A -- Innovative Information Exploitation Technology (Part 2 of 2)
- Notice Date
- 11/4/2002
- Notice Type
- Modification
- Contracting Office
- Other Defense Agencies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Contracts Management Office, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA, 22203-1714
- ZIP Code
- 22203-1714
- Solicitation Number
- BAA03-03(2)
- Response Due
- 2/11/2003
- Archive Date
- 2/11/2004
- Point of Contact
- Steven Welby, DARPA Program Manager, Phone 000-000-0000, Fax 571-218-4550, - Alan Frederick, Contracting Officer, Phone (703) 696-0047, Fax (703) 696-2208,
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- This version of BAA 03-03 (Part 2 of 2) supercedes the previously posted version. The correct URL for accessing the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Cover Sheet Submission is . The correct URL for retrieval of this BAA via the WWW is . Innovative Information Exploitation Technology, SOL BAA 03-03, Abstracts Due: 12/10/02, Proposals Due: 02/11/03; POC: Mr. Stephen Welby, Deputy Director, DARPA/IXO. BAA 03-03 (Part 2 of 2) IXO is interested in new and novel applications of micro-UAV mounted sensors for confirmatory identification. Such UAV mounted sensors could be deployed from stand-off strike platforms, fly out into the neighborhood of the target at low altitudes and perform high confidence target recognition, confirm that restrictive rules of engagement are satisfied, and perform post strike BDA. Areas of interest include low cost, lightweight, high performance EO and uncooled IR sensors, image stabilization and reconstruction, sensor/bandwidth trades and tasking and control concepts. IXO is also interested in sensor and onboard sensor exploitation processing appropriate for ?hunter-killer? unmanned air vehicles. Of particular interest are onboard, limited target set automatic target recognition algorithms, approaches for target tracking and identity maintenance and approaches for autonomous search and acquisition. IXO is interested in new and novel tools and techniques to permit mounted and dismounted land combatants to process and extract situational awareness and targeting information from networks of both local, organic sensors and theater processed sensor feeds. Sensor data may include SAR and GMTI from small UAVs, EO and IR video from many distributed micro-UAVs and radar, optical and acoustic sensor data from ground robotic platforms, and others. Of particular interest are approaches that map appropriate sensor control, tasking, exploitation, presentation and manipulation tools into a processing environment appropriate for a small lightly armed, highly mobile mounted system. IXO is interested in new and novel tools and techniques to permit a limited number of operators to direct a large force of strike and reconnaissance UAVs in a mission/task oriented manner. Particular topics of interest include multi-UAV control strategies, platform self-awareness, task decomposition and assignment techniques, mission level course of action generation and analysis and adaptation strategie. IXO is interested in new and novel techniques both to permit improved intelligence preparation of the battle space and improved predictive battle space awareness. Topics of particular interest include terrain amplification and interpretation tools, behavior analysis tools, local and extended mobility models, effects based engagement planning and assessment tools, and others. IXO is interested in new and novel tools and techniques for deployment, management and control of very large-scale agent based systems under stressing environments. Approaches are sought to enable agent-based systems to rapidly scale with demand, to permit recovery from loss of portions of the underlying network and data infrastructure, and to permit operation in the face of computer attack. IXO is interested in new and novel techniques to permit autonomous systems to negotiate the assignment, prioritization and customization of resources, in highly resource-constrained environments. Such approaches are required to operate in highly decentralized environments, and provide satisfying solutions under hard schedule constraints. IXO is particularly interested in approaches that scale manageably with very large problems, where information is distributed, and varies in fidelity as a function of proximity to the agent. IXO is interested in new and novel customizable and composable tools and techniques to support the rapid co-design of systems and software for real time embedded C4ISR systems. IXO is also interested in the development of flexible middleware to support composition of complex embedded systems while managing interrelationships and side effects among assembled software components. IXO is interested in new and novel tools and techniques to permit construction of critical real time C4ISR embedded systems from hundreds to thousands of simple, small computing nodes. Such nodes might be collocated with sensors and actuators or might be distributed across network backbones. Key challenges lie in algorithms models and software to coordinate and synthesize computational structure from discrete dispersed nodes. Of critical interest to IXO is achieving scalability and robustness within these networked systems. IXO is interested in new and novel tools and techniques to permit synchronized dynamic planning and management of airborne sensors and strike capabilities to engage ground targets. Key challenges lie in the joint scheduling and synchronization of operation and reconnaissance plans, in anticipating and resolving resource constraints, contingency planning and apportionment of reserves, and dynamic plan construction, assessment, monitoring and evaluation. IXO is interested in novel approaches for sensing the interior structure of a building to which one does not have access. Potential solutions could include remote sensing, close-in sensors deployed outside the building, or robots that enter the building and exfiltrate data. Sensors should provide data on the floor plan, furniture, presence of people, and layout of functional elements such as power lines, water lines, HVAC ducts, and other utilities. IXO is interested in new technologies to exploit EO and IR motion imagery on unmanned aerial vehicles in support of precision strike operations, to provide persistent sensing and to support unambiguous identification and tracking of moving ground targets. DARPA seeks innovative concepts for significantly advancing the state of the art in tracking vehicles and dismounted soldiers from airborne platforms, even in dense traffic and with frequent occlusions; for deriving detailed descriptions of targets on-the-fly, sufficient to recognize that same target when seen at a later time in a different place; for matching such descriptions to EO and IR video to confirm the identity of the target; for detecting moving personnel and vehicles, without false alarms due to parallax of raised structures, illumination, shadows, wind, etc. for searching a target area for noncombatant people and vehicles that could become unintended casualties of a precision attack; for locating targets observed by airborne video to less than 5 meters absolute geopositioning accuracy, and for classifying vehicles by type, based on observation in EO or IR motion imagery. IXO is interested in new concepts, approaches and advanced technologies to support the development and demonstration of: 1) a new dismount soldier individual vision system integrating advanced Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs) in the Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR, 1-2 microns) and Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR, 8-10 microns) with head-mounted, digital displays and a wireless, high bandwidth, Local Area Network (LAN) capability for image/information fusion and sharing, to replace/complement the current night vision goggles for the individual soldier in urban warfare missions; 2) integrated image/data fusion software and techniques for non-intrusive dismount information exploitation for the vision systems described above, and 3) low-cost, soldier-carried/deployed and controlled micro sensors (imaging and non-imaging) to allow the individual soldier (squad leader, fire teams, platoon leader) to gather, share and exploit battlefield information in real time, day and night, with other team members and commanders in urban warfare missions. PROGRAM SCOPE: Up to $20.0M may be available in FY 2003 for initial efforts. Multiple awards are anticipated during FY 2003. The amount of funds, if any, for efforts beyond FY 2003 has not been decided. Successful efforts during the initial funding period will increase the likelihood that IXO will make funds available after FY 2003. For Government programmatic flexibility, all offerors should segment their cost proposals as follows: an initial 12-month effort followed by one or more optional efforts. The total effort including options should not exceed four years. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: The form and format for abstracts and proposals follows. Abstracts and proposals that do not satisfy these form and format requirements may be rejected without further review or evaluation. All submissions must be in English. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/Information Exploitation Office (DARPA/IXO) requires completion of a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Cover Sheet Submission for each Abstract/Proposal, by accessing the URL below: . After finalizing the BAA Cover Sheet Submission, the proposer must print the BAA Confirmation Sheet that will automatically appear on the web page. Each proposer is responsible for printing the BAA Confirmation Sheet and attaching it to the "original" and each designated number of copies. The Confirmation Sheet should be the first page of your Abstract or Proposal. If a proposer intends on submitting more than one Abstract/Proposal, a unique UserId and password should be used in creating each BAA Cover Sheet. Failure to comply with these submission procedures may result in the submission not being evaluated. Abstract Format: Abstracts shall describe the problem(s) that will be solved, any existing evidence that the proposed solution(s) will be successful, and the relative impact of such a solution(s), should it or they prove successful. Abstracts must address the military context for the offered system, subsystem or technology and must identify the transformative impact of a successful technological development upon appropriate military concepts of operation. Abstracts shall contain the following parts: the Cover Sheet of Volume I of the offeror's planned proposal (see below); a summary, six pages maximum, of Volume I of the offeror's planned proposal (see below); and a one page summary of Volume II of the offeror's planned proposal (see below). All pages shall be printed on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper; type not smaller than 12 point. The page limitations for Abstracts include all figures, tables, and charts. No formal transmittal letter is required. Abstracts should contain neither proprietary nor classified information or data. In order to minimize unnecessary effort in proposal preparation and review, proposers are strongly encouraged to submit Abstracts in advance of full proposals. Proposers must submit an original and 5 hard copies of the Abstract and 2 electronic copies (i.e., 2 separate disks) of the Abstract (in Microsoft Word ?97 for IBM-compatible, or PDF format on CD or one 3.5-inch floppy disk or one 100 MB Iomega Zip disk). Each disk must be clearly labeled with BAA03-03, proposer organization, Abstract title (short title recommended) and Copy ___ of 2. The Abstract (original and designated number of hard and electronic copies) must be submitted to DARPA/IXO, ATTN: BAA03-03, 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714, in time to reach DARPA by 12:00 NOON (ET) Tuesday, December 10, 2002, to be considered during the initial evaluation phase. IXO will endeavor to respond to each abstract within thirty (30) days after its receipt with a recommendation to offerors either encouraging or discouraging submission of full proposals. Regardless of the IXO recommendation based on its review of the abstract, an offeror may submit a proposal and that proposal will be reviewed and evaluated. Proposal Format: Each proposal shall consist of two volumes, Volume I -- Technical and Management, and Volume II -- Cost. Volume I shall consist three sections. Volume II shall consist of a Cover Sheet and two sections. All pages shall be printed on 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper with type not smaller than 12 point. The maximum total length of Sections I and II of Volume I is forty (40) pages including all figures, tables, and charts. There is no page limitation applicable to Volume II. An offeror may submit more than one proposal. Information or data contained in a proposal, deemed proprietary by the offeror, should be clearly marked. Offerors that intend to include classified information or data as part of their proposals shall, in advance of providing their proposals to IXO, contact the Technical POC for this BAA for guidance. Proposers must submit an original and 5 copies of the full proposal and 2 electronic copies (i.e., 2 separate disks) of the full proposal (in Microsoft Word ?97 for IBM-compatible or PDF format on CD or one 3.5-inch floppy disk or one 100 MB Iomega Zip disk). Each disk must be clearly labeled with BAA03-03, proposer organization, proposal title (short title recommended) and Copy ___ of 2. The full proposal (original and designated number of hard and electronic copies) must be submitted in time to reach DARPA by 12:00 NOON (ET) Tuesday, February 11, 2003, in order to be considered during the initial evaluation phase. However, BAA03-03, Innovative Information Exploitation Technology will remain open until 12:00 NOON (ET) Wednesday, February 11, 2004. Thus, proposals may be submitted at any time from issuance of this BAA through Wednesday, February 11, 2004. While the proposals submitted after Tuesday, February 11, 2003 deadline will be evaluated by the Government, proposers should keep in mind that the likelihood of funding such proposals is less than for those proposals submitted in connection with the initial evaluation and award schedule. Volume I, Section I -- Summary of Proposal. This section shall provide a summary of Section II. Volume I, Section II -- Detailed Proposal Information. This section shall provide a detailed discussion of the proposed work to enable an in-depth review of all technical and management issues. This section shall address the risks, approach, and payoffs of the proposed research. Efforts under the second phase of this program must be identified as options. In a manner of the offeror' s choosing, this Section should provide: (1) A description of the intended results of the proposed work for each phase or option of the effort and the expected benefits compared to the current state-of-the-art and alternative approaches. (2) A detailed description of the technical issues, the proposed approach, its basis, and a comparison with other ongoing research showing both the advantages and disadvantages. (3) Innovative claims for the proposed research including all proprietary claims to results, prototypes, intellectual property, or systems supporting and/or necessary for the use of the research, results, and/or prototype. If there are no proprietary claims, this should be stated. (4) A Statement of Work (SOW) for each phase or option that describes the scope of the effort, the specific tasks to be performed, the milestones, and the schedule for the effort. (5) A schedule of the estimated cost for each major task in each phase or option of the effort and a schedule of the proposed company cost share. (6) A description of the proposed approach to management of the project including an organization chart showing reporting relationships, statements of the responsibilities of the team members, and the teaming strategy. (7) A description of the experience and capabilities of the offeror, each team member, and key personnel; a description of their capability to carry out further development and production; and a description of the facilities and equipment that would be used for the proposed effort. (8) A list of the deliverables associated with the proposed research. (9) A description of plans and capabilities to accomplish technology transition and commercialization. Volume I, Section III -- This Section should contain all affirmations relative to DARPA' s Organizational Conflict of Interest requirements (see below). In addition, this section may provide a bibliography of relevant technical papers and research notes (published and unpublished) that document the technical ideas upon which the proposal is based. This section may also include such papers, however, DARPA is under no obligation to review and evaluate the papers. Volume II -- Cost. Volume II, Cover Sheet. The Cover Sheet shall identify the name and address of the offeror (include zip code); name, title, and telephone number of the offeror' s business point of contact; recommended award instrument; place(s) and period(s) of performance; total proposed cost, separated by basic award and option(s) (if any); name, address, and telephone number of the offeror' s cognizant Defense Contract Management Command (DCMC) administration office (if known); and name, address, and telephone number of the offeror' s cognizant Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit office (if known). Volume II, Section I ? Detailed Cost Breakdown. This section shall include: (1) total program cost broken down by major cost items (direct labor, subcontracts, materials, other direct costs, overhead charges, etc.) for each major program task and for each phase. (2) An itemization of major subcontracts and equipment purchases. (3) A summary showing by month the total projected cost, cost share by the offeror, and Government funding requirements. (4) A description of cost estimating methods. (5) The source, nature, and amount of any cost sharing proposed. Volume II, Section II -- Supporting Cost and Pricing Information. This section shall include supporting cost and pricing information in sufficient detail to substantiate the summary cost estimates in Section I of the cost proposal. Costs for subcontracts having 20% or more of the value of the work must be substantiated to the same level of detail as the costs of the offeror. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Evaluation of proposals will be accomplished through a review using the following criteria, listed in descending order of importance: (1) Overall scientific and technical merit including degree of innovation, understanding of the technical and operational issues, and experimental approach. (2) Potential contribution and relevance to IXO mission (3) Potential transformative impact on military operations (4) Offeror's capabilities and related experience, including qualifications and achievements of all team members and their key personnel, their capability to carry out further development and production, and the adequacy of facilities and equipment to be used for the proposed effort. (5) Project and technology transfer plans. The plans to carry out the work and the plans to accomplish technology transition to use by the military services. (6) Cost realism. AWARDS: Awards under this BAA will be made to responsible offerors on the basis of the evaluation criteria above and program balance to provide best value to the Government. Awards will be subject to the availability of funds. Award instruments may take the form of a procurement contract, grant, or agreement depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between parties, and other factors. Phases after Phase I will be pre-priced options. The Government reserves the right to 1) select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received, and 2) incrementally-fund any award instrument. ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Awards made under this BAA are subject to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 9.5, Organizational Conflict of Interest. All offerors and proposed subcontractors must affirmatively state whether they are supporting any DARPA technical office(s) through an active contract or subcontract. All affirmations must state which office(s) the offeror supports and identify the prime contract number. Affirmations shall be furnished at the time of proposal submission, and the existence or potential existence of organizational conflicts of interest, as that term is defined in FAR 9.501, must be disclosed. This disclosure shall include a description of the action the offeror has taken, or proposes to take, to avoid, neutralize or mitigate such conflict. If the offeror believes that no such conflict exists, then the offeror shall so state in the affirmation. OTHER NOTICES TO OFFERORS: a. This BAA constitutes the entire solicitation for these efforts. No additional information is available; nor will a Request-For-Proposal(s), or other solicitation regarding this announcement, be issued. b. Teaming is encouraged. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals; however, no portion of this BAA will be set-aside for HBCU and MI participation because of the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable areas of research in advanced tactical technology. c. Source selection for this BAA will be undertaken in accordance with the Source Selection Plan for BAA03-03. In executing this Plan, IXO intends to use employees of the following firms, and subcontractors thereto, to assist in administering source selection, and to provide technical advise to Government evaluators, as may be necessary. These contractor personnel will have signed, and will be subject to, the terms and conditions of Non-Disclosure Agreements. By its submission of a proposal(s), an offeror agrees that the information contained therein may be disclosed to these contractor and subcontractor personnel for the limited purposes stated above: McNeil Technologies, Inc.; Science & Technology Associates, Inc.; Schafer Corporation; DynCorp. This support notwithstanding, Government personnel only will make evaluations and selections under this BAA. d. All submitted proprietary material must be clearly marked, ?PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. GOVERNMENT ONLY.? Material so marked will not be made to non-Government technical consultants under any circumstances. e. The award instrument for any award resulting from this BAA will prescribe a mandatory requirement for the submission of DARPA/IXO Quarterly Status Reports and an Annual Project Summary Report. These reports will be electronically submitted via the DARPA/IXO Technical ? Financial Information Management System (T-FIMS), utilizing the government furnished Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the World Wide Web (WWW). ADMINISTRATION: DARPA will reply to questions relating to this BAA and will make the replies available to prospective bidders. All correspondence including questions and requests for access to the replies to the questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to one of the addresses below by 12:00 NOON (ET) Tuesday, February 11, 2003. DARPA prefers to use electronic mail for correspondence regarding this BAA. However, proposals must be submitted on paper. All correspondence must be in English. The addresses for this BAA are: E-Mail:, Mail: DARPA, IXO, ATTN: BAA03-03, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714. This BAA may be retrieved via the WWW at URL . Points of Contact For Technical & Programmatic Matters: Mr. Stephen Welby, Deputy Director, DARPA Information Exploitation Office (IXO); For Contract & Legal Matters: Mr. Alan Frederick, Contracting Officer, DARPA Contracts Management Office (CMO);
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