additionally, the work will encompass all phases of
civil works design, including flood control (hydraulic spillway
structures), support for others (SFO), military, recreation with
related facilities, beach erosion control and jetty design, navigation
projects, including dredging, new building construction, existing
building renovation, rehabilitation of historic buildings and
structures, bridge design, abatement of asbestos, lead-based paint, and
other HTW materials; alterations, renovations, site plans, utility
systems, and paving, grading, and drainage plans. In the event firm may
contact asbestos-containing and/or lead-based type paint during their
work, it will be required to sample, test and develop work plans for
remedial action and incorporate them into the overall
alteration/renovation specifications. The asbestos and lead abatement
work will be performed by accredited professionals and will be in
strict compliance with the requirements of HUD, OSHA Construction
Standard, OSHA General Industry Standard, OSHA Respiratory Standard,
the Clean Air Act, and all applicable AHERA regulations. Destructive
sampling of structures will require repair in accordance with
acceptable construction practices. Test reports shall be prepared by an
accredited laboratory per AHARA Regulations. When in support of
military design, services may involve preparation of U.S. Army master
planning studies, miscellaneous Federal Agency master planning studies,
drawings, and programming documents in accordance with the requirements
established in AR 2 10-20, TB ENG 353, CEMOPS, and other military and
COMPETENCE: Firms must clearly demonstrate specialized experience and
expertise in the preparation of plans, specifications, various federal
reports and studies, design memorandums, cost estimating, design
analysis (documents such as DD Form 1391, Project Development
Brochures, and design calculations) for all phases of civil, military,
support for others, facility designs (new and renovation) and related
work; ability to prepare construction drawings in digital format on
magnetic tape fully using Intergraph's Bentley System Microstation CADD
system, construction cost estimates utilizing Government provided
MCASES Gold software and preparation of plans and specifications using
Metric Standard of Measurement. Firm must have laboratory that
participated in a quality assurance program administered by the
National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST). It must have
successfully completed the last three rounds of the program for
analyzing samples. Asbestos identification must be done by EPA
600/M4.82-020 method using a polarized high powered microscope. For
fiber concentration samples, the laboratory must participate in
Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program that includes hazard
assessment. Bulk samples must be analyzed using Phase Contrast
Microscopes (TEM) for confirmation purposes. Lead identification must
be performed by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) test procedures, in concert
with wipe, and bulk paint chip samples for Toxic Characteristic
Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analyses. Previous experience in asbestos and
lead abatement projects shall be listed. 2. SIZE AND EXPERTISE OF
STAFF: Firm must have, either in-house or through association with
qualified consultants, U.S. registered personnel as follows: Architect,
Engineer, Landscape Architect, or a Certified Urban/Regional planner
certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners, depending
upon the work assignment. Staff must include, but not be limited to:
Architects. Landscape Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers to
include the following disciplines: Civil, Mechanical, Structural,
Geotechnical, Hydraulic, Hydrology, Soil, Sanitary, Fire Protection,
Electrical; Certified Industrial Hygienist (must be certified by the
American Board of Industrial Hygiene), Industrial Hygienist Technician,
Registered Land Surveyor and all necessary supervisory and
administrative personnel to prepare contract bid documents. 3. CAPACITY
TO ACCOMPLISH WORK IN THE REQUIRED TIME: Firm must have the capacity to
commence work within fifteen days after receipt of notification to
proceed with a task order and accomplish it in accordance with
scheduled completion dates. 4. PAST PERFORMANCE: Past performance on
contracts with Government agencies and private industry regrading
quality and timeliness of work will be reviewed. Past DOD experience
data available to the Government through the A-E Contract
Administration Support System (ACASS) will be utilized for prior
Work previously awarded to the firm by DOD will be reviewed with the
objective of effecting equitable distribution of contracts among
equally qualified firms. 6. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF FIRM TO WORKSITE:
Location of the firm relative to the worksite (considered the
Jacksonville District Office) will be considered provided there is an
adequate number of qualified firms for consideration. Those firms which
meet the requirements described in this announcement and wish to be
considered, must submit one copy each of SF254 and SF255 for the firm
or joint-venture and an SF 254 for each subcontractor. In block 4 of SF
255 list only the personnel for the office to perform the work
indicated in block 3B. Additional personnel strengths, including
consultants, should be indicated parenthetically and their source
clearly identified. In block 7G of the SF 255, indicate specific
project experience for key team members and indicate the team member's
role on each listed project (architect, project manager, etc.).
Submittal of supplemental attachments to SF 255 per evaluation factors
1-4 is strongly recommended. Submittal package is to be received in
this office at the address indicated below no later than 4:00 p.m.
Eastern Time on 10 Feb 97. This announcement was previously published
09 Jan 97. Submittals received after this date and time will not be
considered. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations
beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to
this announcement are not desired. Small and Small Disadvantaged firms
are encouraged to participate as Prime Contractors or as members of
Joint-Ventures with other Small Businesses and all interested firms are
reminded that the successful firm will be expected to place
subcontracts to the maximum practical extent with Small and Small
Disadvantaged firms in accordance with the provisions of Public Law
95-507. If a Large Business firm is selected, a Small Business
subcontracting plan will be required prior to award. Response to this
ad should be in writing only; telephone calls and personal visits are
discouraged. The required forms shall be submitted to the following
address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: CESAJ-EN-DC, 400 West Bay
Street, Room 1044, Jacksonville, FL 32202-4412 or U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, ATTN: CESAJ-EN-DC, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL
32232-0019. This is not a request for a proposal. (0016) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0015 19970121\C-0004.SOL)
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