47 -- N421583143B630
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- 7/31/2023 11:06:49 AM
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- 7/30/2023 9:00:00 PM
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- 52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures (JUN 2020) (a) Definitions. ""Kickback,"" as used in this clause, means any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind which is provided to any prime Contractor, prime Contractor employee, subcontractor, or subcontractor emplo yee for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment in connection with a prime contract or in connection with a subcontract relating to a prime contract. ""Person,"" as used in this clause, means a corporation, partnership, business association of any kind, trust, joint-stock company, or individual. ""Prime contract,"" as used in this clause, means a contract or contractual action entered into by the United States for the purpose of obtaining supplies, materials, equipment, or services of any kind. ""Prime Contractor,"" as used in this clause, means a person who has entered into a prime contract with the United States. ""Prime Contractor employee,"" as used in this clause, means any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a prime Contractor. ""Subcontract,"" as used in this clause, means a contract or contractual action entered into by a prime Contractor or subcontractor for the purpose of obtaining supplies, materials, equipment, or services of any kind under a prime contract. ""Subcontractor,"" as used in this clause, (1) means any person, other than the prime Contractor, who offers to furnish or furnishes any supplies, materials, equipment, or services of any kind under a prime contract or a subcontract entered into in connection with such prime contract, and (2) includes any person who offers to furnish or furnishes general supplies to the prime Contractor or a higher tier subcontractor. ""Subcontractor employee,"" as used in this clause, means any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a subcontractor. (b) 41 U.S.C. chapter 87, Kickbacks, prohibits any person from-- (1) Providing or attempting to provide or offering to provide any kickback; (2) Soliciting, accepting, or attempting to accept any kickback; or (3) Including, directly or indirectly, the amount of any kickback in the contract price charged by a prime Contractor to the United States or in the contract price charged by a subcontractor to a prime Contractor or higher tier subcontractor. (c)(1) The Contractor shall have in place and follow reasonable procedures designed to prevent and detect possible violations described in paragraph (b) of this clause in its own operations and direct business relationships. (2) When the Contractor has reasonable grounds to believe that a violation described in paragraph (b) of this clause may have occurred, the Contractor shall promptly report in writing the possible violation. Such reports shall be made to the insp ector general of the contracting agency, the head of the contracting agency if the agency does not have an inspector general, or the Attorney General. (3) The Contractor shall cooperate fully with any Federal agency investigating a possible violation described in paragraph (b) of this clause. (4) The Contracting Officer may (i) offset the amount of the kickback against any monies owed by the United States under the prime contract and/or (ii) direct that the Prime Contractor withhold, from sums owed a subcontractor under the prime cont ract, the amount of any kickback. The Contracting Officer may order the monies withheld under subdivision (c)(4)(ii) of this clause be paid over to the Government unless the Government has already offset those monies under subdivision (c)(4)(i) of this clause. In either case, the Prime Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer when the monies are withheld. (5) The Contractor agrees to incorporate the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c)(5) but excepting paragraph (c)(1) of this clause, in all subcontracts under this contract that exceed the threshold specified in Federal Acquisiti on Regulation 3.502-2(i) on the date of subcontract award. (End of Clause) 52.203-11 CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (SEP 2007) (a) Definitions. As used in this provision--``Lobbying contact'' has the meaning provided at 2 U.S.C. 1602(8). The terms ``agency,'' ``influencing or attempting to influence,'' ``officer or employee of an agency,'' ``person,'' ``reasonable compen sation,'' and ``regularly employed'' are defined in the FAR clause of this solicitation entitled ``Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions'' (52.203-12). (b) Prohibition. The prohibition and exceptions contained in the FAR clause of this solicitation entitled ``Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions'' (52.203-12) are hereby incorporated by reference in this provision. (c) Certification. The offeror, by signing its offer, hereby certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer o r employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on its behalf in connection with the awarding of this contract. (d) Disclosure. If any registrants under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made a lobbying contact on behalf of the offeror with respect to this contract, the offeror shall complete and submit, with its offer, OMB Standard Form LLL, Disclo sure of Lobbying Activities, to provide the name of the registrants. The offeror need not report regularly employed officers or employees of the offeror to whom payments of reasonable compensation were made. (e) Penalty. Submission of this certification and disclosure is a prerequisite for making or entering into this contract imposed by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited under this provision or who fails to file or amend the disclosure required to be filed or amended by this provision, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failure. (End of provision) 52.203-12 LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (JUN 2020) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause-- Agency means executive agency as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101. Covered Federal action means any of the following actions: (1) Awarding any Federal contract. (2) Making any Federal grant. (3) Making any Federal loan. (4) Entering into any cooperative agreement. (5) Extending, continuing, renewing, amending, or modifying any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. Indian tribe and tribal organization have the meaning provided in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b) and include Alaskan Natives. Influencing or attempting to influence means making, with the intent to influence, any communication to or appearance before an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Membe r of Congress in connection with any covered Federal action. Local government means a unit of government in a State and, if chartered, established, or otherwise recognized by a State for the performance of a governmental duty, including a local public authority, a special district, an intrastate district, a council of governments, a sponsor group representative organization, and any other instrumentality of a local government. Officer or employee of an agency includes the following individuals who are employed by an agency: (1) An individual who is appointed to a position in the Government under Title 5, United States Code, including a position under a temporary appointment. (2) A member of the uniformed services, as defined in subsection 101(3), Title 37, United States Code. (3) A special Government employee, as defined in section 202, Title 18, United States Code. (4) An individual who is a member of a Federal advisory committee, as defined by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Title 5, United States Code, appendix 2. Person means an individual, corporation, company, association, authority, firm, partnership, society, State, and local government, regardless of whether such entity is operated for profit, or not for profit. This term excludes an Indian tribe, tr ibal organization, or any other Indian organization eligible to receive Federal contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or loans from an agency, but only with respect to expenditures by such tribe or organization that are made for purposes spe cified in paragraph (b) of this clause and are permitted by other Federal law. Reasonable compensation means, with respect to a regularly employed officer or employee of any person, compensation that is consistent with the normal compensation for such officer or employee for work that is not furnished to, not funded by, or not furnished in cooperation with the Federal Government. Reasonable payment means, with respect to professional and other technical services, a payment in an amount that is consistent with the amount normally paid for such services in the private sector. Recipient includes the Contractor and all subcontractors. This term excludes an Indian tribe, tribal organization, or any other Indian organization eligible to receive Federal contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or loans from an agency, bu t only with respect to expenditures by such tribe or organization that are made for purposes specified in paragraph (b) of this clause and are permitted by other Federal law. Regularly employed means, with respect to an officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a Federal contract, an officer or employee who is employed by such person for at least 130 working days within 1 year immediately preceding the d ate of the submission that initiates agency consideration of such person for receipt of such contract. An officer or employee who is employed by such person for less than 130 working days within 1 year immediately preceding the date of the submis sion that initiates agency consideration of such person shall be considered to be regularly employed as soon as he or she is employed by such person for 130 working days. State means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, or an outlying area of the United States, an agency or instrumentality of a State, and multi-State, regional, or interstate entity having governmental duties and powers. (b) Prohibition. 31 U.S.C. 1352 prohibits a recipient of a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement from using appropriated funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any covered Federal actions. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. 1352, the Contractor shall not use appropriated funds to pay any person fo r influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the award of this contractor the extension, continu ation, renewal, amendment, or modification of this contract. (1) The term appropriated funds does not include profit or fee from a covered Federal action. (2) To the extent the Contractor can demonstrate that the Contractor has sufficient monies, other than Federal appropriated funds, the Government will assume that these other monies were spent for any influencing activities that would be unallowa ble if paid for with Federal appropriated funds. (c) Exceptions. The prohibition in paragraph (b) of this clause does not apply under the following conditions: (1) Agency and legislative liaison by Contractor employees. (i) Payment of reasonable compensation made to an officer or employee of the Contractor if the payment is for agency and legislative liaison activities not directly related to this contract. For purposes of this paragraph, providing any informati on specifically requested by an agency or Congress is permitted at any time. (ii) Participating with an agency in discussions that are not related to a specific solicitation for any covered Federal action, but that concern-- (A) The qualities and characteristics (including individual demonstrations) of the person's products or services, conditions or terms of sale, and service capabilities; or (B) The application or adaptation of the person's products or services for an agency's use. (iii) Providing prior to formal solicitation of any covered Federal action any information not specifically requested but necessary for an agency to make an informed decision about initiation of a covered Federal action; (iv) Participating in technical discussions regarding the preparation of an unsolicited proposal prior to its official submission; and (v) Making capability presentations prior to formal solicitation of any covered Federal action by persons seeking awards from an agency pursuant to the provisions of the Small Business Act, as amended by Pub.L. 95-507, and subsequent amendments. (2) Professional and technical services. (i) A payment of reasonable compensation made to an officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a covered Federal action or an extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of a covered Federal action, if payment is for professional or technical services rendered directly in the preparation, submission, or negotiation of any bid, proposal, or application for that Federal action or for meeting requirements imposed by or p ursuant to law as a condition for receiving that Federal action. (ii) Any reasonable payment to a person, other than an officer or employee of a person requesting or receiving a covered Federal action or an extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of a covered Federal action if the payment is for professional or technical services rendered directly in the preparation, submission, or negotiation of any bid, proposal, or application for that Federal action or for meeting requirements imposed by or pursuant to law as a condition for r eceiving that Federal action. Persons other than officers or employees of a person requesting or receiving a covered Federal action include consultants and trade associations. (iii) As used in paragraph (c)(2) of this clause, ``professional and technical services'' are limited to advice and analysis directly applying any professional or technical discipline (for examples, see FAR 3.803(a)(2)(iii)). (iv) Requirements imposed by or pursuant to law as a condition for receiving a covered Federal award include those required by law or regulation and any other requirements in the actual award documents. (3) Only those communications and services expressly authorized by paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this clause are permitted. (d) Disclosure. (1) If the Contractor did not submit OMB Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, with its offer, but registrants under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have subsequently made a lobbying contact on behalf of the Co ntractor with respect to this contract, the Contractor shall complete and submit OMB Standard Form LLL to provide the name of the lobbying registrants, including the individuals performing the services. (2) If the Contractor did submit OMB Standard Form LLL disclosure pursuant to paragraph (d) of the provision at FAR 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions, and a change occurs that aff ects Block 10 of the OMB Standard Form LLL (name and address of lobbying registrant or individuals performing services), the Contractor shall, at the end of the calendar quarter in which the change occurs, submit to the Contracting Officer within 30 days an updated disclosure using OMB Standard Form LLL. (e) Penalties. (1) Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited under paragraph (b) of this clause or who fails to file or amend the disclosure to be filed or amended by paragraph (d) of this clause shall be subject to civil penalties as provid ed for by 31 U.S.C.1352. An imposition of a civil penalty does not prevent the Government from seeking any other remedy that may be applicable. (2) Contractors may rely without liability on the representation made by their subcontractors in the certification and disclosure form. (f) Cost allowability. Nothing in this clause makes allowable or reasonable any costs which would otherwise be unallowable or unreasonable. Conversely, costs made specifically unallowable by the requirements in this clause will not be made allowa ble under any other provision. (g) Subcontracts. (1) The Contractor shall obtain a declaration, including the certification and disclosure in paragraphs (c) and (d) of the provision at FAR 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions, from each person requesting or receiving a subcontract under this contract that exceeds the threshold specified in FAR 3 .808 on the date of subcontract award. The Contractor or subcontractor that awards the subcontract shall retain the declaration. (2) A copy of each subcontractor disclosure form (but not certifications) shall be forwarded from tier to tier until received by the prime Contractor. The prime Contractor shall, at the end of the calendar quarter in which the disclosure form is submitted by the subcontractor, submit to the Contracting Officer within 30 days a copy of all disclosures. Each subcontractor certification shall be retained in the subcontract file of the awarding Contractor. (3) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (g), in any subcontract that exceeds the threshold specified in FAR 3.808 on the date of subcontract award. (End of clause) 52.203-18 PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING WITH ENTITIES THAT REQUIRE CERTAIN INTERNAL CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTS OR STATEMENTS--REPRESENTATION (JAN 2017) (a) Definition. As used in this provision-- Internal confidentiality agreement or statement, subcontract, and subcontractor, are defined in the clause at 52.203-19, Prohibition on Requiring Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements. (b) In accordance with section 743 of Division E, Title VII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Pub. L. 113-235) and its successor provisions in subsequent appropriations acts (and as extended in continuing resol utions), Government agencies are not permitted to use funds appropriated (or otherwise made available) for contracts with an entity that requires employees or subcontractors of such entity seeking to report waste, fraud, or abuse to sign internal confidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or otherwise restricting such employees or subcontractors from lawfully reporting such waste, fraud, or abuse to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of a Federal depar tment or agency authorized to receive such information. (c) The prohibition in paragraph (b) of this provision does not contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312, (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement), Form 4414 (Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement), or any other form issued by a Federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified information. (d) Representation. By submission of its offer, the Offeror represents that it will not require its employees or subcontractors to sign or comply with internal confidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or otherwise restricting such emp loyees or subcontractors from lawfully reporting waste, fraud, or abuse related to the performance of a Government contract to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of a Federal department or agency authorized to receive su ch information (e.g., agency Office of the Inspector General). (End of provision) 52.203-19 PROHIBITION ON REQUIRING CERTAIN INTERNAL CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTS OR STATEMENTS (JAN 2017) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause-- Internal confidentiality agreement or statement means a confidentiality agreement or any other written statement that the contractor requires any of its employees or subcontractors to sign regarding nondisclosure of contractor information, except that it does not include confidentiality agreements arising out of civil litigation or confidentiality agreements that contractor employees or subcontractors sign at the behest of a Federal agency. Subcontract means any contract as defined in subpart 2.1 entered into by a subcontractor to furnish supplies or services for performance of a prime contract or a subcontract. It includes but is not limited to purchase orders, and changes and modi fications to purchase orders. Subcontractor means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm (including a consultant) that furnishes supplies or services to or for a prime contractor or another subcontractor. (b) The Contractor shall not require its employees or subcontractors to sign or comply with internal confidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or otherwise restricting such employees or subcontractors from lawfully reporting waste, fra ud, or abuse related to the performance of a Government contract to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of a Federal department or agency authorized to receive such information (e.g., agency Office of the Inspector Genera l). (c) The Contractor shall notify current employees and subcontractors that prohibitions and restrictions of any preexisting internal confidentiality agreements or statements covered by this clause, to the extent that such prohibitions and restrict ions are inconsistent with the prohibitions of this clause, are no longer in effect. (d) The prohibition in paragraph (b) of this clause does not contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312 (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement), Form 4414 (Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement), or any other form issued by a Federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified information. (e) In accordance with section 743 of Division E, Title VII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015, (Pub. L. 113-235), and its successor provisions in subsequent appropriations acts (and as extended in continuing res olutions) use of funds appropriated (or otherwise made available) is prohibited, if the Government determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with the provisions of this clause. (f) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (f), in subcontracts under such contracts. (End of clause) 52.204-3 TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION (OCT 1998) (a) Definitions. Common parent, as used in this provision, means that corporate entity that owns or controls an affiliated group of corporations that files its Federal income tax returns on a consolidated basis, and of which the offeror is a member. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), as used in this provision, means the number required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to be used by the offeror in reporting income tax and other returns. The TIN may be either a Social Security Number o r an Employer Identification Number. (b) All offerors must submit the information required in paragraphs (d) through (f) of this provision to comply with debt collection requirements of 31 U.S.C. 7701(c) and 3325(d), reporting requirements of 26 U.S.C. 6041, 6041A, and 6050M, and im plementing regulations issued by the IRS. If the resulting contract is subject to the payment reporting requirements described in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 4.904, the failure or refusal by the offeror to furnish the information may res ult in a 31 percent reduction of payments otherwise due under the contract. (c) The TIN may be used by the Government to collect and report on any delinquent amounts arising out of the offeror's relationship with the Government (31 U.S.C. 7701(c)(3)). If the resulting contract is subject to the payment reporting requirem ents described in FAR 4.904, the TIN provided hereunder may be matched with IRS records to verify the accuracy of the offeror's TIN. (d) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). ___ TIN:.-------------------------------------------------------- ___ TIN has been applied for. ___ TIN is not required because: ___ Offeror is a nonresident alien, foreign corporation, or foreign partnership that does not have income effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and does not have an office or place of business or a fi scal paying agent in the United States; ___ Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign government; ___ Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government. (e) Type of organization. ___ Sole proprietorship; ___ Partnership; ___ Corporate entity (not tax-exempt); ___ Corporate entity (tax-exempt); ___ Government entity (Federal, State, or local); ___ Foreign government; ___ International organization per 26 CFR 1.6049-4; ___ Other-------------------------------------------------------- (f) Common parent. ___ Offeror is not owned or controlled by a common parent as defined in paragraph (a) of this provision. ___ Name and TIN of common parent: Name------------------------------------------------------------------- TIN-------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of provision) 52.204-6 Unique Entity Identifier (OCT 2016) (a) Definitions. As used in this provision-- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) indicator means a four-character suffix to the unique entity identifier. The suffix is assigned at the discretion of the commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity to establish additional System for Award Manageme nt records for identifying alternative EFT accounts (see subpart 32.11) for the same entity. Unique entity identifier means a number or other identifier used to identify a specific commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity. See for the designated entity for establishing unique entity identifiers. (b) The Offeror shall enter, in the block with its name and address on the cover page of its offer, the annotation ``Unique Entity Identifier'' followed by the unique entity identifier that identifies the Offeror's name and address exactly as sta ted in the offer. The Offeror also shall enter its EFT indicator, if applicable. (c) If the Offeror does not have a unique entity identifier, it should contact the entity designated at for establishment of the unique entity identifier directly to obtain one. The Offeror should be prepared to provide the following information: (1) Company legal business name. (2) Tradestyle, doing business, or other name by which your entity is commonly recognized. (3) Company physical street address, city, state and Zip Code. (4) Company mailing address, city, state and Zip Code (if separate from physical). (5) Company telephone number. (6) Date the company was started. (7) Number of employees at your location. (8) Chief executive officer/key manager. (9) Line of business (industry). (10) Company headquarters name and address (reporting relationship within your entity). (End of provision) 52.204-8 ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAR 2023) (a)(1) The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 332999. (2) The small business size standard is 750. (3) The small business size standard for a concern that submits an offer, other than on a construction or service acquisition, but proposes to furnish an end item that it did not itself manufacture, process, or produce is 500 employees, or 150 em ployees for information technology value-added resellers under NAICS code 541519, if the acquisition-- (i) Is set aside for small business and has a value above the simplified acquisition threshold; (ii) Uses the HUBZone price evaluation preference regardless of dollar value, unless the offeror waives the price evaluation preference; or (iii) Is an 8(a), HUBZone, service-disabled veteran-owned, economically disadvantaged women-owned, or women-owned small business set-aside or sole-source award regardless of dollar value. (b)(1) If the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is included in this solicitation, paragraph (d) of this provision applies. (2) If the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management, is not included in this solicitation, and the Offeror has an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM), the Offeror may choose to use paragraph (d) of this provision instead of completing the corresponding individual representations and certifications in the solicitation. The Offeror shall indicate which option applies by checking one of the following boxes: ( ) Paragraph (d) applies. ( ) Paragraph (d) does not apply and the offeror has completed the individual representations and certifications in the solicitation. (c) (1) The following representations or certifications in SAM are applicable to this solicitation as indicated: (i) 52.203-2, Certificate of Independent Price Determination. This provision applies to solicitations when a firm-fixed-price contract or fixed-price contract with economic price adjustment is contemplated, unless-- (A) The acquisition is to be made under the simplified acquisition procedures in Part 13; (B) The solicitation is a request for technical proposals under two-step sealed bidding procedures; or (C) The solicitation is for utility services for which rates are set by law or regulation. (ii) 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions. This provision applies to solicitations expected to exceed $150,000. (iii) 52.203-18, Prohibition on Contracting with Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements--Representation. This provision applies to all solicitations. (iv) 52.204-3, Taxpayer Identification. This provision applies to solicitations that do not include the provision at 52.204-7, System for Award Management. (v) 52.204-5, Women-Owned Business (Other Than Small Business). This provision applies to solicitations that-- (A) Are not set aside for small business concerns; (B) Exceed the simplified acquisition threshold; and (C) Are for contracts that will be performed in the United States or its outlying areas. (vi) 52.204-26, Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services--Representation. This provision applies to all solicitations. (vii) 52.209-2, Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations--Representation. (viii) 52.209-5, Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters. This provision applies to solicitations where the contract value is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. (ix) 52.209-11, Representation by Corporations Regarding Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law. This provision applies to all solicitations. (x) 52.214-14, Place of Performance--Sealed Bidding. This provision applies to invitations for bids except those in which the place of performance is specified by the Government. (xi) 52.215-6, Place of Performance. This provision applies to solicitations unless the place of performance is specified by the Government. (xii) 52.219-1, Small Business Program Representations (Basic, Alternates I, and II). This provision applies to solicitations when the contract is for supplies to be delivered or services to be performed in the United States or its outlying areas , or when the contracting officer has applied part 19 in accordance with 19.000(b)(1)(ii). (A) The basic provision applies when the solicitations are issued by other than DoD, NA...
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