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R -- Professional Education Consulting Servicesfor the Bureau of Indian EDUCATION (BIE), FOCUSPROGRAM

Notice Date
Notice Type
Contracting Office
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), AlbuquerqueAcquisitions Office, 1001 Indian School Road NW;ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87104
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Point of Contact
BRENDELL GALLEGOS (505) 563-3009
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation forcommercial items prepared in accordance with theformat in FAR 12.6, as supplemented with additionalinformation included in this notice. This announcementconstitutes the only solicitation; quotes are beingrequested and a written solicitation will not beissued. This solicitation, RABQ2080013, is issued as aRequest for Quotes (RFQ). The solicitation documentand incorporated provisions and clauses are those ineffect through Federal Acquisition 2001-03. The NorthAmerican Industry classification (NAICS) code is611710 and the business size maximum is $6.5 Million.The proposed contract is a Total Small BusinessSet-Aside. All small business shall provide abreakdown of their costs to demonstrate that at least51% of the cost of contract performance incurred fortravel, supplies, training materials, directconsulting services to the school etc. shall beperformed and incurred by the small business (prime).All small businesses shall comply with FAR 52.229-14Limitations on Subcontracting. All responsible smallbusiness sources may submit a quote, which will beconsidered by the Government. This office isrequesting quotes on the following item: 0001 BaseYear: Provide all administrative costs, supplies,materials and personnel to provide ProfessionalEducation Consulting Services for the BIE. All workshall be performed in accordance with the Statement ofWork. The Quantity is One and the Unit is Day. 0002Option Year One: Provide all administrative costs,supplies, materials and personnel to provideProfessional Education Consulting Services for theBIE. All work shall be performed in accordance withthe Statement of Work. The Quantity is One and theUnit is Day.. 0003 Option Year Two: Provide alladministrative costs, supplies, materials andpersonnel to provide Professional Education ConsultingServices for the BIE. All work shall be performed inaccordance with the Statement of Work. The Quantityis One and the Unit is Day.. 0004 Option YearThree: Provide all administrative costs, supplies,materials and personnel to provide ProfessionalEducation Consulting Services for the BIE. All workshall be performed in accordance with the Statement ofWork. The Quantity is One and the Unit is Day. 0005Option Year Four: Provide all administrative costs,supplies, materials and personnel to provideProfessional Education Consulting Services for theBIE. All work shall be performed in accordance withthe Statement of Work. The Quantity is One and theUnit is Day. An Indefinite Delivery IndefiniteQuantity (IDIQ) Contract shall be awarded whichidentify a fixed daily rate (daily for all costs, withexception of travel) for the base and option year;therefore, provide only the daily rate to provideservices in accordance with the SOW. The Governmentsintends to award multiple IDIQ contracts for a basicyear and one option year. The period of performance(POP) for the base year is from July 1, 2008 throughJune30, 2009; and, the POP for the Option Years isfrom July 1 to June 30. Multiple awards shall bemade. Awards shall be made to companies to provideone or more items delineated under the Objectivessection of the SOW. The Government shall issuetask orders against the IDIQ contracts for the itemsdelineated under the Objectives section of the Sowwhen a need arises. Task orders shall be issued on afixed price basis utilizing the fixed price daily rateawarded in each IDIQ contract x the number of days tocomplete the task plus travel costs, which shall bepaid in accordance with the Federal TravelRegulations. The minimum value of each contract shallbe one task order per POP for a minimum value of notless than $500.00. The maximum value of each IDIQcontract shall be twenty task orders per POP for amaximum value of not more than $1,000,000.00. TheGovernment shall place task orders based upon thefollowing factors: In order to afford fairopportunity to contractors, task orders shall beissued against IDIQ contracts only to contractors thathave received the award for the particular objective. Task orders shall be issued against IDIQ contractsonly to contractors that have received the award forthe particualar objective. 1. The Government shallbe issued in accordance with the following criteria: A. Expertise and Experience (i.e. expertise andexperience of the contractor to perform the task). 10points. B. Geography (i.e. contractor locatedclosest to the place of performance for each taskorder). 10 points. C. Past Performance on taskorders previously issued against the Master IDIQContract. 10 points. D. Cost. 5 points. 2. Task orders shall be issued for different lengths oftime with respect to the length of performance. Whenconsultant services are required by the Government,the Contracting Officer (CO) shall provide a copy ofthe Statement of Work (SOW) to the contractor. TheSOW shall identify the objective to be performed andthe location of school/schools which requires service,and other pertinent information to perform the task. The CO shall request a cost proposal from thecontractor to perform the work. The contractor shallprovide a cost proposal based on the daily rateawarded in their IDIQ contract times (x) the number ofdays to complete the task plus (+) travel costs, whichshall be paid in accordance with the Federal TravelRegulations plus (+) the special item costs to performtask order (e.g. certain materials), which have beencertified in writing by the Contracting Officer asconstituting part of the contractor's undertaking. Afirm fixed price task order shall then be issued tothe contractor to perform the service, when and ifagreement is reached on the cost proposal. 3. Thecost proposal submitted by the contractor in responseshall include the names of the individuals who shallperform the work. These individuals must have afavorable background investigation in accordance withthe Background Investigations Clause. The taskorder ombudsman shall be: Name: Brendell Gallegos,Contracting Officer (CO), Address: 1001 Indian SchoolRoad, Albuquerque, NM 87104; Telephone: 505-563-3007;Fax: 505-563-3019. FOCUS Project SCOPE OF WORK: 1.0 Background: The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) serves as a stateeducation agency (SEA) for 184 elementary andsecondary schools and dormitories servingapproximately 48,000 students located in 23 states on63 American Indian reservations. This scope of workcalls for professional education consulting servicesto assist the BIE in implementing the FOCUS PROJECT.The mission of the FOCUS PROJECT is to provideadministrative, educational leadership andinstructional support to schools in order to promote aquality education system. Through acknowledgement ofthe diverse, distinct Tribal governments andcommunities, the Bureau of Indian Education's FOCUSPROJECT will ensure that the preservation of culturalvalues, cultural economic well-being, and tribal needsare important aspects of the FOCUS PROJECT priorities.2.0 Scope The purpose of the FOCUS PROJECT is to providesupport to schools in order to meet adequate yearlyprogress (AYP) goals. The project will provideintensive support to schools in the areas of readinginstruction, math instruction, data analysis,curriculum alignment and mapping, and effectiveinstructional leadership practices. 3.0 Objectives and 4.0 Tasks: 1) The contractor will provide consultants who canserve as reading coaches in all grades in selectedschools. Reading coaches must be able to providein-class support for teachers by modeling evidencebased/scientifically research based readinginstructional strategies and support teachers in useof on-going data collection and analysis in order todevelop specific action plans in response to students'instructional needs, as well as alignment ofinstruction with the state content and assessmentstandards. 1a) The contractor will provide consultants who canprovide professional development in scientificallyresearch based reading instruction and incorporatepedagogical materials that are aligned with theresearch on effective reading instruction. Consultantsmust have demonstrated knowledge of reading in allgrades as a language/thinking process and be able tohelp teachers gear instruction from many literacyprograms to children seeing reading as relevant totheir lives.1b) The contractor will provide consultants who arefamiliar with various reading assessments (in program,screening, diagnostic, progress monitoring, etc.) inall grades and who can guide teachers in use ofassessment data to differentiate instruction forstudents. 2) The contractor will provide consultants who canserve as math coaches in all grades in selectedschools. Math coaches must be able to provide in-classsupport for teachers by modeling effective evidencebased/scientifically based instructional strategiesand support teachers in the use of on-going datacollection and analysis in order to develop specificaction plans in response to students' instructionalneeds as well as alignment of instruction with thestate content and assessment standards. 2a) The contractor will provide consultants who canprovide professional development in effectivemathematic instruction and incorporate pedagogicalmaterials that are aligned with the research oneffective mathematics instruction aligned withnational and state standards in all grades. 2b) The contractor will provide consultants who arefamiliar with various mathematics assessments (inprogram, diagnostic, progress monitoring, etc.) in allgrades and who can guide teachers in the use ofassessment data to differentiate instruction forstudents. 3) The contractor will provide consultants who cananalyze and present data to support school staff inall grades in the review and analysis of a variety ofacademic data, inclusive of standardized achievementdata, attendance data, and classroom data. Theconsultants must be able to support school staff inthe use of data for the development of specific goalsand action plans and the construction of lesson plansto meet the needs of all students in the school as itrelates to the schools state standards and assessment. 3a.) The contractor will conduct data driven decisionmaking workshops for staff and when appropriate forparents and students using all available data at theschool. 4) The contractor will provide consultants who canprovide professional development and technicalassistance to school staff in the area of curriculummapping in reading, language arts and math based onArizona and New Mexico Content Standards andBenchmarks in all grades. This includes the ability touse current assessment data, school curricula andstate specific content standards and benchmarks toassist teachers and administrators with development oflesson plans and instructional strategies that arealigned to the curricula. 5) The contractor will provide consultants who canprovide an intensive instructional leadershipinstitute designed to promote use of best practices ineducational leadership for school administratorstargeted at leadership strategies and practices thathave been proven to improve student achievement. 5a) The contractor will provide consultants who canprovide on going intensive instructional leadershipmentoring activities designed to promote effectiveleadership in the FOCUS schools in order to attainAYP.6) The contractor may be required to provideconsultants for various professionaldevelopment/in-service training workshops through outthe school year and summer.Qualifications of Expert Provider. A. Knowledge, skills and abilities required of expertprovider for reading and/or math: 1. Consultants musthave a minimum of 5 years successful teachingexperience in schools with high populations ofunder-achieving students, high poverty rates, andlarge Native American populations. 2. Consultants musthave documented evidence of serving successfully as aninstructional coach for at least one year in schoolswith high populations of Native American students. 3.Consultants must have a collegiate background in thearea of reading and or math. 4. Consultants must havecurrent knowledge related to reading and mathematicassessments and how to analyze assessment data forinstructional planning purposes. 5. Consultants musthave documented evidence of the successful provisionof professional development/in-service training toteachers of reading and/or math in schools with highpopulations of Native American students as evidencedby high quality evaluations from the consumers oftraining. B. Knowledge, skills, and abilities required of expertprovider for data analysis: 1. Consultants must have aminimum of three years experience with data analysisin school settings and have documented evidence ofsuccessfully training school staff in how to conducton-going data analysis for instructional planningpurposes. 2. Consultants must have in-depth knowledgeof New Mexico and Arizona State Curriculum Standardsand Benchmarks and provide evidence of completedtraining to schools in how to pair data results tocurriculum standards in order to improve achievementoutcomes. 3. Consultants must be able to supportschool staff in the development of specific actionplans and goals and lesson plans based upon dataanalysis. 4. Consultants must have at least 2 yearsexperience conducting data retreats in schools withhigh populations of Native American students. C. Knowledge, skills and abilities required of expertprovider for curriculum mapping: 1. Consultants musthave a collegiate background in the area of curriculumdevelopment and or curriculum and instruction. 2.Consultants must have documented evidence of knowledgeof New Mexico and Arizona State Curriculum Standardsand Benchmarks. 3. Consultants must have documentedevidence of the ability to complete curriculum mapsand lesson plans based upon state standards. 4.Consultants must have at least 2 years experienceproviding training to teachers in curriculum mappingand lesson planning in schools with high populationsof Native American students. D. Knowledge, skills and abilities required of expertprovider for Leadership Institute: 1. Consultant musthave a collegiate background in educationaladministration and school leadership 2. Consultantmust have documented experience providing professionaldevelopment/in-service training to instructionalleaders that focuses on use of models of success toimprove academic outcomes for students. 3).Consultant must have documented experience inproviding professional development in leadershiptraining to schools with high populations of NativeAmerican students. 4. Consultant must submit sampleof course content for institute with proposal for theprovision of service.5.0 DeliveryThe contractors will deliver a report following eachschool visit using a form provided by the BIE FOCUSProject Manager, outlining objectives accomplished aswell as providing information for follow-up andconcerns. These reports will be submitted to the FOCUSproject manager by email or fax within 15 days. The data contractor provides a comprehensive of allstudent data and analysis after each visit. The data contractor will provide a final comprehensivereport of all schools progress as soon as all schooldata has been received. 6.0 Government Furnished Property This is not applicable. 7.0 SecurityAll consultants will comply with securityrequirements.8.0 Place of Performance:The FOCUS schools are as follows: 1. Chi Chil' Tah (Jones Ranch) 2. Lake Valley Navajo School 3. Tohaali School 4. Tse'ii'ahi Community School 5. Ojo Encino Day School 6. San Idelfonso Day School 7. Tesuque Day School 8. Isleta Elementary School 9. San Felipe Pueblo Elementary 10. Sky City Community School 11. San Simon School 12. Santa Rosa Ranch School 13. Santa Rosa Boarding School 14. Tohono Oodham High School 9.0 Period of Performance::July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 with four option yearsfor renewal. Please include your TAX ID Number, CAGE Number (obtainat www.ccr.gov), and DUNS Number when submitting yourquote. The Offeror shall provide an houly rate for thebase and four one year option periods to provide thisservice and respond to the Evaluation Factorsdelineated at the end of this synopsis. Thissolicitation incorporates one or more solicitationprovisions by reference, with the same force andeffect as if they were given if full text. Uponrequest, the CO will make their full text available.The provisions at FAR 52.212-1 Instructions toOfferors - Commercial Items, FAR 52.212-3 OfferorRepresentations of Certifications apply to thisacquisition. Offerors must include a completed copy ofthe provision FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representationsand Certification/Commercial Items with their quote.If the offeror does not have a copy of this provision,you may obtain a copy at www.arnet.gov or contact theCO to receive a copy. Provision FAR 52.252-1Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by reference..Clauses Incorporated by Reference, FAR 52.212-4Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items (SPR1998). FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and ConditionsRequired to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders -Commercial Items, FAR 52.203-6, Restrictions onSubcontractor Sales to the Government (JUL 1995); FAR52.219-4, Limitations on Subcontracting (DEC 1996);FAR 52.222-3 Convict Labor, FAR 52.233-3 Protest afterAward, FAR 222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation withAuthorities and Remedies, FAR 52.225-16, SanctionedEuropean Union Country Services (FEB 2000); FAR52.232-36 Payment by Third Party, FAR 52.239-1 Privacyor Security Safeguards, FAR 52.214-64 Preference forPrivately owned U.S. Flag Commercial Vessels, FAR52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities, FAR52.222-26 Equal Opportunity, FAR 52.222-35 AffirmativeAction for Disabled Veterans of the Vietnam Era, FAR52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers withDisabilities, FAR 52.222-37 Employment Reports onDisabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era, FAR52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer CentralContractor Registration, FAR 52.212-4 Contract Termsand Conditions Commercial Items, FAR 52.242-15 StopWork Order, FAR 52,242-17 Government Delay of Work,Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation(DIAR) 1452.226-70 Indian Preference, DIAR 1452.226-71Indian Preference Program, DIAR 1452.204-70 Release ofClaims; Travel Costs Clause; FAR 52.217-8, Option toExtend Services (para 1, 15 days); FAR 52.217-9,Option to Extend the Term of the contract (para (a) 15days, 15 days; para (c) 2 years); 52.217-3 FAR52.216-8 Ordering (para a, July 1, 2008 through June30, 2009 with four one year options); FAR 52.216-19,Order Limitations(para a, $100.00; Para b (1)$1,000,000.00, Para (b)(2) $1,000,000.00, Para 3, 30days); FAR 52.216-22 Indefinite Quantity (Para d, June30, 2009 with four one year options); FAR 52.216-18(para 1, July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 with fourone year options); FAR 52.216-27, Single or MultipleAwards; Evaluation Exclusive of Options; and, FAR52.212-2, Evaluation. The Evaluation Factors are indescending order of importance. All evaluation factorsother than cost or price, when combined aresignificantly more important than cost or price. TheEvaluation Factors are: 1) Technical Capability 1a:Technical Excellence: Describe ability to meetREQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS OF EXPERT PROVIDER section ofSOW 1b. Technical Approach: Describe your technicalapproach to accomplish each of the objectives and/ortasks delineated in the Scope of Work. This includesdemonstrating that your company will utilize at least51% of your own forces (employees of your company) toprovide the direct service to the schools. 1c. PastExperience: List contracts that are of comparablesize, complexity and similar; and, provide referencesdemonstrating previous experience for this service. 2) Price 3) Past Performance: Provide recent &relevant contracts for the same or similar items,contract numbers, points of contacts with telephonenumbers and other relevant information. Award willbe based on the Best Value to the Government, overallacceptable quote, as submitted by a responsibleofferor & ability to provide the above requirements.Quotes will be submitted in writing and signed by anindividual with the authority to bind their respectivecompany; electronic submissions via fax areacceptable. The due date for receipt of quotes isWednesday, May 28, 2008; 9:00am Local Time. You maymail your quote to BIA, 1001 Indian School Road NW,Albuquerque, NM 87104, or you can fax your quotes to(505) 563-3019.
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