COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 22,1995 PSA#1288Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
POC Eugene Johnson, Contracting Officer at (202) 233-3088 The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) has limited the competition for the
have developed and fielded operational terminal automated air traffic
control systems somewhere in the world. Within this limited
competition, vendors will be prequalified through qualification
criteria published in this announcement. The intent of the
prequalification process is to assure FAA that qualifying vendors are
truly capable of successfully performing the STARS acquisition.
However, the agency intent is also to establish qualification criteria
which are NOT UNDULY RESTRICTIVE . The planned date for award of the
STARS contract is July 1996. As the STARS acquisition is predicated on
utilizing COTS/NDI to the maximum extent possible, FAA has identified
several vendors which have met the overall limitation of having
developed and fielded operational systems. Once the prequalification
criteria have been finalized, vendors will be required to certify in
writing that they meet the stated criteria. As a means of assuring
fairness to potential STARS offerors that meet the prequalification
criteria, any offeror found not to have met prequalification criteria
will be disqualified from continuing in the STARS competition. What
follows are FAA's proposed PREQUALIFICATION CRITERIA published for
industry comment: 1.0 Operational System: Eligible vendors shall have
deployed an air traffic control (ATC) system which is operational and
being used to separate aircraft somewhere in the world, prior to the
due date for response to this CBD notice. a) The qualifying ATC system
shall perform ATC functions that allow control of arrival, departure,
and overflight aircraft simultaneously. b) The qualifying system shall
process radar inputs; calculate and update tracking data automatically
from radar inputs; and display the target track location graphically
on a controller's display. c) The qualifying system shall perform
transfer of flight data to another external ATC facility. d) The
qualifying system shall have associated system documentation to include
training, maintenance, and operator manuals. Deliverables: To
substantiate the ability to meet criteria 1.0 above, the vendor shall
supply to the STARS Contracting Officer the following items: Customer
references for the qualified ATC system(s) which includes a customer
point of contact, customer address, customer telephone number, and the
associated contract name and number. The vendor shall provide a list
of the qualifying system(s) deliverable documentation as well as a copy
of the operator and maintenance manuals for that system(s). NOTE: The
Government reserves the right to contact the user/procurer of the
qualifying system to verify compliance with the minimum qualification
criteria. The Government also reserves the right to request further
system documentation from the vendor. 1.1 Controller Training using
Aircraft Simulation: The ATC system meeting criteria 1.0 above shall
currently provide the capability to perform controller training using
aircraft simulation integrated with the operational ATC system that is
controlling live air traffic. Deliverables: To substantiate the
ability to meet criteria 1.1 above, the vendor shall supply to the
STARS Contracting Officer the following items: Commercially available
literature describing the ATC training and simulation capabilities of
the qualifying system. 1.2 Monitor and Control: The ATC system meeting
criteria 1.0 above shall currently provide a Monitor and Control
position possessing the single focal point of total system operations.
Deliverables: To substantiate the ability to meet criteria 1.2 above,
the vendor shall supply to the STARS Contracting Officer the following
items: System architecture diagram, of the system meeting criteria 1.0
above, showing a single point Monitor and Control position. A copy of
the System Operations Manual for the operations of the Monitor and
Control position. 2.0 Software Capability Evaluation (SCE)
Experience:The contractor for the Standard Terminal Automation
Replacement System (STARS) shall be capable of performing software
engineering activities such as requirements analysis, design,
implementation, integration, test, distribution, installation,
enhancement, correction, upgrade, or maintenance of software. The STARS
contractor shall be both knowledgeable and capable in software
engineering skills and practices to perform these activities.The FAA
intends to evaluate the software engineering capabilities of offerors
as part of its source selection process for STARS, and plans to use the
results in its determination of award. To ensure that offerors are
cognizant of practices for evaluating software capabilities, offerors
shall satisfy the following requirements to participate in source
selection activities for STARS. These requirements are applicable to
each corporation, or to each division of a corporation (if such
divisions exist), that intends to perform software engineering
activities for STARS. An independent SCE shall have been performed
prior to FAA' conduct of a software capability evaluation related to
the STARS acquisition. The SCE shall be in accordance with the
conditions outlined in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 below. 2.1 The
on-site portion of the SCE was/shall be conducted after January 1,
1994, but no later than 59 calendar days after the issuance of the
final version of the STARS Request for Proposal. 2.2 The SCE was/shall
be performed using The Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version
1.1 as described in CMU/SEI-93-TR-24 and Key Practices of the
Capability Maturity Model, Version 1.1 as described in
CMU/SEI-93-TR-25. Both documents were issued by the Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University in February
1993. 2.3 The SCE was/shall be performed by an evaluation team that is
trained in SCEs by the Software Engineering Institute, or is trained
by an SEI-authorized source of SCE training. 2.4 The SCE was/shall be
performed on programs and/or projects at the corporate or division cost
center that will perform or will be responsible for STARS software
engineering activities. Deliverables: To substantiate the ability to
meet criteria 2.0 above, the vendor shall supply to the STARS
Contracting Officer the following items: A letter of certification from
each corporation or division that a Software Capability Evaluation
(SCE) has been/shall be conducted on programs and/or projects of the
corporation or division under the conditions described in sections 2.1,
2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 above. The vendor shall provide a copy of the findings
of an SCE performed under the conditions described above, or certify
that an SCE shall be performed no later than 59 calendar days of
issuance of the final version of the STARS RFP. Upon completion of the
SCE, if a report has not been provided to the vendor, the vendor shall
provide instructions as to how a copy can be obtained by the
Government. Information about Software Capability Evaluations
(including sources for obtaining evaluations) is available from SEI
Customer Relations, 412-268-5800. 3.0 System to be Bid: In addition to
meeting the requirements established for criteria 1.0 and 2.0, vendors
shall submit to the Contracting Officer a letter certifying that the
system which will be bid for the STARS solicitation will: A. Be a
digital system. B. Be an open architecture system, in that the software
can be ported to multiple hardware platforms (Sun, HP, RISC, etc), and
the system contains only COTS hardware. C. Have the ability to
interface with two (2) short range (ASR-9) and one (1) long range
(ARSR-3) radar simultaneously for the STARS Operational Capabilities
Demonstration (OCD). Systems which can not interface to the OCD
equipment shall not pass the OCD. D. Have the ability to process flight
data in accordance with FAA NAS protocols (NAS-MD-631, NAS-MD-640, and
NAS-MD-315) for the STARS OCD. Systems which can not interface to the
OCD equipment shall not pass the OCD. E. Contain adaptable Computer
Human Interface (CHI) parameters (ie: data blocks) which can be
modified without requiring a recompile of the source code. Systems
which cannot demonstrate this ability at the OCD shall not pass the
OCD. The vendor shall also submit a system description of the STARS
system to be demonstrated at OCD to the Contracting Officer no later
than ninety (90) days following submission of the offeror's
certification letter. If the FAA finds at any time during the STARS
pre-contract award process that a vendor in fact did not meet any one
of the prequalification criteria, that vendor will no longer be
eligible for award of the STARS contract. Additional information
concerning this planned acquisition will be provided at the soonest
possible date via separate announcement. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR
PROPOSALS. This synopsis is for informational purposes only. Responses
or comments concerning the STARS Prequalification criteria must be
forwarded to Eugene Johnson (STARS Contracting Officer) no later than
March 3, 1995 by fax at (202) 233-5094 or by mail to: Federal Aviation
Administration Air Traffic Systems Development Suite 200, 701
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Code ASU-350, Washington, DC 20004 Eugene
Johnson, STARS Contracting Officer (0048) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0438 19950221\70-0001.SOL)
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