R -- DARPA Wide Multi-Award IDIQ
- Notice Date
- 11/30/2016
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541990
— All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
- Contracting Office
- Other Defense Agencies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Contracts Management Office, 675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22203-2114, United States
- ZIP Code
- 22203-2114
- Solicitation Number
- DARPARFI11_30_16
- Archive Date
- 1/19/2017
- Point of Contact
- DARPA Services Division,
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- R EQUEST F OR I N F O R M A T I ON FOR DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY ( DARPA) DARPA-WIDE TECHNICAL AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT PROGRAM MULTIPLE AWARD INDEFINITE DELIVERY INDEFINITE QUANTITY PURPOSE: T h i s i s a R e q ue s t f or I n f o r m a ti on ( R F I ). Th i s i s NO T a s o l i c i t a ti o n f o r p r op o s a l s, p r opos a l ab s tr a c t s, o r quo t a t i ons. The purpose of this RFI is to obtain Sources Sought and feedback from industry on a potential DARPA-wide multiple award Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with an estimated initial 5 year base period and maximum dollar amount of $850M for Technical and Analytical Support Services under NAICS Code 541990 "All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services". Task orders will be either fixed price or cost reimbursable depending on the type of work to be completed. In an effort to improve responsiveness, minimize reliance on multiple DARPA IDIQ contracts via outside contracting agents, and reduce cost this potential requirement is anticipated to include the scope and ceiling for all DARPA technical and analytical Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) across the DARPA enterprise. However, this potential requirement, in the near term, is not meant to replace any currently existing IDIQ contracts where contractor performance is satisfactory. The scope of effort is for recurring services requirements over an extended period of time. Additionally, the Government is seeking high-quality services and continuous process improvements to include the benefit of not necessarily having to re-compete the ordering vehicle every five years. Therefore, the Government is contemplating use of an award term contract approach with an initial period of performance of 5-years with two 5-year award terms. Individual task orders would not exceed a 5-year period of performance. DARPA is the central high-technology research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). More information can be found about DARPA at: ( VISION: DARPA has an enterprise approach to mission accomplishment by selecting responsive, performance focused, responsible suppliers with fair and reasonable pricing that will satisfy the stated requirements on time. DARPA's goal is to meet requirements, deliver business process innovations, cost reductions, increased flexibilities to respond to changing requirements, and a reduction in administrative burdens. The Government expects world-class customer service delivered by highly qualified staff dedicated to the development, implementation and maintenance of efficient and effective programs and services. MISSION AND ORGANIZATION: DARPA's mission is to create breakthrough technologies for national security by making pivotal investments in new technology-driven ideas for the United States (U.S.). DARPA imagines and makes possible new capabilities for overcoming the multifaceted threats and challenges that lie ahead. This makes a better, more secure future possible. In an uncertain world, with constrained budgets, providing these new capabilities is more important than ever. Since the very beginning, DARPA has been the place for people with innovative ideas that lead to groundbreaking discoveries. DARPA is organized by six Technical Directorates, four support offices and the Directors Office as follows: 1) Biological Technology Office (BTO), 2) Defense Science Office (DSO), 3) Information Innovation Office (I2O), 4) Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), 5) Strategic Technology Office (STO) and 6) Tactical Technology Office (TTO) with four primary support offices including, 1) Comptroller (COMP), 2) Contract Management Office (CMO), 3) Mission Services Office (MSO) and 4) Adaptive Execution Office (AEO). The DARPA Director's Office (DIRO) consists of the Director, Deputy Director, Chief of Staff, Military Operational Liaisons, Special Assistants, the Legislative Affairs Office, and the Public Affairs Office. DIRO also includes the General Council and Strategic Resources Office (SRO) staff functions. The DARPA-wide Technical and Analytical Support Program will be part of DARPA's centrally managed Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) portfolio necessary to support the DARPA mission. These centrally managed services contracts will be designed to support the government by providing highly qualified staff in the following areas: scientific, analytical, research, engineering, technical, public affairs, communications, graphics/website, programmatic and congressional, financial and administrative assistance activities. SCOPE OF WORK: Contractor support services are required to support the DARPA enterprise and technical offices by providing technical and analytical support services. Technical support may include specific subject matter expert (SME) support to program managers, R&D program oversight support, operational and technical research analyses, acquisition analysis and support, and assessments and evaluation support. Analytical requirements may include technical office front office support, business financial management, executive assistance and travel management, graphics/website, meeting planning, and staffing support. The Contractor may also be required to assist the Government in managing and executing program events (e.g., DARPA Robotics Challenge, Cyber Grand Challenge, Spectrum Challenge, etc.), ad hoc special projects, studies, assessments, and/or analyses of DARPA mission areas and/or problems. The level of effort anticipated for this contract corresponds to the amount of research activity at DARPA. The Contractor shall be of the size, equity, and experience to manage the entire portfolio of services across several task orders. The Contractor shall have reach-back and/or inherent contractual capability to provide for rapid ad-hoc and high quality support. The Agency has a small organic Government staff. This contract will require contractors to provide expertise and experience to accomplish a broad range of technical and analytical services. The Contractor will be required to work and cooperate with DARPA personnel, other Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) representatives, and other contractors and consultants supporting DARPA. Work will include attending and participating in joint meetings and work teams, supporting external and internal reviews, inspections, audits, joint program offices and business process studies. RESPONSE CONTENT: •1. Provide your corporate statement of capability and experience in the three areas outlined in the Scope of Work (Technical, Analytical, and Program Events). In the Technical Support area, outline your capability and demonstrated experience (for similar DoD or R&D entities) in providing support across one, some, or all of DARPA's Technical Directorates. For Analytical and Program Event support, outline your capability and demonstrated experience in providing these types of services to program offices similar to DARPA (i.e., other DoD, Science and Technology, or Research and Development organizations). •2. The statement of capability must, at a minimum, include the following information: a) Company name and DUNS b) Your company's ownership and other relevant information c) Business size classification (Small/Large Business, HUB, veteran, etc.) for NAICS 541990 d) Mailing address e) Point of Contact (POC) and telephone numbers f) Capability and demonstrated experience for each area outlined in the Scope of Work. •§ Evidence of experience and past performance should include contracts/task orders from the past five (5) years similar in type, size, and scope. •§ Examples must include contract numbers, project titles, dollar amounts, periods of performance, and Government points of contact (telephone numbers or email addresses) g) To what extent do you anticipate needing to sub-contract and/or team and any potential proposed teaming arrangements h) C onfirmation that company can meet minimum security requirement compliance •§ Ability to provide and maintain contractor personnel at the Secret and/or Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) minimum with Special Program Access eligibility •§ Capability to transport classified information to and from corporate offices and store classified materials up to "Secret" level at off-site office spaces i) Probability (high, medium, or low) of providing a proposal for a potential performance work statement inclusive of the areas outlined in the Scope of Work. j) Interest in attending a DARPA industry day and/or one-on-one meeting with respect to this potential requirement. •3. (OPTIONAL, any response to this portion of the RFI will not count towards page count limitations) An award term contract is a type of performance-based contract that rewards the contractor for exceptional performance with an extension of the contract term. Provide recommendations for award term evaluation criteria performance metrics/incentives, both initially and over the course of the contract that pose performance challenges, stimulate innovation and systemic improvements, and recognize the dynamic and evolving nature of DARPA work. I N F O R M AT I O N S UB M I SSI O N I N S TRUCT I O N S : T he r espo n se t o t h i s no t i ce i s li m it e d t o 10 s i n g l e s i ded pa g es i n c l u d i ng a l l a t t ach m en t s, ch a r t s, e t c. ( s i n g l e s p aced, 11 p o i n t f o nt m i n i m u m exc l u d i ng ch a rt s and g r a ph i cs). All material provided in response to this RFI shall be UNCLASSIFIED, non-confidential, and non-proprietary to the maximum extent practicable. Firms providing confidential/proprietary information shall separately and clearly identify and mark all confidential/proprietary information. DARPA will take all necessary steps to protect/safeguard any confidential/proprietary information provided. DARPA will NOT be held responsible for any proprietary information not clearly marked. A l l r e spon s es t o t h i s R FI m ust be sub m itt ed e l e c t r o n i c a ll y ( v i a e - m a il ) t o C O M M O N CUT - O FF T I M E / DATE : R espon s es t o t he i n f o r m a ti on a bo v e a r e requested n o l a t er t han January 4 th, 2016 at 4:30 Eastern Standard Time. R espon s es r ec e i v ed a f t e r t h i s d a te and ti m e m a y not be con s i d e r ed. D IS CLA IM E R AN D IMP O RTAN T N O TE S: T h i s R FI i s f or i n f o r m a ti on and p l an n i ng pu r po s es on l y and sha l l NO T be c on s tr u ed as a so l i c i t a t i on or a s an o b li g a t i on on t h e p a r t o f t he G o v e r n m en t. T h i s no ti c e d o es not o b li g a t e t he G o v e r n m ent t o a w a r d a con t r a c t or o t h e r w i se p ay f or t he i n f o r m a ti on p r o v i ded i n t he r espo n se. T he G o v e r n m ent r ese r v es t he r i g ht t o u s e i n f o r m a ti on p r o v i d e d by r esp o nde n t s f or any pu r po s e d ee m ed nec e ss a r y and l e g a l l y app r o p r i a t e. A ny conce r n r es p ond i ng t o t h i s no t i ce sh o u l d e n su r e t h at i t s r e s pon s e i s co m p l e t e and su f fi c i e n t l y de t a i l ed t o a ll ow t he G o v e r n m ent t o de t e r m i ne t h e co n ce r n ' s q u a l i f i c a ti o n s t o p e rf o r m t he w o r k. R espond e n t s a r e ad v i s ed t hat t h e G o v e r n m ent i s u n der no o b li g a t i on t o a c k no w l ed g e r e c ei p t of t he i n f o r m a ti on r e c e i v ed o r p r ov i de f e e dback t o r e s pond en t s wi t h r es p ect t o any i n f or m a ti on sub m it t ed. A f t e r a r e v i ew of t he r e spo n ses r ece i v ed, a p r e - so li c i t a ti o n s y nops i s and s o li c i t a t i on M A Y be pub li sh e d i n Fede r al B u s i n ess O pp o rt u n i t i es. H o w e v e r, r es p ons e s t o t h i s no t i c e wi l l not be co n s i d e r ed a dequ a t e r esp o ns e s t o a s o l i c i t a ti o n. T he G o v e r n m ent wi l l NO T acce p t r e q ue s t s f o r m ee ti ng s or b ri e fi n g s. N o phone s o l i c i t a t i o n s or e m a i l wit h r e g a r ds t o t he s t a t u s o f t he R equ e st f o r P r op o sal ( R F P) wi l l be a c ce p t ed p r i o r t o i t s r e l e a se. I n f o r m a ti on and m a t e r i a l s sub m i t t ed i n r espon s e t o t h i s n o t i ce W I L L NO T be r e t u r n ed. T he G o v e r n m ent do e s not i n t end t o a w a r d a con t r a ct o n t he ba s i s o f r e s pon s es r ec e i v ed nor o t he r w i se pay f or t he p r e p a r a t i on o f any i n f or m a ti o n sub m i t t ed. A s a r es u l t o f t h i s no t i c e, t he G o v e r n m ent M A Y i s sue a sou r ces sou g ht or hold an industry day t o f u rt h er gain a be tt e r unde r s t a nd i ng o f t ech n i c al capa b i l i t i e s wi t h i n t he m a rk e t. The r e i s n o s o l i c i t a ti o n a v a i l ab l e a t t h i s ti m e. H o w e v e r, sho u l d s u ch a r e qu i r e m ent m a t e r i a l i z e, no bas i s f o r c l a i m s a g a i nst t he G o v e r n m ent sha l l a r i s e as a r e s u l t of a r esp o nse t o t h i s R FI or t he G o v e r n m en t ' s u s e o f su c h i n f o r m a t i on as e i t h e r p a r t of o u r e v a l ua t i on p r o c ess or i n d ev e l op i ng spe c i f i c a t i ons f or any subseq u ent r e q u i r e m en t. C O N FI DENT I AL I T Y : N o p r op r i e t a r y, c l as s i f i ed, con f i de n ti a l, o r sen s i ti v e i n f o r m a ti on sh o u l d b e i n c l uded i n y our r e s pon se. T h e G o v e r n m ent r e s e r v es t he r i g ht t o use any non - p r op ri e t a r y t e ch n i c a l i n f o r m a ti on i n a ny r es u lt a nt so l i c i t a t i on ( s ). P O I NT S O F C O N T ACT : P l ease ad d r ess q u e s ti o n s t o CMO Services Division at
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: DARPA/CMO, 675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22203, United States
- Zip Code: 22203
- Record
- SN04338938-W 20161202/161130234125-be6e7247b7986733d2b6049a0c5ee841 (
- Source
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