A -- Broad Agency Announcement #2 for Acceleration of TRANSIMS Deployment
- Notice Date
- 8/2/2007
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 541710
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Contracting Office
- Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Acquisition Management, HAAM, Mail Stop E36-455 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC, 20590, UNITED STATES
- ZIP Code
- 00000
- Solicitation Number
- DTFH61-07-R-00147
- Response Due
- 9/4/2007
- Archive Date
- 11/30/2007
- Description
- TRANSIMS APPLICATION RESEARCH: REQUEST FOR BAA PROPOSALS: Section 5512 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law 109-59, provides funding for the acceleration of TRANSIMS deployment, training on the use of TRANSIMS and development of new applications of TRANSIMS. The goal of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is to support academic research/scientific study directed toward increasing the understanding of travel behavior and to improve tools and methods for modeling travel demand and transport systems. Multiple awards are anticipated. This BAA differs from previous TRANSIMS BAAs in that the awards under this BAA will focus on academic research and the size of the awards will be sufficient to fund the equivalent of a graduate student with support from a faculty advisor for one year. A. Background The Transportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS) is travel simulation system designed to meet the State Department of Transportations? (DOTs') and Metropolitan Planning Organizations? (MPOs') need for more accurate and more sensitive travel forecasts for transportation planning and emissions analysis. It consists of mutually supporting simulations, models, and databases. By employing advanced computational and analytical techniques, it creates an integrated environment for regional transportation system analysis. Because TRANSIMS simulates and tracks travel by individuals, the benefits to and impacts on different geographies and travel markets can be evaluated as well. Furthermore, TRANSIMS has the capability to evaluate highly congested scenarios and operational changes on highways and transit systems. TRANSIMS differs from previous travel demand forecasting methods in its underlying concepts and structure. These differences include a consistent and continuous representation of time; a detailed representation of persons and households; time-dependent routing; and a person-based microsimulator. There are four primary modules: ? Population synthesizer, ? Activity generator, ? Route planner, and ? Traffic microsimulator. Using these components, a model may be constructed that estimates activities for individuals and households, plans trips satisfying those activities, assigns trips to routes, and creates a microsimulation of all persons, vehicles and resulting traffic on modeled transport systems in given study area. Researchers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory ( designed and developed the original TRANSIMS algorithms and software. The design for TRANSIMS is based on requirements in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) (Public Law (PL) 102-240), the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) (PL 105-178) as amended by the TEA 21 Restoration Act (PL 105-206), and the Clean Air Act of 1990 (PL 101-549) Amendments. The development of TRANSIMS has been funded by the Federal Highway Administration with support from the Federal Transit Administration, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy of the United States Department of Transportation, and by the Environmental Protection Agency. B. Current Status TRANSIMS development has proceeded along several lines. These include development of application methods, software and supporting utilities. Methods Development Currently USDOT is sponsoring the development of a tour-based model, using TRANSIMS, in Portland, Oregon. The effort has been divided into two tracks: ? Track 1 uses existing trip tables, combined with the TRANSIMS Router and Microsimulator, to develop regional simulations of travel. The Track 1 effort has demonstrated that using network and trip table data currently available at most MPOs, regional simulations can be conducted. As part of the Track 1 effort utilities have been developed to convert existing networks and trip tables to TRANSIMS format. ? Track 2, currently underway, will develop tour based forecasting procedures based on the Portland transportation network and demand data available to the Portland MPO. Track 2 is expected to be completed in the summer of 2007. Software The software and source code is now available under the NASA Open Source Agreement v1.3. This license makes the source code publicly available and requires that any changes to the original code be made publicly available. Also, the license permits re-use within another software package without entangling the license terms. Further information see In addition to the core software, supporting utilities have been developed based on the work in Portland and other studies. These utilities include methods to convert node and link data into TRANSIMS format, estimate intersection signalization, and assist with data preparation and application. The TRANSIMS software is written in C++. 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are available for Linux and Windows (pre-Vista). Support is available via documentation and forums. The source code is available from To download the software and for more information on the software, forums, and supporting utilities, see C. Objectives FHWA seeks to expand the knowledge, understanding and implementation of TRANSIMS capabilities and applications, and seeks to develop new approaches/tools/applications covering a diversity of methods, users and geographic area. Prospective Offerors will submit proposals which: 1. Promote better understanding of traveler behavior and transport systems; 2. Develop improved methods for applying TRANSIMS technology to evaluate the transport policies and issues as identified in SAFETEALU 5512; 3. Extend and improve TRANSIMS technology. D. Instructions for Preparation of Proposals The scope of this announcement is intentionally broad to invite innovation and to provide the FHWA the flexibility to sponsor research which best addresses its objectives. In keeping with FHWA?s desire for innovation and flexibility, the specific approach in the selected proposals will vary and will be negotiated. Any resulting contracts will contain appropriate federal agency clauses for the type of procurement vehicle awarded. Prior to award, the Offeror shall be required to submit ?Certifications and Representations.? Data and reporting requirements will be negotiated with the Offeror(s) selected for award(s). For planning purposes, reporting requirements would be a monthly brief, bulleted set of accomplishments & issues followed by a 30 minute conference call. Multiple awards are anticipated and offers will be selected so as to meet these objectives individually as well as collectively. That is, individual offers may be stronger in specific objectives and taken as a whole the selected offers will support all objectives. Proposal Submission Your proposal should concisely describe the overall problem statement and research approach, highlighting key elements of the problem statement, workplan, data sources, staffing and proposed reviewers. Include contact information for your point of contacts (technical and business) including phone, fax, and email. Each Offeror must submit 4 sets of their proposal (a clearly marked original plus 3 clearly marked copies) in three-ring loose-leaf binders, with each Part and Section of information under a separate tab divider and each page numbered. Each Offeror must also submit an electronic copy in according with Section F instructions (in Adobe PDF format or in Microsoft Office 2000 or equivalent format). Part I. TECHNICAL ? Within the total page limitation of ten (10) double spaced pages (See Section E ? Proposal Format for more information) for this part, the Offeror?s proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following components and shall be organized accordingly: Problem Statement - This will include a statement of the problem to be addressed and why it is an issue for the transportation community. The page limitation for this section is not to exceed three (3) pages. Work Plan - The workplan shall clearly indicate how TRANSIMS technology and related methods will be extended and applied to the problem. The work plan shall describe the necessary tasks required to address the problem. It shall describe a timeline for completion of each task and the interrelationships of all tasks. It shall address data collection, use of computer hardware and software, installation of TRANSIMS and methods for visualizing TRANSIMS output. The first task in all work plans shall be the installation of TRANSIMS and validation of the proper installation. All work plans must include a draft and response to a panel of at least two external reviewers designated by the Offeror. The draft should describe research methodology, results, and model documentation. (see Clarifications & Additional Information). The page limitation for this section is not to exceed five (5) pages. Data Sources - Proposals shall clearly identify all data sources. This section shall also describe plans to reformat data. All applications should use real world data. The use of notional data beyond installation testing purposes should be avoided to the extent practical. Licensing terms, any restrictions on use regarding proprietary data, and subsequent implications for use in future efforts shall be explicitly discussed. The page limitation for this section is not to exceed two (2) pages. Part II. STAFFING - Within the total page limitation of six (6) pages for this part, the Offeror?s proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following components and shall be organized accordingly: Staffing ?The names of all personnel and the position they will occupy as related to this project must be provided. The estimated staffing shall be provided in staff hours, on a task-by-task basis. Tailored biographical summaries of key personnel, including reviewers, shall also be included and shall not exceed three (3) pages per person. Applicants must demonstrate experience in travel modeling and transportation simulation technologies. In addition teams should have computing expertise consistent with the project scope and approach. Planning Agency Support ? The involvement of local planning agencies, either local or state, is encouraged but not required. This could include their agreement to provide local data or participate as a reviewer as appropriate. Part III. COST - The Offeror?s proposal shall include, but not be limited to, the following components and shall be organized accordingly: Funding ? The cost or price proposal shall be specific, complete in every detail, and separate from your technical and staffing proposals. The cost or price breakdown shall be submitted utilizing Standard Form 1411 (Contract Pricing Proposal Sheet ? Attachment No. 1) as a cover sheet, together with supporting detailed cost data, including any subcontractor data, in accordance with FAR 15.804-6. The estimated budget and spending plan for completion of the project must be identified. The estimate is generally consistent with funding needed for the equivalent of one graduate student for one year with faculty oversight. The maximum federal funding per award is $60,000. Cost sharing is not required but may be included to enhance your proposal. If proposed, clearly identify and quantify any cost sharing. For in-kind cost sharing, provide the equivalent fair market value. Note: Your organization?s financial management system must capable of tracking and allocating expenses as well as supporting/documenting any cost share. In the event of an audit, cost share and/or matching documentation may be reviewed. Parts I and II may be placed in the same binder as Part III. Proposals shall be submitted on 8.5 by 11 inch paper, except for foldouts used for charts, tables, appendices or diagrams, which shall not exceed 11 by 17 inches. A page is defined as one side of a piece of paper. A piece of paper with printing on both sides is considered 2 pages. Margins (excluding headers and footers) shall be no less than 1 inch on the sides, top and bottom of the page. Regular text print type shall not be less than 10 points or more than 12 character per inch, and shall not exceed 6 lines to the vertical inch. Pages exceeding the page limitation will not be read or evaluated. The evaluation board may take into account when making its evaluation, any failure to conform to the instructions and rules in this section or any attempt to evade these specifications and rules on the basis of technicalities, as indicators of future performance. E. BAA/Proposal Questions If an Offeror has a question about this BAA or does not understand these instructions, then they must submit their questions(s) to the Contracting Officer for clarification sufficiently in advance (preferably by email) of the deadline for the receipt of offers to get an answer in time to meet that deadline. Questions on solicitation content, issues, or procedures should be mailed to and F. Submission of Proposals Electronic Copy of Proposal A complete copy of your proposal is due no later than 12:00 PM (noon) on September 4th, 2007 by attachment to an email (in Adobe PDF format or in Microsoft Office 2000 or equivalent format) to with a copy to It is suggested that you submit your proposal early to compensate for any latency in the email system. Hard Copies of Proposal Hard copies of your proposal are due by 2 PM on September 5th, 2007. Submit your proposal to: Federal Highway Administration Office of Acquisition Management 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., W36-312 Washington, DC 20590 Attention: Ms. Melissa Rosendorf To assist in expediting delivery of the hard copies of your proposal, the outside of the envelope/package containing the offer must be marked with the completed Optional Form 17, Offer Label, provided with this solicitation as Attachment 2. G. Deliverables The specific deliverables will depend upon the scope and objectives of the negotiated award. At a minimum, the contractor shall present results for at least one peer review and submit a final report, with technical summary, that documents the research conducted in each task identified in the proposal. Additional deliverables such as interim reports, computer programs and documentation, instrumentation and prototype equipment could be required and the specific deliverables will be identified in the negotiated statement of work. Offerors are reminded that the current TRANSIMS license (NASA Open Source Agreement version 1.3) requires all modifications to the original files be released under the same license. Further, all software developed shall be subject to the current TRANSIMS license. Offerors should discuss ownership and licensing of software development supported from matching funds. Unless stated otherwise, Offerors agree to make all software, data, model results, and reports developed as part of this effort subject to the current TRANSIMS license. H. Contract Period The contract period is negotiable but shall be no more than 12 months from date of award. I. Clarifications and Additional Information Experience in running TRANSIMS is desirable but not essential. Funding must be sufficient to cover the scope of the proposed project. Additional resources from other than Federal sources are encouraged. Applications will be evaluated on the ability to accomplish the offeror?s proposed scope and resources. The Department of Transportation has developed a TRANSIMS installation package which will include TRANSIMS software, test set ups to support the installation of the software and test data sets. Offerors are expected to provide problem data and computer capability. Each proposal shall include an initial task to install TRANSIMS and successfully verify installation using the test procedures and data prior to commencement of the rest of the project. Awards are anticipated to be made prior to September 30, 2007. J. Evaluation of Proposals and Award Evaluation Criteria: Proposals received will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified herein. The primary basis for selecting proposals for acceptance shall be technical, importance to agency programs, and funding availability. Cost realism and reasonableness shall also be considered to the extent appropriate. Technical factors are more important than cost factors, and technical evaluation will be based on the following criteria listed in descending order of importance: 1. Ability to complete the proposed work within available resources 2. The ability of the proposed analyses to take advantage of TRANSIMS? capabilities ? TRANSIMS is a new technology with new capabilities. Offerors should carefully review the capabilities of TRANSIMS and identify how those capabilities address the proposed application. 3. The ability of the proposed work to demonstrate innovative applications of TRANSIMS or innovative travel model applications. 4. The level of coordination with a local planning agency, as applicable. Offerors should address in full each of the above criteria in Part I ? Technical Proposal. The comprehensiveness and quality of the proposed research study, especially the completeness of the proposed work plan, will contribute significantly in the selection process, and innovative solutions, approaches and techniques which address the stated objectives will be considered. The offeror?s ability to identify technical needs and to design a study to meet these needs within budget are essential skills in the accomplishment of the announcement objectives. The FHWA reserves the right to select for award any, all, part or none of the proposals submitted. K. Government Rights Deliverables are anticipated to be made available to the public. In addition, work and deliverables under this effort must conform with the TRANSIMS license (see Section G ? Deliverables). Offerors need to acknowledge this in their proposals. L. Award Criteria The Government anticipates that approximately $180,000 will be dedicated to this program, subject to availability of funds, and anticipates making multiple awards. It is anticipated that no single proposal will be funded for more than $60,000 in federal funds. This Broad Agency Announcement does not commit the Government to pay for response preparation costs. M. Eligibility All responsible sources may submit a proposal that shall be considered by the FHWA. Consortium arrangements and industrial partnering agreements are encouraged.
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- SN01360105-W 20070804/070802220815 (
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