following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article
10.6. G/TBT/Notif.96.360. 1. Member to Agreement notifying:
Netherlands. If applicable, name of local government involved (Articles
3.2 and 7.2): 2. Agency responsible: Ministry of Housing, Spatial
Planning and the Environment Agency or authority designated to handle
comments regarding the notification can be indicated if different from
above: National Enquiry Point. 3. Notified under Article 2.9.2. 4.
Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national
tariff heading. ICS numbers may be provided in addition, where
applicable): The draft of the Multi-Year Plan on Hazardous Waste II
(MJP-GA II) contains technical regulations in the form of minimum
(technical) standards for treating and processing hazardous waste.
These minimum standards are included in the sector plans under the
heading ``Treating/Processing'' (from page 48 onwards). A general
introduction to the principle of how the minimum standards work is
described on page 34 et seq. and on page 43, in particular. In
addition, the sector plan ``Waste to be incinerated'' indicates the
technical criteria on the basis of which the incineration of
(hazardous) waste is deemed as a useful application or as final
removal, as specified in Appendix IIb and Appendix IIa respectively of
the Framework Directive on waste (75/442). 5. Title, number of pages
and language(s) of the notified document: Draft of Multi-Year Plan on
Hazardous Waste II (Dutch designation: MJP-GA II). 6. Description of
content: The MJP-GA constitutes a legally binding framework for the
provinces and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
Environment when granting licences and assessing notifications under
Regulation 259/93/EEC. This plan is revised every four years. The draft
of the first comprehensive revision has now been submitted. The MJP-GA
II specifies minimum standards for the processing of hazardous waste.
Only companies which meet a minimum standard will qualify for a
licence allowing them to treat or process a relevant category of waste
in the Netherlands. Furthermore, criteria are listed for the waste to
be incinerated (the conditions under which the incineration is
considered recovery or final disposal). An inportant amendment to the
first MJP-GA is that in the case of transport for recovery, the idea of
national self-sufficiency has been abandoned. This has led, amongst
other things, to the scrapping of capacity tests when licences are
granted to treatment and processing plant in the Netherlands. 7.
Objective and rationale: The minimum standards are based on an EIS
(Environmental Impact Statement) in which the overall environmental
effects of processing options have been compared for a large number of
categories of waste by means of an lca (life cycle analysis). Usually,
the most environmentally-friendly alternative has been opted for,
provided it has been adequately documented and is operational. The
point of departure used when differentiating between recovery and final
disposal has been: if the primary objective of incineration is to
reduce the volume or the mass of hazardous characteristics, then this
is a case of final disposal; the other cases are designated as
recovery. 8. Relevant documents: (a) The Environmental Management Act
contains the obligation to draw up a National Environmental Policy Plan
at least once every four years. The MJP-GA is to be drafted on the
basis of this plan. (b) An EIS has been drafted for this MJP-GA, such
EIS has been submitted together with the draft MJP-GA II for pursual.
The results of the EIS have been incorporated in the draft MJP-GA. (c)
A trend study has also been carried out. This contains forecasts of
the supply of hazardous waste for the period 1993-2005. This trend
study has been appended to the draft MJP-GA. 9. Proposed date of
adoption: Proposed date of entry into force: April 1997. 10. Final date
for comments: 3 October 1996. (302) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0441 19961029\FO-0002)
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