Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque Operations Office, Contracts and Procurement Division, P.O. Box 5400, Albuquerque, NM 87185-5400

R -- A--PRIVITIZATION EFFORT FOR MOBILE TREATMENT (MTU) FABRICATION AND TREATMENT OF MIXED WASTE POC Contracting Officer/Melanie J. Thomas (505) 845-6960 or Diane Kirby (505) 845-6248. This is a Sources Sought Synopsis which requests an expression of interest in and a description of capabilities from those sources interested in a contemplated competitive procurement for privatization of an MTU program. This effort consists of a basic program to fabricate two MTUs ( thermal desorption and macroencapsulation) to treat mixed waste on-site at DOE facilities located at Los Alamos National Laboratories and Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, and Pantex in Texas. Additionally, contract options are being considered to fabricate evaporative oxidation, chemical plating waste, and packed bed reactor units. Optional waste streams include each of the 3 sites listed above, as well as the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina. Types of mixed waste included in this effort are organic and inorganic debris contaminated with metals and/or liquid organics, water-reactive waste including lithium hydride and sodium and calcium metals. Optional waste streams include halogenated and nonhalogenated liquid organics, and aqueous solutions containing corrosives, metals, and/or organics. A performance based Statement of Work is contemplated. Fabricated units must meet Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Land Disposal Requirements (LDR). Work must be accomplished according to established compliance schedules. A five year effort is anticipated. During the first year (Phase I) treatment unit fabrication, testing, and demonstration shall be completed. In the following 4 years (Phase II) mixed waste treatment operations shall be completed. MTUs will be moved from one site to the next to process mixed waste. MTU design information will be provided by the Government for all units, contractor will be responsible for providing working units (except for macroencapsulation unit which is GFP) at its own expense. Alternate technologies to treat this mixed waste will be considered. Privatization effort will require 100% of costs associated with fabrication, design changes or redesign, demonstration, and test (with exception of trial burn for packed bed reactor) to be privately funded under Phase I, units must be demonstrated and proven ready to operate. Contractor will have to furnish all equipment, office space, building, etc. necessary to perform this work. A utilities stub in and a site to perform work will be provided. Phase II of this effort requires treatment of mixed waste. Phase II pricing on a fixed unit price for estimated quantities of mixed waste and on a lump sum basis for items such as mobilization, demobilization, home office expense, and trial burn for packed bed reactor is contemplated. Under privatization, recoupment of direct investment costs through processing of treated waste is acceptable. Contractor must obtain Interface Support Agreements with each DOE facility (Los Alamos, Sandia, etc.) and DOE approval prior to start of work on-site. Quantities of mixed waste to be treated will vary by waste stream and DOE facility. The majority of waste is contained in drums, mixed waste to be treated will be characterized by the DOE or its M&O contractors prior to treatment. Required items include: (1) a thermal desorption unit, or an alternative technology, to treat approximately 80 cubic meters of currently existing and 280 cubic meters projected waste volume consisting of debris including RCRA ignitable and reactive characteristics, or contaminated with and wastes including metals, and D- and F-listed materials, (2) a macroencapsulation unit, or alternative equipment, to treat approximately 80 cubic meters of currently existing and 710 cubic meters projected waste volume consisting predominantly of solid noncombustible debris, including elemental lead and scrap metal, and contaminated mainly by RCRA- listed metals, but also including small amounts of RCRA characteristic waste and D- and F-listed organics. Optional items include: (1) treating approximately 40 cubic meters of currently existing and 10 cubic meters projected volume of liquid organic waste, and minor volumes of compressed gases, including numerous D-, F-, U-, and P-listed RCRA organic wastes, contaminated with metals and characteristic wastes, (2) treating approximately 4 cubic meters of currently existing and 5 cubic meters projected volume of varied aqueous liquid mixed wastes from chemical and plating processes, exhibiting RCRA corrosive characteristics, multiple D-listed metals, and small volumes of F- and P-listed wastes, aqueous cyanides, nitrates, and chromates, and (3) treating approximately 2 cubic meters of currently existing and 23 cubic meters projected volume of varied aqueous liquid mixed waste containing ignitable and corrosive characteristic wastes, metals, and multiple D-, F-, and U-listed wastes. This is an unclassified effort. The objective of this effort is to obtain cost-effective and efficient treatment of mixed waste on schedule. Another objective is to minimize the amount of residual waste output. An expression of interest and Statement of Capabilities is requested by February 9, 1996. It is highly desirable that all potential sources have: 1) demonstrated knowledge and previous experience in treating mixed waste, 2) engineering design, development, fabrication, and testing knowledge and experience, 3) sufficient resources to privately fund Phase I effort, 4) knowledge and experience in preparing and obtaining environmental permits, 5) knowledge and experience in working or interfacing with DOE facilities, and 6) demonstrated management skills in organizing, coordinating, problem-solving, cooperating, and being responsive to customer needs. Sources meeting these requirements are requested to submit a written Statement of Capabilities describing their experience and capabilities in each of the above areas. The SOC must include the contract number, name, address, and telephone number of the contracting officer for contracts in which similar work has been performed. Please advise if the privatization approach is of interest. If you have alternate technologies (including but not limited to commercial items which have are items which have been offered or sold, leased, or licensed to the general public) which may meet the intent of this proposed procurement, please provide a brief description. The SOC is limited to 20 pages. Please identify your complete mailing address and a point of contact (name and telephone number). All SOCs must include a reference to this Synopsis No. 96-08. SOCs received later than February 9, 1996 may not be reviewed. Please send an original SOC and one copy to U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque Operations Office, Attn: CPD/Melanie Thomas, P.O. Box 5400, Albuquerque, NM 87185-5400. Fax number is (505) 845-4210. The DOE reserves the right to set-aside this procurement. Interested sources must identify if they qualify as a small business under SIC 8711. Also firms are to indicate if they are or are not an 8(a) certified firm, a socially and economically disadvantaged business, a woman-owned business. Release of a draft Request for Proposal and Pre-Proposal Conference are expected to occur prior to May 1996. A contract award is contemplated in early 1997. Reference: AL Control No. 96-08 (0025)

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