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58 -- Combat Net Radio

Notice Date
6/17/2021 1:10:40 PM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
334220 — Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
6/28/2021 2:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Bradley Phillips, Phone: 4438614970, Lee ALEXIS, Contracting Officer
E-Mail Address
bradley.a.phillips14.civ@mail.mil, Lee.Alexis.civ@mail.mil
(bradley.a.phillips14.civ@mail.mil, Lee.Alexis.civ@mail.mil)
17June2021 -�Frequently asked questions and answers are provided below. Please note that there will be a question and answer period once the RFP is released. As an update to the previous posting, the RFP is now anticipated to be released on or about 25 June 2021. 1.� Is this an effort to procure an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) to the existing RT or procurement of a new RT used in the mounted system and used as a dismounted replacement for the PRC-119F? This effort is for procurement of a solution that allows removal of the existing RT from the SINCGARS VRC family of systems and installation of equipment such that: (a) the existing capabilities in environmental tolerances and transmission performance are replicated, and (b) the new capabilities of modernized SINCGARS are achieved. The language of �ECP� has been removed from the documents to increase clarity. 2.��Please clarify the Government�s requirement to retain the use of existing interfaces in an effort to minimize integration and program costs. The following clarifications are provided: (a) Interfaces with the legacy VRC mount include physical, electrical, and data. The offeror�s solution must include the ability to use these interfaces. If the proposed RT does not include the interfaces, then the offeror�s solution shall include all adaptors to allow connections. If platform modification is required, the Offeror�s proposal shall identify the proposed modifications in accordance with the RFP.� Offerors are warned that platform modification that is not in accordance with the solicitation�s requirements may lead to disqualification. (b) Interfaces such as intercom, serial, and handsets are legacy standards, which the Government expects to be part of the proposed solution and workable before First Article Test is completed. (c) Type N Female RF interfaces are specified so that the existing RF cables and dismounted antennas are capable of being reused with the Offeror�s new equipment. If these ancillaries are not being reused, the Offeror�s proposed solution needs to identify replacements and include associated costs in the proposal total. (d) Interface to the legacy amplifiers is required as a cost-avoidance measure. This includes physical, electrical, and communication to tune the amplifiers for frequency hopping. 3.��Will the Government provide technical data and Interface Control Documents (ICDs) to all interested offerors prior to the release of the RFP? Interface data to legacy VRC components has been made available; however, documents detailing internal functions of the legacy RT-1523 are not releasable. The Government believes sufficient data on physical, electrical, and data connections to meet the Government�s requirement of a solution to replace the RT-1523 with updated capabilities has been provided or is available upon request.� If an Offeror requires specific information about physical, electrical, and data connections that has not been provided, please contact the Contracting Officer. 4.� The SINCGARS family of radios has a large number of configurations. Can the Government provide additional clarity: For dismounted, only the PRC-119F model is applicable (not other form factors or battery interfaces of the type that support the D model). Ancillary items to which interface is required includes antennas and handmics, but does not include remote control modules. Of the many VRC models, integration and operation in a VRC-92 with radios installed in the lower tray, as well as the upper tray, and use with dual amplifiers is the Government�s requirement. Ability to operate in this configuration assures the Government that use in only the lower tray is possible. The Government has the potential to use this solution paired with an adaptation that mounts some other radio in the upper rack. 5.��There are many modes of SINCGARS that may or may not be in routine use in the Department of Defense or the Army. Will the Government consider removing modes that are not routinely used? Every attempt to eliminate modes deemed �obsolete� have been met with rationale for maintaining those modes, often by the Joint community. Any SINCGARS mode, legacy or modern, that is not operational during First Article Testing may require the Government to issue a temporary waiver. Prioritization of the delivery of these capabilities will be subject to review during the meetings described in the Statement of Work. First Article Testing will be complete after the requirement is satisfied. Further clarification is provided for data in Plaintext (PRT) mode: While not ordinarily used for Army operations, this mode can be used in Coalition and Joint environments and support unclassified non-governmental agencies. No effort is being invested to eliminate this capability. If an Offeror�s solution is unable to meet this requirement during First Article Testing, it will require the Government to issue a temporary waiver. First Article Testing will be complete after the requirement is satisfied. 6.��Multiple requests have been received for updated versions of the documents that will now be called the Hardware Evaluation Plan (used during Source Selection) and the First Article Test Plan (used after contract award). These documents are Distribution A and will be made available with the Request for Proposal. =================================================================================================== Additional information is being provided to the below Special Notice, which served as the Government's Pre-solicitation Notice.� In an effort to provide clarification, Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG)�intends to issue a Full-and-Open Competition Solicitation on or about 28 June 2021.� =================================================================================================== **Update 2 - 27 April 2021 - The Government will hold a virtual�industry day on 28�April 2021.���This event will be held from 1000 - 1200 Eastern Time.� The Government will entertain questions from industry and provide responses as time permits.� Interested sources shall use the Microsoft Teams link provided below: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjUyYTI0ODQtMjMzYy00OWRhLTkwN2UtNmU4ZTE0ZDZhZGFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2221acfbb3-32be-4715-9025-1e2f015cbbe9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22130cf8c6-12d7-47e3-9837-c1419a557a4b%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d *UPDATE 1 - 23 APRIL 2021 -� The response due date for this�Request for Information (RFI) and Pre-Request For Proposals (Pre-RFP) has been extended from 26 April to 03 May, 2021, 9am Eastern Time. In addition, The Government is tentatively looking to host a virtual Industry Day on Wednesday, 28 April, 2021 from 10:00 AM � 12:00PM Eastern.� A firm date/time as well as a link for the MS Teams Live virtual Industry Day will be posted soon.� Please continue to monitor Beta.Sam.Gov for updates. -- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION The U.S Army Program Executive Office, Control & Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), Project Manager Tactical Radio (PM TR), Product Manager Waveforms (PdM WF) and the Army Contracting Command (ACC) are seeking information from industry to assist with the development and planning of a potential new requirement. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) NOTICE AND PRE-REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (PRE-RFP). THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP). �NO SOLICITATION IS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. � Overview/Purpose/Description of Procurement ACC is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) and Pre-Request For Proposals (Pre-RFP) on behalf of PEO C3T, PM TR, PdM WF as part of ongoing market research for information regarding the Combat Net Radio (CNR), which will pursue the requirement for assured voice for Command and Control (C2) and limited data specifically for Fires and Air Defense and generally �where data capabilities are limited� in accordance with (IAW) the Abbreviated � Capability Development Document (A-CDD) for Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) Modernization (Mod) (Draft v 0.95, 05/31/19). The purpose of this RFI and Pre-RFP is for market research on the CNR capability available in Non-Developmental Item (NDI), Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), and Government off-the-shelf Technologies. CNR solutions under consideration will include Single Purpose/ Single Band and Single Purpose/ Multiband (Software Defined) radio technologies. Submitted technologies can be either radio solutions as a whole, updates/ retrofits, or vendor refurbishing to the RT-1523E/F. Rationale: This procurement is meant to replace the functions of radios based on the RT-1523. The entirety of the cost/effort to put the same capability back into the platform where the old radio is removed will be considered as the offered solution. Mandatory capabilities are represented in the accompanying DRAFT CNR PRD as Threshold (T) requirements. The Government has not finalized a formal acquisition strategy. Factors that may be considered include but are not limited to: cost, schedule, performance, form/fit or platform integration, anti-tamper security, logistics, upgradeability, other waveforms, other features, and environmental tolerances. �Scope of Effort � The scope of this effort shall require engineering, software development, hardware development, technical support, lab operations, test and evaluation, system demonstrations, certification, integration, technical documentation, sustainment and supportability documentation, initial training, and program management.� Upon the completion of the engineering phase of this requirement, an initial procurement of hardware may be initiated to evaluate radios/ solutions for fielding to operational units to collect feedback and inform future requirements documents and Basis of Issue (BOI). The Government may procure an initial quantity of production kits for early testing/inventory purposes. The scope of this effort shall also include the delivery of the associated technical documentation and software for the upgrade of the radios.� The CNR solution shall not affect the Form-Fit-Function of the platforms being upgraded. �The radios shall retain the same legacy functionality and capabilities. �The CNR solution shall not cause the need for the update and/or use of new auxiliary devices (cables, antennas, power amplifiers, power supplies, filters etc.). � Technical Characteristics � Additional technical data (documentation) desired for responding to this CNR RFI may be available upon request and will be available to contractors who sign applicable Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).� Interested parties will have to request access to some documents through DoD SAFE after confirming that they have a Joint Certification Program Number. � The CNR is to provide assured voice both via legacy SINCGARS Frequency Hop 2 with Saville encryption (FH2/CT), as a modernized radio running Frequency Hop 2/Cipher Text 2 (FH2/CT2), and Frequency Hop 3/Cipher Text 2 (FH3/CT2)), and limited data for C2, designed primarily around the SINCGARS RT-1523 radio. Therefore, the new radio will have to be capable of having each mode supported. There are many modes of SINCGARS. Detailed requirements are found in the attached PRD. Requested Information � Interested sources are encouraged to provide responses/comment following the instructions in the Compliance Matrix and to all statements/questions below: How long will it take to achieve NSA certification?� How does NSA certification affect the start of First Article Test (FAT)?� How many days after contract award would 50 First Article Test units be available to start FAT?� How long will it take to complete FAT? What is the price for a new radio enclosure?� What is the price for a factory reset radio enclosure?� Will the process for using reset equipment be transparent to the Government? Will you require any GFP for this effort? If yes, please provide a list and rationale. From the award date of any delivery order, how soon can you reasonably begin deliveries?� Is there a ramp up rate for production?� If so, what is it?� What are the driving factors for production lead-time? If proposing an approach that requires the reuse of existing Government owned radios (RT-1523E NSN: 5820-01-444-1219 and/or RT-1523F NSN 5820-01-535-3667), the Government will add $2,225 per radio when conducting its evaluation of your proposed price.� This value was developed using the catalog data from AESIP (Army Enterprise Systems Integration Program) and GCSS-A (Global Combat Support System - Army) as a source for cost and AR 735-5 for computing depreciation.� **Note � this value will be included for proposal evaluation only, and will not be included in the price of any resulting contract.** If the Government orders in the below quantities, what production quantities can you deliver per month from date of award (DAO) in the following scheme (place quantities where you see ###, and propose times from date of order in XXX as required: *****See table in RFI attachment***** What are the minimum and maximum monthly delivery rates you can achieve? If your proposal includes reusing existing Army equipment, what are your plans and assumptions to produce a stockpile of radios which are ready for the first delivery order? What are your plans, assumptions, potential risks and risk mitigation plans to maintain delivery quantities which seem dependent upon the steady influx of recovered equipment from Army units? What is your planned sustainment solution such as but not limited to warranty, Public Private Partnership with organic depot for maintenance/repairs, interim contractor support, etc.? What is your plan to support Government events, examples such as but not limited to, testing, logistics demonstration, verification of technical documents? Does your company have experience producing radios for Foreign Military Sales? How is your solution positioned for future waveform enhancements?� Does your solution have processing and storage overhead for future enhancements?� What is the cost impact for reserving overhead for future improvements? Additionally, some documents associated with this announcement have or will be provided in Microsoft Word format.� Interested sources are encouraged to provide any associated comments or feedback in a separate document containing tracked changes with your submittal. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: Documents listed below are provided as attachments to this CNR RFI to assist contractors in preparation of their response.� Documents that are available for interested sources to request are also noted, with instructions regarding the request included in each: DRAFT CNR PRD and Test Plan DRAFT Compliance Matrix DRAFT CNR RFP DRAFT Section B CLIN / CDRL List DRAFT CNR Pricing Spreadsheet DRAFT Section L & M DRAFT Statement of Work (SOW) (Referenced document will be emailed to vetted vendors via DoD SAFE.� To be vetted, interested sources must provide their CAGE Code, DoD contract number, a copy of the DD2345, or their Joint Certification Program (JCP) number to Contracting Officer Bradley Phillips at bradley.a.phillips14.civ@mail.mil and Contract Specialist Lee Alexis at lee.alexis.civ@mail.mil.) Response Guidelines: Interested parties are requested to respond to this RFI with a white paper and the filled out Compliance Matrix. Submissions cannot exceed 25 pages single spaced, 12-point type with at least one-inch margins on 8 1/2� X 11� page size (excluding the Compliance Matrix pages).� Interested parties are encouraged to provide tracked changes on draft documents provided documenting comments or other feedback.� Submission of a tracked changes documents will not count towards the page count.� The response should not exceed a 10 MB e-mail limit for all items associated with the RFI response.� Responses must specifically describe the contractor�s capability to meet the requirements outlined in this RFI.� Oral communications are not permissible.� Beta.Sam.Gov will be the sole repository for all information related to this RFI. Interested parties will have to request access to some documents through DoD SAFE after confirming that they have a Joint Certification Program Number. Companies who wish to respond to this RFI should send responses via email no later than 9 AM Eastern Time on 3 May�2021, to bradley.a.phillips14.civ@mail.mil, and lee.alexis.civ@mail.mil. � Questions: Questions regarding this announcement shall be submitted in writing by e-mail to bradley.a.phillips14.civ@mail.mil, and lee.alexis.civ@mail.mil.� Verbal questions will NOT be accepted.� Answers to questions will be posted to beta.sam.gov.� The Government does not guarantee that questions received after 12:00 PM Eastern Time on 21 April 2021 will be answered.� The Government will not reimburse companies for any costs associated with the submissions of their responses Disclaimer:� � This RFI and Pre-RFP is not an RFP and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government to issue a solicitation or ultimately award a contract. �Responses will not be considered as proposals nor will any award be made as a result of this synopsis. All information contained in the RFI is preliminary as well as subject to modification and is in no way binding on the Government. �The Government does not intend to pay for information received in response to this RFI. �Responders to this invitation are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI. �This RFI will be the basis for collecting information on capabilities available. �This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes. Proprietary information and trade secrets, if any, must be clearly marked on all materials. All information received in this RFI that is marked �Proprietary� will be handled accordingly.� Please be advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned nor will receipt be confirmed. �In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this RFI are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. *Prospective contractors are hereby notified that the Government may utilize Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) support contractor services in the review process of white papers. Non-Disclosure Agreements for SETA contractors have been established.
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SN06036224-F 20210619/210618201540 (samdaily.us)
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