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Phillips Laboratory/PKVB, 2251 Maxwell SE, Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773

A -- A BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA) FOR ADVANCED SPACE & MISSILES TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SOL BAA-96-01 PT 2 OF 3 POC Sherry Freeman, Contract Specialist (505-846-7201), Floyd R. Martinez, Contracting Officer (505-846-4967). BAA 96-01 Page 2 of 3 (6) SATELLITE CONTROL AND SIMULATION - This area covers satellite control, and modeling and simulation. (i) Satellite control technology: This area includes primarily software technologies designed to reduce O & M cost and improve performance of satellite control ground and space segments. This areas also covers telemetry, tracking, and commanding (TT&C), telemetry front-end data processing, telemetry wavetrain definition, anomaly detection, diagnosis and resolution, failure prediction, operator training, and resource scheduling for both ground and space based assets such as antennas, control stations, communication channels and spacecraft modules. Proposals are sought for innovative research related to generic telemetry decommutation systems based on commodity hardware, domain specific software for anomaly/non-anomaly pattern recognition, case-based, model-based on probalistic reasoning methods for anomaly diagnosis and resolution, intelligent computer assisted operator instruction, and domain specific algorithms and heuristics for scheduling ground and space based assets. Offerors are expected to have both software technology expertise and domain specific knowledge. (ii) Modeling and Simulation: This area covers technology for advanced modeling and simulation techniques for satellite subsystems and payloads, ground control, launch, communications, Advanced Distributed Simulation (ADS) interaction, and insertion of space assets into war games. Proposals are solicited for ADS simulation work incorporating space forces, interfacing space representation into large scale campaign models, and representing space simulation data in various theater/operational scenarios. Offerors are expected to have both modeling and simulation as well as domain specific knowledge. Funding is estimated at 2-4 man-years. Proposals accepted during the first quarter for the Satellite Control area, second quarter for Modeling and Simulation. Technical point of contact: Satellite Control, PL/VTQ, Nancy Crowley, (505) 846-0461,, email: crowleyn@plk.af.mil, Modeling and Simulatin, PL/VTQ, Dr. Rich DeJonckheere (505) 846-5054, email: dejonckr@plk.af.mil (7) SPACE SENSORS AND SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS - This area covers all technologies associated with space sensors (active and passive) and satellite communications. Interest lies in innovative research to develop large, lightweight, multi-band space-based radar antennas for reconnaissance and surveillance spacecraft to enable broad area, all weather, day-night, non-deniable reconnaissance and surveillance capability for the war-fighter. Development of advanced radar signal processing, automatic target recognition, and cross cueing technologies for space-based surveillance systems. Development of infrared detector materials for single and multicolor detectors with fewer defects and improved efficiency to provide reliable missile warning & tracking by detection of dim targets, increased detection range, and improved clutter suppression. Development of low power infrared detector readout electronics and cryogenic optical links to reduce sensor spacecraft power requirements by more than half and radiator weight, improving the affordability and operability of space based missile warning and reconnaissance and surveillance satellites. Development of technologies which reduce weight and improve performance of SATCOM components and systems including RF and laser communications crosslinks, up/down data communications, and payload/bus networks.. Proposals accepted during all quarters. Technical point of contact: PL/VTR, Keith Shrock, (505) 846-7248 (8) STRUCTURES AND CONTROLS - This area covers all structures and structural control technologies associated with satellites and ballistic missiles including, composite e-beam processing technology, advanced lightweight antenna structures, including inflatable structures, launch vibration isolation and jitter reduction, smart mechanisms, magnetically-suspended momentum transfer devices, combined space effects, vibration suppression and control of precision space structures, integrated structural modeling and design tools, expert systems for launch and on-orbit operations, and advanced spacecraft components, such as lightweight solar arrays, carbon-carbon thermal radiators, and precision optical components. Proposals in launch vehicle structures technology such as lightweight interstage fairings and payload shroud, composite cryogenic tank, advanced thrust structure and vehicle health onitoring are also solicited. Funding is estimated at 1-8 man-years. Proposals accepted during all quarters. Technical point of contact: PL/VTS, Kevin Slimak, (505) 846-8252, FAX (505) 846-8265, email: slimakk@plk.af.mil. (9) ADVANCED SPACELIFT TECHNOLOGY - This area covers Low Cost Expendable Upper Stage and Launch Vehicle Systems. Effort is required to explore the technical feasibility and life cycle cost savings of next generation, Minimum Cost Design (MCD) upper stages tailored for Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs). A high-density liquid propellant upper stage/payload stack is envisioned to stage out of an RLV's payload bay, exoatmospherically, at Mach 15-20. Initial studies have shown that such a maneuver (''pop-up'') can substantially augment ''a single stage to orbit'' RLV's LEO payload delivery. Upper stage MCD technology is potentially applicable to Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV) upper stages, small ELV boosters, theater target missiles, and/or spacecraft maneuvering modules. Test hardware could employ any of the above applications as long as upper stage technical requirements are clearly demonstrated. There is interest in conducting a two phase initiative: 1) an RLV upper stage requirements definition phase, and 2) a follow-on hardware design, fabrication, and demonstration phase. Funding is estimated at (1 man-year for requirements definition and 10-15 man-years for hardware demonstration. Proposals accepted during all quarters. Technical point of contact: PL/VT-X, Capt Fred Kennedy, Upper Stage Systems, (505) 846-8927 ext. 144, FAX (505) 846-8930, email: kennedyf@plk.af.mil C - PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall include an Executive Summary, Program Description, Program Plan, Milestone Chart, Facilities and Equipment description, description of Relevant Prior Work, Management Plan, and Resumes of Key Individuals. The technical proposal shall also include a Statement of Work detailing the technical tasks to be accomplished under the proposed effort and be suitable for contract incorporation. 2) Cost Proposal: The cost proposal/price breakdown shall be prepared in accordance with FAR 15.804-6 and shall be on a Standard Form 1411 or in a format which includes the same information needed to complete a SF 1411, together with supporting schedules and person-hour breakdown per task. 3) Deliverable Items: Data deliverables shall be propsed that will adequately provide the government with sufficient information to ascertain the effectiveness of the offerors operations. 4) Other requirements: (a) Public Law 98-94 may be applicable to this program. Offerors must submit a DD Form 2345, Export Controlled DoD Technical Data Agreement, to the Commander, Defense Logistics Service Center, Attn: DLSC-FBA Federal Center, Battle Creek MI 49117-3084, (800) 352-3572, for certification. The offeror is required to submit a copy of the approved DD Form 2345, including the required certification acceptance, to the buyer with EACH proposal. Failure to submit this certification may result in non-consideration for award, if it is determined to apply to the proposed effort. Offerors shall certify in their proposal that they will comply with all provisions of this law. (b) International Trade in Arms Restrictions (ITAR) may apply. Offerors must have appropriate ITAR clearances, if applicable. (c) Foreign owned firms are advised they will be considered as possible prime contractors if they are certified contractors or are from countries that have signed an international agreement with the U.S. government that covers the technology areas mentioned. 5) General Information: (a) Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision in FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. (b) Technical and Cost proposals, submitted in separate volumes, are required and must be valid for a period of not less than 180 days. Proposals must reference the above BAA number, include a unique proposal identification number, identify the subject area of the proposal, and the applicable PL Division. The technical proposal shall be limited to 70 pages (12 pitch or larger type), double spaced, single -sided, 8.5 by 11 inch pages. The page limitation includes all information i.e., indices, photographs, foldouts, appendices, attachments, resumes etc. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be considered by the government. The cost proposal has no page limitation. However, offerors are encouraged to keep cost proposals to a goal of 15 pages. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or presentations beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired. Proposals shall be submitted in an original and 5 copies with the orignal being clearly marked in such a manner as to distinguish it from the copies. Proposals shall be submitted to Phillips Laboratory/PKVB, Attn: Sherry Freeman, 2251 Maxwell SE, Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773. Do not send proposals to any other address or it may not be acknowledged or considered for award. (c) This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the government to pay for proposal preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or to any other contract. However, it may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. (d) If a subcontract(s) with a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) is proposed, offerors are reminded of the limitations in their use (see FAR 35.017) and must provide documentation in the proposal that the work is not otherwise available from the private sector. (e) Each proposal shall reflect the potential for commercial application and the benefits expected to accrue from this commercialization.. (f) Offerors are reminded to contact the technical point of contact to verify interest in the effort to be proposed and funding availability PRIOR to committing any resources to the preparation of any proposals in response to this announcement. Discussions with any of the points of contact shall not constitute a commitment by the government to subsequently fund or award any proposed effort. Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the government. (g) Refer to the ''Proprietary Information'' and ''When and How to Submit'' sections of the Air Force Material Command Unsolicited Proposal Guide from each activity's publication distribution office. The AFMC Form 91 is not applicable to BAA's. D - BASIS FOR AWARD: Proposals for efforts which comply with the requirements identified in this announcement will be competitively evaluated. Proposals will be classified into one of the following three categories: (a) Category I - Well conceived, scientifically and technically sound proposals pertinent to program goals and objectives, and offered by a responsible contractor with the competent scientific and technical staff and supporting resources needed to ensure satisfactory program results. Proposals in Category I are recommended for acceptance and normally will be displaced only by other Category I proposals. (b) Category II - Scientifically or technically sound proposals that may require further development and can be recommended for acceptance, but are at a lower priority than Category I. Proposals in this category are not always funded. (c) Category III - Proposals are recommended for rejection for the particular announcement under consideration. The selection of one or more proposals for award will be based upon an evaluation of an offerors response (both technical and cost) to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to the announcement and the availability of funds. Technical proposals will be evaluated using the following factors in descending order of importance: (i) demonstrated technical and scientific merit, (ii) impact of successful development on the performance of space systems, (iii) feasibility of accomplishing tasks per schedule, (iv) qualifications and capabilities of key personnel, (v) offerors capabilities and recent experience/performance . Cost proposals will be evaluated using the following factors: (i) reasonableness and realism, (ii) industry contributions (cost sharing). Technical considerations are more important than cost. No further evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals. The Government reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received. (0326)

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