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V -- Courier Service for Brainerd CBOC

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
492110 — Couriers and Express Delivery Services
Contracting Office
Department of Veterans Affairs, St. Cloud VAMC, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Department of Veterans Affairs;VA Medical Center;ContractingOfficer (RM-90C);4801 Veterans Drive;St. Cloud MN 56303-2099
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Julie Willie<br />
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
Synopsis: (i) This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial itemsprepared in accordance with the format in Federal Acquisition Regulation(FAR) Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information includedin this notice. This Request for Proposal (RFP) will also use theprocedures under FAR Part 13. In accordance with 13.106-2, thecontracting officer may take into consideration information such as thecontracting officer's knowledge of and previous experience with thesupply being acquired or other reasonable basis. This announcementconstitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and awritten solicitation will not be issued. (ii) The reference/solicitation number is VA-263-09-RA-0330 and thesolicitation is issued as an RFP. The combined synopsis/solicitationwill result in a contract and corresponding purchase order. (iii) The provisions and clauses incorporated into this solicitationdocument are those in effect at the time of publication. Provisions andclauses incorporated by reference have the same force and effect as ifthey were given in full text. The full text of the Federal AcquisitionRegulations (FAR) and Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulationssupplement (VAAR) can be accessed on the Internet athttp://www.arnet.gov/far (FAR) and http://vaww.appc1.va.gov/oamm/VAAR(VAAR). (iv) An Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract iscontemplated. The North American Classification Code is 492110, CourierService with a small business size standard of 1,500 employees. Thisrequirement is being solicited as 100% Service Disabled Veteran OwnedSmall Business (SDVOSB) set-aside in accordance with FAR 52.219-27,Notice of Total Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside. (v) The St. Cloud Minnesota V.A. Medical Center is soliciting arequirement for local courier services to include daily (Mon-Fri) pickand delivery of pick -up of pharmaceuticals, medical supplies,diagnostic specimens, x-rays, patient charts, office supplies, mail,soiled/clean laundry, and other items as required between the VA MedicalCenter and VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), 722 NW 7thStreet, Brainerd, MN. The Contractor shall provide all necessary labor,equipment, driver and vehicle for same day round trip courier servicesfrom between the VA Medical Center (VAMC) in St. Cloud, Minnesota andthe Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in Brainerd, Minnesota, inaccordance with the description/specifications/work statement. Ananticipated contract start date is October 1, 2009. The contract term isfor one base year period with two one-year option periods to beexercised at the sole discretion of the government. Proposal that willbe submitted should reference a month and annual total. Base Year for atwelve month period: Monthly cost: $___________, Annual Cost:$_________________. Use same bid structure for two one year optionyears. Electronic proposals will not be accepted.(vi) A. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES a. The contractor shall provide all necessary labor, equipment,transportation, insurance, to accomplish regularly scheduled same dayround trip courier service for the pick-up and delivery of packages inaccordance with the statement of work.b. The contractor is responsible for the services which shall include,but are not to be limited to, the pickup pharmaceuticals, medicalsupplies, diagnostic specimens, x-rays, patient charts, office supplies,mail, soiled/clean laundry, and other items as required.c. The contractor shall provide courier services from the designatedpick up points as specified below: o VA Medical Center (VAMC), 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud, MN o VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), 722 NW 7th Street,Brainerd, MN.d. The contractor is to pick up the specified items at the Brainerd CBOCand return them to the St Cloud VAMC. The estimated round-trip is 126miles. Courier Services require morning pick-up of items and departurefrom the VAMC at 10:30am each day.e. The Contractor shall be required to maintain a record log of courierpickups and deliveries, indicating time and date of pickups, number anddescription of items from each location, along with signatures. Thecontractor shall pick up and sign for receipt of pharmaceuticals,medical supplies, lab supplies, x-rays, patient charts, office supplies,mail and other items as required.f. Designated stops at the St Cloud VAMC:"Building 48 Room11- Mailroom."Building 59 (except Wednesdays)-pick-up laundry supplies. Allitems to be shipped, will either be boxed or placed inside VA-furnishedlabeled tote containers by the VAMC staff.g. Tote containers are approximately 13"w x 17"d x 22"| or vary in sizewith an average of 5 to 10 totes a day. Each tote shall not to exceed 50pounds. Some of the boxes may be of odd dimensions, for example, thosecontaining crutches, canes, and paper supplies. The VAMC will give theContractor a 24-hour notice for any items exceeding 50 pounds todetermine if a special handling is required. Oversized and overweightitems are rarely transported. Some containers may require specialhandling and will be marked "Fragile" or "This Side Up". Clean laundrywill be bagged. Clean and soiled laundry needs to pack items separately.h. All supplies are to be delivered to the CBOC in Brainerd between thehours of 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.i. The contractor is required to pick up specified supplies and sign forreceipt of items at the CBOC in Brainerd to be returned to the VAMC inSt. Cloud. Specified supplies include diagnostic specimens, i.e. bodyfluids (blood, urine and stool), that will be properly packaged byGovernment Laboratory personnel for transportation and will be placed inthe appropriate container. All items will be boxed according toinfectious substance transport requirements and placed insideVA-furnished and labeled tote containers by the CBOC staff.j. The contractor is responsible to pick-up soiled laundry in a separatepick-up area than the supplies; however, both areas are located in thesame building of the CBOC. The contractor is responsible for the pickupof soiled laundry from the CBOC which will not be boxed but will beconsidered bio-hazardous and will be double-bagged in VA-furnishedimpervious waterproof laundry bags prepared by CBOC staff.k. The contractor shall depart from the CBOC as soon as the CBOCLaboratory has the specimens properly prepared for the return but nolater than 12:15pm. The contractor will arrive back at the VAMC in St.Cloud no later than 1:30 p.m. each day.l. Return delivery must be made at the designated points in thefollowing order listed below: (The manifest is to be initialed at eachdrop-off site.)"Building 1 - Laboratory - Diagnostic specimens and x-rays(IMPORTANT: that these items MUST be delivered to this point no laterthan 1:30 pm.)"Building 59 - Laundry - Soiled laundry (Weekdays exceptWednesday)"Building 50 Room 19 -SPD Area - SPD totes only (These are to beconsidered as biohazards and handled accordingly"Building 48/RM 11 - Mailroom - remaining supplies; copy of thecompleted manifest is to be left at this pointm. Return tote containers are approximately 13"w x 17"d x 22"l or varyin size with an average of 5 to 10 totes a day. Each tote shall not toexceed 50 pounds. Some of the boxes may be of odd dimensions, forexample, those containing crutches, canes, and paper supplies. The VAMCwill give the Contractor a 24-hour notice for any items exceeding 50pounds to determine if a special handling is required. Oversized andoverweight items are rarely transported. Some containers may requirespecial handling and will be marked "Fragile" or "This Side Up". Totesmarked SPD are to be considered as biohazard and handled accordingly.Clean and soiled laundry may not be transported together.n. The contractor is required to perform delivery services, Mondaythrough Friday, excluding federal holidays as follows or any additionalNational Holiday that is declared by the President of the United States:New Years Day (January 1), Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday inJanuary), Presidents Day (3rd Monday in February), Memorial Day(Last Monday in May), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day (1st Mondayin September), Columbus Day ( 2nd Monday in October), Veterans Day(November 11), Thanksgiving (Last Thursday in November),Christmas (December 25).o. The contractor is responsible for transporting all items inaccordance with all local, state and federal regulations, including anyspecified regulations for oxygen cylinders, diagnostic specimens orbio-hazardous materials.p. All deliveries including specimens shall be transported in atemperature controlled environment between 59-86 degrees Fahrenheit (2-8degrees Celsius) with the use of adequate refrigerant packs (to besupplied by the Government). Vehicles shall not be left in extreme heator cold while specimens, pharmaceuticals and films are beingtransported. Damages that occur due to improper temperature controlswill be the responsibility of the contractor.q. Vehicle is to be company identified. Usually the deliveries will fitinto a small van, utility vehicle or station wagon.B. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY:a. The Contractor assumes responsibility for all damage or injury topersons or property occasioned through the use, maintenance, andoperation of the Contractor's vehicles or other equipment by, or theaction of, the Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents.b. The Contractor shall maintain adequate public liability and propertydamage insurance during the performance of this contract, insuring theContractor against all claims for injury or damage.c. The Contractor shall maintain Workmen's Compensation and otherlegally required insurance with respect to the Contractor's employeesand agents.d. The Government shall in no event be liable or responsible for damageor injury to any person or property occasioned through the use,maintenance, or operation of any vehicle or other equipment by, or theaction of, the Contractor or the Contractor's employees and agents inperforming under this contract, and the Government shall be indemnifiedand saved harmless against claims for damage or injury in such cases.e. All items must be transported in accordance with all local, state andfederal regulations, including any specified regulations for oxygencylinders, dangerous goods or bio-hazardous materials. During thetransportation of specimens a temperature shall be maintained at 59-86Fahrenheit (2-8 degrees Celsius) with the use of adequate refrigerantpacks (to be supplied by the Government). Damage that occurs due toimproper temperature controls will be levied against contractor.C.GENERAL INFORMATION:a. The Contractor shall ensure the confidentiality of all patientinformation being transported and will be held liable in the event ofbreach of confidentiality. The Contractor shall comply with theprovisions of the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579).b. GOVERNMENT POINTS OF CONTACT: The Contracting Officer's TechnicalRepresentative (COTR) is designated the everyday communication with thecontractor; however, the contracting officer is the only personauthorized to approve changes or modify any of the requirements underthis contract. The contracting officer is the only authorized person tomake a commitment or issue changes which will affect price, quantity, orquality of performance within this contract. In the event the contracteffects any such change at the direction of any person other than thiscontracting officer, the change shall be considered to have been madewithout authority and no adjustment will be made in the contract priceto cover any increase in costs incurred as a result thereof. c. Should specimens/transported items be lost or broken, the contractorwill be required to submit a written report to the contracting officerwithin twenty-four (24) hours explaining the circumstances. Failure toprovide the report with the specific time frame will cause furtherreview by the Government to determine if the infraction warrantssuspension/termination of the contract.d. Contractor's couriers transporting diagnostic specimens must betrained in "Universal Precautions" in accordance with CFR 49. Trainingmust include using clinical procedures in case of biohazard spills andaccidents. Proof of training shall be provided to the ContractingOfficer after notification of award of the contract.D. DRIVERS:a. All drivers must maintain a valid Minnesota Driver's License for thetype of vehicle operated. A record of each driver as to character andphysical capabilities of performing the duties as a courier must bemaintained and made available to the Contracting Officer/COTR forinspection upon request. The government reserves the right to prohibitspecific drivers from participating in the performance of the contract.This determination will be at the sole discretion of the government andwill be based upon documented evidence. The contractor is required tonotify the Contracting Officer or designee of any unusual events thatimpede delivery as required by the contract. A written report of theevent will be delivered to the Contracting Officer or designee by closeof business the next working day. The contractors personnel shallpresent a neat appearance and be easily recognized as a contractedemployee. The contractor's employee shall wear an identificationtag/badge that includes the company's name/logo and employee name. Allcouriers must carry two-way radios, cellular phones, or pagers forcommunication purposes. Any delays in any deliveries are to be reporteddirectly to the Laboratory Staff at the VAMC at 320-255-6392, or to theMailroom at 320-255-6480 x6072.b. Drivers shall not make non-emergent stops for any reason during thetransport of items under this contract.c. Under no circumstances shall any person other than the driver oranother employee of the contractor ride in the vehicle or handle itemsbeing transported.E. VEHICLES:a. The vehicles used in the performance of this contract must belicensed and meet the minimum requirements as mandated by the State ofMinnesota. Contractor's vehicle shall have the company name/logoprominently displayed. Each vehicle used in the performance of thiscontract shall be adequately stocked with at least one up-to-datecomplete "Spill KIT" for a bio-hazard cleanup in case of leakage oraccidental discharge from container.F. SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE:In accordance with FAR 28.307-2, the following minimum coverage shallapply to this contract:a. WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY: Contractors arerequired to comply with applicable Federal and State workers'compensation and occupational disease statutes. If occupational diseasesare not compensable under those statutes, they shall be covered underthe employer's liability section of the insurance policy, except whencontract operations are so commingled with contractor's commercialoperations that it would not be practical to require this coverage.Employer's liability coverage of at least $100,000 shall be required,except in States with exclusive or monopolistic funds that do not permitworkers` compensation to be written by private carriers (See FAR 28.305for treatment of contracts subject to the Defense Base Act).b. GENERAL LIABILITY: The contracting officer shall require bodilyinjury liability insurance coverage written on the comprehensive form ofpolicy of at least $500,000 per occurrence. Property damage liabilityinsurance shall be required only in special circumstances as determinedby the agency.c. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: The contracting officer shall requireautomobile liability insurance written on the comprehensive form ofpolicy. The policy shall be for bodily injury and property damageliability covering the operation of all automobiles used in connectionwith performing the contract. Policies covering automobiles operated inthe United States shall provide coverage of at least $200,000.00 perperson and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $20,000 peroccurrence for property damage, the amount of liability coverage onother policies shall be commensurate with any legal requirements of thelocality and sufficient to meet normal and customary claims. NOTE: Acopy of a current certificate of insurance on all vehicles to be usedfor this service must be provided with your offer. Also submit astatement listing the make, model and year of the vehicles to be usedcovered by these insurance certificate.(vii) The contractor shall provide courier services on a daily basis,Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays, from the designatedpick up points as specified below: o VA Medical Center (VAMC), 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud, MN o VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), 722 NW 7th Street,Brainerd, MN.(viii) The provision at FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors -Commercial Items, applies to this solicitation and incorporate thefollowing addenda to 52.212-1, 52.219-27 Notice of Total ServiceDisabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside, 852.233-70 ProtestContent; 852.233-71 Alternate Protest Procedure; ContractorResponsibilities; 852.270-1, Award without Exchanges 852.273-74.Electronic proposals will not be accepted. To be eligible for contractaward, offerors must be registered both in CCR and VETBIZ. CCRinformation may be found at www.ccr.gov and Vet Biz at www.vetbiz.gov. (ix) The provision at FAR 52.212-2, Evaluation - Commercial Itemsapplies to this requirement. The Government will award a firm fixedprice contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible LowPrice Technically-acceptable offeror whose offer conforming to thesolicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price andother factors considered. The following factors shall be used toevaluate offers: Technical Acceptability, Past Performance and Price. (x) The provision at 52.212-3, Offeror Representations andCertification, Commercial Items, applies to this solicitation. Thecontractor shall either: (1) return a completed copy of this provisionwith its quote (a copy of the provision may be attained fromwww.arnet.gov/far or (2) complete the Online Reps and Certs.Application (ORCA) at http://www.orca.bpn.gov and reference it in yourquote. (xi) The clause at 52-212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - CommercialItems, applies to this acquisition. 52.212-4 Contract Terms AndConditions--Commercial Items, 52.216-18 Ordering, 52.216-19 OrderLimitations, 52.216-22 Indefinite Quantity, 52.217-8 Option To ExtendServices, 52.217-9 Option To Extend The Term Of The, VAAR 852.203-70Commercial Advertising, VAAR 852.216-70 Estimated Quantities, VAAR852.237-70 Contractor Responsibilities, VAAR 852.273-76 ElectronicInvoice Submission, 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated By Reference,52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification Of Contractor Personnel,52.232-18 Availability Of Funds, 52.232-35 Designation Of Office ForGovernment Receipt Of Electronic Funds Transfer Information, 52.232-37Multiple Payment Arrangements.(xii) 52.212-5 Contract Terms And Conditions Required To ImplementStatutes Or Executive Orders--Commercial Items, 52.203-6, RestrictionsOn Subcontractor Sales To The Government, 52.219-27, Notice Of TotalService-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside, 52.219-28, PostAward Small Business Program Rerepresentation, 52.222-3, Convict Labor,52.222-21, Prohibition Of Segregated Facilities (Feb 1999). 52.222-26,Equal Opportunity, 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity For Special DisabledVeterans, Veterans Of The Vietnam Era, And Other Eligible Veterans,52.222-36, Affirmative Action For Workers With Disabilities, 52.222-37,Employment Reports On Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans Of The VietnamEra, And Other Eligible Veterans, 52.225-13, Restrictions On CertainForeign Purchases, 52.232-34, Payment By Electronic FundsTransfer--Other Than Central Contractor Registration, 52.222-41, ServiceContract Act Of 1965, 52.222-42, Statement Of Equivalent Rates ForFederal Hires, 52.222-43, Fair Labor Standards Act And Service ContractAct--Price Adjustment.xiii) A notice to Small Disabled Veteran Owned Business to reference52.219-27 which has been included by reference, offerors should takespecial note of paragraph ( c )( 1 ) "at least 50% of the cost ofpersonnel for contract performance will be spent for employees of theconcern or employees of other service disabled veteran owned smallbusiness concerns;".(xiv) The Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) is notapplicable to this acquisition.(xv) RESPONSES ARE DUE THURSDAY September 3, 2009 by 3:30 p.m. CentralDaylight Time. (xvii) Submit RFP to - Julieann Willie at V.A. Medical Center,Contracting Office (RM90C), 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud, MN 56303.Please note the Solicitation number on outer mailing envelope. Proposalswill not be acted through any electronic means. Contact Julie Willie byemail at: Julieann.Willie@va.gov for more information regarding thissolicitation.
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Place of Performance
Address: V. A. Medical Center;4801 Veterans Drive;St. Cloud, MN 56303<br />
Zip Code: 56303<br />
SN01908412-W 20090814/090812235821-ddfa0c3acb2ddf85a30ee9dc20f5f76e (fbodaily.com)
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