response to acquisition reform initiatives, the Defense Standards
Improvement Council tasked activities responsible for preparing and
maintaining military specifications and standsards to closely review
their documents and propose dispositions. The following is a list of
military standards these activities indicated should be canceled.
Objections to the cancellation of any of these documents should be sent
to Ms. Trudie Williams in the Defense Standardization Program Division,
5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1403, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 by
September 29, 1995. Doc Num: MIL-STD-12D Truncated Title: Abbreviations
for Use on Drawings, Specifications Standards & in Technical Documents.
MIL-STD-14A: Architectural Symbols. MIL-STD-15/2 NOT 1: Electrical
Wiring Equipment Symbols for Ships' Plans Part 2. MIL-STD-17A(1):
Mechanical Symbols. MIL-STD-17/1B(1): Mechanical Symbols. MIL-STD-29A:
Spring, Mechanical, Drawing Requirements for. MIL-STD-102B:
Anti-Friction Bearing Identification Code. MIL-STD-168B NOT 1: Visual
Inspection Guide for All-Rubber Gloves Except Surgical. MIL-STD-172C
NOT 1: Color Code for Containers of Liquid Propellants. MIL-STD-178A
NOT 1: Definition Applicable to Speed-Governing of Electric Generator
Set. MIL-STD-187/310: Standards for Long Haul Communications Switching
Planning Standards for the Defense Communication. MIL-STD-187/320:
Standards for Long Haul Communications Transmission Planning Standards
for the Defense Communication. MIL-STD-188/100(3): Common Long Haul
and Tactical Communication System Technical Standards. MIL-STD-188/194:
Integrated Services Digital Network Profile. MIL-STD-188/318: System &
Subsystem Design & Engineering & Equipment Technical Standards for
Closed Circuit TV. MIL-STD-188/331: Interoperability and Performance
Standard for Video Teleconferencing. MIL-STD-188/340(1): Equipment
Technical Design Standards for Voice Orderwire Multiplex.
MIL-STD-188/342: Standards for Long Haul Communications Equipment
Technical Design Standards for Voice Frequency. MIL-STD-190C:
Identifications Marking of Rubber Products. MIL-STD-195(1) NOT 2:
Marking of Connections for Electric Assemblies. MIL-STD-200K(1):
Electron Tube Selection of. MIL-STD-205 NOT 1: Frequencies for Electric
Power. MIL-STD-242/1H: Electronic Equipment Parts Selected Standards
Synchros, Blowers, and Acoustical (PART 1). MIL-STD-242/2H NOT 1:
Electronic Equipment Parts Selected Standards Crystals, Delay Lines,
Coils, and Transformers. MIL-STD-242/3H NOT 2: Electronic Equipment
Parts Selected Standards Resistors (Part 3). MIL-STD-242/4G NOT 1:
Electronic Equipment Parts, selected Standards for Capacitors (Part 4).
MIL_STD-242/7G NOT 1: Electronic Equipment Parts, selected
Standards-Switches. MIL-STD-242/9J: Electronic Equipment Parts Selected
Standards Circuit Breakers, Fuses, Lamps, & Meters (Part 9).
MIL-STD-255B: Electric Voltages Alternating and Direct Current.
MIL-STD-277(1): Static Acceptance Test for Light Output of Flash
Munitions. MIL-STD-284A: Visual Inspection Guide for Rubber Footwear.
MIL-STD-295: Bill of Material Preparation of. MIL-STD-372 NOT 1:
Welding, Gas Metal-Arc and Gas Tungsten-Arc, Aluminum Alloys, Readily
Weldable for Structures. DOD-STD-396: Weapon Caliber and Ammunition,
Metric System for Identification of. MIL-STD-417A NOT 3: Classification
System and Tests for Solid Elastomeric Materials. MIL-STD-606A: Helmet
Welders'; Shield, Welding, Hand Held and Lenses, Helmet. MIL-STD-627A:
Sprocket Wheels for Power Transmission and Conveying Chains.
MIL-STD-645B NOT 1: Dip Brazing of Aluminum Alloy. MIL-STD-670B NOT 1:
Classification System and Tests for Cellular Elastomeric Materials.
MIL-STD-708: Formula for Binder Solution. MIL-STD-717 NOT 1: Formula
for Binder Solution II. MIL-STD-725A(1) NOT 4: Method of Marking Scales
for Sights and Fire Control Instruments. MIL-STD-731A(1): Quality of
Wood Members for Containers and Pallets. MIL-STD-739A(1): Trailer and
Semitrailers, Commercial. MIL-STD-771C NOT 1: Damage Control Books for
Auxiliary and Miscellaneous Ships, Preparation for. MIL-STD-772C(1):
Damage Control Books for Warships and Miscellaneous Large Ships,
Preparation of. MIL-STD-782D NOT 1: Reconnaissance/Mapping Data Making.
MIL-STD-783D: Legends for Use in Aircrew Stations and on Airborne
Equipment. MIL-STD-787: Joint Optical Range Instrumentation Type
Designation System. MIL-STD-850B NOT 1: Aircrew Station Vision
Requirement for Military Aircraft. MIL-STD-858: Testing Standard for
Personnel Parachutes. MIL-STD-872(1): Test Requirements and Procedues
for Aircraft Emergency Ground and Ditching Escape Provisions.
MIL-STD-877(1) Antenna Subsystem, Airborne, Criteria for Design and
Location of. MIL-STD-908: Provisions for Evaluating the Quality of
Spare Parts for Mechanical & Textile End Items. MIL-STD-912: Physical
Ear Noise Attenuation Testing. MIL-STD-964(1): Manufacture and
Packaging of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals and Biological Products.
MIL-STD-1005 NOT 1: Renovation, Cleaning and Glazing of Bake Pans.
MIL-STD-1163: Lithographic Chemicals. MIL-STD-1169B NOT 1: Packaging,
Packing and Marking for Shipment of Inert Ammunition Components.
MIL-STD-1201C: Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol), Technical and Denatured Grades.
MIL-STD-1210B: Fog an Ice Preventive Compounds. MIL-STD-1212A:
Industrial Safety Belts, Straps, and Related Equipment. MIL-STD-1215B:
Water Purification Compounds. MIL-STD-1216A: Preventive Compounds
(Corrosion) and Inhibitors. MIL-STD-1221B: Protective Compounds (For
Personnel). MIL-STD-1226A NOT 1: Engine, Gas, Air Cooled, Ind Type,
1-1/2 BHP MILSTD, Model 1A08 Install Procedures. MIL-STD-1227B(1) NOT
2: Engine, Gasoline, Air-cooled, 3 BHP, 4-Cycle, Military Design, Model
2A016. Installation Procedures. MIL-STD-1252: Inertia Friction Welding
Process, Procedure and Performance Qualification. MIL-STD-1256A(1):
Rubber Coated Parts for Machine Gun, 7.62MM, M60. MIL-STD-1258 NOT 1:
Chromium Plated 5,56MM, 7.62MM, and Caliber .30 Small Arms Barrel
Bores. MIL-STD-1261C(1): Arc Welding Procedures for Constructional
Steels. MIL-STD-1267 NOT 1: Dimensioning of Barrel Chambers of Small
Arms Weapons. MIL-STD-1270A(1): Patching of Wood Stocks for The 7.62MM,
M14 and M14E2 Rifles. MIL-STD-1272A: Door Hardware, Vehicular.
MIL-STD-1278 NOT 2: filters, Light, Photographic. MIL-STD-1281:
Internal Transient Control for Solid State Power Supplies.
MIL-STD-1285B: Marking of Electrical and Electronic Parts.
MIL-STD-1306A: Fluerics Terminology and Symbols. MIL-STD-1343: Glossary
of Terms For Electronic and Weapons Control Interface Functions (Naval
Ship Combat Systems). MIL-STD-1348: Knob, Control Selection of.
MIL-STD-1353B(4) NOT 4: Electrical Connectors, Plug-In Sockets and
Associated Hardware, Selection and Use of. MIL-STD-1361A: Fluidics Test
Methods and Instrumentation. DOD-STD-1371B: Inspection Procedure for
Use of Anaerobic Thread Locking Compounds with Studs. MIL-STD-1372A(1):
Process for Soldering Accident Dosimeter to Film Badge Holder for
Radiac Detecting Element. MIL-STD-1373(4): Screw-Thread, Modified, 60
Deg. Stub, Double. MIL-STD-1399/102A: Interface Standard for Shipboard
Systems Section 102 Low Pressure Dry Air Service For Surface.
MIL-STD-1399/105 NOT 1: Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems
Section 105 Sea Water Service for Surface Ships. MIL-STD-1399/1068:
Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems Section 106 Compressed Air
Service for Surface Ships. DOD-STD-1399/204A: Interface Standard For
Shipboard Section 204A Ambient Air Conditions in Surface Ship.
DOD-STD-1399/533 (1) NOT 1: Interface Standard For Shipboard Systems
Section 533 Potable Water Service (Metric). MIL-STD-1399/534(1) NOT 2:
Interface Standard For Shipboard Systems Section 534 Auxiliary Steam
Service, Surface Ships. MIL-STD-1401(1): Engine Gasoline, Air Cooled,
20 BHP, 4 Cycle, Military Design, Model 4A084 Installation Procedures.
MIL-STD-1402(1) NOT 2: Engine, Gasoline, Air Cooled, 20 BHP, 4 Cycle,
Military Design, Model 4A084 Installation Procedures. MIL-STD-1410A:
Methods for Selection of Industrial Engines for End Item Application.
MIL-STD-1422A: Mask, Chemical Biological. MIL-STD-1424: Hydrogen Ion
Meters. MIL-STD-1427A: Activated Desiccants (Metric). MIL-STD-1433B:
Climber Sets, Tree and Pole. MIL-STD-1434A: Goggles (Metric).
MIL-STD-1439 NOT 1: Thickened Hydrocarbon Flame Fuels, Consistency of,
Mobilometer Test. MIL-STD-1440A: Test Facility for Determining Percent
Agent Recovery. MIL-STD-1442A: Inorganic Peroxides, Technical Grade.
MIL-STD-1453: Ballistic Standards and Test Method for Evaluating and
Selecting 5.56MM Ammunition for M16/M1. MIL-STD-1478: Task Performance
Analysis. MIL-STD-1493: Contractual Service Requirements for Automatic
Dishwashing Machine Accessory Equipment and Supplies. MIL-STD-1529(1):
Vendor Substantiation for Aerospace Propulsion System Items.
MIL-STD-1549A: Common Termination System for Electrical and Electronic
Parts. MIL-STD-1555 NOT 1: Aircrew Station Displays and Associated
Equipment, Definitions of. MIL-STD-1592 NOT 1: Mockups, Air Vehicle
Engines, Construction & Inspection of. MIL-STD-1598: Studs Preferred
For Design, Listing of. MIL-STD-1606A: Technical Information
Requirements for Air Launched Guided Missile Proposals. MIL-STD-1621A
NOT 1: Acoustical and Vibrational Standard Reference Quantities.
MIL-STD-16348 NOT 3: Module Descriptions for the Standard Electronic
Modules Program. MIL-STD-1646B: Servicing Tools for Electric Contracts
and Connections, Selection and Use of. MIL-STD-1648A NOT 1: Criteria
& Test Procedure for Ordinance Exposed to an Aircraft Fuel Fire.
MIL-STD-1653A NOT 1: Power Cable Assemblies. MIL-STD-1659: Sealing
Condition of Ammunition Primer Tube Flash Holes. MIL-STD-1671 NOT 1:
Schematic Wiring Diagram (External DC Power Connector, Aircraft).
MIL-STD-1681: Fabrication, Welding, And Inspection of HY-130 Submarine
Hull. MIL-STD-1695: Environments, Working, Minimum Standards for.
MIL-STD-1761 NOT 1: Fastener Recess Test, Method For Damage Tolerance
Evaluation. MIL-STD-1774 NOT 1: Process For Cleaning Hydrazine Systems
and Components. MIL-STD-1775 NOT 1: Propellant,
Hydrazine-Uns-Dimethylhydrazine 50/50 Blend. MIL-STD-1777: Internet
Protocol. MIL-STD-1778 NOT 1: Transmission Control Protocol.
MIL-STD-1780: File Transfer Protocol. MIL-STD-1781: Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol. MIL-STD-1782: Telnet Protocol. MIL-STD-1788A:
Avionics Interface Design Standard. MIL-STD-1801: User/Computer
Interface (Controlled Distribution). MIL-STD-1816: Preservation,
Packaging, and Packing of Rubber and Nylon Fuel, Oil, and Water-Alcohol
Cells. MIL-STD-1819: Performance Evaluation For Plasma Spray Masking
Tape. MIL-STD-1875: Ultrasonic Inspection, Requirements for.
MIL-STD-1907(1): Inspection, Liquid Penetrant And Magnetic Particle,
Soundness, Requirements for Materials, Parts, and Weldments.
MIL-STD-1946A(2): Welding of Aluminum Alloy Armor. DOD-STD-2003(1) NOT:
Electric Plant Installation Standard Methods for Surface Ship and
Submarine (Controlled Dist). MIL-STD-2065: Test Methods for Still
Photographic Equipment (Less Optics). MIL-STD-2072: Survivability,
Aircraft, Establishment and Conduct of Programs for. MIL-STD-2076 NOT
1: Unit Under Test Compatibility With Automatic Test Equipment General
Requirements for. MIL-STD-2078: Requirement for Preparation of Support
Equipment Depot Level Rework Standards. MIL-STD-2081 NOT 1: Assembly
Procedures, Gimbal. MIL-STD-2082A(1) NOT 1: Assembly Procedures, Gyro.
MIL-STD-2094 NOT 1: Missile Guidance Set, Aim/Rim-7M, First Article
Tests. MIL-STD-2095 NOT1: Missile Guidance Set, Aim/Rim-7M, Production
Verification Test. MIL-STD-2114: Electro Acoustical, Mechanical and
Environmental Test Methods for Audio or Acoustical Component Parts.
MIL-STD-2120 NOT 1: Connectors, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Filter Contact. MIL-STD-2126A: Reduced Smoke Rocket Motor Processing &
Test Procedures (Sidewinder). DOD-STD-2144 NOT 1: Induction Clutches,
Low Magnetic Field Design of (Metric). MIL-STD-2149A(1): Standard
Procedures for Explosion Testing Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallic
Materials and Weldments. MIL-STD-2172 NOT 1: Aeronautical Equipment
Service Record. MIL-STD-2189-302-1: Design Methods for Naval ShipBoard
Systems Section 302-1 AC Motor and Controller Application.
MIL-STD-2189-305-1: Design Methods for Naval ShipBoard Systems Section
305-1 Designation and Marking of Electric System. MIL-STD-2189-210-1:
Design Methods for Naval ShipBoard Systems Section 310-1 Electric
System Load and Power Analysis for Surface Ships. MIL-STD-2189-314-4:
Design Methods for Naval ShipBoard Systems Section 314-4 400 Hertz
Power System Test Procedures. MIL-STD-2196: Glossary, Fiber Optics.
MIL-STD-2200: Requirements for Employing Standard Enclosure Systems. Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0712 19950913\SP-0001.MSC)
SP - Special Notices Index Page