18 -- CALL 022 - Space Environment Sensor Data Mgt & Analysis - RMDC - Amendment 1
- Notice Date
- 2/4/2014
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 541712
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL/RVKV - Kirtland AFB, 3550 Aberdeen Ave SE, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, 87117, United States
- ZIP Code
- 87117
- Solicitation Number
- BAA-RV-10-01
- Point of Contact
- Francis M. Eggert, Phone: 5058467603, Francis M. Eggert, Phone: 5058467603
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- CALL 022 Full Text BAA-RV-10-01 dtd Nov 09 CALL 022 Atch 6 AFPA Checklist dtd 29 Jan 14 CALL 022 Atch 5 Section K dtd 29 Jan 14 CALL 022 Atch 4 DD Form 254 dtd 29 Jan 14 CALL 022 Atch 3 CDRLs dtd 30 Jan 14 CALL 022 Atch 2 SOO dtd 29 Jan 14 CALL 022 Atch 1 Proposal Instructions dtd Apr 13 CALL 022 Announcement dtd 30 Jan 14 4 Feb 14. CALL 022 - This CALL Announcement is for the Space Environment Sensor Data Magement and Analysis Effort - RMDC and has seven (7) attachments. Note! Proposals are due on 6 March 14 @ NOON MST. Here is the CALL. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT BAA-RV-10-01 Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL) 022 1. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE: AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate, Battlespace Environment Division Research Interest - Kirtland 2. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: BAA-RV-10-01 3. PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUCEMENT (CALL) TITLE: Topic 1 (Space Weather): Space Environment Sensor Data Management and Analysis 4. PROPOSAL CALL ANNOUNCEMENT (CALL) NUMBER: 022 5. TECHNICAL POINT OF CONTACT: The technical point of contact for this CALL is Mr. Nelson A. Bonito; AFRL/RVB, Kirtland AFB, NM; 505-853-3130; E-mail: 6. CONTRACTING POINTS OF CONTACT: The contracting points of contact for this CALL are: Contracting Officer: Mr. Francis M. Eggert, Det 8 AFRL/RVKB, Kirtland AFB, NM, Phone 505-846-7603, E-mail: 7. REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate, Battlespace Environment Division (AFRL/RVB, henceforth ‘RVB') is interested in applied research and development and advanced technology to enhance the development and implementation of space environment models and sensors to meet various Air Force space weather system needs in order to specify, forecast, mitigate, and exploit environmental impacts on Department of Defense (DOD) space and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems. The Space Weather Topic 1 under the full text BAA-RV-10-01 outlines the general objectives of this CALL. This effort will be performed at the RVB Mission Data Analysis Center (RMDC) located at Kirtland AFB, NM due to a Base Realignment (BRAC) decision. The RMDC was established at Hanscom AFB, MA to provide Data Analysis and Modeling for multiple aspects of ionosphere specification modeling and prediction as it pertained to the operation of the Communication /Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS). The original data analysis design enabled adaptation to the changing research, model, and data environments as they became available and pertained to the C/NOFS project. New modeling approaches and data systems for other RVB projects continue to be defined to improve space environment specification and impact on DOD space and ISR systems. The fact that new research, models and data streams are expected in the next several years demonstrates the need to design and development an entirely new data processing resource. The RMDC research facility provides for multiple space experiments accomplishing space sensor data processing and assessment for existing and future operational space environment models. RMDC provides an end-to-end handling of space experiment data from acquisition, processing, cataloging, archival, and product distribution to various Research and Development (R&D) communities. This RMDC research and development effort will encompass data analysis, model adaptations and innovative telemetry processing and archiving. Through the introduction of new technology, enhanced capabilities, and process improvements, AFRL/RVB is interested in the following: (1) application for now-cast and verification of forecasting; (2) enhancements to modeling components to incorporate new data sources in forecasting; (3) develop data management, data fusion and validation techniques for assimilating space and ground base sensors; (4) apply and develop new research model techniques to extend prediction; and (5) enhanced data specification to define space weather impacts on Air Force systems. RMDC research efforts will require a potential offeror to have the technical skills and abilities and demonstrable working knowledge of Government, Air Force and other community research, and software development processes to ensure operational implementation of space weather specification and prediction algorithms to support the transition of technologies into DOD operational units. The offeror shall have the technical skills and abilities to design, develop, implement and test algorithms for expanding the RMDC capabilities to process additional space sensor systems. This includes design and development of scientific algorithm applications, documentation, expanding database management systems, providing test procedures, and configuration management of components developed. RMDC mission includes activities required to execute the R&D, testing, data collection, and subsequent data dissemination. This CALL specifically applies to this unique cross-discipline effort including development, integration and exploitation. Accordingly, under this CALL the Government will not consider proposals addressing any single objective or area of study in isolation or to the exclusion of the others. See attached Statement of Objectives entitled, "Topic 1 (Space Weather): Space Environment Sensor Data Management and Analysis," dated 29 January 2014, for specific to this CALL. The Statement of Objectives (SOO), included as Attachment 2, provides the Government's overall objectives for this solicitation. Offerors shall use the SOO, together with other applicable portions of this CALL, as the basis for preparing their proposal, including the CSOW and milestones. The offeror shall ensure all aspects of the SOO are addressed. The CSOW should specify in clear, understandable terms the work to be done in meeting the SOO. Preparation of an effective CSOW requires an understanding of the technical aspects that are needed to satisfy a particular objective and an ability to define what is required in specific, performance based, quantitative terms. The offerors understanding of both required technical skills, and work effort required should be fully demonstrated in the offeror's proposed CSOW. The offeror shall use its proposed CSOW to prepare any additional data requirements and milestones. All data requirements shall be traceable to specific tasks defined in the CSOW. Each specific data requirement shall be selected from DoD 5010.12-M and specified on DD Form 1423. 8. ANTICIPATED FUNDING: Anticipated funding for this CALL (not per contract or award) is: FY 14: $150K; FY 15: $600K; FY 16: $600K; FY 17: $450K. Total anticipated Award Amount: $1,800,000.00. Note! This funding profile is an estimate only and will not be a contractual obligation for funding. All funding is subject to change due to government discretion and availability. 9. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The anticipated period of performance for individual awards resulting from this CALL is 39 months in duration. The period of performance is to be proposed in the format "includes 36 months for technical effort and 3 months for Final Report preparation." 10. PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: The due date for proposals submitted in response to this CALL is no later than 1200 hours NOON MDT on: 6 March 2014 to the address stated in paragraph 18 of this CALL. Proposals received after the due dates and times shall be governed by the provisions of FAR 52.215-1(c)(3). Please note, allow enough time to mail handler's to get through security. Also, it is the offeror's responsibility to ensure that their proposal's arrive by the due date and time. Proposals for any other technology area identified in the baseline BAA will not be accepted at this time unless a CALL for proposals in that specific area is open. 11. CALL AMENDMENTS: Offerors should monitor FedBizOpps for any additional notices to this CALL that may permit extensions to the proposal submission date or otherwise modify this announcement. 12. ANTICIPATED TYPE OF CONTRACTS/INSTRUMENTS: The Air Force anticipates awarding a CPFF contract type as a result of this CALL but reserves the right to award the instrument best suited to the nature of research proposed. A model contract will be provided to each apparent successful offeror for review and comment as part of the BAA solicitation and award process. 13. ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF AWARDS: The Air Force anticipates awarding a minimum of one (1) contract. However, the Air Force does reserve the right to make multiple awards or no awards pursuant to this CALL. ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE: 10 June 2014 14. INTENT TO PROPOSE: Potential offerors are requested to advise the contracting point of contact if they intend to submit a proposal in response to this CALL. Such notification is merely a courtesy and is not a commitment by the offeror to submit a proposal. 15. DELIVERABLES ITEMS: DATA 16. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: (A) Security Requirement: Program security classification for this CALL is SECRET. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires that a DD Form 254 be incorporated in each contract awarded under this CALL. The draft DD Form 254, Attachment 4 provides the offeror (or a subcontractor) the security requirements and the classification guidance that will be necessary to perform this effort. FAR 52.204-2, Security Requirements is included in this CALL by reference. (B) ITAR, Export Control, DD Form 2345 required: This effort is ITAR restricted. Only offerors who are certified by the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) may submit proposals. For questions, contact DLIS on-line at or at DLIS, US/Canada Joint Certification Center, Federal Center, 74 North Washington, Battle Creek MI 49017-4312, (800) 352-3572. DFARS 252.204-7008, Export Controlled Items (APR 2010) is incorporated into this solicitation and will be in any awards resulting from this CALL. (C) Foreign Nationals: No Foreign Nationals will be considered for this CALL. (D) Government Furnished Property: None anticipated. (E) Base Support: The Government intends to provide the contractor base support throughout the course of this contractual effort, such as working space, phones, network access, material, equipment, and applicable services to perform the duties of this contract. The contractor will require access to Kirtland AFB, New Mexico during the course of the contract. (F) Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI): OCI may apply to this action but cannot be determined prior to issuance of this CALL. This issue and the need for applicable clauses will be resolved prior to the award of any instrument resulting from an offeror's proposal. (G) Support Contractors: Only Government employees will evaluate the proposals for selection. The AFRL Space Vehicles (RV) has contracted for various business and staff support services, some of which require contractors to obtain administrative access to proprietary information submitted by other contractors. Administrative access is defined as "handling or having physical control over information for the sole purpose of accomplishing the administrative functions specified in the administrative support contract, which do not require the review, reading, or comprehension of the content of the information on the part of non-technical professionals assigned to accomplish the specified administrative tasks." These contractors have signed general non-disclosure agreements and organizational conflict of interest statements. The required administrative access will be granted to non-technical professionals. Examples of the administrative tasks performed include: assembling and organizing information for R&D case files; accessing library files for use by Government personnel; and handling and administration of proposals, contracts, contract funding and queries. Any objection to administrative access must be in writing to the Contracting Officer and shall include a detailed statement of the basis for the objection. Consent to administrative access is included in the representations and certifications Attachment 5. (H) Wide Area Work Flow Notice: Any contract award resulting from this CALL will contain the clause at DFARS 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests, which requires electronic submission of all payment requests. The clause cites three possible electronic formats through which to submit electronic payment requests. Effective 01 October 2006, the Department of Defense adopted Wide Area Work Flow-Receipt and Acceptance (WAWF-RA), as the electronic format for submission of electronic payment requests. Any contract resulting from this announcement will establish a requirement to use WAWF-RA for invoicing and receipt/acceptance, and provide coding instructions applicable to this contract. Contractors are encouraged to take advantage of available training (both web-based and through your cognizant DCMA office), and to register in the WAWF-RA system. Information regarding WAWF-RA, including the web-based training and registration, can be found at Note: WAWF-RA requirement does not apply to Universities that are audited by an agency other than DCAA. (I) Forward Pricing Rate Agreements: Offerors who have forward pricing rate agreements (FPRA's) and forward pricing rate recommendations (FPRR's) should submit them with their proposal. (J) Limitations on Pass-Through Charges: As prescribed in FAR 15.408(n)(1) & 15.408(n)(2), provisions 52.215-22, "Limitations on Pass Through Charges - Identification of Subcontract Effort (Oct 2009)," and 52.215-23, "Limitations on Pass Through Charges (Oct 2009)," are contained in this solicitation. Any contract valued greater than the threshold for cost or pricing data threshold, except fixed price contracts awarded on the basis of adequate price competition, resulting from this solicitation, shall contain the Clause at FAR 52.215-23 (or Alt I). (K) Post-Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation: As prescribed in FAR 19.309(d), FAR Clause 52.219-28, "Post-Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation (Apr 2009)," is incorporated by reference in this solicitation. This clause will be contained in any contracts resulting from this solicitation. This clause requires a contractor to represent its size status when certain conditions apply. The clause provides detail on when the representation must be complete and what the contractor must do when a representation is required. (L) Subcontracting Plans: Small Business Subcontracting Plans are required under FAR 19.702 for efforts anticipated to exceed $650,000. Prospective offerors shall submit applicable subcontracting plans in accordance with the requirements set forth in FAR 19.704, DFARS 219.704 and AFFARS 5319.704. Small business is exempt from this requirement. If a company has a master subcontracting plan, as described in FAR 19.701 or a comprehensive subcontracting plan, as described in DFARS 219.702, a copy of the plan shall be submitted with the proposal along with an individual plan for review. The subcontracting plan is a part of the cost/business section of the proposal and will not be included in the page count. Additionally, please note, the Government anticipates a certain portion of this effort will be subcontracted to small businesses in order to meet the statutory goals. Large businesses shall consider, to the highest extent possible, subcontracted opportunities with small businesses. For proposed awards to be made as contracts (that exceed $650,000) to other than small businesses, Subcontracting Plans will be required in accordance with the requirements set forth in FAR 19.704, Subcontracting Plan requirements, and DFARS 219.704 as stated above. As such, Subcontracting Plans will be evaluated and negotiated to ensure that submissions are compliant with FAR Subpart 19.7. Also, for proposed Subcontracting Plans that are below the statutory goals, the offeror will provide additional information which demonstrates how it intends to provide meaningful subcontracting opportunities and rationale to why the goals were not attainable. Finally, in accordance with FAR 19.702, Statutory requirements, provides, if the apparent successful offeror fails to negotiation a subcontracting plan acceptable to the contracting officer within the time limit prescribed by the contracting officer, the offer will be ineligible for award. (M) Employment Eligibility Verification: As prescribed by FAR 22.1803, FAR Clause 52.222-54, "Employment Eligibility Verification (Jan 2009)," is hereby incorporated by reference in this solicitation. Any contract awarded as a result of this BAA that is above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold, and contains a period of performance greater than 120 days, shall include this clause in its contract. This clause provides the requirement of contractors to enroll as a Federal Contractor in the E-Verify program within 30 days after contract award. (N) Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Sub-contract/Sub-recipient Awards: As prescribed by FAR 4.1403(a), FAR 52.204-10, "Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards," is hereby incorporated by reference in this solicitation. Any contract valued at $25,000 or more, excluding classified contracts or contractors with individuals, must contain this clause. Any grant or agreement award resulting from this announcement may contain the award term set forth in 2 CFR, Appendix A to Part 25 found at: (O) Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters: Any contract or assistance award that exceeds $10M; and when an offeror checked "has" in paragraph (b) of the provision 52.209-7, shall contain the clause/article, 52.209-9, "Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (July 2013)." (P) Contractor Business Systems: DFARS 252.242-7005, Contractor Business Systems, is hereby incorporated by reference. (Q) DFARS 252.209-7999, Representation by Corporations Regarding an Unpaid Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law (Revised 16 December 2013.) (R) Offerors shall specifically call out elements of the effort proposed to be conducted within the confines of Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, and those that are to be performed off-site. Any differences in on-site versus off-site rates shall be specifically annotated. 17. APPLICABILITY OF BASELINE BAA: All requirements of BAA-RV-10-01 apply unless specifically amended and addressed in this CALL. For complete information regarding BAA-RV-10-01, refer to the initial opened-ended BAA. It contains information applicable to all CALLS issued under the BAA and provides information on the overall program, proposal preparation and submission requirements, proposal review and evaluation criteria, award administration, agency contacts, etc. Direct questions to the points of contact identified above. 18. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: (A) Please submit your proposal in accordance with (IAW) the FULL TEXT BAA-RV-10-01, Paragraph 8, "Proposal Preparation General Instructions" and all subparagraphs. However for the Cost Proposal, follow the attached proposal (Attachment 1) instructions of this Announcement. Submit your cost proposal IAW CALL Announcement pursuant to FAR 15.408 in the Table format outlined in the instructions. Technical/management and cost volumes should be submitted in separate volumes, and shall be valid for 180 days. (B) Two copies and an original of your proposal is requested. In addition, include two (2) electronic copy of your proposal on a compact disk (CD-R); this shall also include a Microsoft Excel 2007 or earlier compatible cost proposal. Submit your proposal to the following address: Air Force Research Laboratory Det 8 AFRL/RVIR (Mail Center) ATTN: (Contracting Officer); Office Symbol: RVKVB. 3550 Aberdeen Ave SE Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5773 (C) Submission of proposal(s) are not an authorization to commence work or to incur any costs to perform the work described above. Work is not to be implemented until appropriate contractual action is taken to add the work to the contract. Any work performed or expense incurred prior to that time (including bid and proposal costs) will be at your own risk. 19. AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION: (A) Award Notices: Offerors will be notified whether their proposal is recommended for award in writing by letter. The notification of recommendation for award is not to be construed to mean the award of a contract is assured, as availability of funds and successful negotiations are prerequisites to any award. (B) Debriefings: When requested, a debriefing will be provided. The debriefing process will follow the guidelines set out in FAR 15.505, pre-award debriefings to offerors and 15.506, post-award debriefings to offerors. (C) Please complete the Section K attachment and submit with your proposal. 6 Attachments: (1) Cost Proposal Instructions, Revised dated 08 Apr 2013 (2) Statement of Objectives (SOO) CALL 22 dated 29 Jan 14 (3) CDRLs dated 30 Jan 14 (4) DD Form 254 dated 29 Jan 14 (5) Section K dated 29 Jan 14 (6) AF Proposal Adequacy Checklist dated 29 Jan 14 (7) Full Text Nov 09
- Web Link
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- Place of Performance
- Address: AFRL/RV, Attn: Mr. Nelson A Bonito, 3550 Aberdeen Ave. SE., Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5776, Phone: 505-853-3130, E-mail:, OR: Attn: Mr. Nelson Bonito, Phone: 505-853-3130; E-mail:, E-mail:, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, 87117, United States
- Zip Code: 87117
- Zip Code: 87117
- Record
- SN03281165-W 20140206/140204235742-bb3c41a0695e414f34291640a6b05599 (
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