J -- High Temperature Hot Water (HTWH) Boiler System Maintenance - SOURCES SOUGHT - PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT
- Notice Date
- 3/28/2018
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 238220
— Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Army, Army Contracting Command, ACC - APG (W911QX) Adelphi, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Building 601, Adelphi, Maryland, 20783-1197, United States
- ZIP Code
- 20783-1197
- Solicitation Number
- W911QX-18-R-0018
- Archive Date
- 4/19/2018
- Point of Contact
- AARON C. SABINO, Phone: 3013943374, Nathaniel Drake, Phone: (301) 394-0261
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT SOURCES SOUGHT PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT U.S. ARMY GARRISON ADELPHI LABORATORY CENTER Boiler Equipment Maintenance 09February 2018 Part C.1 General Information C.1.1. Background: The primary mission of United States Army Garrison, Adelphi Laboratory Center (ALC) is to provide valuable support services and infrastructure to enable scientific research, development, and well-being of the workforce. ALC serves the Soldier and collaborates with Army science and research by providing excellent lab facilities and support services. C.1.2. Scope: This is a non-personal services contract to provide routine Inspection, Testing and Maintenance services, also known as Preventative Maintenance (PM) for the Heating Systems and associated equipment described in Technical Exhibit 1. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, transportation, supervision and all other items necessary to perform recurring preventive maintenance services for the specific list of equipment issued with this PWS. The Contractor shall provide maintenance and repair services to ensure all systems are functioning properly and efficiently. The Contractor shall ensure that all components are maintained in a safe and proper operating condition according to manufacturer's specifications. The primary goal is to avoid or mitigate the consequences of equipment and system failure. The Contractor shall also provide Corrective Maintenance (CM). CM will also cover the equipment listed in Technical Exhibit 1.The Government will not exercise any supervision or control over the contract service providers performing the services herein. Such contract service providers shall be accountable solely to the Contractor who, in turn, is responsible to the Government. C.1.3. Ordering Period: In conjunction with the requirements of the basic contract, the Contractor shall provide the requirements described in this PWS for one (1) base year and two (2) option years. The Government may elect to exercise one or more options and there are no guarantees that options will be exercised. Additionally, this contract may be incrementally funded DFARS Clause 252.232-7007 "Limitation of Government's Obligation". The Contractor shall provide a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) proposal for all work required by this PWS. The Contractor shall structure their proposal for PM based on the Equipment list in Technical Exhibit 1. C.1.4. Preventative Maintenance (PM) consists of all systems listed in Technical Exhibit 1 and the preventive maintenance and service of the systems. PM does not include equipment repair or life cycle replacement; however minor services including broken belts, jammed dampers, and other failures caused by maintenance deficiencies are considered preventative maintenance (see Section C.3.1 of this PWS). Based on the equipment list in Technical Exhibit 1, this contract will be Firm Fixed Priced (FFP) and billed on a monthly basis from the appropriate Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). Monthly payments will be made after invoicing and documentation are verified. The Contractor shall confirm that all required inspection and testing actions are completed for the invoice's period of performance prior to submitting an invoice. C.1.5. Corrective Maintenance (CM) consists of repair or replacement of system elements with impending failure and/or non-functional components not covered by routine preventative maintenance. The Contractor shall identify, isolate, and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment or system can be restored to an operational condition within the tolerance or limits established for in-service operation. CM does not include life cycle replacement and primarily consists of service, repair, and replacement measures to reinstate the intended function and performance of the system. This task will be performed on either a Time and Material (T&M) and/or FFP process depending on the classification (see Section C.3.2.6 of this PWS). Corrective Maintenance shall only be billed, on T&M and/or FFP, after the repair is complete and the customer has approved the completed Service Order (SO). CM shall cover all systems and equipment listed in Technical Exhibit 1. C.1.6. Place of Performance: The work to be performed under this contract will be performed at the Central Utility Plant (Bldg. 106) and "satellite" boiler plants in various other buildings throughout the U.S. Army Garrison ALC, 2800 Powder Mill Road; Adelphi, Maryland 20783. C.1.7. Heating demands at U.S. Army Garrison ALC are satisfied via two means: a Central Heating Plant in B106 and satellite boiler plants in various other buildings. The Central Heating Plant serves Buildings 101, 103, 112, 202, 203, 204, 205, and 207, while the standalone satellite boilers listed in Technical Exhibit 1 serve buildings 108, 403, 404, 406, 504, and 601. C.1.7.1 Central Heating Plant Description: The High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) generators and all auxiliary equipment (including water makeup and feed equipment, pressure tanks, fuel oil transfer pumps, fuel oil polisher and circulating pumps) are located in the Central Utility Plant in Building 106, a 24,000 square feet building. The approximate age of the Central Heating Plant is 44 years and it comprises a combination of new and adequately maintained legacy equipment. The system was originally designed as a variable flow system operating at a temperature differential of 150 degrees Fahrenheit (F), a supply temperature of 400 degrees F supply and a 250 degrees F return. The plant currently operates at a lower supply temperature. The plant's heat sources are direct-fired, dual fuel HTHW generators. The expansion of the heated water is taken up in two (2) nitrogen expansion vessels, which simultaneously pressurize the system. The circulating pumps located in the Heating Plant distribute high temperature water to the aforementioned buildings through an underground closed loop distribution system. The campus distribution system comprises supply and return pipes under the same basic pressure. Shell and tube heat exchangers located in each building transfer heat from the primary high temperature water to the lower temperature secondary systems. Each HTHW pump has sufficient capacity to circulate the full rated flow capacity of its associated HTHW generating unit against a full system pressure drop. Pumps are single stage, end suction, centrifugal type especially designed for high temperature hot water service. These pumps circulate water through the individual generating units and the distribution system. Flow through the distribution system varies with the heating load. High temperature two-way control valves, control the flow of HTHW to the heat exchangers, as required to maintain low temperature hot water set point on the low temperature side of the heat exchangers. As the load increases, the heat exchanger control valves open and take more water. Contractor shall note that at the time of this solicitation the Fuel Oil Delivery and distribution system is being replaced. The new Fuel Oil transfer pumps, fuel oil polisher and auxiliary components will be installed and fully function by April 2018. The equipment schedules accompanying this PWS are capturing the specified equipment that will be installed, which the Contractor shall maintain as part of this contract. C.1.7.2 Stand-alone Satellite Heating Boilers: The satellite boilers provide constant volume flow Low-Temperature Heating Water (LTHW) through pumped closed piping system to air handling units and other terminal equipment throughout the building or steam to heat exchangers. Hot water heating plants include gas, oil or dual-fired boilers. C.1.8. Minimizing Disruption: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing services as needed to reduce disruption to mission activities. Any action or outage that will change the primary function or performance of any building system shall be performed during a time that will least likely disrupt mission activities. This will require major activities on core systems to be performed during a later shift, on weekends, holidays or during outage periods. In those cases where some interference may essentially be unavoidable, the Contractor shall make every effort to minimize the impact of interference, inconvenience, equipment downtime, interrupted service and customer discomfort. The extent of such disruption shall be agreed with the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) in advance. C.1.9. Work Execution: Included in this function are full ranges of management duties including, but not limited to, planning, organizing, scheduling, directing, controlling, cost accounting, report preparation, reporting, establishing, and maintaining records, and quality control. Contractor shall accomplish the work in a cost effective manner, ensuring qualified craftsmen with the required expertise and the proper equipment are available on site when needed, while limiting the number of craftsmen and the equipment to the minimum essential for efficiently accomplishing the repairs. The scope of work, methods of accomplishment and materials used will be closely scrutinized and are subject to Government approval. C.1.9.1 The Contractor shall implement all necessary work control procedures to ensure timely accomplishment of work requirements, to include or permit the tracking of work progress. C.1.9.2 The Contractor shall plan and schedule work to assure material, labor, and equipment are available to complete those requirements within the specified time limits and in conformance with the standards of quality and timeliness herein. C.1.9.3 The Contractor shall manage the total work effort associated with the services required herein to assure fully adequate and timely completion of these services. C.1.10. Equipment Condition: The Government makes no representation or guarantee as to the condition of equipment on the start date of the contract, and no adjustments will be made in the contract price relative to equipment condition after the award of the contract. C.1.11. Hours of Operation: The services and repairs to be performed under this contract shall be performed during normal Government Operating Days, Monday through Friday except for Federal holidays, between the hours of 0700 to 1630 local time. Work outside of normal Government operating hours shall be permissible if approved by the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). If services are scheduled by the Contractor to be performed on a regular federal holiday (see below), or one designated by Presidential proclamation, rescheduling shall be at discretion of COR. New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Columbus Day President's Day Veteran's Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day C.1.12. Personnel Requirements: The Contractor shall provide adequate number of persons with the necessary technical, professional and management skills and expertise to ensure work is performed with best industry practices and contract requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that employees' skills, qualifications, certifications and experience are commensurate with the employees' site specific work assignment and consistent with industry standards and US Army requirements. C.1.13. Licensing/Certification/Training Documentation: Licenses required of the Contractor to conduct business (for example, local or state business licenses) shall be obtained prior to performing work under this contract. Personnel licensing and certification shall be complete before that individual performs any work under this Contract. All licenses and certificates shall be current, and shall be kept current throughout the contract period of performance. The Contractor shall have available for the Government's review, all licensing/certification/training documentation for all Contractor personnel occupying positions that require special training/certification. C.1.14. Maintaining and Operating Safe and Reliable Facilities: The primary focus of this contract is to improve the quality of care and the performance of the systems and equipment described in this PWS. It is the Contractor's responsibility to assure the reliability and availability of critical systems via effective maintenance. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that systems do not fail due to Contractor's negligence. It is the Contractor's responsibility to protect personnel and property from the risk of harm, injury and damage. Any equipment deficiencies noted by the Contractor during operational checks, preventive maintenance inspections, trouble call/service work, or other times shall be reported and thoroughly documented in electronic format. All reports shall be typewritten, legible and clear. Handwritten reports will not be accepted. C.1.15. Security Requirements: Contractor personnel performing under this scope of work on the ALC premises must be citizens of the United States, either native-born or naturalized. No foreign nationals shall be permitted on ALC. Cases of dual or multiple citizenships will be reviewed by security personnel. Contractor personnel performing work under this contract must be able to obtain a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) clearance and prior to commencement of work under this contract, and must be able to maintain a NACI clearance during the performance of the contract. The Contractor must pass the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Interstate Identification Index (III) background investigation to gain access on the installation. All NACI and NCIC III investigations will be performed at the Government's expense. C.1.16. Access and General Protection/Security Policy and Procedures: Contractor and all associated sub-contractors employees shall comply with applicable installation, facility and area commander installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by government representative). The Contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services or Security Office. Contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by DOD, HQDA and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition (FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in Contractor security matters or processes. C.1.17. Quality Control: The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective Quality Control Program to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS. The Contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The Contractor's quality control program is the means by which the Contractor assures all work complies with the requirement of the contract. C.1.18. Safety Program: The Contractor shall take all precautions in the performance of work under this contract to protect the safety and health of the Contractor's employees, to protect the safety and health of all persons in or near the jobsite, and to prevent damage to property, materials, supplies and equipment. The Contractor shall establish an accident prevention and safety program encompassing each line item of this contract, which shall provide safety, health protection, and personnel medical record maintenance as required. The Contractor shall develop and submit a site-specific "Accident Prevention Plan", describing procedures for preventing accidents and for preserving the life and health of Contractor and Government personnel. See section "C.4.7 Accident Prevention Plan" of this PWS for more details regarding the "Accident Prevention Plan". C.1.19. Hazardous Materials/ Waste Program: The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective Hazardous Material/Waste Program to ensure all work performed under this contract is in compliance with all applicable State, Federal, and local laws and regulations. The goal of the program is to ensure the safe handling/disposal of hazardous materials/waste during the performance of this contract. See section "C.4.15 Hazardous Waste Management Plan" of this PWS for more details regarding the reporting requirements for the "Hazardous Materials/Waste Program". The Contractor shall immediately notify the COR of any nonconformance and/or noncompliance with applicable Federal, State or Local environmental laws, Army and installation environmental regulations or policies. C.1.20. Documentation: Records, documents, inspections, reports, correspondence, calibrations, calculations, and all other documents and writings, together with any charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs, images, and other illustrative, explanatory, historical, or analytical material, related thereto or independent thereof, regardless of the medium (or media) by which they were produced, preserved, stored, or created in connection with or for purpose(s) of work performed under this contract, are property of the Government and shall be delivered to the Government Representative promptly, as stipulated within this contract in electronic format. The Contractor shall document all work performed under this contract in accordance with the deliverables contained in section C.4 of this PWS. The Contractor, at no expense to the Government, shall correct and re-submit improperly prepared deliverables rejected by the COR. C.1.21. Submittal Ownership: The Government shall have the ownership of all surveys, plans, and submittals provided to the Contracting Officer under this contract. If after the Contractor has produced any plans, submittal(s), and/or site survey and the Government chooses to pursue a project by means other than this contract or Contractor, the Government will do so as owner of all surveys, submittals, and plans submitted to the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall maintain records and files for all reports, completed forms, and other data required (including all contract-related correspondence). The Contractor shall make accessible to Government all records and files applicable to this Contract. The Government retains ownership of all databases, information, and other materials received or developed by the Contractor in support of this Contract at all times. All records and files compiled during the life of the Contract are Government owned and shall be turned over to the Government within thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Contract's period of performance. C.1.22. Systems/Equipment Failure: Systems or equipment which fail to a condition where they are not operational or not safely operational, and which have open PM work orders which are beyond the targeted completion date, will be evaluated by the COR to determine if the failure to perform maintenance was a factor in the failure of the equipment. Maintenance failures will be determined by investigating the condition of the failed assets and reviewing the maintenance history performed on the assets. The Government reserves the right to implement maintenance failure deductions based upon the findings of the Government's investigation. C.1.23. Differing Site Conditions: If during performance of Repair Work, the Contractor encounters unforeseen conditions that impact the work and could not be evaluated during the initial estimating procedures and proposal process, the Contractor shall submit to the COR a proposed changes to the Government and not proceed with the proposed work without first obtaining authorization from the COR and Contracting Officer. The proposed change order shall contain adequate information for the Government to fully assess the unforeseen condition. After review of the proposed change order and negotiations, the Government will both modify the contract and direct the Contractor to proceed with the work or exercise other options available to the Government. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for preparing a proposed change order. If the Contractor is directed to stop work, the Contractor shall clean and secure the work site. C.1.24. Replacement, Modernization, and Renovation: The Government may replace, renovate, or install new equipment at Government expense and by means not associated with this contract. Replaced, improved, updated, modernized, or renovated systems and equipment interfaced to the system may be added to the Contractor's scope of maintenance and service effort. A modification will be issued or can be requested by the Contractor if deemed necessary to compensate for any changes in scope. The Contractor shall determine compatibility and interfacing of new equipment associated with existing systems with consideration given to existing equipment in existing buildings. Any issues shall be addressed by the Contractor during the integration process. Part C.2 Personnel Requirements C.2.1. Staffing: The Contractor shall continuously maintain an adequate qualified staff with suitable technical, trade, management, and professional expertise to assure work is scheduled, performed and completed in accordance with all specifications. Personnel operating and performing preventive maintenance on the building systems, or working around these systems, shall be fully trained, experienced and certified/licensed where required by federal, state or local law for performing the required tasks to ensure that all systems meet required health, safety and environmental standards. Throughout this contract, the term "Contractor" shall also include any sub-contractors performing under this contract. C.2.1.1 The Contractor shall maintain an adequate work force to complete work in accordance with the time and quality standards specified. The Contractor shall be responsible for any workforce augmentation needed to accomplish Government requirements. For all proposed personnel changes during contract performance, the Contractor shall submit all necessary documentation required to substantiate any new personnel performing under the contract meet the certification/licensing requirements as set forth in this PWS. C.2.2. Certification/Training: Contractor's service technicians and operators shall be certified for work on each particular system. Contractor shall be responsible to maintain these certifications for all personnel performing direct, physical work on these systems at all times through the life of the contract. At no time shall apprentice-level personnel be allowed to execute tasks without an appropriately certified technician or qualified supervisor directly present and observing the work. C.2.2.1 The Contractor shall submit current and active Journeyman licenses or state equivalent licenses for each Engineering Technician performing under this contract. C.2.2.2 The Contractor shall have Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandated Confined Space Entry Training in order to execute this project. The Contractor shall provide the certificate of training for employees that enter the confined space upon contract award. C.2.3. Work Experience: Supervisory and technical personnel shall have related experience in the maintenance and service of similar projects. Supervisory personnel shall be experienced in the administration, scheduling and coordination of a work force for the maintenance and service of a comparable project of similar complexity. C.2.4. Conduct and Behavior: The Contractor's personnel shall be neat and tidy in their attire while providing services under this contract and be dressed in a manner appropriate to the nature of the programs and services being provided. The Contractor's personnel shall conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the customs of the Government organization and the standards of courtesy, conduct, and behavior expected of the client's staff of equivalent capacity. The Contractor shall ensure the presentation, manner, and image conveyed by persons employed under this contract are consistent with the good name, reputation, and image of the Government. All staff shall be well presented, courteous, informative and responsible in their manner and dealings with Government's personnel, visitors to the facilities, members of the community, and other Contractors. C.2.4.1 The Contractor shall dismiss any Contractor employee, or prospective employee, who is identified and/or established as a potential or actual threat to the health, safety, security, general well-being, or operational mission of the facility and its population. C.2.4.2 The Contractor shall dismiss any Contractor employee found to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other incapacitating agent, inappropriate behavior, poor performance, misconduct, or for endangering life or property. The removal of such person(s) shall not relieve the Contractor of the requirements of this contract. Part C.3 Specific Tasks C.3.1. Preventative Maintenance (PM): The Contractor shall complete all minor repair requirements to fix maintenance deficiencies identified during the performance of a preventive maintenance inspections as part of the preventive maintenance program. Preventive maintenance consists of: inspection/testing, cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, calibration, and minor parts and component replacement (e.g., filters, belts, hoses, fluids, oil and grease) as required to minimize malfunction, breakdown, and deterioration of equipment; and the identification of and/or performance of any maintenance repairs necessary for proper equipment operation per the manufacturer's operating standards. If, while performing an inspection outlined in Section C.3.1 of this PWS, the Contractor discovers an issue requiring repair beyond that which is covered as part of PM, the Contractor shall deliver type written cost estimates and reports to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) in accordance with Sections C.3.13 and C.3.2 of this PWS. C.3.1.1 All preventive maintenance, and preventive maintenance repairs shall be included in the firm fixed-price Contract, including all labor, materials, equipment, and supplies necessary to complete the work (including rags, lubricants, solvents, gaskets, nuts and bolts), and appurtenances (e.g., belts, bearings, filters, batteries, lamps, ballasts and testing equipment). Repairs or item replacements recommended by manufacturers in the equipment O&M Manuals, O&M Technical Bulletins, and advisories that are specifically identified in the Contractor Master PM Schedule shall be part of the preventive maintenance requirement. Preventative maintenance work prescribed by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), to include parts and services, mandated inspections, calibrations and annual recertification, as provided by OEM qualified sub-contractors shall be part of the FFP. This also includes any costs for required follow-up minor maintenance repair services resulting from the preventative maintenance procedures and inspections. C.3.1.2 PM shall consist of physical inspection of the entire system including insulation, exhaust area, and tank interior, lever test of safety valves, resistance testing of the motors, inspecting drain valves and floor drains, testing water samples, electrical connections and controls, oil pressure and all gauges, and inspection of ignition source. In addition to the procedure(s) outlined in this PWS, the Contractor shall strictly adhere to equipment manufacturer's recommended maintenance procedure(s) and/or instruction(s). C.3.1.3 The Contractor shall: 1. Review and evaluate for possible failures and previous readings recorded in the maintenance log 2. Perform boiler external inspection with internal inspection and annual preventive maintenance. 3. Review manufacturer's instructions and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes for boilers. 4. Use Respiratory Protection as required. 5. Follow lock out/tag out procedures at all times. The Contractor shall de-energize or discharge all hydraulic, electrical, mechanical, or thermal energy prior to beginning work. 6. Inspect all automatically and manually operated control devices provided for controlling operation and safety of the vessel, steam or water pressure, hot water temperature, combustion, and boiler water level under operating conditions. 7. Inspect all associated valves and piping, pressure and temperature indicating devices, metering and recording devices, and all boiler auxiliaries under operating conditions. 8. Ensure all combustion controls attached to the boiler, regardless of the fuel being fired, are in good working order, or the inspection certificate shall be withheld. 9. Close and tag all hand or motorized valves required to isolate the boiler. The Contractor shall chain and lock all valves that are closed for safety. These valves shall not be unlocked and reopened unless authorized by the originator of the work authorization. The Contractor shall enter this information in the boiler log and sign. 10. Wear appropriate respirator, goggles, and gloves while in contact with hazardous materials. The Contractor shall contact the Safety and Environmental Management Division/Branch with questions regarding safety requirements. 11. Use a flashlight in preference to an extension light for lighting. When a portable extension light is used in a confined space, the Contractor shall not operate it at more than 12 volts. 12. Perform internal boiler inspection in accordance with requirements of ASME, Section VI, Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers, and Section VII, Recommended Rules for Care of Power Boilers; and National Board Inspection Code ANSI/NB-23, A Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. 13. Perform inspection by inspectors certified by the National Board of Boiler Pressure Vessel Inspectors. 13. Prepare boiler for internal inspection in the following manner: a. Fuel supply and ignition system shall be locked out. b. Water shall be drawn off and water side thoroughly washed out. c. Manhole and handhole plates, washout plugs, inspection plugs in water column connections shall be removed. d. The boiler shall be cooled and thoroughly cleaned. e. All grates of internally fired boilers shall be removed. f. Insulation and brickwork shall be removed as required to determine condition of boiler, headers, furnace, supports or other parts. g. Pressure gauge(s) shall be removed and tested. b. Before opening the manhole and entering any part of the boiler, the required steam or water system stop valves shall be closed, tagged, and padlocked. All drain valves or cocks located between the two valves shall be opened. 14. Ensure inspector does not enter boiler until satisfied that necessary safety precautions and pre inspection preparations have been made. 15. Account for all tools, materials, and equipment before closing boiler C.3.1.4 Boiler External Inspection Procedure (Annually). All findings report to the COR by Email: 1. The Contractor shall inspect overall cleanliness and accessibility of boiler and auxiliary equipment. The Contractor shall check boiler fittings, valves and piping for compliance with ASME code and jurisdictional requirements. 2. The Contractor shall inspect the entire boiler unit for combustion gas and fuel leaks, including fuel safety shutoff valves. 3. Pressure Gauges: The Contractor shall record the pressure reading indicated on pressure gauge and compare it with another gauge on the same system or with a standard test gauge. 4. Safety and Safety Relief Valves: a. The Contractor shall inspect the boiler relief valve and the relief valve discharge pipe for signs of weeping or leakage. b. The Contractor shall test safety valves by allowing the pressure in the boiler to rise to the popping pressure, and subsequent fall, to check the actual popping pressure and blowdown. If this is not practical, the boiler operator shall test the valve for free operation by use of the lifting lever, provided the boiler pressure is 75% or more of the set pressure. c. The Contractor shall inspect valve discharge pipe to determine if discharge pipe is free and in accordance with ASME Code requirements. d. When inspections reveal that a safety valve is not operating properly, the boiler shall be taken out of service and the valve shall be replaced or repaired. 5. Low Water Fuel Cutoff or Feed Controls: The Contractor shall observe the test of these controls after the drain has been opened. The Contractor shall close the drain and observe and record the promptness of the return to normal such as the silencing of an alarm or stopping of a feed pump. The Contractor shall examine the float linkage and connections for wear and ensure the float chamber is free of sludge or other accumulation. 6. Blow-off Piping Power Boilers: The Contractor shall observe blowdown of the boiler in normal manner, check for freedom of piping to expand and contract and ensure there is no excessive vibration. 7. Flame Failure Cutoff and Alarm. The Contractor shall test flame failure shutdown and alarm on both pilot failure and main flame failure by securing fuel source. The Contractor shall ensure shutdown and alarm occurs in accordance manufacturers and ASME requirements. a. Piping, Connections and Fittings: The Contractor shall inspect piping to ensure there is provision for expansion and adequate support. b. The Contractor shall examine piping and fittings for evidence of leakage and excessive vibration. The Contractor shall also examine piping and fittings to determine that they are properly rated for the service conditions to which they are subjected. 8. Scale, oil or other substances : a. The Contractor shall examine all surfaces of exposed metal on waterside of boiler for deposits caused by water treatment, scale, oil, or other substances. b. The smallest amount of oil is dangerous and the Contractor shall take immediate steps to clean affected surfaces and prevent further contamination, excess scale or other deposits by appropriate chemical or mechanical means. 8. The Contractor shall determine if there is ample provision for expansion between the sections. 9. The Contractor shall check for excessive rust build-up or pitting with deep visual damage between sections (cast iron type). 10. The Contractor shall examine and clean all water line controls to determine if they are clear of scale and arranged to ensure proper control operations. 11. The Contractor shall clean stems and shafts, and tighten packing nuts on valves and pumps. 12. The Contractor shall flush fuel oil strainer baskets and oil solenoid valve seats. 13. The Contractor shall dismantle low water fuel cut offs and water feeders to ensure freedom from obstructions and proper functioning of the working parts. The Contractor shall replace old gaskets before reassembling. 14. The Contractor shall inspect connecting lines to boiler for accumulations of mud, scale, or other substances, and clean as needed. 15. The Contractor shall examine all visible wiring for brittle or worn insulation, and ensure electrical contacts are clean, adequately tightened, and functioning properly. 16. On electrical type detection devices, the Contractor shall replace vacuum tubes as required, and replace defective solid state devices. 17. The Contractor shall replace fusible plugs, if applicable according to the inspection report. 18. Safety and Safety Relief Valves: a. The Contractor shall check valves for correct pressure setting and adequate discharge pipe supports. b. The Contractor shall manually test the safety or safety relief valve on a steam or hot water heating boiler once each month and pressure tested once each year. 19. Pressure Gages: a. The Contractor shall test and calibrate pressure gauges. b. The Contractor shall record location of the pressure gauge(s) to determine whether it is exposed to high temperature from an external source or to internal heat due to lack of protection by a proper siphon or trap. 20. The Contractor shall inspect all electrical contacts and tighten all electrical connections 21. The Contractor shall measure voltage supplied to motors, switches, and controls 22. The Contractor shall perform a Megger test on the associated motors. C.3.1.5 Boiler Internal Inspection Procedure (Annually): When the boiler has cooled to the ambient boiler room temperature, the Contractor shall wash out mud legs, and flush boiler. To protect the boiler from unnecessary stresses, the Contractor shall allow the boiler water temperature to reach the boiler room temperature before draining the boiler. The Contractor shall drain boiler, tag valves and controls. The Contractor shall not attempt to remove a manhole or handhole cover without first properly venting the water of a boiler to the atmosphere. Prior to opening or entering a boiler, the Contractor shall ensure it must be at atmospheric pressure. 1. The Contractor shall inspect the boiler tube surfaces for rust and soot buildup. Rust is an indicator of condensation. The Contractor shall brush the tubes and vacuum debris from all surfaces. 2. The Contractor shall clean breaching, ducts, fireboxes, or main fire tube, and flue passages. The Contractor shall vacuum debris from all surfaces. 3. The Contractor shall check and replace worn or damaged insulation. The Contractor shall repair the damage and remove the debris. The Contractor shall check refractory and brick work; if damaged the Contractor shall notify supervisor and enter this data in boiler log. 4. Stays and stay bolts (if applicable). a. The Contractor shall examine stays to determine whether or not they are in even tension. The Contractor shall examine all fastened ends to determine whether cracks exist where stays are punched or drilled for rivets or bolts. b. The Contractor shall test firebox stay bolts by tapping one end of each bolt with a hammer and, where practical, a hammer or other heavy tool shall be held on the opposite end to make the test more effective. An unbroken bolt should give a ringing sound while a broken bolt will give a hollow sound. The Contractor shall replace broken stay bolts. 5. The Contractor shall examine manholes, reinforcing plates and nozzles or other connections flange or screwed into the boiler for evidence of defects both internally and externally. If possible, Contractor shall make observation from the inside of the boiler as to whether connections are properly made to the boiler. The Contractor shall examine all openings leading to external attachments, such as water column connections, low water fuel cutoff devices, openings in dry pipes and openings to safety valves to ensure they are free from obstruction. 6. Fire Surfaces: a. The Contractor shall examine for bulging and blistering. b. The Contractor shall inspect all plate or tube surfaces exposed to the fire and check whether any part of the boiler has become deformed by bulging and blistering. 7. Cracks: a. The Contractor shall examine vulnerable areas including ligaments between the holes on watertube boiler drums, between tube holes on tube sheet of firetube boilers, at any flange where repeated flexing of the plate occurs during operation and around welded pipe and tube connections. 8. Lap joint boilers are subject to cracking where plates lap in the longitudinal seam. If there is any evidence of leakage or other distress at this point, the Contractor shall thoroughly examine the area to determine whether cracks exist in seams. 9. Corrosion: a. The Contractor shall inspect for corrosion. b. When active corrosion is found, the Contractor shall provide advice to the COR to correct as necessary. 10. Grooving: a. The Contractor shall inspect for grooving. The Contractor shall examine as construction permits all flange surfaces, particularly the flanges of unstayed heads. b. The Contractor shall provide corrective advice to the COR for any defects found. 11. Firetubes: The Contractor shall examine closely for reduction in thickness near or at tube ends. 12. Watertubes: a. The Contractor shall inspect for corrosion, erosion, bulges, cracks, or any evidence of defective welds. b. The Contractor shall examine short tubes and nipples used to join drums and headers; there is a tendency for fuel and ash to lodge in these areas and corrosion is likely in the presence of moisture. 13. Blow off Piping: a. The Contractor shall inspect blowoff piping connections and fittings. b. The Contractor shall ensure that blowout piping is properly secured and discharges at a safe point. 14. The Contractor shall brush all tubes clean of scale. 15. The Contractor shall brush plate surfaces clean, using vacuum cleaner as needed. 16. The Contractor shall refill boiler with water and chemicals if boiler is to be put back in service or if wet-lay-ups are to be employed. C.3.1.6 Checkpoints for Equipment Functional Testing (Annually): Contractor shall check that all safeties, interlocks, and alarms operate correctly in both automatic and manual operating modes. The Contractor shall verify proper sensor installation and calibration. The Direct Digital Control (DDC) system relies on input from various sensors (including temperature, pressure, and flow) in order to achieve the desired system operation. If sensors are not located correctly, or the measured value from any sensor to the control algorithm is incorrect, the system will not respond as intended. 1. Actuation and Sequencing a. The Contractor shall verify that automatic isolation valves are installed and operate correctly, if applicable. When an individual boiler is not operating, the Contractor shall close the isolation valve to prevent water from circulating through the unit. b. The Contractor shall verify proper boiler staging under normal operation, as well as under all failure and emergency operating modes, especially if multiple units are installed which are unequal in size. c. The Contractor shall verify that the boilers and primary/feed water pumps stage up and down per the sequence of operations under all operating modes. The Contractor shall verify water flow is at the appropriate rate. d. The Contractor shall verify that the time delay between boiler start/stop commands are per design. To remove residual heat from the boiler, the primary/feed water pump operates on a time delay, after the boiler is commanded OFF, This is per design. 2. Set points and Reset Controls a. The Contractor shall verify that the system operates and maintains hot water supply temperature setpoint under all operating modes, including automatic, manual, and failure/emergency modes. b. The Contractor shall verify proper coordination between individual setpoints and reset strategies. c. The Contractor shall verify that the control algorithms generate the proper water temperature setpoint based on the reset parameters specifies in the sequence of operations. d. The Contractor shall verify that the reset parameters are optimized for the system. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure the reset control strategy does not result in a return water temperature from the building loads, which can cause the flue gasses to condense in non-condensing boiler systems. e. The Contractor shall verify that the O2 trim controls, if applicable, operate to ensure that excess oxygen in flue gas is maintained at setpoint. If O2 trim controls are not installed, the Contractor shall review flue gas report and verify the boiler was tuned at high-fire and at least one intermediate part-load operating point. Refer to PWS section C.3.3 pertinent to Boiler Tune-Up. 3. Control Accuracy and Stability a. The Contractor shall verify that all control loops stabilize within a reasonable amount of time (two (2) to five (5) minutes) after a significant load change such as start-up or automatic/manual recovery from shut down. The Contractor shall document results of functional testing in accordance with Section C.3.1.13 of this PWS. C.3.1.7 Heat Recovery Unit (Annually): The Contractor shall visually inspect for corrosion and/or soot accumulation. The Contractor shall record the temperature differential across the economizer to determine combustion efficiency. C.3.1.8 Gas Burner Checks (Annually) : 1. The Contractor shall check boiler room for ventilation in accordance with the American Gas Association (AGA) burner requirements. 2. The Contractor shall check operation of all gas and safety controls and valves including: manual gas shutoff; petal gas regulator; safety shutoff valve (solenoid); automatic gas valve; petal solenoid valve; butterfly gas valve, motor, and linkage to air louver; safety petal solenoid (if used.) 3. The Contractor shall check flue connections for tight joints and minimum resistance to air flow. (The Contractor shall ensure combustion chamber, flues, breaching, and chimney are clear before firing.) 4. On forced draft burners, the Contractor shall check that gas manifold pressure requirements correspond with modulating (butterfly) valve in full open position and stable at all other firing rates. 5. The Contractor shall check burner for flashback and tight shutoff of fuel. 6. The Contractor shall check operation of automatic controls and combustion flame safeguards. The Contractor shall clean and adjust, if necessary. 7. The Contractor shall adjust the burner's vane actuator assembly and lubricate if necessary. 8. The Contractor shall lubricate all burners, damper actuator linkage moving parts and pivot points. 9. Operation and adjustments should conform to manufacturer's instructions. C.3.1.9 Fuel Oil Burner Checks (Annually) 1. The Contractor shall test and inspect burner (with or without firing) at rated pressure for leaks. 2. The Contractor shall perform timed trial for ignition on pilots and burners in accordance with instructions in the programmer timer. 3. The Contractor shall check automatic controls and combustion flame safeguards for normal operation. There should be no presence of oil discharge, ignition or flame. 4. The Contractor shall check pre-ignition purging capability of burner, combustion chamber, boiler passes, and breaching. 5. The Contractor shall check delivery of fuel in relation to its response to the ignition system. The Contractor shall examine electrodes for carbon buildup, discoloration, distortion, and burning of parts, clean and adjust as necessary. 6. The Contractor shall check ignition transformer to supply dependable arc, adjust and regulate as required for clearance and air gap. 7. The Contractor shall clean and adjust draft regulator and air shutter on a natural draft burner to ensure excess air quantities are minimum for complete combustion. The Contractor shall test with flue gas analyzer. 8. On mechanical draft burners, the Contractor shall clean and check power driven fan blower. 9. The Contractor shall check out forced draft fan, clean fan and fan housing, check bearings, pulleys and or couplings and adjust belt tension if required replace worn belts and lubricate pivot points on linkages as necessary. 10. The Contractor shall check and replace oil filters. The Contractor shall check and clean water separators, primary and secondary filters. 11. The Contractor shall clean, check operation, and adjust controls and safeties. 12. The Contractor shall check burners designed to change firing rates automatically for adequate proportioning changes in fuel and air rates. 13. The Contractor shall check oil level sight glass to see that burner maintains proper oil level (within 1/3") at rated output. 14. The Contractor shall check to ensure that power cannot feedback and energize ignition devices or feed valves after a control shuts off burner. 15. The Contractor shall clean or replace nozzles or cups as required, and check for tight shutoff of fuel. 16. The Contractor shall check stacks for smoke or haze and adjust burner accordingly. C.3.1.10 Boiler Efficiency (Annually): The Contractor shall take and record flue gas readings to determine boiler efficiency on an annual basis. The Contractor shall use manufacturer's instructions if available. If manufacturer's instructions are not available, the Contractor shall use the attached tables provided in Technical Exhibit 1 as a guide for performance criteria. If efficiency is lower than the equipment's design efficiencies found in Technical Exhibit 1, the Contractor shall perform required adjustments to ensure efficient and code compliant operating performance. The Contractor shall check baffling and passes for short circuiting, and boiler for air infiltration. The Contractor shall adjust dampers and controls to optimize efficiency. The Contractor shall run tests at the following load points: a. Low Fire, 10% through 90% and High Fire of rated full load for boilers having metering controls or modulation capacity at these load points. b. At the high and low fire rates on boilers equipped with OFF/LOW FIRE/HIGH FIRE control. c. At the single firing load point on boilers equipped with OFF/ON controls only. As part of the combustion gas analysis, the Contractor shall check Nitrous Oxide (NOX) and compare with the local authority's requirements. Many jurisdictions now have maximum standards for NOX to assist in reducing pollution. Depending on the age of the boiler and burner, specific requirements may exist. C.3.1.11 Annual Performance Tune--Up: In accordance with the requirements of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) Title Five Permit for ALC, the Contractor shall conduct an annual performance tune-up according to this PWS section: 1. The Contractor shall conduct the tune-up while burning the type of fuel (or fuels in the case of boilers that routinely burn two types of fuels at the same time) that provided the majority of the heat input to the boiler over the 12 months prior to the tune-up. 2. Each annual tune-up shall be conducted no more than 13 months after the previous tune-up. For a new or reconstructed boiler, the first annual tune-up shall be no later than 13 months after the initial startup of the new or reconstructed boiler. 3. As applicable, the Contractor shall inspect the burner, and clean or replace any components of the burner as necessary. 4. The Contractor shall inspect the flame pattern, as applicable, and adjust the burner as necessary to optimize the flame pattern. The adjustment shall be consistent with the manufacturer's specifications, if available. 5. The Contractor shall inspect the system controlling the air-to-fuel ratio, as applicable, and ensure that it is correctly calibrated and functioning properly. 6. The Contractor shall optimize total emissions of CO. This optimization shall be consistent with the manufacturer's specifications, if available, and with any nitrogen oxide requirement to which the unit is subject. If manufacturer's specifications are not available, the Contractor shall optimize CO and NOx emission according to the schedule issued as part of Technical Exhibit 1. 7. The Contractor shall measure the concentrations in the effluent stream of CO in parts per million, by volume, and oxygen in volume percent, before and after the adjustments are made (measurements may be either on a dry or wet basis, as long as it is the same basis before and after the adjustments are made). Measurements may be taken using a portable CO analyzer. 8. The Contractor shall maintain on-site and submit to the COR, a report containing the information listed below: a) The concentrations of CO in the effluent stream in parts per million, by volume, and oxygen in volume percent, measured at high fire or typical operating load, before and after the tune-up of the boiler. b) A description of any corrective actions taken as a part of the tune-up of the boiler. c) The type and amount of fuel used over the 12 months prior to the tune-up of the boiler, but only if the unit was physically and legally capable of using more than one type of fuel during that period. Units sharing a fuel meter may estimate the fuel use by each unit. 9. If the unit is not operating on the required date for a tune-up, the Contractor shall conduct the tune-up within 30 days of startup. C.3.1.12 Pump Checkpoints (Annually): In addition to the procedure(s) outlined in this PWS, the Contractor shall strictly adhere to equipment manufacturer's recommended maintenance procedure(s) and/or instruction(s). The Contractor shall : 1. Visually inspect the energized pump and motor. Look for fluid leaks originating from the area of the mechanical seal. Replace seal even if leaking only slightly. Seal replacement will fall into the category of a Service Order (see Section C.3.2.6). If seal is leaking and requires replacement under a Service Order, the Contractor shall perform the following: a) Disconnect and remove pump/motor coupling from pump shaft. b) Clean external pump housing and shaft. c) Remove flange on pump housing to remove pump mechanical seal assembly while noting how the seal is assembled on the shaft and in the pump housing. d) After old seal has been removed, clean surfaces of shaft sleeve. e) If this sleeve is galled or damaged, a new seal will not hold for long. The Contractor shall replace the shaft sleeve at this time. f) If the shaft sleeve is not damaged, follow seal manufacturer's instructions and install new mechanical seal. g) Install new pump housing "O" ring or gasket, reinstall pump housing. h) Slowly open discharge and suction valve, then rotate pump shaft to assist in setting mechanical seal. 2. Look for fluid leaks from other areas of the pump, flanges and gaskets, pressure gauges and fittings, bypass tubes or piping, and air release valves. 3. Look for bearing oil or grease leaks. 4. Observe coupling for excessive noise or obvious misalignment. 5. Observe fluid temperatures, pressures, and bearing temperatures if thermometers and pressure gauges are available. 6. De-energize pump and motor. a) Observe pump and motor during shutdown. Often times, vibration and bearing problems become more noticeable during a coasting slowdown of the pump and motor. Start and stop pump, noting vibration, pressure, and action of check valve. b) Close suction and any bypass valves. Bleed off pressure but do not drain pump. c) Observe pressure gauges for signs that the discharge check valve is not closing tightly. d) Close discharge valve. Bleed off pressure but do not drain pump. Observe pressure gauges for signs that the discharge and suction valves are not closing tightly. e) Lubricate pump and motor bearings. Do not over lubricate. f) Use a torque wrench to check the tightness of all bolts, especially the bolts of cast iron pumps. Check that base bolts are securely fastened. g) Closely inspect the pump-motor coupling. h) Check motor and pump alignment. i) Check drive shaft coupling. j) Inspect and clean suction strainers and blowdown valves. k) Clean pump and casing surfaces. Remove corrosion from impeller shaft and housing cover. l) Clean pump suction strainers, and pump packing water seal filter/strainer. m) Clean up work area and remove all debris. C.3.1.13 Reporting: 1. During all tests, the Contractor shall record the actual operating and maintenance practices and make a determination made as to their acceptability. 2. Record Review: The Contractor shall review the boiler log and records of maintenance and feed water treatment to ensure that regular and adequate tests have been made on the boiler and controls. 3. The Contractor shall record all findings in the Plant Operator maintenance log 4. The Contractor shall compile and provide a typewritten report in electronic format to the COR clearly describing the work accomplished and the deficiencies identified. 5. Reports and Records: Inspection Report of Boiler, shall be prepared by the Contractor for each boiler when it is inspected. Reference sample report in Technical Exhibit 1. 6. Conclusions: The Contractor shall discuss any defects or deficiencies in condition, operating and maintenance practices of the boiler and auxiliary equipment with the owner or user at this time. C.3.2. Corrective Maintenance T&M Repairs (Service Orders): A Service Order (SO) is a corrective maintenance request generated by the Contractor which identifies a deficiency and provides a recommended solution. The Contractor shall notify the COR upon discovery of any repairs or damages, not classified as preventative maintenance. All CM tasks will follow the Service Order Process described within. Service order development will be initiated from service calls, Government personnel requests, or Contractor technicians. The Contractor shall submit to the Government the technical scope and price proposal with sufficient detail and supporting documentation per contract requirements. The Government will validate the requirement, determine the priority, and attain approval. Routine/Urgent priorities will be Firm Fixed Priced before a notice to proceed. The Emergency Service Orders will be billed directly from the Time & Material (T&M) CLIN. The Contractor shall complete all the required information on the service order form accurately and completely and submit a Firm Fixed Price proposal to the Contracting Officer (KO) or their designated representative. The Government will review the proposal and upon approval the Contracting Office will generate a Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) for the specific task. The Contractor shall not proceed with any repairs prior to written notification from the KO or COR. C.3.2.1 The Government reserves the right to accomplish any SO with other sources. The Government may require to review equipment and component specifications and submittals for any equipment and building materials prior to installation. C.3.2.2 Service Order Proposal Structure: The Contractor shall, within the time specified (defined at time of issue of a SO proposal and based on the size and complexity of the scope the individual SO), provide a proposal, presented in a professional format and on official company letterhead, to perform repairs and include the following: a. A detailed description of the work to be performed including supporting documentation as required. b. The required number of labor hours, including any overtime, by labor classification and schedule billing rate for each task. c. Direct material costs, equipment rentals, travel subsistence, or similar costs. d. Sub-contractor costs, if required, including applicable markups (overhead profit) to labor and materials. e. Contractor Labor Cost f. Contractor Applicable Burdens g. Total estimated price. h. Proposed completion or delivery dates (Schedule). C.3.2.3 Service Order Ordering Authority: Service Orders must be approved by the Contracting Officer (KO) or the designated authority before work commences. The Contracting Officer may assign a local Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to determine priority level and validate requirements as identified in their appointment letter. The COR may approve routine and urgent service orders equal to or less than $2,500.00. If during the execution of urgent and routine service order work authorized by the COR, the Contractor comes to expect that the completions of the SO work will exceed the $2,500.00 limit, the Contractor shall cease work and verbally notify the COR. The verbal notification shall be followed up by written notification to the COR within one (1) working day. Contractor shall await further instructions from the COR and/or the Contracting Officer. C.3.2.4 Service Order Proposal Evaluation: The Contractor's proposal will be evaluated by the Government to determine if the scope of the SO is clearly and accurately identified and if the estimated costs for labor, material and equipment are reasonable and properly documented. The Contractor shall negotiate the proposal in good faith with the Government. Once the Contractor and Government agree upon the negotiated price, the price becomes a Firm Fixed Price and the Government may issue a NTP for the work. The cost proposal shall be valid for sixty (60) calendar days. C.3.2.5 Service Order Response Times: If the Contractor determines that repairs to a device/system cannot be made within the specific time required, the Contractor shall furnish to the KO or designated representative for approval a written justification stating the reason why the device will be out of service in excess of the specific time. The justification shall include a description of the repairs required, mitigation measures, estimated time required to make repairs, parts required/ordered, and the estimated date of completion to bring the device/system back into full service. No exception will be made without the written approval unless alternative process has been approved by the KO or authorized COR. Contractor shall provide the supplier's statement of estimated delivery date for any delays due to parts availability. The Contractor shall respond to all service calls within the time frames below: a. Emergency: two (2) hour response, four (4) hour mitigation, eight (8) hour completion b. Urgent: twenty-four (24) hour response, forty-eight (48) hour mitigation, five (5) day completion c. Routine: forty eight (48) hour response, ten (10) day completion C.3.2.6 Service Order Priority: The Contractor shall respond to all service orders within the required priority time frame from the initial request and follow the approved service order process. The Service Order priority level will be determined using the following criteria: C. Emergency Service Orders (Priority 1): Maintenance and repair work which requires immediate action, including diverting personnel from other tasks. Emergency work is necessary for operations support, life safety, prevention of damage to property, or national security. Immediate corrective action shall be taken and shall be pursued on a continuous basis until permanent repairs are completed unless otherwise directed by the authorized Government representative. The Contractor shall maintain or provide essential services to critical equipment and facilities and maintain critical environmental conditions, or as otherwise determined. When notified by the Contracting Officer (KO) or their designated representative, the Contractor shall respond onsite to emergency service calls for repairs within a maximum time of two (2) hours after the notification. After being notified, the Contractor shall furnish a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate and KO/COR will issue a NTP and set a Not to Exceed (NTE) amount. The Contracting Officer may authorize the Contractor either verbally or in writing, to take immediate action to accomplish emergency repairs. The Contractor shall then mitigate and/or fully complete repairs for the emergency. The Contractor shall complete troubleshooting and any required mitigation within four (4) hours of arriving onsite. If the system deficiency cannot be mitigated within the four (4) hour limit or it becomes apparent that the cost could exceed the NTE amount, the Contractor shall notify the KO/COR immediately. The Contractor shall complete repair(s) within eight (8) hours of arriving onsite, 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Contractor shall contact the KO/COR on all emergency SO's when they are completed and submit all documentation the following business day by 0800 hours. Contractor's employees who respond to emergency calls after normal duty hours shall communicate with the Government representative prior to starting work and after work is complete to discuss what work was accomplished. 1. Completion of an Emergency Service Order is defined as the restoration of a piece of equipment, a system, or a facility to such condition that it may be effectively utilized for its designated purposes and reduces risk to life safety, vital equipment damage, or national security. 2. Mitigation of an Emergency Service Order is defined as successful efforts to eliminate the life safety or security risks associated to a particular corrective maintenance task. Mitigation may be the only option and fully completing the repair is impossible. In a few cases, the parts required for repair may be long lead items, and in this case, Contractor shall make a good faith effort to mitigate the risk within the four (4) hour period. The Contractor shall provide the Government a status, including a description and model number of the long lead part, the date the part was ordered, the date the part is expected to arrive, and the date the project is expected to be completed. C. Urgent Service Orders (Priority 2): Urgent Service Orders should be accomplished by the first available maintenance personnel. Personnel shall not be diverted from Emergency-Priority 1 work. Contractor shall respond onsite to urgent service calls for repairs within twenty-four (24) hours of notification. Contractor shall complete troubleshooting and any required mitigation within forty-eight (48) hours of arriving onsite. Contractor shall complete repair(s) within five (5) days after NTP is ordered by the KO unless otherwise approved. Urgent work is required to correct a condition which could become an emergency, could seriously affect morale, or has command emphasis. These Service Orders are normally for occupied office/lab facilities or key operational facilities that impact multiple buildings and personnel or will cause extensive damage if not repaired sooner. Contractor shall contact the KO on all Urgent SO's when they are completed and turn in all documentation within two business days. C. Routine Service Orders (Priority 3): The Contractor shall respond onsite to routine service calls for repairs within forty-eight (48) hours of notification. Contractor shall complete repair(s) within ten (10) workdays after NTP, unless otherwise specified. If no priority is assigned then it is assumed to be a routine, priority 3. Work shall be accomplished in the most economical and efficient manner, on a "first come, first served" basis. Prompt response is essential to smooth operation of research and support elements. For some Routine Service Orders, the COR will establish a specific due date for completion based on program requirements; the Contractor shall be required to meet these due dates. Any routine Service Order that will take longer than ten (10) workdays shall be approved by the COR or a designated Government Representative before the ten (10) workdays are up. The Contractor shall submit a schedule for approval to the COR or a designated Government Representative for any routine Service Order that will take longer than ten (10) workdays to complete. The Contractor shall contact the KO/COR when Routine Service Orders are completed and submit all documentation the within two (2) business days. C.3.2.7 Completion/Acceptance of SO Work: The Contractor shall notify the COR within three (3) business days following completion of SO to schedule a joint final inspection. The Government will thoroughly inspect the SO prior to acceptance. Repair Work shall be accepted only after all work has been completed and noted discrepancies have been corrected. A complete repair package, including the following (where applicable), shall be submitted to the COR prior to invoicing for the work: a. Permit Inspection Records b. O&M Manuals c. Warranty Documents d. Start Up and Performance Documentation C. The Contractor shall provide a transmittal form to document transfer and receipt of all the above documentation. The Contractor shall obtain a signature from the Government Employee accepting the documents. C. Upon completion of a repair and acceptance by the Government, the Contractor shall submit updated (if required and as directed by the COR) as-built drawings in AUTOCAD and PDF format to the COR, within ten (10) business days for approval. The CAD drawings shall comply with the latest US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) CAD standards. C. Upon completion of a SO and acceptance by the Government, the Contractor shall submit an itemized listing of all labor hours, supplies, and material costs by SO performed during the month. If the Contractor directly purchased parts or components, copies of receipts shall be attached. Repairs authorized by contract may be invoiced separately upon completion and acceptance of work. C. Any residual supplies/consumables purchased in support of a SO and directly reimbursed by the Government are Government property and shall become part of the Contractor's on-hand stock stored on site at ALC for future SOs. C. All parts, material or equipment removed shall be verified by the COR or the designated Government inspector and disposed of by the Contractor. The COR shall decide if the material being discarded is turned into the government's Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (DRMO) for salvage or taken off post for disposal. C.3.3. Meeting Attendance: The Contractor shall attend a Post Award Meeting, Quarterly Review Meetings, and Performance Evaluation Meetings (informal and formal settings), walkthrough inspections, and update meetings as required. Part C.4 Deliverables C.4.1. Master Preventive Maintenance Plan: The Contractor shall develop and submit a "Master Preventive Maintenance Plan" to the KO or designee. The "Master Preventative Plan" shall including the list of items receiving preventive maintenance procedure as well as the specific maintenance standard or guide describing the preventive maintenance procedures used. The "Master Preventive Maintenance Plan" shall incorporate all preventive maintenance/inspection and testing/repairs of the systems and equipment, identified in the PWS. The "Master Preventative Maintenance Plan" shall be developed in accordance with the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) recommendations and the latest applicable editions of the following publications: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Uniform Facilities Criteria (UFC), National Electric Code (NEC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Building Code (IBC), Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association (SMACNA), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and all other Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. Additionally, the preventive or predictive maintenance standards proposed by the Contractor may be based on a combination of equipment manufacturer's recommendations, O&M Standards, (PM Guide), sensor technology, diagnostic software, Contractor's experience and other sources. Whenever there is a conflict between OEM recommendations and/or any of the listed publications, the most stringent standard shall be used. The Contractor shall provide a draft copy of the "Master Preventive Maintenance Plan" within fifteen (15) days of contract award. The COR will review and return the draft plan with comments/input within fifteen (15) days after receipt. The Contractor shall provide the final plan to the COR for Government approval no later than thirty (30) days after contract award. All preventive maintenance shall be executed as scheduled with documentation maintained accurately and up to date at all times. The Contractor shall update the "Master Preventive Maintenance Plan", when necessary, to reflect any changes to equipment inventory, with such updates subject to COR for review and approval. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the data is correct and transferrable to Government computer systems. C.4.2. Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule: The Contractor shall generate and provide the COR with a "Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule" that outlines the schedule for all preventive maintenance tasks included in the Contractor's "Master Preventive Maintenance Plan" (see C.4.1) for the entire applicable period of performance. The schedule shall be feasible and suitable for producing the stated performance requirements. The schedule shall divide preventive maintenance activities so that the scheduled completion dates are balanced throughout the annual period. Preventive Maintenance activities subject to seasonal completion shall be scheduled so that the assets maintenance and availability are completed immediately prior to the seasonal use (i.e. scheduled boiler maintenance shall be performed prior to the start of the heating season). The Contractor shall provide a draft copy of the "Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule" within fifteen (15) days of Contract award. The COR will review and return the draft schedule with comments/input within fifteen (15) days after receipt. The Contractor shall provide the final schedule to the COR for Government approval no later than thirty (30) days after contract award. Until this period is elapsed the Contractor shall continue with the planned preventative maintenance system currently on site. C.4.3. Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule Reviews/Revisions: The "Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule" shall be reviewed formally by the Contractor and the COR on a six (6) month basis, giving due consideration to plant condition, operational data and other trends of plant and its behavior as gathered. All preventive maintenance shall be executed as scheduled with documentation maintained accurately and up to date at all times. The Contractor shall update the "Master Preventive Maintenance Schedule" as necessary to reflect any changes to equipment inventory, with such updates subject to COR for review and approval within fifteen (15) days after their need is identified. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the data is correct and transferrable to Government computer systems. C.4.4. Service Bulletins: Contractor shall maintain the necessary means to obtain all service bulletins, recalls, training information, and application tips from all equipment manufacturers. C.4.5. Inspection, Maintenance, and Test Reports: The Contractor shall prepare and submit, to the Government, reports of activities as indicated in their respective paragraphs of this PWS. All reports must be typewritten, legible and clear. Handwritten reports will not be accepted. The activity reports shall be transmitted electronically and developed with PDF, Microsoft Word, or Excel. The Contractor shall provide a detailed Inspection and Testing form to the COR electronically, within two (2) weeks after the completion of an inspection or test. Records shall be completed for all inspections, tests, and maintenance, and shall include results from testing performed, the organization that performed the work, the results, and the date completed. C.4.6. Preparation of After Action Reports: Progress reports, minutes of all meetings, field inspection reports, calibration and installation reports shall be prepared by the Contractor. Copies of all such documents shall be furnished to the Government after each specific action in within ten (10) business days. C.4.7. Accident Prevention Plan: The Contractor shall develop an accident prevention plan in accordance with EM 385-1-1, Appendix A, and provide a draft copy to the COR two weeks (2) weeks after contract award. The accident prevention plan will be reviewed for completeness and compliance with OSHA and EM 385-1-1. The COR will return the accident prevention plan, with input/comments, to the Contractor within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the submission. The Contractor shall submit the final accident prevention plan, for approval, within seven (7) days of receipt of the plan with COR comments. The accident prevention plan shall be approved before work begins. The Accident Prevention Plan (APP) shall include an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHAs) for all activities required by the contract. The Contractor shall identify any hazardous activity that requires an onsite, full time Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) to be present during the duration of the contract. C.4.8. Quality Control Plan (QCP): The Contractor shall submit the QCP within two (2) weeks after contract award. The COR will return the QCP, with input/comments, to the Contractor within seven (7) days of receipt of the submission. The Contractor shall submit the final QCP, for approval, within seven (7) days of receipt of the plan with COR comments. An acceptable QCP shall include, at a minimum, inspections by onsite supervisory personnel and/or by one or more qualified outside parties, the program of outside inspections, the quality control methodologies used, and a program for verifying compliance with each Contract requirement. The system of checklists, inspection methodology, and frequencies shall be documented by the Contractor. Upon approval, the Contractor shall implement the QCP to ensure contract compliance. The Contractor shall maintain a Local file of all quality control inspections conducted by the Contractor, including the corrective actions taken and submit copies of quality control inspections monthly annually). All documentation shall be made available to the Government upon request during the term of this contract. C.4.9. Scheduling and Recordkeeping: The Contractor shall maintain copies of all tests, certifications, permits and other required records required for environmental compliance, and provide copies to the KO and designee. C.4.10. Notice of Equipment Shutdowns: The Contractor shall notify the COR of all equipment shut downs at least five (5) business days in advance. The Contractor shall coordinate the shut-down with the COR or other designated representative in the affected area of the building. C.4.11. Cooperation: The Government may undertake or award other contracts for additional work at or near the site of work performed under this Contract. The Contractor shall fully cooperate with other Contractors and Government employees and shall carefully adapt scheduling and work performance under this Contract to accommodate the work by others, heeding any direction that may be provided by the COR. Under no circumstances shall additional work be performed at the request of another Contractor without approval of the COR. The Contractor shall instruct all onsite personnel to cooperate with the Government or third party Contract inspector requests for records access and information. This includes answering honestly and comprehensively all questions related to performance of work. The Contractor shall notify the KO or their designee at least two (2) weeks in advance when equipment is to be opened and available for inspection by the Government. C.4.12. Outages Required for Operations, Maintenance & Repair: Many maintenance and repair activities performed by the Contractor may require utility outages. The Contractor shall plan and schedule maintenance and repair work requiring outages to ensure the work is completed on time. The Contractor shall properly plan to minimize the number and duration of outages and to minimize the impact on ALC's Mission and Operations. The Contractor shall notify the COR of all Operations, Maintenance and Repair Utility Outages scheduled. The Contractor shall provide a six (6) month look-ahead schedule for preventative/planned maintenance of assets that will require a utility outage. C.4.13. Utility Outage Notice: The Contractor shall provide, in writing, ten (10) working days advance notice for utility outages to the COR. Prior to conducting utility outages the Contractor shall submit to the COR a Utility System Outage Approval request and obtain all required approvals. The Utility Outage approval requires a shut-down/start-up plan, Activity Hazard Analysis, and System Impact Analysis. The Contractor shall inform the COR about systems impacted by utility outages and shall prepare a Utility Outage Notification Matrix for approval and distribution by the Government. The Contractor is responsible to ensure adequate time is allowed for the outage approval process. The Contractor shall not proceed with the outage before receiving an affirmative reply in writing (or via email) from the Government. C.4.14. Service Order Status Reporting: The Contractor shall submit monthly a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for all service orders with current status. The report shall be electronically distributed and contain cost, contract modification, invoicing, date, status, and other standard information. A copy of the Service Order Log can be utilized to facilitate the preparation of the SO status. C.4.15. Hazardous Waste Management Plan: The Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan to assure that all hazardous wastes generated by any Contractor personnel under this Task Order are inventoried, stored, and handled to minimize risks to human health, property, and the environment. The plan shall be submitted to the COR for review within sixty (60) days after contract award. The COR will review and return the draft plan with comments/input within fifteen (15) days after receipt. The Contractor shall provide the final plan to the COR for Government approval no later than ninety (90) days after contract award. At minimum, the plan shall address (at a minimum) the following Contractor responsibilities: a. Procedures to assure that hazardous waste generated by Contractor personnel on site are managed in accordance with 40 CFR 262. b. Procedures to assure that hazardous waste generated by Contractor personnel on site are managed in accordance with applicable policies and procedures including turning in chemical wastes to the Government Environmental Division on site. c. Procedures addressing operational and safety training, and medical monitoring of Contractor employees working on systems that may generate hazardous discharges. d. Procedures addressing hazardous waste incident prevention and response: spills and other discharges to the indoor or outdoor environments that occur during transportation, storage, and generation. Procedures for reporting all hazardous waste incidents to the Government and appropriate authorities, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. e. Procedures for preventing, identifying, and remediating violations to applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines for the transportation, storage, and generation of hazardous waste by Contractor personnel. f. Procedures to assure compliance within approved operating permits and related discharge limits for air, storm water, and wastewater treatment and discharge systems. g. Procedures to ensure wastes subject to the EPA's Universal Waste Rule shall be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 260.Universal Wastes (fluorescent lamps, certain batteries, PCB ballasts, and pesticides) in any quantity subject to the Universal Waste Rules shall be turned in to the Environmental Division for recycling. Part C.5Government Furnished Property, Equipment, and Services C.5.1. Accountability: The Contractor shall be responsible for accountability and security of all Government owned property and facilities furnished for Contractor use or otherwise entrusted to it; and for maintaining it in a clean, serviceable condition. The Contractor assumes the risk of, and is responsible for, any loss or damage to Government property and facilities used to the extent that such property is consumed in the performance of this contract. The cost for repairs and replacement of Government furnished property and facilities due to Contractor misuse or negligence shall be borne by the Contractor. Upon contract expiration/termination, the Contractor shall return all Government furnished property and facilities in the condition found at the start of the contract as required by FAR 52.245-1 Government Property. C.5.2. Equipment: The Government will provide no tools and no maintenance equipment for maintenance or repair. A list of building equipment is shown in Exhibit 1. The total or partial breakdown or failure of the Government furnished items shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to fully perform the work of the contract. On completion or termination of the contract, all Government furnished equipment, shall be returned to the Government in the same condition as received, except for normal wear and tear. Tools and equipment so acquired at the Government's expense shall remain the property of the Government. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any repairs or replacement of equipment caused by negligence or abuse by the Contractor or the Contractor's employees. C.5.3. Reference Materials: The Government will provide access to its library of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) manuals and technical data to the extent it exists for building equipment and property. These manuals shall be used to determine the manufacturers' recommendation for preventive maintenance. The Contractor's access shall be limited to viewing and copying the material but not removing it from the office where it is located. The Contractor shall keep all OEM manuals updated for all systems and equipment. These OEM manuals are, and shall remain, the property of the Government. C.5.4. As-Built Drawings: The Government will provide access to its library of As-built Drawings to the extent that they exist. Existing as-built drawings are available (paper and/or electronically) to the Contractor for information only. The Contractor's access shall be limited to viewing and copying the material but not removing it from the office where it is located. C.5.5. The Government will provide training for Hazardous material control and spill response, storm water management, wastewater management, security awareness, etc. Part C.6 Contractor Furnished Information C.6.1. If the proper manuals, pamphlets, etc. are not available, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining the information. The documentation shall include O&M information, equipment cut sheets and other information pertaining to the facility and/or installed equipment and systems. All documents shall be filed within ten (10) business days of receipt. These documents shall become property of the Government and shall be maintained in DPW's O&M Library. The Contractor shall provide the COR with electronic copies of newly obtained O&M Manuals. C.6.2. The Contractor, as authorized by the Government, shall furnish all parts and supplies required to perform maintenance and repair. The Contractor shall only furnish material that meets specifications as may be enunciated in the various sections of this solicitation and resultant contract. If parts required are not on the parts inventory storage list, the technicians shall provide a parts list to the site Contractor Project Manager for purchase. C.6.2.1 All replacement parts shall be factory new and shall be of equal quality or better, as original equipment manufacturer parts and tested and approved by the Government. Exceptions to this requirement may be made on a case-by-case basis, subject to the written review and Government approval. Contractor shall maintain an adequate stock of necessary quantities of consumable materials to provide for timely response to meet the requirements of potential Emergency Service Orders. C.6.3. All parts provided by the Contractor that consume energy shall be high efficiency commercial grade products. This includes heating and cooling products such as: air conditioners, heat pumps, fans, chillers, condensers, condensing units, cooling towers, boilers, furnaces, programmable thermostats, electric motors, and distribution transformers. Part C.7Environmental Compliance C.7.1. Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations: Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental laws, statutes, regulations, executive orders, permits, Army regulations (with supplements), as well as installation regulation, policy. The Contractor shall immediately report any conflicts between applicable federal, state, local environmental laws, statutes, executive orders, and provisions of Army Regulation 200-1, and any specifications within this contract to the COR. C.7.2. Compliance with Green Procurement Requirements: Contractor shall follow Federal EPA Comprehensive Procurement guidelines ( and Army Contracting Command Quick Guide ( for acquisition of building materials and products and select materials that have a long life cycle; the least toxic materials; recyclable materials; materials that are resource-efficient; materials with the maximum recycled content; materials harvested on a sustained yield basis; and products causing the least pollution during their manufacture, use, and reuse. C.7.3. Compliance with License and Certification Requirements: Contractor shall obtain all license and certification required by Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and regulations necessary to adhere to the specifications of this contract. The Contractor shall submit all plans, notifications, reports, submittal documents, and fees required by Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and regulations to the appropriate Federal, State, and Local authority and/or agency as necessary to adhere to the specification of this contract. All required licenses and certifications required by Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and/or regulations shall be considered a contract deliverable upon award. C.7.4. Notification of Federal and State Regulators: Contractor shall immediately notify the COR of the arrival on site of any Federal, State, and/or DoD environmental regulator or enforcement agent and/or the receipt of any correspondence from a Federal or State environmental agency. C.7.5. Inspections of Work Sites: Contractor shall submit to potential Federal, State, Army and installation work site, environmental regulatory inspections and/or investigations into noncompliance, and fully cooperate with such inspections/investigations by providing the appropriate records and documentation. Environmental regulatory agencies are authorized by law to inspect any work site for environmental compliance with regulatory requirements. If an inspection is conducted, it will not stop or disrupt ongoing contract activities. The inspection will only require the work site environmental officer, or supervisor/manager to answer questions and/or escort the inspector to specific work site areas with the potential to affect environmental quality. C.7.6. Reporting Noncompliance: Contractor shall immediately report any nonconformance and/or noncompliance with applicable Federal, State or Local environmental laws, Army and installation environmental regulations or policies to the COR. C.7.7. Conformance with Environmental Management System: Contractor shall take the necessary actions to identify, monitor, and control those contract operations and activities that pose risk of contamination, or can negatively impact the natural and/or human environment. C.7.8. Competency Training for Contractor Personnel: Contractor shall not allow personnel to perform any activities and/or tasks on installations without proper and adequate qualifications or job competency training. In the event of any identified noncompliance, the Contractor shall, if requested, provide proof of contract personnel training or qualification (individual name, training/qualification type, training/qualification certificate, and date of training/qualification) to perform those contract activities associated with the identified noncompliance. C.7.9. Generation of Solid Waste: Contractor shall remove from the installation and dispose of all solid waste generated, which cannot be recycled to an approved and permitted off-post disposal facility. C.7.9.1 Contractor shall make every effort to divert construction, demolition debris, and all other solid waste to comply with the Army Integrated Solid Waste Management Policy. C.7.9.2 Prior to removing any waste from the installation for disposal, the Contractor shall coordinate with the DPW Environmental Division and COR to arrange for recyclable materials to be removed and diverted from the waste stream. C.7.9.3 Submit in writing the quantities of waste removed and recycled to the COR on a monthly basis. The submittal shall include the date of disposal/recycling, the disposal/recycling facility, the types of material disposed/recycled and the quantities of materials disposed/recycled by weight. Include any weight tickets received. C.7.9.4 The Contractor shall establish a program to promote cost-effective waste reduction in all operations and facilities covered by the contract. This includes collection, separation, and processing products or other materials recovered from solid waste streams for use in the form of raw materials. C.7.9.5 The Contractor shall make maximum effort to reduce and prevent waste. C.7.10. Generation of Hazardous Waste: Contractor shall contact the COR to obtain technical assistance from the Environmental Division for achieving and maintaining compliance with hazardous waste storage and disposal requirements. Contractor shall properly profile all waste generated as part of this contract to determine if any waste is hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR. Contractor shall accumulate hazardous waste prior to disposal shipment in a satellite accumulation point at or near the point of generation or in a less-than-90-day site, in accordance with Federal, State, Army, and installation regulation, policy, Host Tenant Agreement, Interagency Service Support Agreement or Status-of-Forces Agreement. The Contractor shall properly package the hazardous waste and complete the hazardous waste manifest, then take the manifest to the Environmental Division for approval and signature prior to removing any hazardous waste from the installation. Contractor shall contact the Environmental Division to obtain the installation's hazardous waste EPA ID number for the hazardous waste manifest. The Contractor shall notify the Environmental Division 24 hours prior to removing any hazardous waste from the installation. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of manifested hazardous waste generated by contract activities from the installation, to an approved off-post permitted hazardous waste disposal facility. The Environmental Division shall assist Contractors with profiling their waste upon request. C.7.11. Use of Hazardous Materials: Contractor shall contact the COR to obtain technical assistance from the Environmental Division for achieving and maintaining compliance with hazardous material storage, issue, use and disposal requirements. Contractor shall submit to the COR a hazardous material inventory. The hazardous material inventory will be submitted 30 days prior to commencement of work for contracts that exceed 180 consecutive days. The inventory list will contain the hazardous material type and maximum quantities of materials anticipated to be stored on-site. The hazardous material shall be properly identified and include any applicable identification number, such as National Stock Number or Special Item Number. The Contractor shall maintain copies of Safety Data Sheets for all hazardous materials used and stored on-site during performance of the contract. Contractor shall not supply or deliver any hazardous materials or chemicals to an installation that are listed on EPA's toxic chemical list without prior written approval from the COR. C.7.12. Prevention of Storm Water Pollution: The Contractor shall perform, track, participate, implement, and comply with storm water pollution prevention minimum control measures, protocols, and best management practices (BMP) and ensure that water quality standards are not violated in accordance with all regulations and policies as applicable to the Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit requirements. Applicable permits include: 1. The installation's Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit; 2. The Multi-Sector General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (MSGP); and, 3. All Construction Activity Storm Water permits, for which minimum control measures include, but are not limited to: • Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts • Public Involvement and Participation • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Construction Site Storm Water Run-off Control • Post Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment • Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations. Contractors will comply with the MSGP permit when the activity is identified as a permitted industrial activity. BMPs include, but are not limited to: • Practicing spill prevention and good housekeeping. • Installing and managing erosion and sediment control. • Meeting the requirements of the MS4 permit. • Contractors will obtain permit coverage for construction activities disturbing over one acre of land (total acreage is cumulative across all portions of the project). BMPs include, but are not limited to: • Preparing and implementing a site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as outlined in the permit and prior to any soil disturbance. • Installing and managing erosion and sediment control. • Make available, upon request, permit associated documentation. • Practicing spill prevention and good housekeeping. • Meeting the requirements of the MS4 permit. • Schedule inspections and provide corrective actions for noted deficiencies. C.7.13. Protection of Work Site Resources: Contractor shall confine all activities to areas defined by the drawings and specifications. Prior to the beginning of any work, the Contractor shall identify any land resources to be preserved within the work area. Except in areas indicated on the drawings or specified to be cleared, the Contractor shall not remove, cut, deface, injure, or destroy land resources including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, topsoil, and landforms. The Contractor shall provide effective protection for land and vegetative resources at all times. Prior to site clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall coordinate harvesting of saleable timber with the COR. Contractor shall notify the COR if any trees are required to be disposed or removed. The Contractor is not authorized to remove or dispose of any tree greater than six (6) inches in diameter unless permission has been granted in writing by the COR. C.7.14. Prevention of Spills: Contractor shall adopt the installation's Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) if transporting, processing, storing, or in any way managing hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum-oils-lubricants, or other restricted items. In case of a spill, the person in control of the spill site or their designated representative shall take appropriate action to protect workers and bystanders; contain the spill (if it can be done safely); secure the spill site; restrict ignition sources; and immediately contact ALC's Department of Emergency Services and the DPW Environmental Division. C.7.15. Corrective Action for Noncompliance: Contractor shall when given a verbal and/or written notice of environmental noncompliance or nonconformance by the COR, take immediate corrective action. Failure or refusal to comply promptly may be grounds for the Contracting Officer to invoke the appropriate contractual remedies. This may cause all or part of the work to be stopped immediately until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. C.7.16. Mercury: Mercury is prohibited, unless specified otherwise, and with the exception of mercury vapor lamps and fluorescent lamps. Dumping of mercury-containing materials and devices such as mercury vapor lamps, fluorescent lamps, and mercury switches, in rubbish containers is prohibited. Remove without breaking, pack to prevent breakage, and transport out of the activity in an unbroken condition for disposal as directed by the Environmental Division. Immediately report to the COR instances of breakage or mercury spillage. Clean mercury spill area to the satisfaction of the Environmental Division. Cleanup of a mercury spill shall not be recycled and shall be managed as a hazardous waste for disposal. C.7.17. Universal Waste / e-Waste Management: Universal waste including but not limited to some mercury containing building products such florescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, CRTs, batteries, aerosol paint containers, electrical equipment containing PCBs, and consumed electronic devices, shall be managed in accordance with applicable environmental law and installation instructions. C.7.18. Pollution Prevention / Hazardous Waste Minimization: Minimize the use of hazardous materials and the generation of hazardous waste. Consult with the Environmental Division for suggestions and to obtain a copy of the installation's pollution prevention/hazardous waste minimization plan for supporting waste minimization goals. C.7.19. Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS): The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel who perform maintenance and repair activities on refrigeration equipment have been trained and certified by an EPA approved Section 608 program. The Contractor shall not use Class I or Class II ODS or install equipment that contains Class I or II ODS. Part C.8 Safety C.8.1. The Contractor shall ensure all personnel performing under this contract are informed of, and execute their daily duties respective of, the Contractor's Safety Program (see C.1.16 of PWS) and the Contractor's Government approved "Accident Prevention Plan" (see C.4.7 of PWS). C.8.2. The Contractor shall provide employees with protection against health hazards to the maximum extent reasonable; this shall include the furnishing of all industry standard protective equipment required for performance of this PWS. C.8.3. The Contractor shall ensure that all signs, equipment, machinery, and hazards are marked or painted to identify the specific hazard. C.8.4. Emergency Medical Services/Accidents or Incidents: According to 29 CFR 1904, AR 385-40, and Memorandum 385-14, the Contractor shall report accidents resulting in injury, death, or damage to Government property, supplies, and equipment immediately. The Contractor shall report any medical emergencies on ALC property to the ALC Security Emergency Number on 301-394-1117. C.8.5. Contractor Accident Reporting Requirements: Accidents involving personal injury/illness or property damage shall be reported to the Contracting Officer, or authorized representative, e.g., Project Manager, immediately. After the notification, an Engineer Form 3394, Accident Investigation Report shall be prepared and submitted for all lost work day cases, accidents where 3 or more persons are admitted to a hospital, a fatality, a permanent total disability, a permanent partial disability or property damage $2000 or greater, or as directed by the Contracting Officer. The ENG Form 3394 shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 5 working days following the accident in accordance with AR 385-40 and USACE Supplement 1 to that regulation. Safety policy, regulations, documents and reporting forms are at: The ENG Form 3394 is prepared by the contactor, with original signatures shown in blocks 15c and 16 (copies/faxes are not acceptable). Block 17 will be signed by the Director of the organization that experienced the accident, Block 18, the Safety Manager's signature and Block 19, the Center Commander's signature. C.8.6. Electrical Safety: The Contractor shall comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70: National Electrical Code and NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, when working on or around electrical equipment or systems or switchgear equipment. The Contractor shall ensure that any and all areas restricted to qualified personnel are secured and properly labeled. C.8.7. Fall Protection: The Contractor shall develop specific fall protection procedures for work on roofs, equipment, and other areas at elevation. The Contractor shall ensure fall protection equipment is provided to their employees and that employees are adequately trained. C.8.8. Lock Out /Tag Out: The Contractor shall develop a lockout/tag out program in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.147. The program shall include all anticipated energy sources, including but not limited to, electric, high temperature hot water, pressurized fluids, and mechanical energy. The Contractor shall communicate the Lockout/Tag Out program to all other affected Contractors. C.8.9. Confined Spaces: The Contractor shall identify and label all confined spaces in accordance with OSHA requirements. Contractor shall record all identified confined spaces in the CMMS as hazards C.8.10. Health/Safety/Special Clothing: The Contractor shall work in a safe manner and comply with all applicable provisions of the Federal OSHA standards and directives. Where appropriate, the Contractor shall provide personal protective equipment such as, but not limited to: hard hats, protective clothing, and safety shoes. The Contractor shall ensure the proper use of this personal protective equipment. C.8.11. Facility Hazards: The Contractor shall assist in identifying facility health and safety hazards and report all hazards in writing to the KO or their designee. The Contractor shall take immediate action to control hazards that present an imminent danger. C.8.12. Disruptive or Hazardous Tools: The KO or their designee shall approve use of impact tools and power-actuated tools during normal working hours. Burning or welding equipment may be used only with written permission from the KO or designee. A Welding and Burning Permit shall be issued in advance for each day welding or burning is performed. Part C.9Security C.9.1. Physical Security: The Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all Government equipment, information and property provided for Contractor use. At the close of each work period, Government facilities, equipment, and materials shall be secured. C.9.2. Key Control: The Contractor shall establish and implement methods of making sure all keys/key cards issued to the Contractor by the Government are not lost or misplaced and are not used by unauthorized persons. NOTE: All references to keys include key cards. No keys issued to the Contractor by the Government shall be duplicated. The Contractor shall develop procedures covering key control that shall be included in the Quality Control Plan. Such procedures shall include turn-in of any issued keys by personnel who no longer require access to locked areas. The Contractor shall immediately report any occurrences of lost or duplicate keys/key cards to the Contracting Officer. C.9.2.1 In the event keys, other than master keys, are lost or duplicated, the Contractor shall, upon notification of the Contracting Officer, re-key or replace the affected lock or locks; however, the Government, at its option, may replace the affected lock or locks or perform re-keying. When the replacement of locks or re-keying is performed by the Government, the total cost of re-keying or the replacement of the lock or locks shall be deducted from the monthly payment due to the Contractor. In the event a key is lost or duplicated, all locks and keys for that system shall be replaced by the Government and the total cost deducted from the monthly payment due the Contractor. C.9.2.2 The Contractor shall prohibit the use of Government issued keys/key cards by any persons other than the Contractor's employees. The Contractor shall prohibit the opening of locked areas by Contractor employees to permit entrance of persons other than Contractor employees engaged in the performance of assigned work in those areas, or personnel authorized entrance by the Contracting Officer. C.9.2.3 The Contractor shall not omit area service due to locked entrances. Key service is available upon request through the Directorate of Public Works. The Contractor shall return on the last effective date of this contract all keys obtained by Contractor personnel for the performance of the contract and shall submit to the COR a signed receipt for their return C.9.3. Access Badges: Each contract employee shall be required to obtain a facility access badge. The Contractor shall submit a Visitor Authorization Request (VAR) letter on company letterhead listing all contract employees (primary and absentee replacements) performing under this contract identifying the name, SSN, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, security clearance level (if interim clearance was granted include investigation type, date, and agency submitted to), and security clearance issuing authority, to the U.S. Army Garrison Adelphi Laboratory Center, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, MD 20783-1197 not later than five (5) working days prior to visit/contract start. The Contractor may submit a VAR for 1 to 365 days and a renewal is required each year. After the initial VAR approval, any new contract employee working at or visiting ALC will require a new VAR. C.9.4. Disclosure of Information: The Contractor and its employees shall not disclose or disseminate any information concerning Government operations, including those performed by Contractors for the Government, which could result in or increase the likelihood of the possibility of a breach of security or interrupt the continuity of operations. Disclosure of information relating to the services hereunder to any person not entitled to receive it, or failure to safeguard any sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information that may come to the Contractor or any person under its control in connection with work under this contract, may subject the Contractor, its agents, or employees to criminal liabilities. All inquiries, comments, or complaints arising from any matter observed, experienced, or learned as a result of or in connection with the performance of this contract, the resolution of which may require the dissemination of official information, shall be directed to the KO. Part C.10 Contractor Manpower Reporting (CMR) C.10.1. Contractor Manpower Reporting: The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower & Reserve Affairs) operates and maintains a secure Army data collection site where the Contractor shall report ALL Contractor manpower (including sub-contractor manpower) required for performance of this contract. The Contractor shall completely fill in all the information in the format using the following web address The required information includes: (1) Contracting Office, Contracting Officer, Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) or also known as the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR); (2) Contract number, including task and delivery order number; (3) Beginning and ending dates covered by reporting period; (4) Contractor's name, address, phone number, e-mail address, identity of Contractor employee entering data; (5) Estimated direct labor hours (including sub-contractors); (6) Estimated direct labor dollars paid this reporting period (including sub-contractors); (7) Total payments (including sub-contractors); (8) Predominant Federal Service Code (FSC) reflecting services provided by Contractor (and separate predominant FSC for each sub-contractor if different); (9) Estimated data collection cost; (10) Organizational title associated with the Unit Identification Code (UIC) for the Army Requiring Activity (the Army Requiring Activity is responsible for providing the Contractor with its UIC for the purposes of reporting this information); (11) Locations where Contractor and sub-contractors perform the work (specified by zip code in the United States and nearest city, country, when in an overseas location, using standardized nomenclature provided on website); (12) Presence of deployment or contingency contract language; and (13) Number of Contractor and sub-contractors employees deployed in theater this reporting period (by country). As part of its submission, the Contractor shall provide the estimated total cost (if any) incurred to comply with this reporting requirement. Reporting period shall be the period of performance not to exceed 12 months ending September 30 of each Government fiscal year and shall be reported by 31 October of each calendar year. Contractors may use a direct XML data transfer to the database server or fill in the fields on the website. The XML direct transfer is a format for transferring files from a Contractor's system to the secure website without the need for separate data entries for each required data element at the website. The specific formats for the XML direct transfer may be downloaded from the website. Part C.11 Applicable Publications (Current Editions) C.11.1. The Contractor must abide by all applicable regulations, publications, manuals, and local policies and procedures. All manufacturer, DOD, ASHRAE, EPA, and applicable specifications and maintenance procedures shall be followed. Where no codes, standards, laws, and regulations are specified, the Contractor shall determine applicable codes, standards, laws, and regulations, and develop procedures to apply to the situation. All codes, standards, laws, and regulatory requirements referenced by the Contractor will be based on the latest edition of applicable codes (with specific dates identified) and industry practices at the time of contract award. All work shall comply with local, state, national, or military codes, standards, laws, and regulations whichever is the most stringent. Codes and standards applying to the Work include but are not limited to the following. The revision in force shall be the latest approved or authorized: C.11.1.1 Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC): All applicable UFC and UFGS specifications. C.11.1.2 International Code Council (ICC): Portions of ICC codes adopted by UFC 1-200-01 will be applied, including but not limited to the International Building Code. C.11.1.3 US Army Corps of Engineers: EM-385-1-1, Current Revision, Safety and Health Requirements Manual C.11.1.4 Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA): 29 CFR 1910 General Industry's OSHA Code of Requirements C.11.1.5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Section VI, Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers, and Section VII, Recommended Rules for Care of Power Boilers; C.11.1.6 National Board Inspection Code ANSI/NB-23, a Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Part C.12 Technical Exhibits C.12.1. Technical Exhibit I- Boiler Equipment Schedules and Photos
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- Address: Army Research Laboratory, 2800 Powder Mill Road, ADELPHI, Maryland, 20783, United States
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