COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 21,1996 PSA#1726R&D Contracting Directorate, Attn: WL/AAKE, Bldg 7, 253 C Street, WPAFB
Contact Edward J. Caulfield, Contract Negotiator, (937) 255-2976 or
Nancy Stormer, Contracting Officer at (937) 255-5311. A--INTRODUCTION:
(PART 1 OF 2) Wright Laboratory (WL/AAKE) is interested in receiving
proposals (technical and cost) on the research efforts described below.
This announcement contains sections A through F. Proposals in response
to this PRDA shall be submitted by 23 January 1997, 1500 hours Eastern
Standard Time, addressed to: Attn: E.J. Caulfield, Bldg 7, 2530 C
Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433-7607. Proposals shall not be
submitted via facsimile transmission. This is an unrestricted
solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any
part of this solicitation. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance
with this announcement. Proposal receipt after the cut-off date and
time specified herein shall be treated in accordance with the
restrictions of FAR 52.215-10, copy of this provision may be obtained
from the contracting point of contact cited in Section F. There will be
no other solicitations issued in regard to this requirement. However,
a classified annex for the Imaging Sensor Countermeasure Follow-On
(ISCF) is available upon request to qualified offerors. These offerors
should submit facility and personnel security information to the
contracting address below. Offerors should be alert for any amendments
to this solicitation that may be published. This PRDA may be amended
to permit subsequent submission of proposal dates. Offerors should
request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, ''PRDA and BAA Guide for
Industry''. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in
understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. Copies may be requested
from the contracting point of contact or obtained on-line via the world
wide web from the WL/PK Contracting Directorate at
http://www.wl.wpafb.af.mil/contract. B--REQUIREMENTS: 1) Technical
Description: Technology for imaging seekers continues to mature, and a
number of anti-aircraft imaging missile systems are under development.
The purpose of this Imaging Seeker Countermeasure PRDA is to address
both surface-to-air and air-to-air imaging seeker threats and define
and develop innovative countermeasure (CM) solutions, methods, and/or
techniques to defeat them. Existing CM techniques have been optimized
against reticle scan missile seekers. New systems will need to address
current and advanced (imaging) missile threats. A PRDA is being used
for this solicitation to encourage new and innovative concepts for both
near term and far term applications. This program consists of three
technical efforts to accomplish this goal. These efforts are: Imaging
Threat Investigations (ITIV), Imaging Sensor Countermeasure Follow-On
(ISCF), and the Imaging Countermeasures Concept Development (ICCD)
Program. Alternative approaches will be given consideration provided
they clearly offer a feasible solution, method, and/or tool to defeat
an imaging threat. The three efforts are more fully described below:
(a) The objective of the ITIV effort is to determine possible imaging
threat seeker configurations and key technologies. Of particular
interest are surface-to-air and air-to-air configurations which shall
be directed against US Air Force aircraft. Understanding the threat is
mandatory in determining what its vulnerabilities are. This effort
shall investigate components, subsystems, and technologies used in
imaging seeker development. This program shall begin with a survey of
key technologies and existing data describing system functions of
potential imaging threats. This shall include optics, sensors,
processors, and architectures, as well as, image processing techniques
and tracking algorithms. During this investigation, the offeror shall
combine R&D with available Intelligence Information to predict one or
more imaging seeker configurations. This effort shall postulate
hardware configurations, and define and create software flowcharts
and/or block diagrams for each imaging seeker threat defined.
Components shall be identified along with equations, transfer
functions, or any other necessary information to model the threat
system and/or subsystems. The contractor should anticipate using a
graphical/visual language environment such as KHOROS, MATLAB, WITFLOW,
etc. to do seeker definitions. (b) The objective of the ISCF effort is
to evaluate the performance of signature management based
countermeasures (CM) against imaging seekers through field testing.
This program shall continue the development of candidate technologies
and techniques for imaging sensor countermeasures. The need exists to
explore concepts which are robust against an expected difficult threat.
This effort shall take advantage of, and then advance the results of
contract F33615-93-C-1224 (Imaging Sensors CM (ISCM) Program) which
performed countermeasure and signature analysis against imaging
sensors. Information on the ISCM is available from the classified annex
(see paragraph A above.) The ISCM Final Report, etc., shall be made
available to the contractor after contract award. This new ISCF effort
shall concentrate on testing the CM concepts in the field. A
determination shall be made if signature management based CM concepts
are a viable means to defeat imaging sensors. The approach for this
effort is to first review the Final Report and auxiliary data from the
ISCM program, then evaluate the progress that was made. Next, explore
new and/or past paint/coatings technology and its application to
countermeasure concepts. This technology may be either new or resulting
from the ISCM contract. This effort shall also update the CM concept
priority list developed on the ISCM program. Field testing is expected
to make use of radio controlled models and appropriate sensor devices
to evaluate performance. It is important that lessons learned from the
first program combine with the contractors expertise to define and
execute a field test that adequately evaluates CM concept performance.
The contractor shall develop a methodology (test plan) that tests the
concepts to clearly determine if the CM techniques merit transition to
full scale. Some critical areas to be considered are 1) The problems
associated with field testing and 2) The unique problems of scaled
testing. Unique, imaginative use of available scale model technology
and resources are encouraged. Concepts tested shall not enhance current
seeker performance, but may allow improved conventional CM performance
against imaging seekers. This effort shall implement these Infrared
Countermeasures (IRCM) concepts (from both the previous ISCM and this
contract) by obtaining the material, coatings, etc., that exhibit the
desired effects, and test for effectiveness. Effects may have to be
simulated where technology is unavailable or too expensive for this
effort. If possible, this effort shall take advantage of other programs
or contractors' own IR&D to supply technology. If information is
available in a timely manner, this effort may take advantage of
findings from the ITIV effort to a) help predict potential
vulnerabilities of imaging seekers, and b) use the predicted threat
configuration(s) for the advanced sensors required during field
testing. An Associate Contractor Agreement may be required to
coordinate the ITIV with this effort. The first effort (ISCM) used one
scale model, tested at one geographical location, using limited flight
profiles, and did not attempt cooperative concepts. The goal of this
effort is to demonstrate the performance of the best concepts under a
wider range of environmental conditions, more small scale aircraft
vehicles, additional scenarios, and combinations with traditional CM's,
if possible. Testing should include flightworthy (full scale) materials
when possible, and shall use advanced sensor platforms which allow
determination of effectiveness and robustness. The test results will be
analyzed in order to determine if integration of the ideas and concepts
into a USAF aircraft countermeasure system is possible. (c) The
objective of the ICCD effort is to develop innovative CM solutions,
implementation techniques, and methods to defeat the anti-aircraft
imaging seeker threats. This program shall research and evaluate past
and existing imaging seeker CM work to focus on solutions to defeat the
threat. As it becomes available, this effort shall utilize any findings
from the parallel ITIV effort described above. (If required, an
Associate Contractor Agreement shall be established.) From this review
and the contractors' own expertise, the contractor shall theorize a
potential set of CM solutions, and outline methods to implement them.
Potential countermeasures should consider the overall systems approach
as well as address operational issues. The results shall be tested
using a missile simulation (and environment) in-order to rank and
evaluate the countermeasure effectiveness. The 'environment' used for
testing shall include a missile model(s) that includes all necessary
components, preferably industry recognized. Selection and use of a
model shall be discussed at the Design Review prior to testing. The
best techniques identified shall be sufficiently defined with block
diagrams/flowcharts so that the concepts can be later evaluated with
other Air Force graphical or visual programming language evaluation
tools (i.e. KHOROS, MATLAB, etc.). It shall be a goal of this effort to
breadboard at least one concept and demonstrate performance. Analysis
of the results shall be used to determine feasibility and robustness of
the CM solutions. This will be used to make recommendations for imaging
seeker CM concepts for follow-on advanced development efforts. (2)
Deliverable Items: The following deliverable data items shall be
proposed for each contract: (a) Status Report, DI-MGMT-80368/T,
monthly, (b) Project Planning Chart, DI-MGMT-80507A/T, monthly, (c)
Funds and Man-Hour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T, monthly, (d)
Scientific and Technical Reports, Contractor's Billing Voucher,
DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly, (e) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR),
DI-MGMT-81468/T, Quarterly, (f) Presentation Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T,
as required, (g) Test Plan, DI-NDTI-80566/T, ASREQ, and (h) Scientific
and Technical Reports, Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, (Draft and
Reproducible Final). (3) Security Requirements: TEMPEST requirements
will apply. Generation of classified material for this solicitation
effort is authorized only on equipment approved for classified
processing by Air Force TEMPEST authorities. It is anticipated that
work performed under this contract will be classified up to and
including the SECRET level. Wright Laboratory's Electronic Warfare
Security Classification Guide, 1 Mar 89, with Letter Change No. 1,
dated 16 Aug 91, is the overall classification authority for these
efforts. It is also anticipated the ISCM Follow-on shall involve
Special Access Required (SAR) material. Responders are reminded that
classified responses shall be properly packaged, marked, transmitted,
and addressed to the correct authority listed in Section A of this
PRDA. Guidance concerning handling of classified information is
contained in the ''Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding
Classified Information,'' available from the Defense Investigative
Service. (4) Other Special Requirements: International Traffic in Arms
Regulations apply. PL 98-94 applies. Offerors must submit an approved
DD Form 2345, ''Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement'' with
their proposal. (END OF PART 1) (0324) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0001 19961120\A-0001.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page