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U.S. Department of Energy, Savannah River Operations Office, Office of Community Outreach, P.O. Box A, Aiken, SC 29802

X -- PRIVATIZATION OF GOVERNMENT FACILITIES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POC Mark Eidson, Telephone (803) 0725-652-1850. This is a notice of intent to privatize use of certain U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) facilities for economic development. The DOE Savannnah River Operations Office (SR), located near Aiken, South Carolina, has identified facilities and related property in its 300 M Area which may have potential use by the private sector that will result in regional economic development. Historically, this area and related facilities were used for the manufacture of nuclear core components. Specifically, the Department has identified the 320 M facility for immediate consideration and the 321 M facility for future consideration. The 320 M facility was constructed in 1953 of a steel frame and transite siding and has 63,000 square feet of floor space. The 320 M facility contains a forty year old, 2,750 ton capacity, horizontal hydraulic extrusion press and ancillary support equipment that were used for the manufacture of reactor control and safety components. This equipment has been idle for over two years and the operability of the equipment is not known at this time. There is minimal residual contamination. (Future consideration of the 321 M facility for alternative commercial use will be contingent upon completion of the mission currently being performed in the facility; required environmetal surveys, and an economic feasibility analysis.) Proposals for alternative commercial uses of the facility(s) and related property described above will be accepted by DOE through May 19, 1995. Each proposal must address the following issues: 1) Comprehensive summary of planned commercial operation and facility use for the 320 M facility and related property. 2) Anticipated economic impact on the 5 county region surrounding the Savannah River Site (SRS). This region includes Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell counties in South Carolina and Columbia and Richmond counties in Georgia. Specifically address the number of jobs to be created and the plan to hire SRS employees displaced as a result of DOE downsizing. 3) Ability to obtain all required operating licenses, including but not limited to environmental and business licenses. 4) A business plan which will address adequacy of financing available for funding the proposed alternative use, an implementation time line, and evidence of a viable market to support the proposed commercial operation. NOTE: A proposal bond or some legal instrument similar to a bid bond may be required with each alternative use proposal. In the event a legal instrument is required, the requirement will be conveyed during the facility tour. 5) A preliminary hazardous material/waste handling plan. A facility tour is scheduled for April 25, 1995. Interested parties may obtain information and register for this tour by contacting Mark Eidson of the Westinghouse Savannah River Company, management and operating contractor of SRS for DOE, at (803) 652-1850 not later than April 18, 1995. All written proposals should be submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Community Outreach, P.O. Box A, Aiken, SC 29802 not later than May 19, 1995. (097)

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