A -- Fuze Air-to-Surface Technology (FAST) Sensors Advanced Development-Part II
- Notice Date
- 5/10/2002
- Notice Type
- Solicitation Notice
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL - Eglin Research Site, 101 West Eglin Blvd Suite 337, Eglin AFB, FL, 32542-6810
- ZIP Code
- 32542-6810
- Solicitation Number
- MNK-PRDA-02-0007-Part-II
- Response Due
- 6/28/2002
- Archive Date
- 7/13/2002
- Point of Contact
- Carol Abbott, Contract Specialist, Phone 850-882-4294x3414, Fax 850-882-9599, - Martin Kradlak, Contracting Officer, Phone 850-882-4294x3402, Fax 850-882-9599,
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- (9) Data Requirements: Electronic data submittal is encouraged whenever feasible and cost-effective for the program. The following data submittals are expected: (a) Monthly status reports, including technical progress, programmatic issues, schedule, and appropriate disclosure of actual cost and labor expenditures (DI-MGMT-80368). Each status report shall specifically address any patents or inventions identified and/or pending, as well as any proprietary issues. Contractor-format Performance and Cost Report (DI-FNCL-80912), Contract Funds Status Report (DI-MGMT-81468), and Contract Work Breakdown Structure (DI-MGMT-81334) are required during both the Basic Award and any Option period of this program. Copies of monthly billing vouchers submitted to the Government, as well as monthly updates regarding payments received from the Government are also required during the 34-month program. (b) Computer models with documentation of the fuze sensor used in the launch to burst point simulation. (c) A final software version of the launch to burst point simulation, including burst point control algorithms with documentation on performing setup and production runs with the software (DI-MCCR-80700). (d) All analysis and technical data (DI-GDRQ-80567A). (e) Development Specifications (DI-IPSC-81432A), draft product performance specifications, design drawings associated with the critical components and subsystems and their test fixtures, and final integrated systems level drawings (DI-SESS-81002B). (f) Test plan(s) and test reports for all significant testing (DI-NDTI-80566). (g) Interim technical reports (DI-MISC-80711A) submitted upon completion of the Basic Award and any Option phase, or as necessary to facilitate timely approval of test clearance and safety documentation. (h) Final technical report, Unit Production Cost Estimates, Affordability Report, and a technology transfer report at the end of the program (DI-MISC-80711A). The final report, which will be published in Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), must document the entire effort and must include relevant data and results from other technical data that would not otherwise be published. The final report must be delivered to the Government in electronic form (Microsoft Word 2000 format or compatible). (i) A record [e.g., agenda (DI-ADMN-81249A), presentation materials (DI-ADMN-81373), minutes and tracking of associated action items (DI-ADMN-81250A)] and number of required meetings. (j) Videos and/or photos of component testing and computer simulations (DI-MISC-80738, DI-MISC-80192). The contractor may propose additional elements or submittal of combined elements or Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) as appropriate for the proposed program. (10) Meetings and Reviews: The contractor will be expected to host and conduct various meetings throughout the program, including but not limited to a kickoff Program Review at the beginning of each identified phase. The Government anticipates the following program meetings and reviews: Kickoff within three weeks of contract start date at offeror's facilities; quarterly Technical Interchange Meetings that alternate between the offeror's facilities and Eglin AFB; and a Final Program review at completion at Government facilities at Eglin AFB, FL. Additional Program Reviews will be held at times coinciding with key program milestones or decision points, as deemed appropriate by the contractor. The contractor may propose to conduct or participate in other meetings with subcontractors, Government agencies, or third parties, as deemed appropriate to the program. (11) Proprietary Items: The Government prefers the proposed FAST designs include no parts, materials, or software that are proprietary. It is the offeror's responsibility to identify any proprietary materials, products, software, or processes to be used by the prime contractor or subcontractors in the performance of this program and to address acquisition of data rights or licenses, or expected recoupment of development costs for those proprietary items that will be integral to the FAST hardware and software design and fabricated fuze sensor systems. (12) Security Requirements: Portions of this program will be classified up to the SECRET/NOFORN level. Emissions Security (EMSEC) requirements will apply. Generation of classified material for this solicitation is authorized only on equipment approved for classified processing by Air Force EMSEC authorities. The Fuzes and Fuze Component Technology (20 October, 2000) and DSU-33 Proximity Sensors (21 August, 2001) Security Classification Guides (SCGs) shall be used as guidance in determining the classification of the offeror's proposal submitted in response to this PRDA. (Note: Potential offeror's should forward their request for copies of the referenced SCGs to the Government in strict accordance with the requirements of Section F(2) of this PRDA.) (13) Clarifications from Pre-Solicitation One-on-One Meetings: a. PRDA ANNEX - An annex to this PRDA, in the form of a CD, is available to provide pertinent information requested during the Pre-Solicitation Conference and One-on-One Meetings. Potential Offeror's may receive a CD by request only, and only if said company has a valid export control license (DDFORM 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement). Technical Points of Contract (POCs) for this request are listed in section F(2). Included in this package are: 6.2 FAST Program Reviews (Technical Data), NDIA 2001 Fuze Conference Paper, JDAM ORD, DSU-33 Technical Data Package (TDP), Foliage Penetration Technical Report Library List, Pre-Solicitation Conference Charts, and Environmental Conditions for Brassboard Tests. b. Battlefield Obscurants and Weather - Proposed fuze sensor concepts need to address Battlefield Obscurants and Weather effects, both in the basic design and the launch-to-burst point simulation. The DOD source for Battlefield Obscurant and Weather effect data and models is the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) in Charlottesville, VA. Points of contact at NGIC are as follows: Jan Breeden, (434) 980-7870; Nicole Sweitzer, (434) 980-7243; and Diane Shriver (434) 980-7870. c. Scene Description - Battlefield Scenes of interest include fixed, stationary, point, and area targets that may be found revetted, in the open or in light-to-heavy foliage. The target scenes may be located worldwide from 0 to 66.5 degrees latitude North and South. Battlefield Scenes will be located in natural terrain; therefore, targets in urban environments will not be considered as part of this effort. d. Environmental Conditions - The brassboard field test units, nose and tail mounted, should, as a minimum, be designed for field-testing outdoors in fair weather conditions (no rain, light wind, etc.). The brassboard nose mounted demo test units should be designed using best Industry practice to be weatherproof, survive external jet aircraft captive carry, and to survive/operate in realistic temperature/altitude demo test conditions (room ambient to minus 40 degrees C, 40,000 ft). We recommend using appropriate portions of Mil Std 331, Mil Std 810, and the DSU 33 TDP as guides in these areas. e. Adverse Weather - Operation in Adverse Weather should address the proposed concept's ability to work in realistic delivery conditions for an inertial navigation systems/global positioning system (INS/GPS) guided weapon. These include rain rates up to 25 mm/hour and water aerosols down to 15 meters visibility at the target site. Visibility is defined as the distance at which one-way energy path loss for visible wavelengths is 97 percent. Actual sensor performance will be dependent on the operating wavelength of the proposed concept and should be addressed. f. Cost-Sharing Proposals-Do not use. Proposals offering to share costs may not be considered for award. C--ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: 34 months total, consisting of a 10-month Basic Award followed by a 24-month, Three Part Option (discussed in PRDA section B(5). (2) The Government expects to award a single, cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract for the Basic Award (estimated award date of 12 Sep 02), which will provide for the Three Part Option. (3) The Government estimates contract funding of approximately $5.4 Million. Funding breakout is: FY02: $200K; FY03: $2M; FY04: $2.3M; FY05: $900K. This funding profile is an estimate only and is not a promise of funding, as all funding is subject to changes/availability and Government discretion. (4) Government-Furnished Property/Equipment/Information (GFX): It is the offeror's responsibility to identify items to be used, whether contractor- or Government-owned/furnished. The Government will assist in providing GFX as appropriate and available. GFX items previously identified at the Pre-Solicitation Conference, plus items added to the list as possible GFX are: three Full-Up, Live DSU-33B/Bs, one Inert DSU-33/D1 for demonstration, Mk-82 sized Conceptual Tail Cone Design, Fuze Experimentation Facility, VisSim/MSTARS (Large and Small Bomb Flyout 6-DOF; small cost associated with licensing if desired), PC Irma (RF and Optical) scene generation tool w/faceted scenes of Range A-22 background, Range A-22 surveyed test areas and dynamic cable testing capability (crane rental is a contractor-cost item), PRIMES Anechoic Chamber (contractor-cost item). D--PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: See Section B..(13)f. above. Proposals submitted in response to this announcement must bear appropriate classification markings, and include a technical and a cost proposal, submitted in separate volumes. Volume 1 should provide the technical proposal addressing the program, and Volume 2 (which must be UNCLASSIFIED) should address the price and cost details of the proposal for the program. Offerors should apply the restrictive notices prescribed in FAR Provision 52.215-1(e), "Instructions to Offerors--Competitive Acquisition" to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. Additional proposal questions should be directed to both of the contracting points of contact listed in Section F(1). (2) Technical Proposal: The Volume 1 technical proposal shall include, as a minimum: a Statement Of Work (SOW) suitable for contract incorporation; the offeror's technical approach for the entire program; risk management procedures to be applied to the program; identification of key personnel, resources, and critical subcontractors; hardware and data deliverables; a proposed program schedule including deliveries for the entire program; and a summary of relevant past (i.e., within last 3 years) and present performance of the proposing corporate division only, including reference points of contact and current phone numbers. In his technical proposal the offeror shall propose and elaborate upon the two specific FAST Baseline, Point of Departure Designs. The offeror must provide sufficient technical discussion and technical detail to establish the soundness of the proposed approach; provide an adequate basis for assessing program technical cost and schedule risk; and form a sound basis for the cost proposed in Volume 2. To that end, the proposal shall address all aspects of the Baseline Design of both nose and tail mount configurations. The proposal shall also identify and discuss the suitability of the various modeling and analysis tools that the contractor proposes to use during the FAST sensor program to satisfy the requirements and goals. Proposals failing to provide adequate technical detail and discussion will be considered technically unresponsive to this PRDA. The technical proposal shall also include an abbreviated overall test plan for both configurations. (3) Cost Proposal: Adequate price competition is anticipated. The Volume 2 cost proposal must include as a minimum: a cost element summary including direct labor, materials, subcontracted and/or consultant effort, overheads, travel, G&A, COM, fee, etc., and the associated percentage rates, for (a) the entire program, (b) the basic contract only, and (c) each of the Three Parts of the Option. Also provide a legend that annotates what items rates are applied, and include a man-hour breakdown by task with labor categories and labor rates specified, and an expenditure schedule for the entire program. The Three Part Option shall be proposed as a contract line item for each Part identified including field test and tactical units from both nose and tail mount designs respectively. It is anticipated that a significant amount of the work performed under the FAST sensors contract will be classified. Therefore, consider and reflect in the proposal the cost impact that security will have on all aspects of the proposed effort. Generate/obtain and include in Volume 2 the cost of GFX (some of which has been identified in section C(4), and unless noted in that section, is cost-free, meaning such costs will not be counted when assessing whether or not the offeror?s proposal is in compliance with the estimated $5.4M contract limit), and all costs incurred by the Government that are associated with providing the equipment, facilities, and support necessary to meet the contractor's testing requirements. All proposed costs should be presented in then-year-dollars. (4) Page Limits/Number and Types of Copies/Required Software/Authorization: Volume 1 should be limited to a total of 60 pages, excluding the Statement of Work (SOW). Resumes, charts, figures, tables, etc. are included in the 60-page limit. Pages in excess of the specified 60 pages will be removed before being provided to the evaluation team. The SOW should be limited to 5 pages, and tasks should be suitably detailed for incorporation into the contract. Cost proposals have no page limit; however, the goal is not-to-exceed 20 pages. A page is defined to be one side of an 8.5 x 11-inch piece of paper with information on it. Minimum print size is 12-point type, or 12-pitch. Both Technical and Cost proposals shall be submitted in an original and 6 paper copies each, and one additional copy on disk (in Microsoft Office 2000 format or compatible). Note: ZIP disks and CD's are acceptable. The Government intends to work proposals and awards through electronic means. Submission of a proposal constitutes an offeror's authorization for the Government to make limited reproduction and dissemination of the proposal within Government Agencies for funding consideration purposes. (5) Preparation Costs: The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract, or any other contract. It may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. Offerors are advised that only the Contracting Officer is legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise obligate the Government. E?BASIS FOR AWARD: The Government intends to evaluate proposals received in response to this PRDA, and select a proposal on the basis of the best value potential for the entire program to the Government. However, the Government reserves the right to award one, or no, contracts. Further, the Government intends to award without opening discussions, if possible. The awardee, if a large business, will be required to submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9 prior to award; however, communications related to this are not considered "discussions". Technical and Cost Proposals will be evaluated as received using only the following criteria, and results of the technical evaluation will be considered more important than cost. However, cost is considered a substantial factor. The Technical evaluation factors, to be applied to Program Technical Requirements and Goals stated in PRDA Section B(4), are listed in the following decreasing order of importance: (1) Offeror's Soundness of Technical Approach & Proposed SOW satisfy the Program Technical Requirements and Goals through (a) a Baseline, Point of Departure Design for both the Nose and Tail Mount Configurations; and (b) Provide an Integrated Solution with appropriate level of Maturity; (2) Offeror's Understanding of the Technical Effort; and (3) Offeror's relevant past and present performance. The Cost Evaluation, of both the Basic and the Option, will be evaluated for (1) reasonableness and (2) realism, which are of equal importance. Reasonableness is evaluated based upon price analysis conducted in accordance with FAR 15.404-1, and will also include an assessment of the contractor's methodology and assumptions to determine that they reflect sound business sense. Cost analysis will also be conducted to determine realism in accordance with FAR 15.404-1. Realism is evaluated by assessing the compatibility of proposed costs with proposal scope and effort. F--POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Contracting and Cost: Address all questions to both: Martin F. Kradlak, Contracting Officer, (850)882-4294 ext. 3402, and S. Carol Abbott, Contract Negotiator, (850) 882-4294 ext. 3207, at AFRL/MNK, 101 West Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810 or email to, and, respectively. The AFRL/MNK telefax number is (850) 882-9599. (2) Programmatic and Technical Issues: Program Manager, Mr. Roger M. Smith (850) 882-2005, ext. 210, or Alternate Program Manager, Mr. Robert H. Orgusaar, (850) 882-2005, ext 211, at AFRL/MNMF, 306 W. Eglin Blvd., Bldg 432, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810, or e-mail to, or, respectively. The telefax number is (850) 882-2707. (3) Ombudsman: An Ombudsman has been appointed to address serious concerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. Routine or administrative questions should be directed to the Contracting Officer or Program Manager identified above. The Ombudsman does not diminish the authority of the Program Manager or Contracting Officer, but communicates contractor concerns, issues, disagreements, and recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel. When requested, the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern. For serious concerns only, interested parties are invited to contact Lt. Colonel Mary T. Quinn at or fax number 850-882-9599.
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