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Procurement and Contracts Division Oak Ridge Operations, U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box 2001, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8758

P -- ANALYSIS AND REPACKING OF TRANSURANIC WASTE DUE 063095 POC Contact, Robert E. French, Contracting Officer, (615) 576-4849 This is a revision of a notice previously published for the same services. Oak Ridge Operations, The United States Department of Energy, is seeking expressions of interest for the analysis and repacking of contact-handled transuranic wastepresentl y stored at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The waste inventory consists of approximately 2,500 55-gallon drums, primarily 55-gallon DOT-17H stainless steel drums, plus some wooden and metal boxes. The total radioactiveinven tory is estimated to be about 100,000 curies. Analysis and repackaging of the drums and boxes is required to meet the waste acceptance criteria for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico. Significant uncertainties exist withres pect to the characterization of the wastes and the waste acceptance criteria which may not be finalized for several years. The scope of the proposed work consists of all activities required to certify the material for disposal at the WIPP, andincludes: data package preparation; RTR analysis of the containers; repacking of containers to deal with situations such as excess free liquids, non-radionuclide pyrophorics, compressed gases, and explosives and to verify contents and assays of selectedcontaine rs for statistical control of the certification process; radioassay; headspace gas analysis; and certification of the waste. Contact-handled waste by definition is waste with radiation readings less that 200 mrem/hr dose rate at the surface of theconta iner. Contact-handled waste as used in this announcement does not mean that the contents if the containers are also contact-handled. Some of the containers are known to contain liquids, lead, lead and liquids, mercury alone or with lead or liquids,and in some cases, remote-handled source materials which have been shielded with lead. The containers on the basis or the certification program may end up as tansuranic waste of as low-level waste. Some containers are known to contain U-233, Cm-244,and/o r Cf-252. Most of the waste is suspect or known RCRA-regulated hazardous waste. Expressions of interest should be directed to Robert E. French, Procurement and Contracts Division, Post Office Box 2001, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-8758 by June 30,1995, and should include: RCRA license status; NRC license status particularly for handling transuranics; historical costs of analysis and repackaging any radioactive materials similar to this contact-handled transuranic waste; proposal for handlinguncertai nties in waste characterization and waste acceptance criteria; and information on capabilities to ship and receive contact-handled low-level and/or tansuranic waste at The Department of Energy's facility.(0145)

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