COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MAY 17,1995 PSA#1348United States Department of State, Moscow Embassy Buildings Control
Office, P.O. Box 13350, Rosslyn Station, 1701 N. Fort Myer Drive,
S-MEBCO-95-R-0300. Due 062295. Contact: F. Bunke or E. O'Neil
703/875-5797. The United States Department of State, Moscow Embassy
Buildings Control Office (MEBCO), 1701 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1037,
P.O. Box 13350, Rosslyn Station, Arlington, Virginia 22219,
anticipates award of a lump sum fixed price design-build contract for
the New Secure Chancery Facilities (SCF) in Moscow, Russia. TOP SECRET
facility and personnel clearances together with SECRET safeguarding
capability are required to participate in the acquisition procedure.
The urgency and security sensitive nature of this project preclude
delay. Sources which do not hold required security clearances by July
31, 1995 will be ineligible for further consideration. This will permit
firms to take action to reactivate previously held TOP SECRET facility
clearance and personnel clearance levels pursuant to National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DOD 5220-22-M) dated
January 1995, provided it has been less than two (2) years since the
clearances were held and the firm and personnel remain qualified. The
Government assumes no responsibility for the cost of responding to this
notice nor can it guarantee that a contract will be awarded. The New
Embassy Complex (NEC) in Moscow encompasses eight buildings totaling
770,000 Square Feet, seven of which are occupied. The NEC provides
housing for 134 families, a school, Marine Security Guard quarters,
offices, service and recreational facilites for the embassy.
Construction was terminated on the partially completed New Office
Building (NOB) in 1985. NOB is centered among the other buildings. NEC
will remain in full operation during the entire SCF project. SCF is
presently being designed by a TOP SECRET cleared architectural and
engineering firm which will design to Project Definition detail. The
successful General Contractor will: prepare Construction Documentation
pursuant to the classified Project Definition; demolish a five story
40,000 Square Foot precast concrete and brick building on an adjacent
lot; furnish, erect and operate a construction camp on the adjacent lot
to house, feed and provide recreation for up to 200 contractor
personnel; mobilize TOP SECRET cleared personnel and provide their
transport to and from Moscow; demolish the upper two floors of the
eight story steel reinforced precast concrete and brick NOB; erect a
new structural steel four story frame on top of the remaining NOB
(creating a ten story building), interfacing with the precast
reinforced concrete frame of NOB and with other building systems;
complete the entire building including the lower six floors; establish
and operate a secure consolidation and packing warehouse in the U.S.;
provide secure logistics including acquisition of American materials,
packing and shipment to Moscow; outfit and operate a Government
furnished secure warehouse in Moscow; and assurance of impeccable
project security including operation of a subcontracted American guard
force. The contract value is estimated to exceed $150 million with
total SCF size approximately 200,000 Square Feet. Contract award target
is Spring, 1996 and contract completion target in Summer, 1999. Method
of selection of the General Contractor is as follows: (1) Interested
sources shall respond to this CBD Synopsis with certification of and
partial evidence of eligibility under Section 402 of the Omnibus
Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, P.L.99-399
(hereafter referred to as the Omnibus Act) (criteria follow) and
expiration date and CAGE number of applicable security clearances for
proposed prime contractors and co-venturer(s); (2) Sources that are
eligible under the Omnibus Act based on this CBD brief description of
the project and have at least a SECRET facility clearance will be
issued a Request for Information (RFI) which will contain greater
detail of the project with a request for more specific information
concerning such major categories as management, design, construction,
security and logistics resources and experience relevant to the SCF
project. The RFI will be limited to technical issues, no price. The RFI
will provide some detail as to terms and conditions of the contract
including award fee and partnering provisions. To be evaluated under
the RFI, respondents must be eligible for contract awards under the
Omnibus Act and have required TOP SECRET clearances by July 31, 1995.
Respondents will be evaluated pursuant to stated criteria to determine
the three best qualified sources; (3) The three sources determined to
be best qualified will be sent a classified RFP containing the Project
Definition which will have been completed by that date and the terms
and conditions of the contract. The three firms will tailor their
proposed resources and technical plans to the Project Definition, terms
and conditions and propose a lump sum fixed price. Offers will be
evaluated and contract award will be consummated to the best source,
qualifications and price considered pursuant to stated evaluation
criteria. The acquisition procedure is intended to maximize competition
while minimizing to the extent possible the base of exposure of
national secrets and the time incident to contract award. The contract
is being negotiated, however, under the two justifications for other
than full and open competition: National Security, 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(6)
and Unusual and Compelling Urgency, U.S.C. 253(c)(2). Mandatory
Omnibus Act criteria are briefly listed below for ready reference and
for use in your determination of eligibility under the Omnibus Act. If
you believe that you meet the criteria you will need to submit a form
entitled ``Prequalification Certification of Eligibility'' which may
be requested from E.P. O'Neil, telephone 703-875-5729 or FAX
703-875-7068. Please provide your FAX number. Only United States
persons and qualified United States Joint venture persons are eligible
under the Omnibus Act. The term United States person means a person
which: (A) is incorporated or legally organized under the laws of the
United States, including State, the District of Columbia, and local
laws; (B) has its principal place of business in the United States; (C)
has been incorporated or legally organized in the United States for
more than five years before this CBD announcement; (D) has performed
within the United States administrative and technical, professional, or
construction services similar in complexity, type of construction, and
value to the project being bid; (E) has achieved total business volume
equal to or greater than the value of the project being bid in three
years of the five year period before the date specified in subparagraph
(C); (F)(i) employs United States citizens in at least 80 percent of
its principal management positions in the United States, (ii) employs
United States citizens in more than half of its permanent full-time
positions in the United States, and (iii) will employ United States in
100% of the supervisory positions on the project site (TOP SECRET
clearances are required for all American personnel on site including
workers); and (G) has the existing technical and financial resources in
the United States to perform the contract; and the term ``qualified
United States joint venture person'' means a joint venture in which a
United States person or persons owns at least 51 percent of the assets
of the joint venture. The Omnibus Act limits subcontracting - A prime
contractor may not subcontract more than 50 percent of the total value
of its contract. No person doing business with Libya is eligible to
participate. For purpose of criteria (D) above examples of relevant
experience include: design on a Computer Aided Design and Drafting
(CADD) assisted process with fully integrated design capability for
architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural, security systems
including RF shielding and civil disciplines; assurance of impeccable
security and operation of a subcontracted American guard force;
international construction of office buildings of similar size and
value and in similar climatic conditions; demolition and construction
in close proximity to occupied offices and housing; specialized
experience in security systems including RF shielding, communications
systems, blast and other physical and technical security systems;
furnishing, erection and operation of construction camps; and secure
logistics including acquisition, warehousing, packing and containerized
intermodal international shipping. Firms that meet the requirements
described in this announcement and desire to receive the RFI shall
submit the Prequalification Certification of Elgibility with
attachments as appropriate. Submittals must be received by 4:00 pm
local time on June 22, 1995 in the MEBCO office identified above.
Questions concerning this notice may be FAX'd to 703-875-7068,
Attention Fred B. Bunke or mailed or hand delivered to the above
address. (135) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0098 19950516\Y-0001.SOL)
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