COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 18,1996 PSA#1682Asc/Rekb Area B Bldg 557, 2640 Loop Road, Wright Patterson Afb Oh
45433 58 -- SOL F33657-96-R--3061 DUE 010397 POC For copy,, For additional
information contact C. Harman/Rakbs/ 513-255-2995 Item 0001 NSN 58PC-
- - The Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center Reconnaissance Aircraft
Systems Group (ASC/RA), Wright-Patterson AFB OH, is seeking contractors
interested in limited Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD)
and production of a ground- based particulate collection system called
the Radionuclide Aerosol Sampler Analyzer (RASA). The system will be
completely automated to collect samples of radionuclide particulate,
perform on-site analysis, and provide automated re- porting for
monitoring treaty compliance. Interested contractors will be re- quired
to further refine through limited EMD a RASA design developed by the
Dept of Energy (DOE) and propose an economically manufacturable and
support- able system. Installation of the systems will be required at
designated sites in the United States and U.S. territories. An EMD unit
for initial testing will be required in the Sep 97 timeframe with
initial production options for appro- ximately 17 units to be delivered
by 30 Sep 98. Additional production options ea. Destn: Wright Patterson
Afb Oh 45433. Item 0002 NSN 58PC-1 - - may be required in fiscal years
(FYS) 99, 00, 01 and 02. The Contractor will also be required to
provide Interim Contractor Support and Depot Maintenance for a period
of two years following acceptance of the first production unit. It has
been determined that small business can perform this effort and,
there- fore, the procurement has been set-aside, 100%, for small
business. A Pre- Qualification Assessment will be provided to all
interested potential offerors to advise them early in the acquisition
process if the Government believes they have a ''reasonable''
expectation of performing this contract requirement. The
Pre-Qualification Assessment packages will be due 15 days after posting
of this synopsis. The packages should be received not later than 1600
hrs on the 15th day at the following address: ASC/RAKB, Area B, Bldg
557, 2640 Loop Road West, WPAFB OH 45433-7106, Attn: Richard Hawkins,
(513)255-2944. A detailed descrip- tion of this process can be found on
PIXS on the internet at: ea. Destn: Wright Patterson Afb Oh 45433. Item
0003 NSN 58PC-2 - - http://www.pixs.wpafb.af.mil. Additional
requirements, documents, and govern- ment responses to industry
questions, can also be found at this site. The following e-mail address
has been established for all communications with the ASC/RA Program
Office concerning the Radionuclide Aerosol Sampler Analyzer (RASA)
requirement and the upcoming source selection: rasa@amc1mail.wpafb.af.
mil. Please respond to this ''sources sought'' notice through the
established e-mail account or by fax: (513)476-4326 or commercial
(513)255-2995, Cathy E. Harman, ASC/RAKB. ea. Destn: Wright Patterson
Afb Oh 45433. The approximate issue/response date will be 15 Nov 96.
Only small businesses will be considered for this contract. An
Ombudsman has been established for this acquisition. The only purpose
of the Ombudsman is to receive and communicate serious concerns from
potential offerors when an offeror prefers not to use established
channels to communicate his/her concern during the proposal development
phase of this acquisition. Potential offerors should use established
channels to request information, pose questions, and voice concerns
before resorting to use of the Ombudsman. Potential offerors are
invited to contact ASC's Ombudsman located at ASC/IG, ATTN: Col
Corcoran (513) 255-5245, with serious concerns only. Direct all
requests for solicitations and routine communication concerning this
acquisition to the buyer listed elsewhere in this synopsis. See Note
(s) 1. (0260) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0213 19960917\58-0009.SOL)
58 - Communication, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment Index Page