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R -- Senior Narcotics Control Advisor - SF-171

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921190 — Other General Government Support
Contracting Office
Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Grants, Acquisitions, Procurement and Policy Division (INL/RM/GAPP), SA-4 Navy Hill, South Building, 2430 E Street, N.W., Washington, District of Columbia, 20037, United States
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Point of Contact
Janette R. Dull,
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To be considered responsive to the solicitation, you must submit a completed and signed SF 171. Otherwise, your submission is considered non-responsive and will not be considered. You have received this "Personal Services Contractor” (PSC) solicitation through the Department of State (DOS) Internet site. If you have any questions regarding this PSC, you may contact the DOS Official named in this solicitation. The Department is not responsible for any data and/or text not received when retrieving this document electronically. Amendments to solicitation documents generally contain information critical to the submission of an application. <img src="file:///C:/Users/DullJR/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif" alt="" width="628" height="5" /> Senior Narcotics Control Advisor Lima, Peru Issuance Date: 11/05/2018 Closing Date: 11/19/2018 SOLICITATION NUMBER: PSC-19-008-INL SUBJECT A solicitation for a Personal Services Contractor (PSC), Department of State (DOS), Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). The United States Government (USG), represented by the DOS, seeks applications from US citizens interested in providing PSC services as described in this solicitation. PRE-AWARD ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF PSC (JUN 2011) This solicitation may result in the award of one or more personal services contracts as defined in FAR 2.101. Prior to contract award, all offerors or quotes must advise the cognizant Contracting Officer if they have a personal conflict of interest, such as a financial conflict, that would prevent them from either meeting the requirements of the clause entitled, “Post-Award Ethical Responsibilities of Personal Services Contractors,” or otherwise objectively performing their contractual duties upon contract award. HOW TO APPLY Offerors proposal shall be in accordance with the requirements stated in this solicitation at the place and time specified. A proposal will be determined non-responsive and ineligible for consideration unless all required documents and information are included in the submission. Offerors shall ensure their resume demonstrates their possession of the minimum qualifications outlined in this Solicitation, as well as their ability to fulfill all required duties. The Government is not responsible for any costs incurred by the offeror during the solicitation process. NOTE REGARDING GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS FOR THIS SOLICITATION This solicitation in no way obligates the Department of State to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit the Department of State to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the application. Proposals must include the following and not exceed twenty (20) pages (additional pages will not be accepted or reviewed): 1) Form SF 171 (Completed and signed) 2) Resume and Evaluation Factor Responses 3) Three (3) names and contact information (phone and email) of current and/or previous supervisors to serve as professional references. Note: Your resume should contain explicit information to make a valid determination that you fully meet the experience requirements as stated in this solicitation. This information should be clearly identified in your resume. Failure to provide explicit information to determine your qualifications for the position will result in loss of full consideration. Additional documents submitted beyond the requirements will not be accepted or reviewed. *** ONE PDF ATTACHMENT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED VETERAN’S PREFERENCE Veteran’s preference is not applicable to this position therefore do not submit DD-214. ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE CONSIDERED REGARDLESS OF AGE, RACE, COLOR, SEX, CREED, NATIONAL ORIGIN, LAWFUL POLITICAL AFFILIATION, NONDISQUALIFYING DISABILITY, MARITAL STATUS, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, AFFILIATION WITH AN EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION, OR OTHER NON-MERIT FACTOR. Submit proposal via e-mail to the attention of: INL/Janette Dull E-mail: DullJR@state.gov Direct questions regarding this solicitation to: INL/Janette Dull E-mail: DullJR@state.gov INL will not accept proposals beyond the closing time/date ; unless it can be determined DOS mishandled the proposal. 1. SOLICITATION NUMBER: PSC-19-008-INL 2. ISSUANCE DATE: 11/05/2018 3. CLOSING DATE: 11/19/2018 4. TIME SPECIFIED FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 3:00 PM, EST 5. POSITION TITLE: INL Senior Narcotics Control Advisor 6. MARKET VALUE: $85,181 - $125,091 (FS-02 Equivalent) 7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: One year from date of award, with four optional years 8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Lima, Peru 9. JOB DESCRIPTION: See below P e r so n al S er vi c e Co n t r a c t ( P S C) S t a t e m e n t of Wo r k (S OW) U.S. Embassy Lima, Peru Senior Narcotics Control Advisor (SR NCA) F S - 02 ( Equ ivalent G S - 14) GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF THIS CONTRACT Mission of the U.S. Department of State: The U.S. Department of State is the lead institution for the conduct of American diplomacy and the Secretary of state is the President’s principal foreign policy advisor. The Department of State’s mission is to advance U.S. national security interests, fight terrorism, protect U.S. interests abroad, and implement foreign policy initiatives that build a freer, prosperous and secure world. Mission of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL): INL is under the Under Secretary for Democracy and Human Rights (J) and works to keep Americans safe at home by countering international crime, illegal drugs, and instability abroad. INL helps countries deliver justice and fairness by strengthening their police, courts, and corrections systems. These efforts reduce the amount of crime and illegal drugs reaching U.S. shores T h e INL Se c tion in the E m b a s s y in Lima m a n a g e s an illicit crop eradication and law enforcement assistance p r o g ra m in Peru, f un d e d th r ou g h the I nt er n a tio n a l N arc oti c s C ont r ol a nd L a w En f o r ce m e nt ( I N C L E) a cc ount. I N C L E -f und e d a ssist a n c e c ompl e m e nts the Peruvian government’s counter narcotics ac t i viti e s designed to deter, detect, and disrupt transnational organized crime groups in Peru and throughout the region. It also c ompl e m e nts the Peruvia n g ov e r nm e nt ’ s even larger inv e stm e nt in p r omoting r ule of l a w; p r oviding f or c iti z e n s ec u r i t y ; a nd r ef o r mi n g s t a te institutions to foster g r ea t e r t ra nsp a re n c y, re sponsiv e n e ss, a nd re s p ec t f or hum a n r i g hts. The g o a l of this p r o g r a m is to improve and inst i tution a l i z e Peruvian counter narcotics and law enforcement capabilities t h r ou g h targeted, sustainable projects. The purpose of this Personal Services Contract is to fill the new position of Senior Narcotics Control Advisor (S/NCA). The S/NCA will suppo r t, a ssist, a nd a dvise I N L a nd t h e U. S. Emb a s s y in Peru in th e ir eff o r ts to h e lp Peru interdict narcotics and combat criminal trafficking groups. In addition to m a n a g ing and conducting t r a ining, m e nto r ing, technical assistance, and limited e quipm e nt p r o c u r e m e n ts to suppo r t Peruvian security forces a nd judicial authorities, the S/NCA will a lso li a ise with, a nd c oo r din a t e, t h e ac tiviti e s of U S G a g e n c y impl e m e nt er s in the justi c e s ec t o r r e f o r m a r ea as it relates to the professionalization, training, and operations of law enforcement personnel. T he S/NCA will pl a y a key r ole in shaping future program design and engagement strategies with the Peruvian government. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES · The Senior Narcotics Control Advisor will provide expertise in a wide variety of settings, including internal U.S. Embassy and multinational meetings and assisting the Peruvian government in reaching its stated counter narcotics goals and objectives. S/he will offer assistance in a variety of areas, to include counternarcotic policy development and coordination with the interagency and international community and counter narcotics program development, management, and oversight. · The S/NCA will oversee the implementation of INL’s engagement with Peru’s Antinarcotics police (DIRANDRO). This includes, but is not limited to, coordination with Peruvian authorities, management of counter narcotics police training, curriculum development, logistical and security planning, vendor/contractor coordination, and commodity provision to host-nation law enforcement entities. · The S/NCA frequently m e e ts with m e mb er s of oth e r U. S. Gov er n m e nt a g e n c i e s, no n - g ov e r nm e nt a l o r g a ni z a tions (NGOs), a nd relevant int er n a tion a l organizations to gather and disseminate in f o r m a ti o n p er tin e nt to interdiction/police d e v e lopm e nt a nd U S G p r io r iti e s a nd ac tiviti e s. · The S/NCA will be e x p ec t e d to know or m a st e r the f ull ra n ge of a ssist a n c e p r oj ec t m a n a g e m e nt skills, in c luding pl a nni n g, bu d g e ti n g, p r o c u re m e nt, c ont r a c tin g, monitoring, reporting, a nd e v a lu a tion. The Advisor is fre qu e nt l y c a ll e d upon to p erf o r m oth e r t a sks or duti e s on a n a d hoc b a sis, p a r ti c ul ar l y those re qui r i n g st r o n g d r af ting or analytical skills. In close coordination with INL/Lima staff, the S/NCA will: Program Planning and Management D e v e lop p r o g r a m d e s i g n s, p erf o r m a n c e monito r i n g pl a ns, a nd e v a lu a tion p l a nning f o r p r oj ec ts to enhance counter narcotics police capabilities a nd imp r ove the professionalism and performance of counter narcotics institutions. Supervise the overall Narcotics Control Program (NCP) which consists of the following staff members: NCP Deputy - whose primary function will be to oversee the eradication program and back-up the S/NCA and assume responsibilities for the position in his/her absence; NCP Program Assistant – whose primary functions are records keeping, procurement processing and tracking and production of briefing products to include maps; and NCP Program Specialist – whose primary functions include financial auditing and planning, legal assistance and managing grants and cooperative agreements. Manage projects under the guidance and direction of the INL Director, and INL Deputy Director, and keep them informed of the details of such implementation, including progress, challenges, and recommended solutions. Work with the INL staff to oversee budgets for training, equipment, and related construction assistance provided by INL. Provide program guidance and frequent status updates on the implementation and development of INL programs to the INL Director, INL Deputy Director, as well as INL Lima’s headquarters in Washington, DC, when required, to include progress, challenges, and recommended solutions. Ensure programming complies with U.S. government legal and policy requirements and restrictions, including Leahy vetting, and that programming is coordinated with related U.S. government police, counter narcotics, criminal justice, and rule of law programs. Ensure that programming meets and derives from both U.S. and Peruvian policy objectives and priorities. Contribute to the development and strategy of the INL Peru program. These efforts include project execution from study period and program design, through acquisition and implementation, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, monitoring, and coordination among vendors, contractors, and Peruvian government officials. Policy Analysis D raf t poli c y a nd a dvo c a c y p a p er s, a tt e nd m ee ti n g s a nd c on f e re n ce s. Fac ilit a te e x c h a n g e of in f o r m a tion a nd p r ac t i ce s to e nsu r e r obust c o m muni ca tion on counter narcotics issu e s within INL, a s w e ll a s with oth e r p r o f e ssion a ls wo r ki n g in the are a o f law enforcement and counter narcotics assistance in Peru. P re p ar e b ac k g r o u nd m a t e r i a ls a nd re p o r ts us e d b y the INL Di r ec tor a nd oth e r U.S. o ff i c i a ls in sp e ec h e s, b r i ef i n g s, a nd t e stimoni e s to ar ti c ul a te INL Lima’s e ng a g e m e nt on counter narcotics issu e s. P r ovide INL a nd Emb a s s y fr ont o ff i c e s with a n a l y s i s of t re nds a nd d e v e lopm e nts in the area s o f counter narcotics. C ondu c t a ss e ssm e nts of counter narcotics a g e n c i e s/institutions, a nd th e ir t ra ini n g aca d e mi e s a nd f ac iliti e s. Provide policy analysis and program guidance/reporting to INL staff, INL/WHP, and the INL Front Office upon request on aspects of current program efforts as well as those in planning or evaluation stages. Such guidance may include, but is not limited to, mission objectives; the size and structure of interdiction resources; coordination with other Embassy sections; budgeting; development of Peruvian police capacities and institutions; practical measures to improve U.S. and international capacities to provide police assistance; and training plans. Participate in and/or lead assessments – as requested by the INL Deputy Director, or Director – of current program efforts with regard to capacities and structures in Peru, as well as assessments of the impact of ongoing programs; brief those assessments to senior INL and other Department and interagency officials, and, on the basis of those assessments, propose and implement future activities and/or remedial actions. Coordination Work closely with the INL Director, Narcotics Control, Police, and Aviation teams and INL staff to coordinate efforts across all elements of INL Lima. In coordination with the INL Director, work closely with all counter narcotics efforts within the Country Team, including DEA, DOJ, FBI, DS/ATA, DHS, etc., as well as with International Donors. Participate in senior-level meetings, briefings, seminars, and exercises with USG, host nation, and international representatives to develop plans/programs for implementation of police assistance and improve INL capacities to respond quickly and effectively when new mission initiatives emerge. Work closely with Peruvian agencies involved in counter narcotics. Participate in INL staff meetings at the office and team level. TRAINING & DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES 1. Completes the Contracting Officer Representative (PA296) distance-learning (DL) course through the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) within 120 days of arriving at Post. 2. Complete the Introduction to Working in an Embassy (PN113) distance-learning (DL) course through the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) within the first six months of arriving at Post. 3. Complete the mandatory Foreign Affairs Counter-Threat (FACT) Course (OT610) prior to deployment to Post. RELATIONSHIPS The S/NCA reports to the INL Lima Director. The Advisor’s actions, decisions, and recommendations are reviewed based on results achieved and conformance with appropriate laws and regulations. COR AUTHORITIES AND LIMITATIONS After obtaining the required FAC-COR Certification, the Contracting Officer will designate in writing, the position of COR, to take certain actions under the contract(s) requiring oversight. The designation memorandum will specify the scope and limitations of the authority to be delegated. The COR is delegated the authority to act for the Contracting Officer in matters concerning technical clarification, inspection and, after concurrence by the Contracting Officer, acceptance of Contractor performance under the contract, including preparation of receiving reports, and the authorization of progress payments when appropriate. The COR will coordinate all work with the Contractor and review Contractor's performance at significant stages of its development. The COR will be responsible for: Developing a strong working relationship with the Contracting Officer Promptly notifying the Contracting Officer in writing of any noncompliance or deviation in performance or failure to make progress Maintaining constant cognizance with respect to technical compliance with contract terms on part of the Contractor Knowing and understanding the terms and provisions of the contract Knowing the scope and limitations of the COR position’s authority Using good judgment, skill and reasonable care in the exercise of the COR position’s authority Protecting privileged and sensitive procurement information If appropriate, periodically visiting the Contractor’s workplace Serving as the property administrator for the contract(s) assigned Establishing and maintaining adequate COR files Preparing performance assessments for input into the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) In no instance, however, shall the COR be authorized to alter or modify the specifications or the contract terms and the conditions or waive the government's requirement, price, delivery, or other terms and conditions. Such changes must be authorized, in writing, to the Contracting Officer. DELIVERABLES/REPORTS Deliverables are required under this contract and shall include: monthly status reports, monthly evaluation of contractor performance, special reports when required and "Completion of assignment report," which shall be a compressive review of the projects in which the contractor was involved. Each report shall include a critique of and recommendations for the various projects. The completions of assignment reports are due no later than fifteen days prior to the expiration of this contract. The Personal Service Contractor shall submit two copies of each report as required to the INL/Lima Director and the INL/WHP Program Officer. Per FAR Part 4, the above referenced documents shall be incorporated and copies stored in the PSC’s hard file under Section V.; Tab E - Receiving Reports. The Contractor shall prepare and submit two copies of each technical report required by the schedule of this contract (e.g., progress reports, final reports, etc.), to the Embassy INL Section and to the Program Officer, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), Department of State Washington, DC. The title page of all reports forwarded pursuant to this paragraph shall include a descriptive title, the author’s name(s), contract number, project number, and title, contractor’s name, name of the State Department project office, and the publication or issuance date of the report. When preparing reports, the Contractor shall refrain from using elaborate artwork, multicolor printing, and expensive paper/binding, unless it is specifically authorized in the Contract Schedule. Wherever possible, pages should be printed on both sides using single spaced type. COMPLEXITY Develops detailed plans, goals, and objectives for the long-range implementation and administration of the program, and/or develops criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program. Coordinating plans with various other groups including international donors, the U.S. Embassy, and the Government of Peru can be complicated. Projects require dynamic leadership, expertise and complex innovation, strict adherence to high-level policy without lower level interpretive assistance, and the ability to single-handedly or in concert with a variety of other stakeholders resolve critical problems and achieve difficult goals that may impact other programs. They are broad in scope and complicated by many complex features, technical, administrative, or political in nature. SCOPE AND EFFECTIVENESS Guidelines consist of USG and Department of State Acquisition Regulations, and accepted legal principles and theories. In addition, the Advisor must be able to determine application of basic administrative policy statements concerning the issue or problem under study. The Advisor must also consider and adhere to various other existing federal regulations, and the interaction between DOS policies, legislation, the Foreign Assistance Act, and other authorization and appropriations in the INL account, applicable National Security and Presidential Decision Directives, OMB Circulars, and Department of State financial operating procedures and policies. The Narcotics Control Advisor is recognized as a substantive authority on overall management and/or interpretation of guidance on program and project planning and evaluation in a specialized area. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS · U.S. citizen able to obtain and maintain Department of State Secret security and medical clearances. · Military and/or law enforcement experience working counter narcotics in Latin America. · Demonstrated five years of experience in police and/or military advisory missions in Latin America. · Five years supervisory experience. · Extensive knowledge of small unit tactics, employment of ground forces and weapons systems. · Excellent oral and written communication skills. · Demonstrated superior negotiation, interpersonal, and managerial skills. · Experience in planning, strategizing, implementing, and reporting on programs and projects. · Proven ability to work well with others. · Proficiency in Microsoft Office software suite. · Proficiency in the Spanish language. · Demonstrated extensive experience in program development, implementation, and management, including preparation of budgets, procurement of goods and services, and monitoring and evaluation, preferably involving law enforcement and training initiatives. · Demonstrated experience managing large U.S. assistance programs. · Demonstrated experience in planning and executing kinetic anti-narcotics operations. GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED EQUIPMENT The PSC shall be able to use a furnished with office space, a computer, office telephone, and other supplies needed for job requirements. This property will be owned and maintained by the Department of State DoS. LEVEL OF EFFORT Hours for this full ‐ time position will be the core hours of U.S. Embassy Lima, Monday through Friday with a minimum of 40 hours per week. The Advisor will be on call at all times while in country. TRAVEL AND POSITION LOCATION This position is located in Lima, Peru. Frequent travel throughout Peru is required to include high-risk areas. PRE-DEPLOYMENT SUPPORT FOR THE ADVISOR The Advisor may be required to attend briefings/orientation at the DOS in Washington, D.C. for up to one week as well as a mandatory one-week Foreign Affairs Counter Threat Training (FACT) in the U.S. prior to deployment. EVALUATION FACTORS F a c t or 1: P r o g r a m M a n ag e m e n t : ( 20 p oi n t s) E x p er i e n c e a nd a bili t y in m a n a g ing police assistance p r o g ra ms to e nh a n c e counter narcotics operations in Peru. S u c h p r o g r a ms could in c lude ca p ac i t y building f or s ec u r i t y f o rce s, p r ovision of e quipm e nt, t ra inin g, mentoring, technical assistance, a nd a ca d e m y d e v e lopm e nt. F a c t or 2: L iaiso n : ( 20 p oi n t s) Abili t y to coordinate effectively with m e mb er s of re l e v a nt U S G a g e n c i e s, host n a tion re p re s e nt a tiv e s, a nd the int e r n a tion a l c ommuni t y in d e v e loping a nd c oo r di n a ting effective interdiction p r o g r a ms. F a c t or 3: Sub jec t M a t t e r E x p er tise: ( 20 p oi n t s) Abili t y to p r ovi d e e x p er t subj e c t m a tt e r a nd poli c y g ui d a n c e re l e v a nt to the c u rre nt situ a tion in Peru to s e nior l e v e l poli c y m a k er s within the Emb a s s y a nd I N L. F a c t or 4: C o m m un i c a t io n : ( 20 p oi n t s) Abili t y to c ommuni ca te c ompl e x issu e s in a t i m e l y a nd c on c ise m a n n er, in bo t h o ra l a nd w r itt e n f o r m. F a c t or 5: P ast P er f o r m a nc e : ( 20 p oi n t s) O ff e r o r ' s p re vious e x p er i e n c e a nd qu a li t y o f p e r f o r m a n ce. ( Ev a lu a tor m a y use a ll e v a lu a tion in f o r m a tion a v a il a ble a t the time of the e v a lu a tion, wh e th e r p r o v id e d b y the a ppli ca nt or obt a i n e d fr om r e fe r e n c e s ). The most qualified candidates may be interviewed, required to provide a writing sample, and demonstrate an ability to operate commonly used office applications. INL will not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews. In addition, applications (written materials and interviews) will be evaluated based on content as well as on the applicant's writing, presentation, and communication skills. In the event that an applicant has fully demonstrated his/her qualifications and there are no other competitive applicants, INL reserves the right to forego the interview process. Professional references will be evaluated for applicants being considered for selection. COMPENSATION (BASE PAY) For award, INL will negotiate for this contract based on the market value as outlined above and overall experience relevant to the solicitation requirements. BENEFITS & ALLOWANCES AS A MATTER OF POLICY, INL NORMALLY AUTHORIZES THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS AND ALLOWANCES BENEFITS - IF APPLICABLE · Employee's FICA/Medicare Contribution · Contribution toward Health and Life Insurance · Pay Comparability Adjustment · Annual Increase · Eligibility for Worker's Compensation · Annual, Sick and Home Leave · 401K Plan · MEDVAC (provided by DOS Med) ALLOWANCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF STATE STANDARDIZED REGULATIONS (DSSR) - IF APPLICABLE · Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) or Per Diem upon arrival at Post · Housing Allowance · Post Allowance · Supplemental Post Allowance · Maintenance Allowance (SMA) · Education Allowance · Educational Travel (full-time United States based secondary) · Post Hardship Differential · Danger Pay · Shipment of HHE, UAB, POV and Consumables
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