A -- Statement of Work entitled: System Engineering Analysis and Testing Support. This is a sole source requirement to Alabama A&M University - Research Institute. ALPHA Contracting will be utilized.
- Notice Date
- 7/11/2005
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- 541710
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- Contracting Office
- US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile), ATTN: AMSAM-AC, Building 5303, Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280
- ZIP Code
- 35898-5280
- Solicitation Number
- W31P4Q-05-R-R015
- Response Due
- 7/26/2005
- Archive Date
- 9/24/2005
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total HBCU
- Description
- SEE NUMBER NOTES 5 and 22(Sole Source requirement to Alabama A&M Univ). This Statement of Work (SOW) establishes the requirements of a new embedded diagnostic/prognostics and aviation and missile weapon system technologies for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM). It also includes life cycle logistical support requirements for all Automatic Test Equipment/Test Program Sets (ATE/TPSs) for Army Missile and Aviation systems. 1.1 Objec tives. The first objective of this effort for the Diagnostic/Prognostic Applications and Emerging Standards to Automatic Test Systems Task is to implement prognostic capability into Automated Test Systems (ATS) and weapon systems by using Bayesian statist ic methods. This will provide a tool that predicts future failures, operational risks, and reduces time to repair. Successful implementation of these methodologies will stimulate advanced research and promote development of new techniques for identifying faulty components and sub systems, enabling early diagnoses and allowing replacement in an efficient preemptive manner. The second objective of this effort for the Diagnostic/Prognostic Application of Embedded On-System Diagnostics Task is to incorporat e embedded diagnostic and prognostic capabilities within a weapon system and evaluate the outcome. This effort consists of system definition, data assessment and collection, data modeling, software development, testing/verification of modeling, and demons tration. Successful implementation of these methodologies will stimulate advanced research and promote development of new techniques for identifying faulty components and sub systems, enabling early diagnoses and allowing replacement in an efficient preem ptive manner. The third objective of this effort is to conduct research and development activities both in advanced materials engineering and processing and in manufacturing science and technology. The purpose is to develop and implement new design and ma nufacturing technologies required to assure availability and affordability of new or improved weapon systems, subsystems, and/or components. The fourth objective of this effort is to provide integrated logistics support for maintenance planning, supply man agement, technical data management, computer resources management, and for ATE/TPSs. The contractor shall be required to provide maintenance engineering, supply management support, program management support, and logistical support expertise for support of all RDECOM managed ATE, ancillary equipment, and their associated TPSs. This shall include the following assets: Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE); Base Shop Test Facility/Shop (BSTF/S); IFTE Commercial Equivalent Equipment (CEE); Soldier Portable On-System Repair Tool (SPORT);Contact Test Set (CTS) Electro Optical Test Facility (EOTF); Electronic Repair Shelter (ERS); General Electronic Test Set (GETS); Electronic Quality Assurance Test Equipment (EQUATE); Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF); General Radio Test Set (GENRAD); Aviation and Missil e System Mission Equipment Packages(MEPs); Flexible Engine Diagnostic System (FEDS); Calibration Sets (CALSETS). The final objective of this effort is to provide management and guidance by utilizing the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) Partnership Agreement ( PA). This effort will provide technical expertise and support in managing the RDECOM AAMU PA. The final objective of this effort is to provide management, guidance and technical expertise to ensure effective coordination and implementation of the requirem ents established under the purview of the AMCOM AAMU PA. 2. The Applicable Documents are listed in the document summary list. 3. REQUIREMENTS. 3.1 The contractor shall perform engineering efforts which fall within the areas stated in Section 1 and as further delineated below. 3.2 Detailed Tasks. 3.2.1 Diagnos tic/Prognostic Applications and Emerging S tandards to Automatic Test Systems Task. The contractor shall provide prognostics tools and automated test systems. Data Capture and analysis of historical test results to include conversion to XML/ATML. Also, identify test system modif ications required for new prognostics data fields. The contractor shall perform data capture and field to depot research to include the following: Document and identify improvements to the current data capture process. Design and develop mechani sms for moving data from field to depot. Current methods include: hand-carry or server transfer. The contractor shall perform research of Bayesian Network graph structures and open architecture research to include the following: Complete the Baye sian Network graph structure development efforts, linking the reasoner to inputted test results and displaying the statistical results via operator interface. Continue to provide interface to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), In c. committees in the areas of prognostics, while designing the interface around the reasoner to be open architecture with industry standards. The contractor shall provide operator interface solutions to include the following: Provide a web-like interface to the prognostics reasoner. Include on the display: operator inputted data, graphs and views of historical data, a statistical/prognostics area, and an operator action section. The contractor shall explore new methodologies in diagnost ics/prognostics to include the following: Provide input into diagnostics related standards being developed by the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 (SCC20), in particular, the Diagnostic and Maintenance Control Subcommittee. Provide input to the Aut omatic Test Markup Language (ATML) organization, which is defining a collection of eXtended Markup Language (XML) schemas that allow ATE and test information to be exchanged in a common format adhering to the XML standard. 3.2.2 Diagnostic/Prognostic Appli cation of Embedded On-System Diagnostics Task. The contractor shall perform a System Needs Definition phase that shall consist of definition of scope, resource usage, scheduling, and system requirements. The contractor shall develop a requireme nts document for the determination of the best subsystems to focus on, the types of data required, the methods of data collection, the methods of data analysis, and the desired outcomes. The contractor shall perform a Data Assessment phase that sh all consist of the analysis of existing data stores to determine the appropriateness and validity of the data. The contractor shall provide an interim database of information needs from the data assessment analysis. The contractor shall perform a Data Gathering phase that shall consist of the process of gathering the data described in the preceding step. The contractor shall perform software modifications, hardware modifications, additional sensors, etc. to obtain the necessary information. 3.2.2 .4 The contractor shall perform a Data Analysis phase that shall consist of the actual analysis of the data validated in the assessment phase and the additional data gathered in the preceding phase. The contractor shall develop a complete database of info rmation to start the Model Definition based on the requirements stated in phase The contractor shall perform a Model Definition/Selection phase that shall consist of the identification and definition of the appropriate types of models to be used for each application. The contractor shall develop subsystem models that consist of multiple hierarchal layers of functional models. The contractor shall perform functional simulations on the unit models and a simulation shall be performed on the entire subsystem. The contractor shall perform a Software Development phase that consists of coding the functional models and algorithms defined in th e preceding phase. The contractor shall develop algorithms that work in the framework of the system. The contractor shall perform a Definition and Scope of Testing/Integration phase that shall occur in parallel with the Software Development phase. The contractor shall develop plans for testing and integration of the prognostic models. The contractor shall also develop methods of failure simulation and other algorithm validation means. The contractor shall perform a Testing, Refinement, and Verification of Models phase that shall consist of the actual integration of the models into the target system and verification of operation. The contractor shall develop testing for functional units with a build-up to the target subsystem. The contracto r shall also modify and refine of all models in the Testing, Refinement, and Verification of Models phase. The contractor shall perform a Field Testing phase that shall consist of application of the refined system to multiple platforms to validate the functional operation. The contractor shall perform a Demonstration phase that shall consist of demonstrating the functionality and benefits of the system to multiple audiences. 3.2.3 The contractor shall perform the following efforts to suppo rt advanced weapon system technologies, embedded diagnostics/prognostics technology, manufacturing technology, materials and structures research, quality control, reliability, supportability, and engineering design projects for weapon systems. The contractor shall conduct engineering evaluations of aviation and weapon systems to characterize the materials used in subsystem components with regard to design parameters in the military environment, manufacturing and assembly techniques, and other proces sing issues affecting performance and cost. Evaluations are required to characterize new high performance materials for applications in mechanical, electrical, and optical components and subsystems to include the following: a. Evaluate materials and proce sses used in the fabrication of aviation and weapon system guidance and control subsystems, lethal mechanisms, propulsion subsystems, and launch and airframe structures. Develop new approaches for application of high performance material systems, microele ctromics, and optical processing techniques to support weapon subsystems development. Simulation and testing of materials behavior under military operating conditions shall be performed to characterize overall performance issues related to manufacturing, life cycle, and cost. b. Validate materials and process applications to evaluate reliability, quality, maintainability, supportability, manufacturability and testability issues within military constraints, with performance versus cost tradeoffs. Design an d model material evaluation/inspection techniques, which can be used to monitor materials during manufacturing processes. Develop and implement in-situ monitoring and real-time test capabilities for use on aviation and weapon subsystem production lines. c . Evaluate materials handling technologies in fabrication, assembly, and acceptance test applications. Perform engineering evaluations on the production systems used by missile industrial base suppliers with regard to material handling technologies. Math ematical models, simulators, and digital simulations shall be developed to optimize material flow in weapon subsystem manufacturing and weapon system functionality. d. Formulate and process material specimens and fabricate prototype components to test and demonstrate new applications for high performance materials. Prototypes and engineering models are required to evaluate mechanical, electronic, optical and structural subsystems. Advanced computer aided design and manufacture for solid modeling to suppor t stereolithography and other rapid-prototyping methods shall be utilized or developed if necessary to evaluate manufacturability issues. e. Develop optic and o ptical signal processing simulations, communication issues, and databases for aviation and weapon systems and weapon manufacturing systems to include linear and non-linear optical systems, optical communications and computing systems, optical neural networ ks, and optical signal processing, and communications. f. Create simulations and models of multi-dimensional linear and non-linear static and dynamic structure problems. Perform structural evaluations over a wide range of temperatures for multidimensional linear and non-linear static and dynamic structure problems. g. Evaluate weapon systems and subsystems for component availability. Forecast system obsolescence and provide recommendations for alternative solutions. Develop and fabricate alternative elec tronic and optical devices for testing and implementation as replacements for obsolete devices. h. Investigate, develop, and implement new methods of predicting the external/internal aerodynamics of weapon systems and system components to include aerodynam ic heating/cooling and its effects on optical/infrared and other sensors. This shall include obtaining experimental aerodynamic data and using empirical data and theoretical methods to develop and implement aerodynamic aviation/missile mathematical models . i.Evaluate aviation and weapon system materials, technologies, and manufacturing processes for potential commercial application. Identify and demonstrate commercial components, which can be used in missile applications to improve performance and/or redu ce product/process costs. Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of mechanisms for technology transfer of weapon system technologies to other product/process areas. The contractor shall perform engineering design and simulation for weapon systems and related manufacturing systems and processes to include digital simulations and mathematical models as required implementing new applications in mechanical, electrical, and optical subsystems. Perform basic research, system and component design and ev aluations of weapon systems and manufacturing processes to include the following: a. Materials and structures design and analysis including composite materials such as carbon/carbon fiber, carbon fiber polymer, ceramic fiber/ceramic matrix high temperature intermetallics, intelligent (adaptive) materials and other materials used on aviation and weapon systems. b. Optics and optical signal processing including linear and non-linear optical systems, optical communications, optical sensors, optical computing s ystems, and optical neural networks and optical and quantum signal processing. c. Guidance and control subsystems, integration of command functions, signal and image processing, gyros and rate sensors, and linear and non-linear dynamic systems. d. Sensor s ubsystems including optical, infrared, millimeter wave, RF, acoustical, signal processors, and application of optical neural computation technologies. e. Propulsion subsystems to include solid, liquid, and hybrid rocket motors and auxiliary power units, in jector design, combustion engines, advanced materials, combustion dynamics and predictive models, ablative materials, and air breathing engines. f. Fluid dynamics to include high and low speed wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics and bounda ry layer computations including separated flow aerodynamics analysis, inclusive of fluid flow in turbomachinery and aeroacoustics. g. Manufacturing science and technology to include flexible manufacturing, optimized facilities layout, production planning, plant safety, and evaluation, automated and robotic materials handling, advanced machining, and stereolithography and rapid prototyping processes. Design and manufacturing processes shall include production optimization, enchmarking, agile manufacturing, reliability assurance, ergonomic and environmental considerations. 3.2.4 Integrated Logistics Support. In support of the ATE/TPS Management Divisions function as the focal point for life/cycle management of all Army Missile and Aviation ATE/TPSs, the contractor shall provide integrated logistics support for maintenance planning, supply support, support equipment and test, measurement, and diagnostics equipment, logistics support technical data, computer resources support, logistics program support reliability, availability and maintainability, ATE/TPSs program/schedule logistical support and technical meetings and briefings as described below: The contra ctor shall provide ATE and TPS analytical/logistical and program maintenance planning support. The contractor shall provide support for supply management and sustainment support of ATE, TPSs, and embedded test and diagnostics. The contractor shal l also provide expertise in provisioning, technical publications/manuals, cataloging and training as required. The contractor shall research, investigate and make recommendations regarding the development, or revision, of missile and/or aviation test equipment products. The contractor shall provide input, advice, and make recommendations for initial planning, acquisition, program management, and life cycle management of ATE, TPSs. The contractor shall provide expertise and manpower to tra nslate ATE and TPS materiel system requirements into discrete engineering/data and logistics support documentation. The contractor shall provide computer resources support and management for both stand-alone and embedded systems. The contr actor shall provide logistics and program management expertise for ATE and TPS logistical lifecycle support. 3.2.4. The contractor shall provide RAM support to include research, review, assessment, analysis, evaluation, recommendations, trade-studies and d ata collection management in support of ATE and TPSs. The contractor shall develop and maintain detailed program schedules, including contractor, in-house, and other government activities that integrate Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) require ments and availability, program and system milestones, report and review requirements and schedules as applicable. The contractor shall prepare technical reports to include network schedules, general schedules, program status reviews and presentation mater ial, as required. The contractor shall be required to attend technical and logistics meetings to represent the organization logistical and technical positions concerning ATE/TPS procedures, programs, and issues. The contractor may be required to m ake presentations concerning evaluations or issues concerning ATE and TPSs. 3.2.5 The contractor shall provide a knowledge expert (Program Manager) to facilitate the AAMU contract to include the following: a.Provide support to RDECOM AAMU to maintain contr act vehicle and task order process to transmit work share between RDECOM and the AAMU. b. Serve as Program Coordinator for the RDECOM, and the AAMU in support of research, engineering, and sustainment programs for business development initiatives. c. Ident ify cutting edge and emerging technology areas within academia and industry to enhance and expand RDECOM Diagnostics/Prognostics capabilities. d. Provide leadership and guidance to evaluate material processes to AAMU graduate students, and technical assist ants in proposing research and engineering initiatives to RDECOM which can be applied to aviation/missile systems to assure availability and affordability. e. Provide assistance and/or guidance in problem resolution and process development. f. Conduct engi neering evaluations of RDECOM managed aviation and missile ATE/TPS to characterize the diagnostics in subsystem components with regard to design parameters in the military environment, manufacturing and assembly techniques, and other processing issues affe cting performance and cost. Evaluations are required to characterize new high performance Diagnostic/Prognostic applications in mechanical, electrical, and opt ical components with ATE/TPS. g. Prepare reports and conduct briefings to the RDECOM command group leadership. h. Provide technical support, advice and/or guidance to enhance current RDECOM Prognostics/Diagnostics Program. i. Insure all facets of academia within the five schools of AAMU(Schools of Engineering & Technology, Arts & Sciences, Business, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, and Education) are made available to participate in programs of mutual interest in accordance with the guidance establishe d within the AMCOM/AMRDEC and AAMU PA. 3.2.6 The contractor may be required to travel in the performance of a task. For planning purposes, the contractor shall assume there will be trips as tasks dictate. The contractor must receive approval from the requ ester prior to any travel. After completion of travel, a trip report shall be prepared IAW DI-MGMT-80227. 3.2.7 The contractor shall provide security to a level necessary to meet the requirements of the tasks of this scope. Contractor task efforts will n ot require access to information classified higher than SECRET. 3.2.8 This task shall be performed as directed by the government (on or off-site). The Government will provide facilities, tools and test equipment, software, technical documentation, and computer equipment required for the execution of this SOW. 3.2.9 The contractor shall prepare and deliver the following documentation: a. Management plan in accordance with (IAW) DI-MGMT-80004. b. Performance and cost reports IAW DI-FNCL-80912. c. Final te chnical report summarizing efforts performed IAW DI-MISC-80508. d. Status reports IAW DI-MGMT-80368. e. Final technical reports summarizing the study of ATS Prognostic Assessment IAW DI-MGMT-80368. f. Prepare software developed IAW DI-MCCR-80700; document use of such software IAW DI-ISPC-81443. g. Conduct Quarterly Reviews IAW DI-MGMT-80368.
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile) ATTN: AMSAM-AC-RD-RED, Building 5400 Redstone Arsenal AL
- Zip Code: 35898-5280
- Country: US
- Record
- SN00844704-W 20050713/050711212146 (
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