94 -- Rock IDIQ for the St Paul District - Solicitation 1
- Notice Date
- 7/22/2014
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 212312
— Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying
- Contracting Office
- USACE District, St. Paul, Contracting Division CEMVP-CT, 180 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101-1678
- ZIP Code
- 55101-1678
- Solicitation Number
- W912ES-14-T-0092
- Response Due
- 7/31/2014
- Archive Date
- 8/15/2014
- Point of Contact
- Jesse Onkka, Phone: 6512905444, Kevin P. Henricks, Phone: 6512905414
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- Attachments for the Scope of Work. SF-1449 LOCKS AND DAMS ROCK SUPPLY CONTRACT SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS W912ES-14-X-XXXX Description/Specification/Work Statement (Technical Section) TABLE OF CONTENTS PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE 1.2 RELATED WORK OF OTHER SECTIONS (Not Applicable) 1.3 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS 1.4 SUBMITTALS 1.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.2 SOURCES AND EVALUATION 2.3 TESTS FOR ACCEPTABILITY 2.4 RIPRAP GRADATION TESTING PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SCHEDULE 3.2 COORDINATION 3.3 DELIVERY AND BARGE LOADING 3.4 QUALITY CONTROL 3.5 SAFETY LOCKS AND DAMS ROCK SUPPLY CONTRACT SCOPE OF WORK 1. GENERAL. 1.1 SCOPE. This project involves the work necessary to supply and deliver riprap to several lock and dam sites along the Mississippi River. 1.2 RELATED WORK OF OTHER SECTIONS (Not Applicable). 1.3 APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS. The publications listed below form a part of this scope of work to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Manual (EM). EM 385-1-1 Safety and Health Requirements Manual, (15 September 2008). 1.4 SUBMITTALS. 1.4.1 General. The Contractor shall submit the following as required. Approval of submittals will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to furnish materials as required. In order to make the submittal process as efficient as possible, the Contracting Officer's Representative may give verbal response to a submittal followed by the written response at a later date. In this case, the submittal response date will be the date that the verbal response is given. a. Material Source as specified in PARAGRAPH: SOURCES AND EVALUATION. b. Method of Processing Riprap as specified in PARAGRAPH: Riprap Processing. c. Gradation Test Results as specified in PARAGRAPH: RIPRAP GRADATION TESTING. d. Weighing Operations as specified in PARAGRAPH: Measurement. e. Delivery Tickets as specified in PARAGRAPH: Measurement. 1.4.2 Submission of Submittals. Submittals shall be submitted in ample time to secure approval prior to the time the items covered are to be delivered to the site. ENG Form 4025 shall be used for the transmittal of submittals. One electronic copy of all submittals must be provided. 1.4.3 Submittal Control. Within 7 calendar days after the contract award date, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer for review and approval, a submittal control document (ENG Form 4288) in electronic format listing and scheduling all items required to be furnished for review by the Government. A sample submittal register listing items for this contract is included in Attachment 3. Primary responsibility for submittals shall rest with the Contractor. Omissions from the attached sample submittal register shall not relieve the Contractor from providing all required submittals. In addition to those items listed in the sample, the Contractor shall furnish submittals for all deviations from the specifications. 1.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. 1.5.1 Measurement. Riprap shall be weighed on accurate, approved scales furnished or made available by the Contractor. Before being approved for use, the scales shall have been tested by the Department of Weights and Measures or by a reliable scale servicing company so as to operate within a degree of error not greater than 1 percent and to be sensitive to a change in load of 1/5 of 1 percent, both percentages being based on the total required weight of material normally weighed as a unit on the scale. Scales shall be spot checked for accuracy and sensitivity as often as directed by the Contracting Officer during stone delivery. When materials are weighed in hauling vehicles, gross weights shall be checked and the vehicle tare weight determined as often as the Contracting Officer directs. The Contractor shall furnish such weights, accessories, and assistance as the Contracting Officer may require for conducting weighing equipment tests. Weighing operations shall be performed, as approved, in the presence of a representative of the Contracting Officer, unless waived. Each load shall be accompanied by duplicate copies of delivery tickets certified by the weighmaster. As a minimum, each ticket shall contain the following information: (1) Date and time. (2) Vehicle Number. (3) Gross Weight. (4) Vehicle tare weight. (5) Net weight of riprap. (6) Material weighed (description of load contents). (7) Signature of weighmaster. Delivery tickets shall be collected by the Contractor, and one copy thereof shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer at the close of each day's operations. A plan indicating the location and proposed schedule of weighing operations shall be submitted for approval in accordance with PARAGRAPH: SUBMITTALS. 1.5.2. Payment. Riprap material shall be measured and paid for by the ton (2,000 pound avoirdupois) of acceptable material delivered as specified to the designated delivery sites. 2. PRODUCTS. 2.1 MATERIALS. 2.1.1 Riprap material shall be durable quarried stone of suitable quality to ensure permanence in the Upper Mississippi River environment. Stone shall be free from cracks, seams and other defects that would unduly increase its deterioration from natural causes. 2.1.2 Specific gravity. All stone shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.55 and not more than 2.75. 2.1.3 Riprap Shape. Neither the breadth nor thickness of any individual stone shall be less than one third its length. 2.1.4 Riprap Gradations. Riprap shall be reasonably well graded within the specified limits shown on the riprap gradation curves contained in Attachment 4 to permit construction of relatively dense riprap sections. Inclusion of objectionable quantities of dirt, sand, clay, rock fines or other deleterious materials will not be allowed. 2.1.6 Riprap Processing. On the same date the Contractor provides the submittal for material sources, he shall also submit for approval the method of processing riprap at each quarry that will preclude the inclusion of objectionable amounts of fine material or organic matter. All riprap shall be processed in accordance with the method approved. Quarry-run riprap will not be accepted. All rock designated for use as riprap shall be processed over a vibratory grizzly or by an approved alternate method to insure the exclusion of poor quality rock. 2.2 SOURCES AND EVALUATION. 2.2.1 Approved material Sources are provided in Attachment 2. Rock materials may be produced from the sources listed in Attachment 2 for any of the identified sites requiring rock. The Contractor may elect to furnish rock from another source(s) not listed in Attachment 2 provided the source is approved by the Contracting Officer and meets the conditions hereinafter stated. If the Contractor proposes to furnish materials from a source not listed, the Government Geologist will make such investigations and evaluations as necessary to determine whether or not materials meeting the requirements of this contract can be produced from the proposed source. The Contractor shall be responsible for making his own investigations for sources of suitable materials and for making his own arrangements with the owners of the quarries or land for procuring the required quantities of suitable materials. Within 7 days after award of the contract, the Contractor shall designate and submit for approval only one source or one combination of sources from which he proposes to furnish the materials for each site or for multiple sites. If the Contractor proposes to furnish materials from a source or from sources not listed in Attachment 2, he may designate only a single source or a single combination of sources for each site or for multiple sites. Samples for acceptance testing shall be provided as required by the PARAGRAPH: TESTS FOR ACCEPTABILITY. If a source for materials so designated by the Contractor is not approved for use by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may not submit for approval other sources but shall furnish the materials from approved sources selected from the list in Attachment 2, at no additional cost to the Government. Approval of a source of materials is not to be construed as approval of all material from that source. The right is reserved by the Government to reject materials from certain localized areas, zones, strata, or channels when such materials are unsuitable as determined by the Government Geologist. Materials produced from an approved source shall meet all of the requirements of this specification. 2.2.2. No riprap material shall be used from any river facing bluffs that are visible from the Mississippi River. 2.3 TESTS FOR ACCEPTABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SOURCE MATERIAL. 2.3.1 Quality tests and service records will be used to determine the acceptability of stone materials. In the event suitable test reports and satisfactory service records are not available, as in the case of newly operated sources, the materials will be tested to determine acceptability. Tests to which the materials may be subjected to include petrographic analysis, specific gravity, soundness, abrasion, absorption, freezing and thawing, and other tests considered necessary to demonstrate acceptability. Tests will be made by, or under the supervision of, the Government and at the Government's expense. 2.3.2 Samples. When directed by the Contracting Officer, suitable samples of materials shall be submitted for approval prior to delivery of materials to the work site. Samples shall be obtained by the Contractor, in the presence of the Contracting Officer or his designated representative, and delivered at the Contractor's expense to a point designated by the Contracting Officer, at least 15 days in advance of the date that the material is required to be delivered. 2.4 RIPRAP GRADATION TESTING. 2.4.1 General Requirements. Gradation tests shall be performed by the methods and at the frequency listed below. Testing listed herein shall be completed by and at the expense of the Contractor. Gradation testing results shall be submitted utilizing the gradation plots for the required riprap gradations and the WORKSHEET FOR GRADATION ANALYSIS OF RIPRAP (gradation plots and blank copies of the worksheets are included in the attachments section). The Contracting Officer shall direct the time and location of sampling, unless waived. The Contracting Officer shall be informed 24 hours before each test is performed. The results of all tests, including failing tests shall be submitted on the appropriate gradation plots and worksheets. The Contracting Officer shall be informed immediately of test results and draft copies of test results shall be submitted at the Contracting Officer's request. Tests performed on material that does not meet gradation and shape requirements will not be counted as part of the tests required. 2.4.2 Test Method A. Test method A shall consist of weighing all stones larger than 5 pounds in a sample. Five to seven weight classes shall be selected within the range of stone sizes. Each stone shall be weighed and recorded on the worksheet for method A. The weight of stones shall be summed for each weight class; after which calculations and a plot of the gradation shall be completed in accordance with accepted practice for soil and aggregate gradations. 2.4.3 Test Method B. Test method B shall consist of separating the stones into 5 to 7 piles, ordered by size. The sample shall be separated on a clean, hard surface that is free of smaller stones that could become mixed with the sample. The stones shall be visually screened to place them into appropriate piles. All stones shall be separated and placed into a pile before weighing. After separating, the smallest and largest rock in each pile shall be weighed and recorded. The stones shall be adjusted as necessary so that the weight classes do not overlap. After adjustment is adequate and weight classes have been established, each pile of stone shall be weighed and recorded on the worksheet for method B. Calculations and a plot of the gradation shall be completed in accordance with accepted practice for soil and aggregate gradations. 2.4.4 Scales. Accuracy of scales shall as required in paragraph: Measurement. 2.4.5 Testing. A sample shall be obtained from each approved material source or combination of sources for each gradation required and tested in accordance with either method A or B. A satisfactory test shall be obtained from each source or combination of sources for each gradation prior to hauling any riprap from that quarry. All samples shall have a minimum gross weight of 3,000 pounds. 2.4.6 Testing Frequency. Gradation tests will be required at a frequency of 1 per 5,000 tons of each gradation of material from a specific source that is brought on each site, with a minimum of one test per site per gradation. Tests that do not meet gradation requirements will not be counted. 2.4.7 Corrective Action. If materials fail to meet gradation or shape requirements, the Contractor shall adjust his operations and verify with necessary tests that acceptable materials are being produced, or he shall propose another source and verify, with necessary tests, that acceptable material can be produced from that source. 3. EXECUTION. 3.1 SCHEDULE. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor 15 calendar days in advance of when delivery is to commence at a particular site. The Contractor shall provide the riprap gradation submittals for approval no later than 7 days prior to delivery of material to that site. It is anticipated that commencement of delivery will occur between the dates of Monday, August 4, 2014 and November 28, 2014. Delivery shall commence no later than 15 calendar days following notification from the Contracting Officer and shall continue on consecutive work days until completed, unless directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer. The delivery period at the site shall be within the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer. No delivery shall be made on weekends or Federal holidays. The time period between when delivery to one site has been completed and delivery to the next site is initiated is dependent on the Government's placement schedule and is anticipated to range between a few days to several weeks. 3.2 COORDINATION. The Contractor shall not block access to the loading docks or access routes at the on-land delivery sites for extended periods of time and shall coordinate loading access routes and dock use with the following: Acting Chief Maintenance & Repair: Mr. Scott Uhl Fountain City, WI Phone number: 612-508-3156 3.3 DELIVERY AND BARGE LOADING. Delivery of riprap by the Contractor shall include placing material directly from trucks into a stockpile area on site and / or loading directly from trucks onto U.S. Government-owned barges. Each barge on which material is loaded will have a capacity of 200 tons, a 20 foot by 85 foot holding area with 2.5 foot side heights, and ramps that can be used to drive trucks onto the barges. The barges and access ramps will be maneuvered by Government employees. The Contractor shall provide all other equipment and personnel needed to place the stone into stockpiles on site or onto the barges, except that no secondary loading/movement of riprap will be required after the riprap has been dumped from the trucks. A representative of the Contracting Officer will direct the Contractor where to unload materials. 3.3.1 Loading Riprap. Trucks used by the Contractor for loading riprap onto barges or stockpiles shall be tandem dump trucks with a minimum 18 ton capacity; use of end-dump trailers or belly-dump trailers will not be allowed. 3.3.3 Delivery Rate. The riprap material delivery rate for each site will vary between 100 tons per day to 800 tons per day, as requested by the representative of the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall be required to increase or decrease the delivery rate within the above stated delivery range on a daily basis until the required quantity of material for the site is met. 3.4 QUALITY CONTROL. The Contractor shall establish and maintain quality control and shall maintain records of the quality control for work under this section to ensure compliance with contract requirements. A copy of inspections and tests, as well as corrective actions taken, shall be furnished to the Government. 3.5 SAFETY. The Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the latest version of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual EM 385-1-1.
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- Place of Performance
- Address: USACE District, St. Paul Contracting Division CEMVP-CT, 180 East Fifth Street St. Paul MN
- Zip Code: 55101-1678
- Zip Code: 55101-1678
- Record
- SN03433816-W 20140724/140722235544-e2e3502d6c9375b09608b7c24b4a16e3 (
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