A -- BAA Amendment
- Notice Date
- 8/19/2004
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- Contracting Office
- DOI - NBC, Ft. Huachuca AZ P.O. Box 12924 ATTN: Gloria M. Golden 520-538-0418 Fort Huachuca AZ 85670
- ZIP Code
- 85670
- Solicitation Number
- DOI-SNOTE-040819-001
- Archive Date
- 8/19/2005
- Description
- The following language replaces the language of BAA 0402MT in full. DESCRIPTION. This Broad Area Announcement (BAA), in combination with its supplemental attachments and web site, constitutes the entire solicitation for this effort. No additional information is available, nor will a formal request for proposal or other solicitation regarding this notice be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Quantum Information Science (QIS) Program is open to all research and development organizations, whether located in the U.S. or not, including large and small businesses; academic and eligible non-profit and not-for-profit institutions; collaborative ventures from mixed sources; and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). In the future, ARDA intends to release other BAAs through the Army Research Office, and possibly other agencies, addressing related topics. ARDA reserves the right to unilaterally redirect white papers and proposals to such other BAAs as it deems appropriate. Please refer to http://www.aro.army.mil and http://nbc.gov/qis.html for more information on related BAAs. INTRODUCTION. The Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition and Property Management Division, Southwest Branch, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, acting as the contracting agent for the Intelligence Community's Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA), is issuing this BAA to solicit research and research support proposals addressing innovative research in the field of quantum information science. Quantum mechanics promises physically secure transmittal of information as well as tremendous speed-up of computation through non-classical operations. This work package seeks to elucidate, control, and exploit quantum phenomena for revolutionary advancement of computation and secure communication. In addition, it seeks to accelerate development of ancillary technology critical to common areas of research. Multiple awards are possible with typical periods of performance of 12 to 24 months with the possibility of option years including final reports and/or demonstrations. The program will have the ability to handle rapidly changing constraints and anticipates awards up to a total value of approximately $8 million over 2 years. All awards will be subject to critical milestone reviews on an annual basis, at which time option and continuation decisions will be made. The information in this BAA announcement is supplemented by a Proposer's Information Pamphlet (PIP). It provides further information on the eligibility, research areas, multidisciplinary approaches, preparation and submission of proposals and selection criteria. The PIP is available on the Internet at http://nbc.gov/qisbaa.html. The PIP may also be obtained by fax, electronic mail, or ground mail by sending a request to the Department of the Interior, Fort Huachuca by electronic mail to Lawrence_H_Carter@nbc.gov or by calling 520.533.1213. PROGRAM BACKGROUND. ARDA seeks innovative research to support and advance its quantum information science objectives. The Quantum Information Science Roadmaps are published at http://qist.lanl.gov/. This includes the Quantum Communication Roadmap and the Quantum Computation Roadmap (version 2 now posted) providing background technical information and summarizing the main technology areas comprising the current programs. The Roadmaps also discuss the overall status of each technology area and some of the major strengths and weaknesses. In general, proposals must explicitly identify which of the milestone(s) of the Roadmap(s) are being addressed or have a compelling explanation for why they are not consistent with those milestones. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES. There are four (4) major areas of interest within the program: 1. Quantum Computation. The long-term objective of quantum computing is to provide new and radically different computational capabilities going beyond classical computers. While quantum computing may ultimately entail the assembly and manipulation of large numbers of quantum bits (qubits), experimental demonstrations of quantum logic performed on several quantum bits operating simultaneously would currently represent a significant advance. Demonstrations of quantum feedback or error correction for multiple quantum bit systems are also of interest. In addition to physical implementations of quantum computing, there is strong interest in developing new quantum algorithms providing new methods for solving classically intractable problems or that greatly improve on existing classical algorithms (e.g., in speed or memory requirements). 2. Quantum Communication. The ability to transmit information through quantum channels and especially to exploit entanglement between spatially separated quantum entities has opened the possibility for a means of communication with security based on physical principles and laws, rather than mathematical algorithms. The objective here is two-fold; advanced quantum cryptography systems, and communication of quantum information based on distributed entanglement such as in quantum teleportation. Experimental demonstration of innovative entanglement-based quantum cryptography systems is of particular interest. Of further interest is the demonstration of long-range quantum entanglement, entanglement transfer among different quantum systems and long-term quantum memory. 3. Supporting Fundamental Studies. One objective is to ascertain the limits of the ability to create, control, and utilize quantum information in multiple quantum entities in the presence of noise. Experimental investigations of coherence properties, decoherence mechanisms, decoherence mitigation, entanglement, nondestructive measurement, complex quantum state manipulation, and quantum feedback are of interest. Of particular interest is demonstration of coherent quantum state manipulation on time scales much faster than decoherence times. Physical systems promising scalability to many quantum bits and quantum operations will receive the greatest attention. Theoretical analyses of non-classical phenomena may also be of interest if the work is strongly coupled to a specific experimental investigation, as may proof-of-concept demonstrations in atomic, molecular, and optical systems or in solid-sate systems. Only fundamental studies advancing the goals of objectives 1 and 2, above, will be considered for funding under this BAA. 4. Supporting Ancillary Technology Efforts. Certain experimental investigations discussed in objectives 1 through 2, above, may require special technologies or devices difficult to procure, or commercially unavailable. For these cases, special efforts may be needed whose objective would be either to develop and demonstrate, or to design, procure, and possibly improve technology critical to any of ARDA's quantum information science programs. A web site will be set up to provide details and expand on changing requirements. (An example of what might be provided on the web site may help here: ARDA's Quantum Communications programs have particular interest in robust high speed (perhaps >100 KHz or >100 MHz) single photon and entangled photon-pair sources at visible to communications wavelengths. Similarly, single and number resolving photon detectors exhibiting high (>90% or >99%) quantum efficiency, high speed (>100 KHz or >100MHz) and relatively low dark count rates are of interest. Additional examples of interest to the quantum efforts might include low loss (<0.1%) optical components and fibers, e.g., low loss blue and 1.5 micron friendly optics and fibers, optical UV switches (>40dB isolation), stable high speed (GHz) lasers, solid state 200-400nm sources, photon/quantum storage constructions, and demonstrations of plasmonic constructions for photon entanglement transport.) PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to pay for proposal preparation costs. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract, or to any other contract. However, it may be an allowable expense to normal bid and proposal indirect costs as specified in FAR 31.205-18. If a contract or subcontract(s) with a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) is proposed, offerors are reminded of the limitations in their use (see FAR 35.017) and must provide documentation in the proposal that work is not otherwise available from the private sector. Each proposal shall reflect the potential for commercial application and the benefits expected to accrue from this commercialization. Technology transition efforts, partners, or plans should be explicitly discussed. Three Step Idea Submission Process Step 1--Initial Contact: An informal initial contact paper is required in which the desired outcome and duration of the proposed research is succinctly stated, and which contains a single overall approximate budget figure (i.e. a "rough order of magnitude" budget) for the research. The 1 page initial contact papers must be written in English and submitted as a letter sized page (8.5' x 11.5' sheet with margins no smaller that .75') in a single PDF or Microsoft Word formatted file with a font and pitch of Times New Roman 10. These are submitted to the following e-mail address: Lawrence_H_Carter@nbc.gov. The email subject line shall contain the following: ARDA-QIS BAA 04-02-MT, Initial Contact Paper Initial contact papers shall contain two sections, the first shall be a standard cover sheet, found at Attachment 1 of the PIP, which contains pertinent administrative information and the second section being a one page project summary described above. Initial contact papers exceeding one page (not including the standard cover sheet) and/or not containing all the required information WILL NOT be considered. ARDA uses this initial contact submission to minimize unnecessary paperwork on the part of the submitter and determine the interest for and value of the proposed effort to the applicable programs. ARDA will generally respond to initial contact papers within one month of their receipt. Evaluation Factors for Initial Contact Papers 1. Potential contribution of the research to quantum computing and quantum communication, fundamental studies or ancillary technologies missions as specified by the proposed objective/outcome, the linkage to specific efforts supported, and the linkage to the roadmaps found at http://qist.lanl.gov and 2. The realism and reasonableness of cost and schedule. Step 2 - White Paper: A more detailed white paper may be submitted ONLY if requested as a result of the submission and favorable evaluation of an initial contact paper. White papers shall be no more than ten pages in length and outline the proposed project, give a summary of investigator qualifications, list meaningful proposed milestones and their relationship to the relevant Roadmap milestones, and contain a budget estimate. They must be received within the time period specified in the response to the initial contact (commonly one month). White papers must be transmitted to the email address given in the initial contact response, with the subject line as follows: ARDA-QIS BAA 04-02-MT, White Paper. White papers should follow the format described for the full proposal. White papers must be written in English and submitted in a single PDF or Microsoft Word formatted file using letter sized pages (8.5" x 11.5" sheet with margins no smaller that .75" and with a font and pitch of Times New Roman 10, double-spaced. Each white paper shall contain a single title page containing an executive summary, a single budget page outlining expected expenditures and justifications, and a single page containing curriculum vitae sketches. This leaves a maximum of seven pages for the technical portion of the white paper, including all references and figures. Not considered as part of the ten page maximum length is the required cover sheet found at Attachment 1 of the PIP. Proposers must specify in the title whether a white paper is to be considered a Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Fundamental Study, or Ancillary Technology white paper. Feedback on the white papers shall be e-mailed directly to the proposed Principal Investigators, generally within one month of receipt of the white paper. It is possible ARDA will ask the invited proposal be submitted to an agency other than ARDA. Such guidance will be provided in the feedback emailed to the Principal Investigators and will include a submission deadline, if necessary. Evaluation Factors for White Papers 1. Scientific and technical merits of the proposed research; and 2. Potential contribution of the research to quantum computing and quantum communication, fundamental studies or ancillary technologies missions as specified by the proposed objective/outcome, the proposal's annual milestones, the linkage to specific efforts supported, and the linkage to the Roadmaps found at http://qist.lanl.gov/; and 3. Experience and qualifications of the principal investigator, other key personnel, and the proven capability of the institution sponsoring the proposal; and 4. The realism and reasonableness of cost and schedule. Step 3-Proposal: Each separate proposal must be the result of following the Contact Paper-White Paper chain detailed in this section or the result of ARDA redirecting proposals from other BAAs to this one. Proposals may be submitted on or before the date specified in the response to the white paper or redirection from another BAA, to the Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition and Property Management Services Division, Southwest Branch, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Information or data contained in a full proposal deemed proprietary by the offeror should be clearly marked. Proposals shall consist of two volumes: 1) Technical and Management and 2) Cost. The page format shall be 12 point or larger type, single-spaced, one-inch margins, single sided, 8.5 by 11 inch pages. Further details are below. The page limitation for the Technical and Management proposal includes all technical information (i.e., indices, photographs, foldouts, appendices, and technical attachments, but does not include the key personnel and their resumes, etc.). Unnecessarily elaborate resumes, brochures, or presentations beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired. The maximum total length of Volume I is twenty (20) pages. The Cost volume is limited to five (5) pages. Offerors shall submit an electronic copy by email or CD-ROM. This submission must include an official copy of each proposal volume in PDF or Microsoft Word (Microsoft Excel for any spreadsheet submissions). It may be submitted electronically or on a single PC CD-ROM disc containing two files, one for the Technical Volume and one for the Management and Cost Volume. Either file may be formatted as either an MS-Office (2000 through XP; MS-Word and MS-Excel) or as an Adobe PDF file. The message or CD-ROM may also include a formal submission letter (in either format), if the submitting organization requires it. Proposals exceeding the maximum total length WILL NOT be considered. Expanded information concerning proposal preparation may be found in the Proposer's Information Pamphlet (PIP) which may be found at the Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition Services Division, Southwest Branch, Fort Huachuca, Arizona Internet website, http://www.nbc.gov/qisbaa.html. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION AND DEADLINES: Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements and procedures identified in this BAA. Proposals may be submitted at any time during the period 1 October 2004 through 30 September 2005, as instructed in the white paper response or other redirection. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the following evaluation criteria in descending order of importance: 1. Scientific and technical merits of the proposed research; and 2. Potential contribution of the research to quantum computing and quantum communication, fundamental studies, or ancillary technologies missions as specified by the proposed objective/outcome, the proposal's annual milestones, their linkage to specific efforts supported, and their linkage to the roadmaps found at http://qist.lanl.gov and 3. Experience and qualifications of the principal investigator, other key personnel, and the proven capability of the institution sponsoring the proposal; and 4. The realism and reasonableness of cost and schedule. Each offeror shall provide explicit information in their proposal directly addressing the proposal's merit with respect to each evaluation factor. Additionally, the offeror must submit a separate list of all technical data and computer software to be furnished to the Government with other than unlimited data rights. Awards under this BAA will be made to responsible offerors on the basis of the evaluation criteria above and a BEST VALUE approach to the Government. Awards will be subject to the availability of funds. Awards may take the form of a procurement contract, grant, or cooperative agreement, depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between parties, and other factors. The Government reserves the right to: 1. Select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received, and, 2. Incrementally fund any award instrument. PROPOSAL FORMAT: The following is a brief description of the contents required for each proposal volume/section. For specific guidance and requirements, see the Proposer's Information Pamphlet (PIP). Volume I ? Technical and Management Cover Sheet: Part I: Summary of Proposal. Part II: Detailed Proposal Information Volume II: Cost. Part 1: Cover Sheet. Part 2: Detailed Cost Breakdown Part 3: Supporting Cost and Pricing Information. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION AND DEADLINES: Initial contact papers, white papers and proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements and procedures identified in this BAA. Initial Contact Papers may be submitted at any time during the period, including extensions and renewals, this BAA is open (publication through 30 September 2005, for the initial BAA open period). White papers and proposals shall be submitted within the periods given in the initial contact paper and white paper responses, or as redirected from another BAA. All responsive submissions, made during the open period, will be evaluated using the same evaluation procedures and criteria. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Proposers may submit multiple proposals, but each separate proposal must be the result of following the Initial Contact and White Paper chain detailed above. Proposals may cover individual or multiple technical topic areas. To be considered, full proposals must be received at the Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition and Property Management Division, Southwest Branch, Post Office Box 12924, ATTN: ARDA QIS BAA 04-02-MT (L. Carter), Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85670-2024, ARDAQISBAA@nbc.gov on or before the receipt date specified in the white paper response. For overnight package delivery, proposals should be addressed to the Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition and Property Management Division, Southwest Branch, ATTN: ARDA QIS BAA 04-02-MT (L. Carter), Bldg 22208 Auger Avenue, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613. Proposals submitted in either the electronic form described above or in a PC compatible CD-ROM are required. Proposals and/or proposal addenda received after the submission date identified in the white paper response WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Proposals not adhering to the form and format required by this BAA WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The Government anticipates completing the evaluation process within one month of the specified receipt deadline for the proposal identified in the white paper response. The offeror must mark the proposal with a protective legend in accordance with FAR Part 15.6, Use and Disclosure of Data, (modified to permit release to outside evaluators retained by either ARDA or the Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition and Property Management Division, Southwest Branch, Fort Huachuca, Arizona) if protection is desired for proprietary or confidential information.
- Web Link
Please click here to view more details.
- Record
- SN00647667-W 20040821/040819212709 (fbodaily.com)
- Source
FedBizOpps.gov Link to This Notice
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