R -- Wounded Warrior Call Center
- Notice Date
- 3/23/2018
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 624190
— Other Individual and Family Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Navy, United States Marine Corps, MCB Quantico - National Capital Region (NCR), 2010 Henderson Road, Quantico, Virginia, 22134-5045, United States
- ZIP Code
- 22134-5045
- Solicitation Number
- M00264-18-RFI-0211
- Archive Date
- 4/11/2018
- Point of Contact
- Karen A. Corporal, Phone: 703-784-1385
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- SOURCES SOUGHT ANNOUNCEMENT This is revision to Sources Sought Announcement M00264-17-RFI-0205, changing the NAICS code. The Regional Contracting Office - National Capital Regional (RCO-NCR), Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA is seeking sources for the potential consolidation of the United States Marine Corps' Call Centers. CONTRACTING OFFICE ADDRESS: Marine Corps Installations National Capital Region - Regional Contracting Office (MCINCR-RCO) Quantico, Virginia. INTRODUCTION: The Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR) is seeking information for potential sources for providing assistance services to the Marines, Sailors attached to Marine Corps units, and their family members, which includes three services supporting specific target populations know as 1) Wounded Warrior Call Center (WWCC); 2) Distress Line; and 3) Marine 4 Life Network (M4L). This sources sought is to conduct market research and determine the availability and technical capability of small businesses (including the following subsets, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, HUBZone Firms; Certified 8(a), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses and Woman Owned Small Business) to provide the required services. In addition, you are also encouraged to provide information regarding your plans to use joint venturing (JV) or partnering to meet each of the requirements areas contained herein. The anticipated North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) for this requirement is 624190 - Other Individual and Family Services with the corresponding size standard of 11.0 million and only small businesses that can provide these services under the specified NAICS code will be entertained. In order to make a determination for a small business set-aside, two or more qualified and capable small businesses must submit responses that demonstrate their qualifications. Responses must demonstrate the company's ability to perform in accordance with the Limitations on Subcontracting clause (FAR 52.219-14). CONTRACT/PROGRAM BACKGROUND: Contract Number: M00264-16-C-1048, Marine & Family Programs DSTRESS Line Call Center Contract Type: Firm Fixed Priced (FFP) Incumbent and their size : The Bowen Consulting Group, Inc.; Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) Method of previous acquisition: Small Business Set-Aside The scope of this effort is to provide a 24 hour a day, seven (7) day per week, 365 days per year (24/7/365), Marine-specific call center, providing phone, chat, and video-telephone capability for anonymous, non-medical, short-term, solution-focused counseling for circumstances across the "Stress Continuum," including but not limited to stress and anger management, grief and loss, the deployment cycle, parent-child relationships, couples communication, marital issues, relationships, relocations, and suicidal crisis. Contract Number: M00264-16-F-0061, Call Center and Non-Medical Case Management Support for USMC Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR) Contract Type: Firm Fixed Priced (FFP) Incumbent and their size: The Bowen Consulting Group, Inc.; Service Disabled, Veteran Owned (SDVOSB) Method of previous acquisition: Small Business Set Aside The WWR has a requirement for non-personal services to support resource and call center operations and capable of serving the needs of WII Marines as a 24/7 information resource and outreach center as well as providing non-medical case management, in accordance with WWR policies, to include Critical Integrated Disability Evaluation System cases. Contract Number: N/A, Marine 4 Life Contract Type: N/A Incumbent and their size: N/A Method of previous acquisition: None. This is a new requirement. The M4L Network extends support to transitioning Marines and their families through education resources, employment opportunities, dissemination of information, and other veteran services. The M4L Network provides a toll-free telephone service operating from 0730 to 1930 Eastern Standard Time (EST) for Marines and family members requiring assistance. Together, the HQMC Outreach Section and M4L Network provide reinforcement for the Marine Corps' guiding philosophy of Marines taking care of Marines. The Marine Corps anticipates a 12-month base period and four 12-month option periods for this effort. Place of Performance: Provide a Call Center located within 10-miles from Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA. Satellite Contact Centers at Camp Lejeune, N.C. and Camp Pendleton, CA. Five Field Service Representatives (FSR) will be located in multiple locations throughout the United States, starting with the five (5) FSR locations listed below. Location Caseload % per Site Southern, CA 25 20% Pittsburgh, PA 25 20% Denver, CO 25 20% Upstate, NY 25 20% Contact Center, Camp Lejeune 25 20% REQUIRED CAPABILITIES: Wounded Warrior Call Center (WWCC) Specific Requirements: •(a) Targeted Outreach Capability. The contractor will be required to integrate all platforms/databases that consolidate available resources, specific to the Marine being contacted, and in the location that they have designated during the course of the initial phone call. WWCC representatives would access information from the Marine Corps Wounded Ill and Injured Tracking System (MCWIITS) and targeted outreach tool immediately prior to and during each call. This information would include the Marine's current address, phone number, email, interest inventory items, support needs, goals, and available resources specific to the Marine's needs. The intent is to make this information available to the Recovering Service Members (RSM), in a manner that would prevent possible violations of PII or HIPAA policies. Access and training for the targeted outreach tool will be provided by the government supporting the need for the database to be accessed by the WWCC representatives. The end state will be information that will include potential resources and feedback specific to each WII service member and their family members. •(b) Social Media and Applications. The Contractor is responsible for executing a Social Media (SM) Strategy in conjunction with WWR initiatives. This effort supports the WWR's strategic plan through maintaining and monitoring key SM platforms (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flicker and the WWR Mobile Application). Sites and applications must be constantly monitored 24/7 to ensure all critical support needs of the Recovering Serve Members (RSM) are sufficiently met. Responses to requests for assistance on applications or SM sites must be within sixty (60) minutes. The Contractor is responsible for updating and posting on the applications and all social media sites and must take place within seventy-two (72) hours of a request from the WWR. •(c) C all Handling. T he Contractor is responsible for capturing and providing MF performance metrics associated with call handling, intakes, referrals and other aspects of performance for reporting to higher headquarters, outside agencies, private activities, and Congressional oversight panels. The Contractor is responsible for establishing and ensuring a comprehensive capability to track and capture performance metrics, and to provide this information in the form of recurring weekly/monthly/yearly reports, as well as in response to ad hoc inquiries. The Contractor shall establish a reporting protocol and coordinate the necessary management interface requirements for operational effectiveness and compliance with the associated quality standards. A principal method for capturing this information is through on-line surveys designed to target specific groups, perform ad hoc quality reviews, and to identify relevant issues that affect the targeted sample group. The Contractor shall develop a formal methodology for conducting surveys of the target population and ensuring the validity of the results through sound analytical practices. The Contractor must maintain ninety-eight percent (98%) accuracy of all call log references and ninety-eight per cent (98%) of responses to customer satisfaction surveys rating the service received as satisfactory or better. •(d) The WWCC effort will require a capability to support non-medical case management in situations where issues or concerns of the Marine's their family cannot be adequately resolved during the course of the initial phone call and will require extended support. Typically, this involves cases handling Traumatic Service Member Group Life Insurance, Social Security Disability Claims, Temporary Disability Retirement List, and military issues dealing with pay, entitlements, awards and decorations. NMCMs work with government agencies to facilitate positive outcomes and ensure Marines are maximizing healthcare and benefit programs. NMCMs continue to work cases until all issues have been resolved before returning them to the WWCC for continued outreach and support. Approximately three percent (3%) or 1,000 of the overall WWR supported personnel require NMCM support (1,000 cases / 35,000 WWR population = 3%). NMCMs will reside at the MCCC and satellite Contact Centers. (e) The WWCC effort will require a capability to support members of the target population who have complex non-medical case management and extended support needs. FSRs geographically dispersed throughout the continental United States mitigate complex, open, and unresolved cases. FSRs may require travel up to thirty percent (30%) of the time. In addition to interfacing with WWR Staff, FSRs work closely with Veterans Affairs personnel, Navy & Marine Corps Relief Society traveling nurses, other veteran services, and charitable organizations representatives local to the supported member. (f) Nexus Lexus systems. Contractor will maintain a subscription to LexisNexis to research specific Marine and Veteran contact information. DSTRESS Specific Requirements: •(a) Acc r e dit a tion. The D S TRE S S L i n e w ill op era te fr om a c a ll ce nt e r acc r e dit e d a t the st ar t of c ont r a c t p er iod of p erf o r m a n ce. T h e Contractor is responsible for recommending the a c tu a l acc r e diting bo d y ( e. g., A m er i ca n A ss o c i a tion of S ui c idolo g y, Coun c il on Acc r e dit a tion, or e qu i v a l e nt) a nd a pp r ov e d b y M F. (b) S t re ss C ontinuum. A g e nts have access to proper r e sou rce s to h a ndle a ll t e l e phonic a nd online c ont ac ts fr om M a r ine c u s tom er s und e r a n y l e v e l of s t re ss f ound in the st re ss c ontinuum. •(c) I n cr e a se a c c e ss to c a r e f or o u r M ar in e s, attached S a il o r s, a nd their fa mili e s f a c ing s o c i a l sti g ma a g a inst s ee king h e lp f or b e h a vio r a l h ea lth m a tt er s. A no n y mi t y a nd the ' By M a r i ne / f or M a r i n e ' c on ce pt p r ovid e s ' the h o ok' th a t g e ts our t y p i ca l c a ll e r to initi a te h e lp s ee k i n g. B y building t r ust a nd c on f id e n c e in our M ar ine c ustom er s, t h e D S TRE S S L ine h e lps those to h a ve t h e c ou r a g e to s ee k h i g h e r l e v e ls of ca r e in a non - a n on y mous s e ttin g ( e. g., the c h a in of c omm a nd, Na v y M e di c in e, Community Counseling Services, t h e Ve t era ns A dminist ra tion, o r lo ca l p r ovid er s). •(d) I n cr e a se r e sili e n c e a mong our M a r in e s, attached S a ilo r s, a nd their fa mili e s. P r ovide the supported M ar ines w ith the skills a nd tools n ee d e d to c o p e w ith the c h a ll e ng e s of c om b a t a nd the r i g o r of li f e in the M ar ine Corps. •(e) DSTRESS Line Anonymous Contacts. Identify contacts without using PII in order to provide for internal quality assurance. Offer pseudonyms to Marine customers as a way to enable anonymous follow up support and monitoring. Only save Marine customer emails until a case file is closed and then delete it. The DSTRESS Line will not record phone calls, chats, or video chats. •(f) Global Contact. Beneficiaries of this effort may contact the DSTRESS Line from any point on the globe. •(g) Survey Requirement. Provide anonymous post-contact surveys to determine multiple DSTRESS Line measures of effectiveness, via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) survey options for callers, and automated survey forms for Marine customers using chat. DSTRESS Line Duty To Warn (DTW) Scenarios •(a) Provide immediate and actionable identifying information to appropriate local first responders when a contact indicates that he or she is a threat to self or others. •(b) After alerting first responders, notify MF and MF will continue the appropriate notification process to the chain of command. Contractor shall not contact other Marine Corps commands to convey information on personnel. •(c) Synchronize metrics, reports, and usage data with website, Facebook and other internet data provided by MF to enable marketing analysis DSTRESS Line Call Management (a) A crisis trained individual shall answer all incoming calls immediately. Any call placed in a queue or on hold, will have an announcement to notify the caller incrementally of their wait time and answered within two (2) minutes. (b) Contract DSTRESS Line staff will not assume the Victim Advocate role for the Marine Corps. However, in the event a caller wishes to report or discuss a sexual assault, DSTRESS Line personnel will provide support and crisis intervention, when necessary, using the following steps: •(1) Define the problem to understand the issue from the caller's point of view. This requires using core listening skills of empathy, genuineness, and acceptance •(2) Assess the caller for safety concerns. This means assessing the possibility of physical and psychological danger to the caller, as well as others. •(3) Provide support by communicating concern for the caller and providing information and/or referrals. •(4) Examine the caller's options or alternatives for counseling to include a warm handoff back to a live person. •(5) DSTRESS Line personnel are not able to accept a restricted or unrestricted report. Inform the caller the UVA, Victim Advocate, or SARC will provide information on the reporting options and will transfer the call through the warm handoff process back to the appropriate installation or to a local sexual assault crisis center. •(6) Initiate the appropriate DSTRESS Line protocol if the caller identifies as being in immediate danger, a danger to self, or others. •(7) Callers who have been allegedly abused or risk serious harm by a family member or intimate partner will be referred to Marine Corps Family Advocacy Program. •(8) DSTRESS Line personnel will connect service affiliated, non-Marine callers needing assistance with family advocacy or sexual assault with the DoD Safe Helpline at 877-995-5247. The reporting requirement is the same as callers from the Marine Corps community. •(9) Provide the caller with the contact information in the event they are disconnected or have technical difficulty. •(c) Warm Handoff Process - Non-Crisis Situations. MF will provide Warm Handoff and DTW information to the Contractor during the transition-in period. M4L Specific Requirements a) The M4L effort for c all handling and email capabilities. The contractor will be required to integrate platforms/databases that consolidate all resources available and that are provided by M4L, specific to the service member or family member and in the location that they have designated during the course of the initial phone call or email request. The CCR will connect the service member or family member to the Regional Network Coordinator, M4L Representative, and other resources as they apply. •(b) Responses to requests for assistance via phone will require a follow-on email with required information which must be sent within twenty-four (24) hours. •( c) Responses to requests for assistance via email will require a follow-on email with required information which must be sent within forty-eight (48) hours. d) The M4L effort will require CCR's to record all contacts made via phone or email, information collected should include but not limited to; source of contact, subject matter, affiliation, and special requests. M4L will provide the reporting document template to the contractor. e) M4L will require the CCR's to forward all education, employment, and veteran community resources to the Outreach Specialists at HQMC to be handled. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The Contractor is responsible to train all MCCC contractor employees to the industry standard in addition to the following training requirements. All training data will be documented and included in the Monthly Status Report and submitted to the COR in coordination with DSTRESS and M4L personnel. WWCC Training •(a) Provide staff training and development on a regular monthly basis, as well as annually to ensure ongoing comprehension and all standard practices are as current as possible. The WWR staff will develop a training program for all aspects of WWCC operations. Training will include but not limited to CCR, NMCM, FSR, Social Media, and Shift Supervisors. (b) The WWR Operations Officer may direct other training events as required to comply with regulatory and entitlement changes. DSTRESS Line Training •(a) Provide forty (40) hours of training for the DSTRESS Line CCR in accordance with industry standards, followed by a post-test with a passing rate of eighty per cent (80%) before taking calls. The DSTRESS Line CCR must have satisfactory completion of the Contractors training program to operate as a peer-to-peer counselor under the licensure of the Contractor's BHC with approval from Behavior Health. b) Provide a clinical counseling training program for BHCs. Though not required to possess an intimate level of personal experience with the Marine Corps, the BHC should be familiar with Marine-specific culture and ethos. BHCs will complete a Marine acculturation program with instructor and course material provided by MF at the DSTRESS Line call center location. c) Provide the following training to all DSTRESS Line employees: Stigma, Trauma Informed Care, Cultural Competency, Conflict Resolution, Self Determination, How to Handle Crisis Calls-Role Plays, Reflective Listening, Helping Others Express Feelings, How to Convey/Create a Nonjudgmental Environment, How to Convey Empathy, Understanding Over the Phone, Crisis Decision Making, When Do I Need to Provide a "Warm Handoff", Ethics, Mental Health Overview, PTSD/Depression, Suicide Warning Signs/Risk Factors, Communication Skills, Developing Resiliency, Overcoming Personal Bias, and Resources. d) Utilize instructional materials provided by the Marine Corps for BHC acculturation. M4L Training •(a) Provide staff training and development on a regular monthly basis, as well as annually to ensure ongoing comprehension and all standard practices are as current as possible. The M4L staff will develop a training program for all aspects of M4L operations. Training will include but not limited to CCR and Shift Supervisors. •(b) The M4L Outreach Section Staff may direct other training events as required to comply with regulatory and entitlement changes. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Must pass the required background investigation and complete all Department of Defense (DoD) mandated training requirements needed to utilize Marine Corps unclassified networks and information systems, obtain a Common Access Card (CAC), as well as handle Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) information. SUBMISSION DETAILS: All responses must include: •1) Business name and address; •2) Name of company representative and their business title; •3) Type of Business; •4) Cage Code; •5) Contract vehicles that would be available to the Government for the procurement of the product and service, (i.e. ENCORE II, General Service Administration (GSA), GSA MOBIS, NIH, Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) etc.) and any task order/delivery order numbers as well as SIN numbers associated with aforementioned vehicles. Vendors who wish to respond to this sources sought should send responses via email NLT 27 March 2018 at 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to and Interested vendors should submit a brief capabilities statement package (no more than ten (10) pages) demonstrating ability to perform the services listed in this Technical Description. Documentation should be in bullet format. No questions will be entertained with regards to this Request for Information. Proprietary information and trade secrets, if any, must be clearly marked on all materials. All information received that is marked Proprietary will be handled accordingly. Please be advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned. All government and contractor personal reviewing RFI responses will have signed non-disclosure agreements and understand their responsibility for proper use and protection from unauthorized disclosure of proprietary information as described 41 USC 423. The Government shall not be held liable for any damages incurred if proprietary information is not properly identified. The Government shall not be held liable for any damages incurred if proprietary information is not properly identified. DISCLAIMER: THIS SOURCES SOUGHT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A SOLICITATION AND SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY THE GOVERNMENT. RESPONSES IN ANY FORM ARE NOT OFFERS AND THE GOVERNMENT IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT AS A RESULT OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. NO FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE TO PAY FOR PREPARATION OF RESPONSES TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. ANY INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY RESPONDENTS TO THIS TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION IS STRICTLY VOLUNTARY.
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Quantico VA, Quantico, Virginia, 22134, United States
- Zip Code: 22134
- Zip Code: 22134
- Record
- SN04865553-W 20180325/180323231602-333caf04020deb06974d8863f0ab9106 (
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