78 -- Canopy removal and installation - Request for Information (RFI)
- Notice Date
- 4/27/2016
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 238990
— All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Army, Army Contracting Command, MICC, MICC - Fort Belvoir, 9410 Jackson Loop, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, 22060-5134, United States
- ZIP Code
- 22060-5134
- Solicitation Number
- 0010758905
- Archive Date
- 5/18/2016
- Point of Contact
- Derbe J. Amiah, Phone: 7038068884
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Request for Information (RFI) SCOPE OF WORK 1. Background. The pool is located at Bldg. 11, Henderson Hall, Arlington VA. With the installation of the Pool Dome, (Air Structure), which is heated and has lighting, the pool is open approximately 11 months out of the year. This contract shall provide for the installation, (in the fall) and removal (in the spring) of the Pool Dome, and all component parts which shall be furnished by the government. Approximate size of Pool Dome is 117' long x 66' wide. NOTE: This contract shall be for a Base Year and Four Option Years. 2. Construction General Conditions 2.1. All work to be completed at Bldg. 11, Henderson Hall, Arlington VA. 2.2. Contractor is responsible for all means, methods, supervision and coordination to produce a quality finished product. Time is of the essence, and this project shall be given due consideration and staffing. The contractor must provide all equipment, material, and labor necessary to complete scope of work, described herein. 2.3. Contractor shall be responsible for having knowledgeable and experienced personnel for the installation and removal of the Pool Dome. 2.4. The contractor shall identify the personnel responsible for the work. In compliance with Directorate of Public Works (DPW) requirements, the contractor must provide for approval, the name, work history, and background of the individual providing on-site day to day supervision of all of the work (the superintendent) for approval by the government. In the event that the government does not feel this person is qualified to execute the appropriate level of supervision, the contractor will provide information for some other person that the government determines is so qualified. 2.5. The person named above shall be required to be on-site at any time work is being executed on or in conjunction with the project and is responsible for and must be able to report on the location and number of employees working on the installation when requested. 2.6. In addition, the contractor shall provide a point of contact within the company to interface with the Contracting Officer (KO) and Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and speak on behalf of the contractor on all contractual matters. Name, business address, phone number, e-mail address and hours of operation are the minimum information requirements. 2.7. Any discrepancy between the scope of work (SOW) and actual job conditions found during the project progress should be immediately reported to the KO & COR in writing. 2.8. Any unforeseen site conditions will be immediately brought to the attention of the COR for direction on how to proceed. NO additional work will be permitted without first being approved by COR and authorized by the KO. 2.9. In the case of inconsistencies, the contractor shall contact the COR, identify the inconsistency, and seek guidance. Contractor is responsible for providing any requests for information (RFI) in writing to the COR in order to clarify any and all portions of the work that may be in question. 2.10. Contractor must also supply with each invoice, the number of labor hours (Certified Payroll) while performing this work. Payment delays will be incurred on invoices received without warranty information and Certified Payroll. 2.11. Contractor shall be paid through Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF; for more information see unless otherwise indicated by the Director of Contracting. The Contractor will email separately with a return receipt the COR for this project immediately upon entering a request for payment (in addition to any notification provided through the WAWF system). Failure to ensure that the COR is notified by email and that a return receipt acknowledges its receipt, may be grounds for forfeiture of any late fees the contractor may otherwise be owed. 2.12. All work completed under this Contract is subject to Davis-Bacon Wage Act. 2.13. Concurrent with submitting invoices for payment the Contractor is obligated to email the KO & COR informing them of the invoice submittal. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of any interest that may be owed to the contractor as is provided in the Prompt Pay Act. 2.14. Contractor agrees to warrant work for a period of 365 calendar days (or twelve (12) months which-ever is longer) from the date of acceptance by the COR. Warranty will be furnished in writing and must accompany Contractor's final invoice. 2.15. Materials. All materials required for the entire project shall meet industry standards, shall be new, free from all defects, of the best grade and quality, and entirely satisfactory for the purpose intended and shall be furnished in sufficient quantities to prevent delay. 2.16. Construction Performance Period: Two (2) calendar days to install the pool dome and all component parts and two (2) calendar days to remove the pool dome and all component parts. 2.17. Regular Working Hours. The government's regular (normal) working hours are from 0700 to 1530, Mondays through Fridays, except (a) federal holidays and (b) other days specifically designated by the Contracting Officer. Federal holidays are New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 2.18. The Contractor is to provide a CPM/PERT Logic chart and/or a linked GANNT Chart schedule for all work activities to the COR for approval prior to the initiation of any and all work and/or mobilization on the project site. This schedule is to account for all activities involved in the work, any and all administrative requirements required to execute the work described herein, and any and all supply, coordination, or subcontract efforts that may be required to execute the work. This schedule is to be provided in written and Adobe Acrobat readable format. 2.19. Contractor is expected to adhere to his proposed schedule once approved and provide the COR updates on at least a bi-weekly basis the progress of the project in the above stated format. Any and all time extensions requested will have to be demonstrable to the government based upon the approved schedule and updates provided by the contractor. 2.20. The Contractor is advised that this installation is the premier installation for the United States Military. As such there are times, as a result of heightened security measures (as result of threats, visiting dignitaries, and other reasons), the contractor may not have access to the installation or portions thereof. Many of these events can and will be coordinated with the contractor prior to the event by the COR; however, this may or may not be the case. In the event that it is determined that the contractor cannot work, the government shall furnish a time extension on a day for day basis for such interruptions as approved and agreed upon by the KO, however, the contractor will not be entitled to any additional compensation for such delays as may result. 2.21. Contractor to provide a work schedule to the DOC KO prior to start of work and approved version posted at work site. 2.22. The Contractor must be aware that Joint Base Myer - Henderson Hall (JBM-HH) is a controlled access installation, and as a result requires photographic identification and the potential of vehicle inspection in order to gain entrance onto the installation. Detention, delay, and or other challenges presented to the contract as a result of this fact are the sole responsibility of the contractor. 2.23. The Contractor is to execute such work over whatever hours are required, inclusive of normal, weekend, overtime, alternate work time, as required to complete the work at no additional cost to the government within the prescribed period of performance. The contractor shall schedule and coordinate non-normal working hours work with the COR. 2.24. Work shall be carried out on consecutive days and completed within the aforementioned contract performance period. 2.25. The Contractor is to comply with local noise ordinances. 2.26. Contractor will have access to the site through Hatfield Gate... 2.27. Quality Control (QC) in accordance with the Contractor Quality Control Procedures. The Contractor will furnish a copy of their QC program to the government upon request. The contractor shall appoint a quality control person. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The government will periodically evaluate the contractor's performance and compliance with this SOW. Any and all discrepancies and/or non-compliance discovered regarding work executed for this SOW will require the contractor to re-accomplish the task 2.28. Safety in accordance with the Contractor's Safety Program. The Contractor will furnish three copies of their safety program to the KO & COR upon request (a copy of this plan will be held by the COR and the JBM-HH Safety Office). The contractor shall be responsible for safety of employees, and Government employees within the work site premises during all operations in accordance with all Government safety requirements and guidance (EM-385-1-1) including the contractor providing and supervising the appropriate use of all personal protective equipment. 2.29. Any incident involving injury to Contractor's employees or property damage must be immediately reported to the DPW Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) and JBM-HH Safety Office. 2.30. Safety Requirements and Reports. During the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor shall strictly adhere to Environmental Protection Agency Regulations (EPA), Federal Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (OSHA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Handbook (EM-385-1-1), as well as all applicable state and local requirements. 2.31. Fire Protection. The Contractor shall handle and store all combustible supplies, materials, waste and trash in a manner that prevents fire hazards to persons, facilities, and materials. Contractor must coordinate with the COR or KO to receive hot work permits from the JBM-HH Fire Department. 2.32. Environmental Protection. 2.32.1. The contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and with the regulations and standards. All environmental protection matters shall be coordinated with the KO. Inspection of any of the facilities operated by the Contractor may be accomplished by DPW Environmental Division and/or Safety personnel, or authorized officials on a no-notice basis at any time. 2.32.2. In event a regulatory agency assesses a monetary fine against the Government for violations caused by Contractor negligence, the Contractor shall reimburse the Government for the amount of that fine and other costs. The Contractor shall also clean up any oil spills that result from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall comply with the instructions from the JBM-HH Industrial Hygienist with respect to avoidance of conditions which create a nuisance or which may be hazardous to the health of military of civilian personnel. 2.32.3. The contractor shall provide a list of all Hazardous Materials to be used on the Post and a MSDS shall be provided for each material listed. 2.33. Before completion of work each day, the Contractor shall secure all supplies, materials and equipment. Contractor shall also remove all scrap, debris, etc. and dispose off-post, unless otherwise directed elsewhere in this SOW and leave the job site in a clean, orderly and safe manner each day. 2.34. Disposal. 2.34.1. Debris, rubbish, hazardous waste and unusable material resulting from the work under this contract shall be disposed of by the Contractor legally and in compliance with all regulations as may pertain at his expense off of Government property. 2.34.2. All recyclable materials; aluminum and metal cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, newspapers, cardboard, high grade paper, mixed paper, scrap metal, scrap lumber, pavement debris, and vegetation wastes shall be segregated, removed from the Post, and disposed of in accordance with Department of Defense recycling and solid waste management regulations. 2.34.3. Hazardous waste must be disposed of in accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. 2.35. Permits: The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Government, obtain all appointments, licenses, and permits required for the prosecution of the work. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Evidence of such permits and licenses shall be provided to the KO before work commences. 2.36. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this scope of work (SOW), the Contractor shall comply with applicable rules, laws, regulations and policies, in effect at Joint Base Myer -Henderson Hall (JBM-HH), and all US laws. 2.37. Contractor shall ensure they comply with any and all additional provisions as applicable to contractors working at JBM-HH. The contractor is presumed to be fully aware and have full knowledge of any and all policies, procedures and requirements to work on this installation, and is to seek clarification on any specific provision that they are unclear about from the COR if this is not the case. 2.38. All Government design manual standards, the United Facilities Criteria (as posted on, the latest edition of the International Building Code (IBC) 2006, (inclusive of Section 1025, "Emergency Escape and Rescue"), and other applicable industry standards, or better, are to be complied with unless otherwise stated. The Authority Having Jurisdiction for the applicability of any and all code provisions is the Chief, Engineering Division, JBMHH DPW. 2.39. Unless otherwise indicated, the Government is represented by the COR. The COR for this contract will be determined at time of award of contract and at the Pre-Construction meeting. 2.40. Smoking will be prohibited anywhere on the Post so designated on Government property and at all times in such locations. 2.41. Work shall be completed in Two (2) phases. Installation of pool dome in the fall, (September) and removal of pool dome in the spring, (May). 2.42. Contractor will have access to all work areas at one time. 2.43. Contractor will be allowed to use Government restroom facilities in Building 11, Henderson Hall. However, the Contractor will ensure they are cleaned after use to the satisfaction of the COR. 2.44. Government will provide a location convenient to the work for a temporary site storage container, if determined necessary. 2.45. Contractor to provide As-Built Drawings to the KO & COR for review/approval. 2.46. Contractor will provide protection to all areas adjoining or within the area of the work that are not to be affected or damaged. 2.47. The contractor is fully and totally responsible for the condition of the work and the work site en masse until the work is formally accepted by the government. As a consequence, the contractor may be required to execute rework until such time as formal acceptance of the work is made by the government. 2.48. Contractor shall repair any and all damaged items as a result of his efforts not included in this SOW, to their original condition or better. 2.48.1. On-going site cleanup and final site restoration is required in this contract. 2.48.2. The contractor will be held responsible to repair any damage to the structures, the site and/or property as part of this contract to the satisfaction of the Government. 2.48.3. Routine cleanup of the project will encompass all areas used by the contractor during construction. 2.48.4. Site Restoration: If topsoil is required to repair damage to the grounds, it will be screened by the supplier, removing rocks and other debris. The grounds will be repaired, established, watered and sodded to the satisfaction of the Government. During spring and summer - Turf type tall fescue at 5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Late fall/winter - Kentucky bluegrass at 1-1/2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. 2.49. Contractor will coordinate with site utility locator services (e.g. Miss Utility) prior to beginning work /excavation. 2.49.1. Contractor will complete the DPW standard excavation permit application form and submit to the COR in order for DPW In-House forces to complete utility markings as part of the excavation permit approval process. The Contractor will not be able to commence with work operations until the excavation permit has been approved. Contractor's construction schedule should reflect a 14 day period to allow DPW in-house forces to complete utility marking actions. 2.49.2. If the work requires any shutdown or disruption of any utility/service outside of the immediate area of the work/the area under the contractor's control, the Contractor shall provide at least 14 days notice prior to making any such disruption and follow any and all procedures provided by the DPW for such disruptions. To the extent possible, the contractor must note on his schedule planned shutdowns or disruptions that will be required as a part of the work (inclusive of timeframe and any logical connections t other tasks of the work). 2.50. Contractor shall comply with the Virginia Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (and any applicable provisions of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, whichever are more stringent) in all respects. Contractor is to design, provide, furnish, install, and maintain all required Erosion and Sediment controls to the acceptability of the COR. 2.51. Temporary barricades and sediment control are to be provided, as required by either the Virginia Sediment and Erosion Control Manual (and any applicable provisions of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, whichever are more stringent), COR, or other plan (with the most stringent being applicable). 2.52. Contractor shall provide Movement of Traffic (MOT) and applicable Traffic control measures as required. Coordination of these measures shall be with the Fort Myer Directorate of Emergency Services, Traffic Division (current POC: Lt. Ron Foster). 2.53. The Contractor shall coordinate any oversized deliveries with the COR in order to allow access to the installation through the proper gate. 2.54. Contractor is required to visit the site prior to submission of a proposal. Contractor is responsible and will execute such measurements and calculations to determine the quantities required to execute the work described herein for bidding, construction estimating, and work execution. The Government will make no guarantee or other confirmation of the applicable quantities, the Contractor makes these determinations at their own risk. 2.55. The Contractor is to be present for and participate fully in a pre-onstruction/contract initiation meeting held by the KO prior to any work beginning or ordering of any materials, unless otherwise directed by the KO. The information discussed and clarifications made in this meeting will be made biding on the contract as indicated by the KO. 2.56. It is noted that the COR may be different than the Project Manager (PM) for this project. If there is a need to contact or engage the PM for this project, such contact will be made through the COR. These designations will be clarified and determined during the preconstruction/contract initiation meeting prior to the Notice to Proceed provided by the Directorate of Contracting (DOC) warranted Contracting Officer (KO). 3. Government Provided Items: 3.1. For Fall Installation- 3.2. Government personnel shall deliver all components and parts used to erect the pool dome (air structure), to include vinyl pool cover, vinyl dome covering, four (4) pole lights, one (1) set of exit doors with air loc, and stress relief hardware. All above listed items will be delivered to an area adjacent to the pool for contractor access. All items shall be delivered on pallets to the curb at street in front of Bldg. 11. 3.3. For Spring Removal - Government personnel shall pick up all items listed above which the contractor has removed and stacked on pallets in an area adjacent to the pool, (at the curb at street in front of Bldg. 11) and return to storage. 4. Selective Demolition: 4.1. N/A 5. Architectural Work: 5.1. Spring Removal (May) Contractor shall install pool cover to keep debris out of pool. Contractor shall take down and remove all items listed above in 3.2 to include folding of the pool cover and vinyl pool dome and stacking them on pallets adjacent to pool for Government personnel to pickup and transport for storage. 5.2. Fall Installation- Contractor shall pick up all components and parts for the pool and install to include: Installation of pool cover (temporary, while installation of pool dome is going on). Installation of exit doors and air loc. Installation of air structure and securing to existing anchor system. Inflating of air structure and attaching all stress relief hardware. Assembly and mounting of four (4) light poles. Removal of pool cover and folding up at completion of work. 5.3. NOTE: Contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary, such as Boom Aerial Lift and Pallet Jacks as required for use in the installation and removal of pool dome. 6. Civil Work: 6.1. N/A 7. Structural Work: 7.1. N/A 8. Mechanical Work: 8.1. Government personnel shall check and service existing inflation/furnace unit and test fire prior to contractor's installation of pool dome. 9. Plumbing Work: 9.1. N/A 10. Electrical Work: 10.1 Government personnel shall also connect and disconnect connections to the four (4) lights. 10.2 11 Schedule for above work: 11.1 Base Year- Spring (May 2016) Removal of pool dome. Fall (Sept. 2016) Installation of pool dome. 11.2 Option Year I Spring (May 2017) Removal of pool dome. Fall (Sept. 2017) Installation of pool dome. 11.3 Option Year II Spring (May 2018) Removal of pool dome. Fall (Sept. 2018) Installation of pool dome. 11.4 Option Year III Spring (May 2019) Removal of pool dome Spring (May 2019) Installation of pool dome. 12 Contractor Exclusions and Clarifications 12.1 Exclusions 12.2 N/A 12.3 Clarifications 12.4 N/A End of Scope of Work
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Bldg. 11, Henderson Hall, Arlington, Virginia, 22211, United States
- Zip Code: 22211
- Zip Code: 22211
- Record
- SN04097591-W 20160429/160427234839-6929110e3e2211c8510c8af805292105 (
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