69 -- Army TADSS Maintenance Program (ATMP) Site Visits
- Notice Date
- 8/17/2015
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- ACC - Orlando,, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826-3276
- ZIP Code
- 32826-3276
- Solicitation Number
- Archive Date
- 8/16/2016
- Point of Contact
- Phil Davis, 407-384-5335
- E-Mail Address
ACC - Orlando
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- UPDATE: 17 August 2015. 1. The purpose of this message is to provide details for two Industry Day site visits at Ft. Polk, LA. and Ft. Hood, TX. for the Army TADSS Maintenance Program (ATMP). Both site visits will be conducted the week of 19 October 2015. The Ft. Polk site visit will be a one-day event on Monday 19 October 2015. The Ft. Hood site visit will be a two-day event scheduled for Wednesday 21 October 2015 and Thursday 22 October 2015. If your company would like to attend the site visit(s), please identify 2 participants plus one alternate by Friday 18 September 2015 at 3:00 p.m. ET. Your request must be submitted to the ATMP mailbox at 2. Contractors will NOT be permitted to take pictures during the site visits. This includes, but is not limited to cameras, cell phones, tablets or any other digital media device. 3. Below is a summary of the agenda for both Ft. Polk and Ft. Hood site visits. This agenda will be updated, as needed. Full agendas and maps will only be provided to Contractors that submit a request to attend the site visit(s). FT. POLK SITE VISIT: Monday 19 October 2015, meet at Alligator Lake not later than 0745. A Bus will be provided by the Government for on post transportation. Attendees of the site visit MUST ride the bus and are not permitted to drive their personal vehicles for the site visit. No additional attendees will be allowed to join the site visit once the tour has begun. 3x5 cards will be provided for all questions. No ad hoc questions will be addressed to Government sponsors during the tour. Time will be allotted during the site visit to answer questions provided on the 3x5 cards. The official Q&A from the site visits will be documented and posted via FedBizOPPS as early as practicable. Dismiss at Alligator Lake o/a 1600. Visitor Requests for Ft. Polk must be submitted by the Contractor through Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) under the code SMO: W4W6AA5. Attached are the Step-by-Step JPAS instructions. FT. HOOD SITE VISIT: Wednesday 21 October 2015, meet at Ft Hood Main Gate to get Visitor Badges from Security Representative and load on Bus not later than 0745. Bus will be provided for on post transportation. Attendees of the site visit MUST ride the bus and are not permitted to drive their personal vehicles for the site visit. No additional attendees will be allowed to join the site visit once the tour has begun. 3x5 cards will be provided for all questions. No ad hoc questions will be addressed to Government sponsors during the tour. Time will be allotted during the site visit to answer questions provided on the 3x5 cards. The official Q&A from the site visits will be documented and posted via FedBizOPPS as early as practicable. Dismiss approximately 1530 on 21 October 2015 at Ft Hood Main Gate. 22 October 2015, same procedure for access to tour at Ft Hood Main Gate starting not later than 0745. Tour will be dismissed approximately 1430 at Ft Hood Main Gate. For Ft. Hood, Contractors are required to provide Company Name, First, Last and Middle Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Driver's License Number and State of Issue for Drivers License in the attached Contractor Ft. Hood Access Request Form. JPAS is not required for the Ft. Hood Site Visit. 4. Lastly, at any time prior to the release of the Draft RFP, Contractors are permitted to contact the following ATMP Integrated Product Team (IPT) members for any questions/comments/concerns they may have related to the ATMP acquisition. Aaron Brown (ATMP Project Lead) 407.384.5256 Phil Davis (ATMP Contract Specialist) 407.384.5335 Don Wagoner (ATMP Contracting Officer) (407) 384-5578 5. The information provided in this notice is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. This notice DOES NOT constitute an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government to procure subject services. No funds are available to pay for preparation of responses to this notification. No basis for a claim against the Government shall arise as a result from a response to this announcement. UPDATE: 23 JUNE 2015 1. The ATMP FedBizOPPS announcement posted on 6 May 2015 included several Medium/High risk areas within the ATMP acquisition provided for discussion and called for Industry One-on-One sessions. Sessions concluded 16 June 2015. In the course of conducting sessions industry expressed an interest in providing demonstrations and/or additional information regarding its Management Information System (MIS) capabilities. The purpose of this announcement is to provide Contractor's the opportunity to demonstrate its MIS and provide information regarding its MIS capabilities. Receiving additional information, as well as demonstrations related to MIS capabilities will assist the Government with refining its critical MIS requirements for ATMP. 2. The Government would like to schedule MIS demonstrations the week of 3 August 2015, for the purpose of refining its MIS requirements. The demonstrations will not exceed 2 hours and will be conducted at a location of the Contractor's choosing. The location must be in the Orlando area. The demonstrations will not include any specific criteria and contractors are NOT required to demonstrate its capabilities as it relates to the ATMP MIS requirements. 3. If your company is interested in providing a demonstration and/or information regarding your MIS capabilities, please submit requests to the ATMP mailbox at Requests will only be accepted if submitted electronically. Once received, a member of the ATMP team will contact you to arrange a specific time and date for the session. Requests are due no later than Friday 17 July 2015 at 3 p.m. EST. 4. The information provided in this notice is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. This notice DOES NOT constitute an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government to procure subject services. No funds are available to pay for preparation of responses to this notification. No basis for a claim against the Government shall arise as a result from a response to this announcement. 1. UPDATE: 6 MAY 2015. The purpose of this message is to announce Government/Industry One-on-One sessions for the Army TADSS Maintenance Program (ATMP). The Government would like to conduct one session per day starting Monday 8 June 2015 from 12:30-2:30 EST. Sessions will conclude Friday 12 June 2015 unless additional sessions are required. The Government's preference is to conduct sessions at the Contractor's facility, however accommodations will be made at one of the Government's facilities if arrangements cannot be made at the Contractor's facility. Sessions will be no more than 2 hours and Contractor Representatives will be limited to 9 individuals (inclusive of Prime, Subcontractor and/or Teaming Members). The Government's preference is to hold sessions with Contractors that intend to submit proposals as a Prime Contractor for ATMP. However, the Government will not limit sessions exclusively to Prime Contractors. The intent of these sessions is to facilitate discussions regarding the ATMP acquisition and to encourage industry to ask questions related to the requirement. To that end the Government would like to provide a list of medium to high risk areas for discussion. These areas include: A. Depot Level Organic Support, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) PWS section 2.22 B. Optimized maintenance and availability based on utilization C. Phase In. PWS sec 3.1.2,,,, D. Actuals (e.g. cost impacts, format provided). PWS sec. E. Site visits (Where would you like to go? Ft. Hood, NTC?) F. Management Information System (MIS). PWS sec. 3.4. and Appendix D G. Failure Reporting, Analysis Corrective Action System (FRACAS)PWS sec. H. Diminishing Manufacturing Sources Material Shortages (DMSMS) PWS sec. In addition to the above, the Government is willing to entertain any additional topics Contractors would like to discuss associated with ATMP requirement and/or source selection. However, as mentioned; the One-on-One sessions will be limited to no more than 2 hours. The Government requests Contractors submit questions associated with the One-on-Ones and/or risk areas identified above electronically no later than Friday 22 May 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Providing questions by this date will allow the Government to digest the questions and potentially provide a response during the sessions. Contractors are not required to submit questions prior to the session. However, the Government believes that providing questions will promote a meaningful exchange during the sessions. 2. Contractors are advised that the above risk areas may or may NOT be areas that the Government will address as part of the ATMP Solicitation. In addition, the Government is bound by the Procurement Integrity Act (see far 3.104) to ensure that proprietary and/or company specific information is safeguarded. As such, the Government will not release any information that is determined to be proprietary to anyone outside the ATMP Integrated Product Team (IPT) or to any DoD or Non-DoD Contractors. However, non-proprietary information that is determined to be helpful to all interested parties, or will assist in clarifying or refining the ATMP requirements may be incorporated into the ATMP requirements and resultant Solicitation. 3. If your company is interested in participating in One-on-Ones with the Government please submit requests to the ATMP mailbox at Requests will only be accepted if submitted electronically. Once received, a member of the ATMP team will contact you to arrange a specific time and date for the session. Request are due no later than Thursday 14 May 2015 at 4:00 p.m. EST. 4. The information provided in this notice is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. This notice DOES NOT constitute an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government to procure subject services. No funds are available to pay for preparation of responses to this notification. No basis for a claim against the Government shall arise as a result from a response to this announcement. 1. UPDATE: 21 April 2015. The purpose of this announcement is to extend the feedback period for DRAFT ATMP documents, as well as feedback regarding the information included in the ATMP LT2 Portal Collaboration Area. The intent of the announcement posted on 18 March 2015 was to receive feedback on our DRAFT ATMP documents (e.g., PWS, Appendices), ATMP Live Training Transformation (LT2) Portal, as well as comments regarding Beyond Economic Repair (BER)). The responses received from Industry were primarily related to BER. It is the Governments desire to obtain additional feedback on the DRAFT documents. 2. These documents can be found by selecting the ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION link within this FedBizOPPs announcement. Note that Task Order specific draft PWSs will be released at a later date. 3. The Government requests that all questions, comments or suggestions for improvement for all information posted to LT2 Portal and FedBizOPPS be provided to the ATMP mailbox by Friday 01 May 2015 at 4:00 P.M. EST. This will NOT be industry's final chance to comment on the ATMP requirements. The Government anticipates conducting One-on-One sessions, Site Visits, as well as posting a Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) prior to issuing the Final RFP. The intent is to gain insight on Industry's interpretations of the DRAFT documents prior to conducting One-on-One sessions. One-on-Ones are anticipated to begin by the end of May. 4. DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this notice is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. This notice DOES NOT constitute an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government to procure subject services. No funds are available to pay for preparation of responses to this notification. No basis for a claim against the Government shall arise as a result from a response to this announcement. 1. UPDATE: 18 March 2015. The purpose of this announcement is to post DRAFT requirements documents for the Army TADSS Maintenance Program (ATMP). DRAFT documents include the DRAFT (1) Performance Work Statement (PWS), (2) Appendix A, Device Descriptions, (3) Appendix B, Device Locations and Contractor Performance Factors (CPF), (4) Appendix C, Government Furnished Property (GFP), (5) Appendix D, Management Information System (MIS) Requirements, and (6) ATMP Draft Task Order List. These documents can be found by selecting the ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION link within this FedBizOPPs announcement. Note that Task Order specific draft PWSs will be released at a later date. BE ADVISED that these documents have not been fully vetted and approved through the PEO STRI Field Operations Directorate or the Army Contracting Command (ACC) - Orlando Division Chief. In addition, as discussed at the monthly Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) Sessions, the ATMP Integrated Product Team (IPT) does not anticipate entering into PALT until 4th Quarter 2015. 2. The IPT has updated the ATMP Live Training Transformation (LT2) Portal ( Collaboration Area to include information that was not provided in the previous ATMP Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) Announcement posted 20 February 2015. The following files were added to the Collaboration Area. - Sustainable Range Program (SRP) work orders. - Maintained systems that do not have assigned device numbers. - Department of the Army Pamphlet 350-9 Index and Description of Army Training Devices 2002, 2010 and DRAFT 2015. - Details updated in README file. 3. The Government is in the process of developing the Acquisition Strategy and would like to obtain feedback from Industry regarding the length of the ATMP Period of Performance (PoP). The Government anticipates a minimum PoP of 5 years, however; the Government would like to hear from industry regarding which duration (e.g. 5, 6,7,8,9 or 10 years) would allow Industry and the Government to obtain maximum efficiencies and provide industry with the ability to recoup its initial investment required to perform all tasks necessary to prepare for full performance. Responses to this PoP question are requested to be provided to the ATMP Mailbox ( no later than Wednesday 25 March 2015. The Government requests that Industry provide a specific duration (e.g. 9 years), in lieu of a range (e.g. 7-10 years), with rationale to support its position. Information provided from industry will be utilized as one data point amongst other historical data and market research to assist our IPT in determining the appropriate duration for ATMP. 4. In addition to requesting feedback regarding the ATMP PoP, the Government is requesting feedback from industry regarding the posted DRAFT documents, as well as feedback regarding the information included in the ATMP LT2 Portal Collaboration Area. Specifically, there is a comment in the DRAFT PWS (Section 3.2.4) related to Beyond Economic Repair (BER). The current requirement states, quote mark the contractor's BER responsibility is limited to $35,000.00 USD per an individual TADSS hardware component. quote mark The Government is requesting feedback regarding potential impacts on a Contractor's pricing if this liability were eliminated. If eliminated, the Contractor would be responsible for all repairs regardless of component value. Again, please provide specifics if you choose to respond to this question. The Government requests that all questions, comments or suggestions for improvement for all information posted to LT2 Portal and FBO be provided to the ATMP mailbox by Friday 17 April 2015 at 4:00 P.M. This will NOT be industry's final chance to comment on the ATMP requirements. The Government anticipates conducting One-on-One sessions, Site Visits, as well as posting a Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) prior to issuing the Final RFP. At this time there are no formal dates established for One-on-Ones, Site Visits or release of the Draft RFP. However, these venues will afford Industry with additional opportunity to pose questions regarding the ATMP requirements. It is advised that industry continue to monitor FBO and attend monthly ACC Orlando/PEO STRI PALT sessions for ATMP acquisition updates. 5. DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this notice is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. This notice DOES NOT constitute an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government to procure subject services. No funds are available to pay for preparation of responses to this notification. No basis for a claim against the Government shall arise as a result from a response to this announcement.
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