POC Contact Mr. Dan Mizelle, 334/441-5741; Contracting Officer, Gene
L. Curtis (Site Code W31XNJ) 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: A-E services are
required for four (4)Indefinite Delivery Contracts for the Energy
Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP). This announcement is open to all
businesses regardless of size. The contract will be awarded for one
year with an option to extend the contract for one additional year.
Work under the contract to be subject to satisfactory negotiation of
individual delivery orders not to exceed $150,000 each, with a total
not to exceed $750,000 during each 12-month period. If a large business
is selected for this contract, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9
regarding the requirement for a subcontracting plan for that part of
the work it intends to subcontract. The subcontracting goals for this
contract are a minimum of 52.5% of the contractor's intended
subcontract amount be placed with Small Businesses (SB), including
Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), and Women-Owned Business, 8.8% be
placed with SDB, and 3% for Women-Owned Business. The subcontracting
plan is not required with this submittal. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Each
firm submitting qualifications must indicate the region for which it
wishes to be considered. Firms must make a separate submittal for each
region for which they wish to be considered. The selected firm will be
required to perform work primarily but not exclusively in four
geographic regions of the United States: (1) South, which includes
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
(2) East, which includes Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and
Vermont. (3) Central, which includes District of Columbia, Indiana,
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. (4)
West, which includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii,
Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North
Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Pacific Islands
(specifically wajalein Atoll), South Dakota, Utah, Washington,
Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The Contracting Officer may award delivery
orders outside a contractor's geographical area, if necessary.
Contracting Officer authority may be transferred to other Corps of
Engineer districts for specific delivery orders, if necessary. The
Contracts will be for A-E services to perform energy conservation
studies and water conservation studies at specific Army installations,
to perform generic energy studies which may apply to any installation,
and to develop generalized scopes of work for energy and water
conservation studies. All work under these contracts will be part of
the Army's Energy Engineering Analysis Program (EEAP). 3. SELECTION
CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general selection process. The selection
criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by
major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria A thru D are
primary. Criteria E thru G are secondary and will only be used as
''tie-breakers'' among technically equal firms. A. Professional
Qualifications: The contract will require the following disciplines
with registration required for Engineering and Architecture: (1)
Mechanical Engineer; (2) Electrical Engineer; (3) Illumination Engineer
or lighting consultant; (4) Civil Engineer (utilities); (5)
Architecture; (6) Cost Estimator(s). Evaluation of each discipline will
consider education, registration, and relevant experience. Resumes
(Block 7 of the SF 255) must be provided for these disciplines,
including consultants. Use the nomenclature for disciplines as noted in
this advertisement. Additional evaluation factors are provided in order
of importance. B. Specialized experience and technical competence in:
(1) Army's Energy Engineering Analysis Program. Experience in design
and life cycle cost analysis of: (2) HVAC for commercial,
institutional, and government buildings; (3) Central cooling and
heating plants; (4) electrical distrubution; (5) peak shaving; (6)
utility monitoring and control systems; (7) Indoor and outdoor
lighting; (8) Water distribution systems; (8) In Block 10 of the SF 255
describe the firms' quality management plan, including the team's
organization including an organizational chart, quality assurance, cost
control, and coordination of the in-house work with consultants. C.
Capacity to Accomplish the Work: Capacity to perform multiple taskings
concurrently (three (3)concurrent delivery orders of $100,000 each);
D. Past Performance: Past performance on DOD and other contracts with
respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with
performance schedules; E. Geographic Location: Geographic location with
respect to the region under consideration. F. Small Business, Small
Disadvantaged Business, and Women Owned Business Participation: Extent
of participation of Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses,
Women Owned Businesses, Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
and Minority Institutions in the proposed contract team, measured as
a percentage of the total estimated effort; G. Equitable Distribution
of DOD contracts: Volume of DOD contract awards in the last 12 months
as described in Note 24. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: See Note 24 for
general submissions requirements. Firms must submit a copy of their SF
254 and SF 255, and a copy of each consultant's SF 254. The 11/92
edition of the forms must be used, and may be obtained from the
Government Printing Office. These must be received in the Mobile
District Office (CESAM-EN-MN) not later than close of business on the
30th day after the date of publication of this solicitation in the
Commerce Business Daily. If the 30th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or
Federal holiday, the deadline is the close of business on the next
business day. Regulations requires that any submittals received after
this date cannot be considered by the Selection Board. Include ACASS
number in Block 3b and RFP Number in Block 2b of the SF 255.
Solicitation packages are not provided. This is not a request for
proposal. As required by acquisition regulations, interviews for the
purpose of discussing prospective contractors' qualifications for the
contract will be conducted only for those firms(0348) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0027 19951215\C-0009.SOL)
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